Category Archives: Pizza (Biitso) Pizza

Cheese Fatayer (Fataa’ir Farmaajo) Fatayer au Fromage فطائر بالجبنة


English Af-Soomaali Français عربي We are fatayer lovers and testament to that is the huge plate of assorted fatayer we showed you in the fatayer dough recipe. Fatayer are one of these recipe that we like to make year-round and not just on special occasions. Preparing the dough is a snap and you could use…

Cheese Pide (Biitsa Turki Farmaajo Leh) Pide au Fromage بيتزا تركية بالجبنة

Cheese Pide - Featured Image

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Cheese Pide We were introduced to pide on our recent trip to Turkey. It was love at first bite. Some know them as Turkish pizza but they have a character of their own. Pide are similar in shape to fatayer but the dough is different. With fatayer, you aim for…

Pizza 4 Ways (Biitso 4 Nooc) Pizza 4 Façons البيتزا – 4 انواع

Pizza 4 Ways (Biitso 4 Nooc) البيتزا - 4 انواع

  In a previous post, we told you the story of Hooyo Fadumo’s beginnings with cooking and her fish debacle. Wanting to learn, she sought out anyone who could teach her: family, friends, and even total strangers. She tells the story of how she approached a Somali cook who was working for an Italian neighbour….

About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.