Category Archives: Vegetables (Qudaar) Légumes

Okra & Green Bean Stew (Maraq Baamiye & Digir) Ragoût d’Okras et de Haricots Verts مرق بامية وفاصوليا خضراء

Okra & Green Bean Stew - Featured Image

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Okra & Green Bean Stew This one of the recipes we turn to when we want to keep our meat consumption in check. That is very difficult to do when you are friends with a butcher who supplies you with the freshest meat. Even when not shopping for meat, the…

Cauliflower Tabbouleh (Tabbuula Qarnabiit) Taboulé de Chou-Fleur تبولة قرنبيط

Cauliflower Tabbouleh - Featured Image

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Cauliflower Tabbouleh A fragrant, fresh, and crunchy salad that takes its inspiration from the traditional tabbouleh that is a popular Levantine salad. Traditional tabbouleh is made with bulgur wheat and different regions use different proportions of it in the salad. Instead of bulgur, we decided to use grated cauliflower which…

Easy Somali Rice Topping (Korkasaarka Bariiska) خلطة اﻷرز

Somali Rice Topping - Featured Image

English Af-Soomaali عربي Easy Somali Rice Topping Somali rice with toppings evokes old memories of family gatherings, and festive occasions.  It reminds me particularly of ziyaras (rememberences) where large numbers of women gather to cook rice and meat in huge pots set on open fires. I remember my grandparents’ house in Mogadishu, where a…

Sweet Potato Mash (Maash Bataato Macaan) Purée de Patate Douce بوريه البطاطا الحلوة

Sweet Potato Mash 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Sweet Potato Mash Ayeeyo (grandma) Ebla used to plant them. She was my great grandmother and she was a nomad, a transplanted nomad. Put her anywhere and she would thrive, a true survivor. I never met her but I have a lot of respect for her. How can you not…

Roasted Vegetables (Qudaar La Foorneeyay) Légumes Rôtis صينية الخضار بالفرن

Roasted Vegetables 1

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي It is not just children that are resistant to eating vegetables, many adults also need to be presented with healthy foods in a creative way. There are many ways to sneak vegetables into foods and get your family to eat healthy. This recipe, however, will not show you how to become…

Vegetable Stew (Maraq Qudaar) Légumes Mijotés مرق الخضار

Vegetable Stew (Maraq Qudaar) مرق الخضار

English Af-Somaali Français We mentioned in previous posts how Somalis, in general, liked to eat red meat. From sea to shining sea (the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean), Somalis prefer to have meat included in their main meal of the day. That, however, was not always realized. In many places, the main meal was…

Vegetable Soup (Barooddo Qudaar) Soupe de Légumes شربة خضار

Vegetable Soup (Barooddo Qudaar) شربة خضار

  We learned how to make this soup from Hooyo¹ Fadumo Abdulle (Abdullahi’s mother). Hooyo Fadumo is an amazing cook but her story with cooking did not have the greatest start. Actually, it began with an embarrassing experience. Even though born and raised in Mogadishu, she comes from a family of pastoralists (reer miyi). At…

Veggie Topping (Qudaar) Garniture de Légumes Sautés خضار للأرز

Veggie Topping (Khudaar) خضار للأرز

  This is a great way of introducing vegetables into meals for those who would not eat them otherwise. It is the way that most Somalis eat their veggies. Somali restaurants almost always serve some kind of veggie topping with the rice and meat dishes. Potatoes, carrots, and sweet peppers are a favourite choice. We…

Russian Salad (Insalaadda Ruuso) Salade Russe

Russian Salad (Insalaadda Ruuso)

  In Somalia, we remember this salad being prepared and served whenever important guests were invited. It was known as Insalaaddo Ruuso which is the Somalization of the Italian Insalata Russa (Russian Salad). This salad having originated in Russia, has many variations in different parts of the world. We usually serve this dish as a side…

Spinach, Carrots, & Potatoes (Mbogga/Isbinaasho) Epinards, Carottes, Pommes de Terre

Spinach, Carrots, & Potatoes (Mbogga/Isbinaasho)

  This is a healthy and great-tasting vegetable dish made of spinach and chunky mashed potatoes and carrots. You can serve it as a side dish or you can eat it with bread, muufo, anjero, rice, or you can even toss it with fresh pasta.  It is an easy dish and is nutritious at the…

About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.