Category Archives: Breakfast/Quraac/إفطار/Petit Déjeuner

Cheese Fatayer (Fataa’ir Farmaajo) Fatayer au Fromage فطائر بالجبنة


English Af-Soomaali Français عربي We are fatayer lovers and testament to that is the huge plate of assorted fatayer we showed you in the fatayer dough recipe. Fatayer are one of these recipe that we like to make year-round and not just on special occasions. Preparing the dough is a snap and you could use…

Somali Pancakes (Bur Shubaal) بان كيك صومالي


English Af-Soomaali عربي Bur shubaal is a traditional Somali pancake and is a popular street food. It was sold by street vendors and was available in the markets, in front of schools, offices, and neighbourhood gathering spots. It is a sweet, unleavened pancake that is great with tea for a quick breakfast on the go….

Mahamosa (Qambuus) Mahamosa باخمبوسة


English Af-Soomaali Français عربي We like samosas and we also like mahamri. They are two classic favourites for Somalis as well as East Africans in general. Somalis like to pair the two together, nestling their samosas in mahamri blankets and biting the two together. If your Somali friend taught you how to do that, then…

Egg Burrito (Burriito Ukun) Burrito à l’Oeuf بوريتو البيض

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Egg Burrito Many people skip breakfast even though most know that it is not a good idea. Everyone has his or her reasons but we will not get into those now. We believe in having a good, nourishing breakfast. It helps tremendously if you have a good repertoire of dishes…

Flour Tortillas (Tortiya) Tortillas de Blé خبز تورتيا

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Flour Tortillas For Somalis and East Africans in general, these flour tortillas are a healthier version of chapati. The ingredients are the same, the difference being the quantity of oil used and the method of rolling out the dough. East African chapati is prepared with a lot more oil, making…

Meat Pide (Biitsa Turki Hilib Leh) Pide à la Viande بيتزا اللحم التركية

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Meat Pide Our trip to Istanbul was everything our Spain trip was not. Months before our trip to Spain, we planned in detail, everything we were going to do: the places we were going to visit, the foods we wanted to try, the shows we wanted to watch, etc. We…

Mutabbal – Eggplant Dip (Mutabbal) Dip d’Aubergine متبل الباذنجان

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Eggplant Dip Whether you like it with a smoky flavour or not, this is an easy appetizer to prepare that you will enjoy. For us, the smoky flavour is a definite taste booster and we cannot imagine mutabbal without it. It adds a summery touch to your meal, reminding you…

Egg-Stuffed Potatoes (Nafaqo) Croquettes de Pomme de Terre aux Oeufs بطاطس محشية بالبيض

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Egg-Stuffed Potatoes Somalis know this dish as Nafaqo which means ‘nutrition’. It is commonly served as a snack and sometimes for breakfast. In some parts of Somalia, ground beef is used in place of the potatoes, similar to Scotch eggs. Some cooks prefer to make the balls smaller, in which…

Hummus (Xumus) Houmous حُمُّص

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Hummus Have you ever tried using extra virgin olive oil to make mayonnaise in a food processor or blender? If you did, you will have learned that the result is a bitter-tasting mayonnaise. Extra virgin olive oil turns bitter when blended in a food processor or blender. So, if you…

Quick Ricotta Cheese (Farmaajo Rikoota) جبنة ريكوتا

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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Ricotta Cheese It is possible to think of cheese and not think of Somalia. When it comes to cheese, we believe Somalia is the closest you can get to a country that is the direct opposite of France. Yes, we are a nation of milk, with meat and milk (cad…

About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.