Cheese Kunafa (Kunaafa Naabulsiya) Kunafa au Fromage كنافة نابلسية

Cheese Kunafa (Kunaafa Naabulsiya) Kunafa au Fromage كنافة نابلسية

Cheese Kunafa

A good kunafa is something special and not everyone does it justice. One of our favourite places to have this dessert is at Paramount Cafe in Mississauga, Ontario. The kunafa is a great ending for a Lebanese meal replete with mezze (a selection of appetizers), manakish (flatbread with toppings), and grilled meats. We always make sure that we leave room for the kunafa. We ask that it be heated a bit in the microwave to make the cheese melt slightly and then add on top the rose water flavoured syrup. With fresh coffee it is fabulous!

Last week, while buying the ingredients for kunafa, the lady at the cashier volunteered some tips on preparing it. She said her family and friends tell her that she makes the best kunafa. Her advice was very useful, particularly adding milk to the kataifi, which we found helps reduce the quantity of butter that is normally used. The milk also helps moisten the frozen kataifi dough which is drier than the fresh variety.

So how does the homemade kunafa compare to the commercial one? Without a shred of a doubt, we can say the one we baked was better. It had everything going for it: the aroma that filled the house, the beautiful orange colour, the warm, stringy cheese, and the priceless reaction of those who tried it. What a delight!


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(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements

Serves 10

Cheese Kunafa:

  • 1 lb (454 g) Akawi cheese – Mozzarella
  • 2 cups (400 g) Granulated white sugar
  • 1 cup (237 mL) Water
  • 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Lemon juice
  • 1 tsp (10 mL) Rose water – Or orange blossom water
  • ½ cup (120 g) Ricotta cheese – Or cottage cheese
  • 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Unsalted butter (melted) – For the pan
  • ½ tsp (2.5 mL) Kunafa pastry colouring – Or orange food colouring
  • 1 lb (454 g) Kataifi shredded dough
  • ½ cup (118 mL) Milk
  • ¾ cup (187 mL) Unsalted butter (melted) – And lukewarm
  • 3 Tbsp (45 mL) Pistachio (ground)


Kataifi dough




Steps for preparing the kunafa

  1. Desalt the cheese if salty. Cut the cheese into 1 inch (2.5 cm) cubes and soak in cold water, in the refrigerator, for 6 hours or overnight. Change the water twice. After soaking, rinse with cold water then drain and pat dry using paper towels. Shred the cheese and combine with the ricotta or cottage cheese.
  2. Using medium heat, boil the sugar, water and lemon juice for 10 minutes. Add the rose water after turning off the heat. Let it cool down completely.
  3. Butter and colour the bottom and the sides of a 10 in. (25 cm) round, 2 in. deep pan with 1 tablespoon melted butter and ½ teaspoon kunafa pastry colouring.
  4. Cut the kataifi dough into 4 equal pieces. Add the milk and lukewarm butter. Make sure that there are no lumps and that the kataifi is fluffy.
  5. Place ⅔ of the kataifi in the pan. Press down and along the sides of the pan.
  6. Place all of the cheese. Level and press down.
  7. Cover with the remaining ⅓ of the kataifi. Press well with the palms of your hand or use a spatula.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 350°F/177°C for 40 minutes. Let the kunafa cool down for 10 minutes before inverting it into a large platter or cake stand.
  9. Decorate with ground pistachio. You can pour the cool syrup over the entire kunafa or pour on individual servings.


Kataifi dough


Kataifi dough


Kataifi dough with the milk & butter added


Ready for the cheese filling


Akawi cheese


The cheese filling


Ready for baking


Cheese Kunafa


Cheese Kunafa


Cheese Kunafa


Cheese Kunafa


Cheese Kunafa


The syrup


Cheese Kunafa


Cheese Kunafa


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Daabac Soo’da

Daabac Soo’da oo Sawirro Leh



(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)

Ku filan 10 qofood

Kunaafa Naabulsiya:

  • 1 baawun (454 g) Farmaajo cakkaawi
  • 2 koob (400 g) Sokor cad
  • 1 koob (237 mL) Biyo
  • 1 QW (15 mL) Casiir liin dhanaan
  • 1 qy (10 mL) Maa’alward
  • ½ koob (120 g) Farmaajo rikoota
  • 1 QW (15 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn (la dhalaaliyay)
  • ½ qy (2.5 mL) Midab kunaafo
  • 1 baawun (454 g) Shaciiriyada kunaafada
  • ½ koob (118 mL) Caano
  • ¾ koob (187 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn (la dhalaaliyay)
  • 3 QW (45 mL) Fustuq (shiidan)


Shaciiriyada kunaafada (Qatayfi)




Diyaarinta kunaafada

  1. Hadday farmaajada cusbo leedahay, u jar gabalo 1″ (2.5 cm) kaddibna biyo qaboow la dhig muddo 6 saacadood ama ilaa iyo hal habeen, qaboojiyahana geli. Biyaha laba goor ka beddel. Marka aad biyaha la dhigtid kaddib, biyo qaboow raaci, si fiicanna u qallaji adigoo isticmaalaysa xaanshida jikada. Farmaajada burburi kaddibna ku dar farmaajo kotej ama rikoota.
  2. Adigoo isticmaalaysa dab dhexdhexaad ah, kari sokorta, biyaha iyo liin dhanaanta la miiray muddo 10 daqiiqo. Dabka ka demi kaddibna ku dar maa’alward. Dhig sirabka ilaa uu si fiican u qaboobo.
  3. Bir wareeggeeda yahay 10 in. (25 cm), dhererkeedana yahay 2 in. (5 cm) mari 1 qaaddo weyn (QW) buuro la dhalaaliyey iyo ½ qaaddo yar (qy) midab kunaafo (ama midab oranjo). Si fiican u mari, dhinacyadana gaarsii.
  4. Shaciiriyada kunaafada 4 gabal u jar. Caanaha iyo buurada qandaca ah ku dar. Isku qas, cajiinkana fur fur ka dhig.
  5. Shaciiriyada marka saddex meel loo qeybiyo, laba meel birta ku shub. Birta ku fidi, dhinacyadana ku dheji. Si fiican hoos u riix adigoo isticmaalaysa calaacashaaada ama qaaddo ballaaran.
  6. Farmaajada oo dhan ku shub. Ku fidi, si fiicanna hoos u riix.
  7. Shaciiriyada hartay ku shub. Si fiican u riix oo sin.
  8. Ku dub foorno la sii kululeeyey 350°F/177°C muddo 40 daqiiqo. Dhig ha qaboowdo muddo 10 daqiiqo, kaddibna ku geddi saxan ka weyn birta aad ku dubtay.
  9. Fustuqa ku qurxi. Sirabka kunaafada oo dhan ayaa ku kor shubi kartaa ama qof walba ayaa goonidiisa ugu darsan kara.


Shaciiriyada kunaafada (Qatayfi)


Shaciiriyada kunaafada (Qatayfi)


Shaciiriyada kunaafada oo caanaha & buurada lagu daray


Waa diyaar in farmaajada lagu shubo


Farmaajo cakkaawi




Waa diyaar in la dubo


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunaafa Naabulsiya




Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunaafa Naabulsiya


Kunafa au Fromage

Une bonne kunafa est un mets spécial et tout le monde ne peut pas le réussir. Notre restaurant préféré pour manger ce dessert est le Café Paramount à Mississauga, Ontario. La kunafa est parfait pour terminer un repas Libanais composé de mezze (une sélection d’entrées), de manakish (pain plat avec des garnitures), et de viandes grillées. Nous nous assurons toujours de garder un peu de place pour la kunafa. Nous demandons à ce qu’il soit réchauffé au micro-ondes pour que le fromage soit légèrement fondu et d’ajouter un sirop à l’eau de rose dessus. Avec du café frais c’est fabuleux!

La semaine dernière, alors que nous achetions les ingrédients de la kunafa, la dame de la caisse nous offrit quelques conseils de préparation. Il nous dit que sa famille et ses amis lui disent toujours qu’elle fait la meilleure kunafa. Ses conseils furent très utiles, particulièrement d’ajouter du lait à la pâte de kataifi, ce qui réduit la quantité de beurre nécessaire. Le lait aide aussi à mouiller la pâte kataifi surgelée qui est plus sèche que la pâte fraîche.

Alors cette kunafa maison tient elle la comparaison face à la version commerciale? Sans l’ombre d’un doute, nous pouvons annoncer que celle que nous avons cuisinée était meilleure. Elle avait tout ce qu’il fallait: l’arôme qui remplit la maison, la belle couleur orange, le fromage chaud fondu, et la réaction de ceux qui l’ont goûtée. Quelle délice!


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(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras

Pour 10 personnes

Kunafa au Fromage:

  • 1 livre (454 g) de Fromage Akawi – Mozzarella
  • 2 mesure (400 g) de Sucre en Poudre
  • 1 mesure (237 mL) d’Eau
  • 1 cs (15 mL) de Jus de Citron
  • 1 cc (10 mL) d’Eau de Rose – ou d’eau de fleur d’oranger
  • ½ mesure (120 g) de Ricotta – ou de cottage cheese
  • 1 cs (15 mL) de Beurre Doux (fondu) – pour le moule
  • ½ cc (2.5 mL) de Colorant pour Kunafa – ou de colorant alimentaire orange
  • 1 livre (454 g) de Pâte Kataifi râpée
  • ½ mesure (118 mL) de Lait
  • ¾ mesure (187 mL) de Beurre Doux (fondu) – et tiède
  • 3 cs (45 mL) de Pistache (moulue)


Pâte Kataifi




Étapes de préparation de la kunafa

  1. Dessaler le fromage s’il est salé. Couper le fromage en cubes d’un pouce (2.5 cm) et laisser tremper dans l’eau, dans le réfrigérateur, pendant 6 heures ou toute une nuit. Changer l’eau deux fois. Après le trempage, rincer à l’eau froide puis égoutter et sécher avec du papier absorbant. Écraser le fromage et mélanger avec la ricotta ou le cottage cheese.
  2. Faire bouillir le sucre, l’eau et le jus de citron à feu moyen pendant 10 minutes. Ajouter l’eau de rose après avoir coupé le feu. Laisser refroidir complètement.
  3. Beurrer et colorer le fond et les côtés d’un moule de 10 pouces (25 cm) de large, et 2 pouces de haut avec 1 cuillère à soupe de beurre fondu et ½ cuillère à café de colorant pour kunafa.
  4. Couper la pâte kataifi en 4 morceaux égaux. Ajouter le lait et le beurre tiède. S’assurer qu’il n’y ait pas de gros morceaux et que le kataifi soit délié.
  5. Mettre les ⅔ du kataifi dans le moule. Presser sur le fond et les côtés du moule.
  6. Mettre tout le fromage. Égaliser la surface et presser.
  7. Couvrir avec le ⅓ restant du kataifi. Presser avec les paumes de la main ou avec une spatule.
  8. Cuire 40 minutes dans un four préchauffé à 350°F/177°C. Laisser refroidir le kunafa 10 minutes avant de le retourner dans un grand plat ou un présentoir à gâteau.
  9. Décorer avec de la pistache moulue. Vous pouvez verser le sirop sur le gâteau entier ou sur chaque part individuelle.


Pâte Kataifi


Pâte Kataifi


Pâte kataifi avec le lait et le beurre ajoutés


Prêt pour la garniture de fromage


Fromage Akawi


Garniture de fromage


Prêt pour la cuisson


Kunafa au Fromage


Kunafa au Fromage


Kunafa au Fromage


Kunafa au Fromage


Kunafa au Fromage


Le sirop


Kunafa au Fromage


Kunafa au Fromage


كنافة نابلسية

اطبع الوصفة – بدون صور

اطبع الوصفة – مع صور


كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
تكفي عشرة اشخاص

كنافة نابلسية
جبنة عكاوي جم 454
سكر ابيض جم 400
ماء كوب 1
عصير ليمون ملعقة كبيرة 1
ماء الورد ملعقة صغيرة 1
جبنة ريكوتا جم 120
زبدة غير مملحة ملعقة كبيرة 1
صبغة كنافة ملعقة صغيرة ½
عجينة كنافة (قطايفي) جم 454
حليب كوب ½
زبدة غير مملحة كوب ¾
(فستق( مطحون ملعقة كبيرة 3


عجينة كنافة (قطايفي)


طريقة التحضير:


طريقة تحضير الكنافة النابلسية

يزال الملح من الجبنة اذا كانت مالحة. تنقع في ماء بارد لمدة 6 ساعات او ليلة كاملة في الثلاجة. يغير منها الماء مرتين اثناء التنقيع. تشطف بماء بارد بعد التنقيع ثم تنشف جيدا بمناديل المطبخ. تهرس الجبنة ثم تضاف جبنة الريكوتا او الكوتيج -1
يغلى السكر، الماء وعصير الليمون لمدة 10 دقائق على نار متوسطة ثم يطفئ النار ويضاف ماء الورد. تترك حتى تبرد تماما. -2
يدهن قاع وجوانب قالب (قطر 25 سم وعمق 5 سم) بملعقة زبدة سائلة ونصف ملعقة صغيرة صبغة كنافة. -3
تقطع عجينة الكنافة (القطايفي) الى 4 قطع، يضاف اليها الحليب والزبدة الدافئة. تفتت جيدا. -4
توضع 2/3 العجينة في القالب، توزع وترفع في حافة القالب -5
توضع كل الجبنة، توزع وتضغط -6
توزع باقي العجينة على السطح وتضغط جيدا -7
تخبز في فرن مسخن مسبقا على درجة حرارة 177 د.م. (350 ف) لمدة 40 دقيقة، تترك لتبرد لمدة 10 دقائق ثم تقلب -8
تزين بالفزدق المطحون. تسقى بالشيرة وتزين بالفستق -9


عجينة كنافة (قطايفي)


عجينة كنافة (قطايفي)


عجينة كنافة (قطايفي) بعد اضافة الحليب والزبدة


جاهزة لإضافة الجبنة


جبنة عكاوي




جاهزة للخبز


كنافة نابلسية


كنافة نابلسية


كنافة نابلسية


كنافة نابلسية


كنافة نابلسية


الشيرة (القطر)


كنافة نابلسية


كنافة نابلسية







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24 Responses to Cheese Kunafa (Kunaafa Naabulsiya) Kunafa au Fromage كنافة نابلسية
  1. um asmaa
    September 10, 2013 | 4:31 am

    asalaamu caleykum walaalaheyga qhaaligoow dhamaantiin waamahadsantihiin dambigiin iyo kanwaalidkiin allaah dhaafo niyadiin allaah niiyeelo idinka iyo intaa jeceshihiinba shukrran calaa waxqabadkiina wanaaga quruxda baddan wallaal runtii maanta thariiqha sahlanaa iitusteen sababtooeh waxasameysanjiray tan thaqliidiga oo ceesh tuustiga lagasameysto laakiin maanta wixiikadabeya tanaa igu ogtahay khamistaa ogusosokeyso martiyaa iisoosocoto iyadaa lagusoodhaweynaa wallaal runtii kunaafada aadaa uxiiseeyaa shukrran jazaakallaahu kheyrakum

    • A&L
      September 10, 2013 | 4:23 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay. Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada. Nala socodsii markaad samaysatid. Qayr badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa.

  2. Qaali Omar
    September 10, 2013 | 12:05 pm

    masha allah tabaaraka laah wad ka baxsateen aad ayaa idinkugu mahadclinaayaa waa habit keeyga cuna karinta lkn waxaa iyara cii laayo isku luqad manihin oo waxeey igu qaadataa inaa fahmo am aan ku helo luqadeeyda waqti
    wayo waxwalbe oo englishka ama soomaliga aad ku shegtaan swidhishka wax kale ayuu ku dhahaa
    lkn waxaan ku faraxsanahay inaa wax badan aan idinka bartay oo aan noqon rabo qof cuntada qibrad u leh ,
    mahadsanidiin walaalaheyga qaaliga ahaa….

    • A&L
      September 10, 2013 | 4:47 pm

      Adigaa mahadda mudan, walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Waan ku faraxsan nahay inaad ka faa’iidaysanaysid goobta Xawaash. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  3. ameerali
    September 10, 2013 | 5:22 pm

    salam a&l long time, late ramalan kareem and eid mubrak sorry.very busy.running chicken with out head.lots of responsibility ,college,work,marrige finding the right girl 4 me, still looking.etc,etc. anyway hows the family.tell every 1 salam.all these recipes are great..the kunafa can you show us some savoury kunafa please thankyou.

    • A&L
      September 11, 2013 | 12:00 am

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Welcome back, dear friend! Thank you very much for the greetings. We are happy you like the Kunafa.

  4. ameerali
    September 11, 2013 | 4:41 am

    Of course,how can i dislike this endulging fantastic sweet a&l? U know my weakpoint sweet is my no 1priority in the world.if i can find the right cheese,mozzarella cheese has to be
    treated same way or wat?also is the mozzaerlla should be fresh or sheredded? The sugar syrup dd befor serving or cani pouret after i took over from the oven like basbusa.i also like savoury kunafa if i have timemay allah kabool allur good deeds n ur familey.aameen
    ameen, yarabal aalameen.thankyou 4 u guys n ur cooking catch u later gater bye.

    • A&L
      September 13, 2013 | 12:23 am

      You don’t need to desalt mozzarella. You can use the shredded one, but the fresh one is better. We don’t like to pour the syrup on the top incase we have some left over, but if you are consuming all of it you can pour it at once.

      Thank you very much for your kind words. We wish you all the best.

  5. Mouchira Abdulrahman
    September 11, 2013 | 5:32 am

    Thank you very much. One more highly successful recipe. Special thanks to you for taking the trouble to explain everything in smooth details. Making Kunafa nabulsiyah used to be a nightmare because of the complicated steps. No more. Keep up the good work and Allah ye’teekum alf afiah.

    • A&L
      September 13, 2013 | 12:27 am

      Thank you so much, Mouchira. We were delighted by your wonderful comment, and very happy for your confidence in our recipes.

  6. Ahmad Abdulah
    October 14, 2013 | 11:36 am

    Dear Sir or Madam

    we are looking for (Kunaafa Naabulsiya) Machine with people to make it
    To teach me in Iran

    thanks and best Regards

  7. Louisanna
    November 18, 2013 | 9:27 pm

    Hi, I have been wanting to make Kunafa and found this wonderful recipe! I bought everything in your page to be able to make it. I was wondering if I but the “sweet cheese” or akawi would I still have to rinse it before using it? And also I have noticed that some Kunafas are orange inside out, instead of just the outside. If I wanted to be completely orange, then how much kunafe coloring do you recommend to mix and how?

    Thank you!!

    • A&L
      November 18, 2013 | 10:15 pm

      Thank you for your confidence in our recipe. If you are using cheese that is not salty, there is no need to rinse it. To make it all orange, you can mix another 1/2 teaspoon colour with the milk and then pour it on the Kataifi dough. For a nice contrast, make sure you don’t colour the cheese.

  8. Carmen
    February 28, 2014 | 2:56 am

    Hello. I’ve tried making knafeh couple of times. First time, with mozzarella, which was good, but not the exact taste I remembered of the shop-bought one. Second time, I tried with akkawi cheese, but I didn’t desalt it properly and the final the result was way too salty.

    Now, I bought unsalted akkawi cheese but I’ve tried and tastes quite simple ! I mean, isn’t it supposed to be slightly salty for the knafeh? Shall I add a bit of salt to it? What do you think?


    • A&L
      March 1, 2014 | 11:53 pm

      Traditionally no salt is added to Kunafa, but if you wish you can add a pinch of salt.

  9. Fatima
    July 21, 2014 | 1:26 pm

    You have the best website ever when it comes to food recipes! I am stunned! You take so beautiful pictures, your texts are easy to understand, and everything looks so tasty! Keep up the good work, you are doing GREAT!

    • A&L
      July 21, 2014 | 10:06 pm

      We are delighted to know that you like the website. Thank you very much for your amazing compliment. We really appreciate it.

  10. [...] a great visual step-by-step guide visit this blog Share this:Like this:Like [...]

  11. [...] Knafa (الكنافة) is the all-time Ramadan dessert, and is just as good any other time of year. Everyone from the Arabian Gulf, to the Levant, to Turkey, Greece, and Northern Africa make it and call it theirs. Its true origin? None other than our mother land of Palestine. Knafa affectionatos might have tried the entire spectrum of fillings: thickened cream, kiri cheese, ricotta, mozzarella… But the real way to go is the surprisingly lip-pucking salty salty akawi cheese. Preferable goat’s milk akawi cheese, no less. Knafa is not a fast food. You want fast knafa make kiri knafa buns.You want authentic Palestinian knafa, invest two days of prep and make this. The salty salty cheese needs to be broken up and soaked and drained using cold water until the water runs clear. It then needs to be soaked in cold water overnight. Only then, when it has been de-salted, can the knafa making begin.Adapted from Xawaash. [...]

  12. Sahista
    June 16, 2016 | 7:46 am

    Hi salam ramadan kareem dear friend
    I love kanafa have tried to make it but always flop because of akawi cheese saltiness i soak it over night after that rinse that cheese may be 6 to 7 times still i feel salty how shall i reduce saltiness in my akawi cheese. Please help thank you for your kind help and support.

  13. jenni
    August 16, 2016 | 4:08 pm

    I am currently doing this recipe as I type. So far so good! cant wait to try it!my question is how to I properly store whats left over?

  14. Alma Carandang
    March 23, 2017 | 7:12 pm

    Hello! I am so happy to found your website as I was looking for a much easier recipe for this cheese pastry. I tried it last night, followed the recipe precisely. It came out very well. This is my first time to handle a shredded phyllo dough. I would like to ask if this is meant to be served hot or warm like serve just a few minutes after taking out of the oven? My husband is from Syria and I imagine he got the best kunafah growing up, so of course what I did what not so much as he expected. Also, is it supposed to be so brown, like the top dough is almost burned? We couldn’t finish all of it in one eating, do you think the leftover part is not as good as the fresh one? Of course it’s still good to eat, I just want to hear your opinion. And is it supposed to be crunchy?
    We live in Seattle Washington and it took me a few months to actually fine the shredded phyllo dough so I was so excited when I found it. Anyway, thank you very much!

  15. Kawther
    May 29, 2017 | 9:00 am

    Thank you for the recipe. This is the first time I have
    Seen milk as an ingredient in the dough
    Prep. Is this simply to rehydrate the kataifi?

  16. Blessy
    September 26, 2017 | 8:45 pm

    Hi I love kunafa I stay in scarbarough .can you pls tell me where I can get katafi dough?and where to get the unsalty akawi cheese.tanx

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.