Bur shubaal is a traditional Somali pancake and is a popular street food. It was sold by street vendors and was available in the markets, in front of schools, offices, and neighbourhood gathering spots. It is a sweet, unleavened pancake that is great with tea for a quick breakfast on the go. Somalis like their bur shubaal to be extra sweet since it is served plain and with no toppings.
Bur shubaal pairs well with samosas, as most Somalis believe the two taste awesome together. It is another example of sweet and salty combinations in Somali food. Samosas are also paired with mahamri , puff puffs, and mashmash. When we want to pair the pancakes with samosas, we prefer to reduce the quantity of sugar. It is always easy to add extra sugar to the batter for the last two or three pancakes for anyone in the family who wishes to have them plain.
These pancakes are easier to prepare than mashmash and they are also much less oily. You do not need to rest the batter and they can be cooked as soon as you finish blending the ingredients. This makes them perfect as a last minute dish for the iftar table.
This recipe is from Hooyo Fadumo and our sons are very lucky to have her prepare the pancakes for them during Ramadan just as she used to make them in Somalia. The boys tell us the bur shubaal grandma makes taste better than the ones we make and that is because she uses more oil than we do. To make bur shubaal that taste exactly like the ones in Somalia, increase the quantity of sugar in the recipe to ½ cup and increase the oil for cooking from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon.
Video without music:
- 1 cup (237 milliliters) milk – any type
- 1 large egg
- ½ cup (100 grams) white granulated sugar
- 1 cup (140 grams) all-purpose (plain) flour
- 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) vegetable oil – for cooking the pancakes
Yields eight 6-inch (15 cm) pancakes
- In a blender, place the milk, egg, sugar and flour.
- Blend for 1 minute.
- In an 8-inch frying pan set over medium heat, add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
- Pour ⅓ cup of the batter.
- Cook for 2 minutes.
- Flip and brown the other side for 1 minute.
Fiidiyo aan muusik lahayn:
- 1 koob (237 mililitir) caano
- 1 ukun weyn
- ½ koob (100 garaam) sokor cad
- 1 koob (140 garaam) bur cad
- 3 qaaddo weyn (45 mililitir) saliid caddeey – lagu dubo burka
Waxaa ka sameyn kartaa 8 bur shubaal oo cabbirkooda yahay 8 inji (15 sentimitir)
- Caanaha khallaatka ku shub, kaddibna ku dar ukunta, sokorta iyo burka.
- Muddo 1 daqiiqo qas.
- Bir cabbirkeeda yahay 8 inji (20 sentimitir) saar dab dhexdhexaad ah, kaddibna 1 qaaddo yar saliid ku shub.
- Birta kuu shub ⅓ koob cajiinka.
- Kari muddo 2 daqiiqo.
- Geddi, kaddibna muddo 1 daqiiqo gaduudi.
فيديو بدون موسيقى:
- 1 كوب (237 مليلتر) حليب
- 1 بيض كبير
- ½ كوب (100 جرام) سكر ابيض
- 1 كوب (140 جرام) طحين ابيض متعدد الأغراض
- 3 ملعقة كبيرة (45 مليلتر) زيت نباتي – لطهي البان كيك
لعمل عدد 8 بان كيك بقطر 15 سنتيمتر
طريقة التحضير:
- يوضع الحليب، البيض، السكر، والطحين في الخلاط الكهربائي
- تخلط المكونات لمدة دقيقة
- يُسخن ملعقة صغيرة زيت فى مقلاة بقطر 20 سم على نار متوسطة
- يوضع في المقلاة ⅓ كوب من العجينة.
- يطهى لمدة دقيقتين.
- يقلب ويطهى لمدة دقيقة
Ramadaam kariim,dhamaan walalaha muslimiinta ,gaar ahaan walalaha Xawaash waxaan idin leeyahay,Ramadaan kariim.bil barakeysan ayaa lagu jiraa ilaah ha idinka ajarsiiyo Afurka macaan aad inoo soo bandhigteyn.aamiin scw
Ramadaan Kareem walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada wacan.
Asc , RAmadaan Kariim Xawaash Friends we really are happy seeing this somali food blog its just so amazing to find more information on cooking, I got lots from ur blog and its All thanks to u guys :) Superb Dishes! <3 them…
Asc walal nafaqda bisbaska ku jiro sida lo sameeyo mano so galin kartin inshallah ramdan mubark aad iyo aad aya uu m ah san tihin
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Soo’da waa tan, halkaan guji http://xawaash.com/?p=5939.
When I tried this, didn’t realize how similar to one of the recipes my mom makes for us. Hers is just thicker in consistency and deep fried. I made this for a quick light dinner with some shaax, and it tasted great. Check out the photo on instagram. I tagged your name.
The original recipe is deep fried. However, we tried to make it a little healthier by reducing the oil. We are glad you liked it. Thank you for your feedback.
Salaam alaikum, I made these a few times and only the first time they have turned out good. After making them the first time they have puffed up and become to fat, what am i doing wrong that’s making them puffy, please help.