Veggie Topping (Qudaar) Garniture de Légumes Sautés خضار للأرز

Veggie Topping (Khudaar) Garniture de Légumes Sautés خضار للأرز


This is a great way of introducing vegetables into meals for those who would not eat them otherwise. It is the way that most Somalis eat their veggies. Somali restaurants almost always serve some kind of veggie topping with the rice and meat dishes. Potatoes, carrots, and sweet peppers are a favourite choice.

We used this veggie topping for the Aromatic Rice (Bariis Udgoon) الأرز البسمتي بالبهارات. Together, they make a flavourful vegan dish. What makes this recipe appealing is that it can be prepared very quickly. We cooked the vegetables simultaneously with the rice and we split the tomato and cilantro blend between the two. With this recipe, it is important not to overcook the vegetables. They should be just done.


Ce plat permet d’introduire des légumes dans le repas de ceux qui n’en mangeraient pas d’habitude. Les Somalis mangent leurs légumes de cette façon. Les restaurants Somalis servent toujours une garniture de légumes en accompagnement du riz et des plats de viande. Les légumes les plus utilisés sont les pommes de terre, les carottes, et les poivrons doux.

Nous utilisons cette garniture avec notre Riz Aromatique (Bariis Udgoon) الأرز البسمتي بالبهارات. Ensemble, ils forment un plat végétalien savoureux. Cette recette est pratique car elle se prépare très rapidement. Nous avons cuit les légumes simultanément avec le riz et nous avons partagé les tomates et le coriandre mixés entre les deux. Dans cette recette, il est important de ne pas trop cuire les légumes. Ils devraient être juste cuits à coeur.



Serves 8-10 persons (as a topping for rice)

2                                              Tomatoes
2 cups                                       Cilantro
¼ cup (59 mL)                            Canola or vegetable oil
2                                              Potatoes
2                                              Carrots
1                                              Sweet pepper

2 tsp (10 mL)                             Vegetable seasoning
2 tsp (10 mL)                             Xawaash (see recipe)
½ cup (119 mL)                          Water

Waxa loo baahanyahay: 

(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cunnada lagu cuno) (qy waa qaaddo yar)

2                                               Yaanyo
2 koob                                        Kabsaro caleen
¼ koob (59 mL)                           Saliid cad
2                                               Bataato (Baradho) jarjaran
2                                               Karooto
2 qy (10 mL)                               Maraq dajaaj
2 qy (10 mL)                               Xawaash
½ koob (119 mL)                         Biyo



Pour 8-10 personnes (en accompagnement du riz)

2 Tomates
2 mesures de Coriandre
¼ de mesure d’huile de colza ou d’huile végétale
2 pommes de terre
2 carrots
1 poivron
2 cc (10 mL) d’assaisonnement pour légumes
2 cc (10 mL) de Xawaash
½ mesure (119 mL) d’eau

Preparing the tomato & cilantro blend - Préparation du mélange tomate et coriandre

1. Place the tomatoes in the food processor or blender. 2. Add the cilantro. 3.  Blend.

1. Yaanyada waxaa ku-riddaa shiidaha. 2. Kabsaro caleenta ku-rid. 3. Isku-shiid.

 1. Place les tomates dans un blender ou un mixer. 2. Ajouter le coriandre. 3. Mixer.

Steps for preparing the veggie topping - Étapes pour préparer la garniture de légumes

1. Add the oil to a pan set on medium heat. 2. Add the potatoes. 3.  Add the Xawaash  spice mix, stir well. 4.  Add the carrots. 5. Add the vegetable seasoning and cook for 3 minutes. 6. Add the blended tomatoes and cilantro and stir well. 7.  Add the water. 8. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. 9. Add the red peppers and cook for 2 more minutes. 

1. Bir dab dhexdhexaad ah saaran, saliida ku shub. 2. Bataatada (baradhada) ku-rid. 3. Xawaashka  ku-dar. 4. Karootada ku-dar. 5. Maraq dajaajka ku-dar oo 3 daqiiqo kari. 6.  Yaanyada iyo kabsarada aad shiidday ku-dar oo walaaq. 7. Biyaha ku-shub. 8. Dabool, oo 15 daqiiqo kari. 9. Barbarooniga ku-dar, oo 2 daqiiqo kale kari.

1. Verser l’huile dans une poêle chauffée à feu moyen. 2. Ajouter les pommes de terre. 3. Ajouter le Xawaash, et bien mélanger. 4. Ajouter les carottes. 5. Ajouter l’assaisonnement pour légumes et laisser cuire pendant 3 minutes. 6. Ajouter les tomates et le coriandre mixés et bien mélanger. 7. Ajouter l’eau. 8. Couvrir et laisser cuire 15 minutes. 9. Ajouter les poivrons rouges et cuire 2 minutes de plus.

Veggie Topping (Khudaar) Garniture de Légumes Sautés خضار للأرز










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16 Responses to Veggie Topping (Qudaar) Garniture de Légumes Sautés خضار للأرز
  1. khadija
    May 6, 2012 | 11:08 am


    A&L Aslamu calykum, mansha alah khudradan adka u quruxda badan ee aad so galisen aad bad ugu mahadsan tihin Ilahyna xasanad badan ha idinka siyo idinka iyo walidintii sid fican idin so barbariyayba, walalo waxad tihin laba rox oo aad qali u ah ( Mansha Alah ) Ilahay ha idin xafido idinka iyo rerkinaba.

    • A&L
      May 6, 2012 | 11:47 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Adigaa mahadda mudan. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad jeclaato.

      • fawsiyo
        June 18, 2012 | 6:43 am

        asalam alaykum waad mahadsantihiin waxyaalo badan oo faaido leh aa k soo galiseen laakiin waxaan moodaayey bes in dhaqanka soomaalida cutadeeda kaliya lasoo g alinaayey waxaan ila fiicnaan lahayd inaad ku dadaashaan cuntooyinkeena waxaa jira dadbasdan oon wad aqoon laakiin cunto ajnabi ama carab oo kale hadaad soo galisaan iyadoo la raadsankaro waxoogaa waxay noqonee dadkale wax laga soo guuriyey raali naqda hadii idinku xad gudbay fikrad leen dhiibanayaye

        • A&L
          June 20, 2012 | 11:44 am

          Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
          Walaal waad ku-mahadsan tahay fikradda aad soo jeedisay. Markaan ku-fakarnay inaan billowno ujeeddadeenna waxay ahayd:
          1- Cuntooyinka dhaqanka aan u-leennahay inaan adduunweynaha u-bandhigno
          2- Inaan Soomaalida qurbaha joogta ku-kaalmeenno cunta kariska
          3- Inaan cuntooyinka fiican oo waddamada kale leeyihiin u-bandhigno Soomaalida aan luqadaha kale aqoonin. Waxaad ogaataa in cuntooyinka qaarkood oo aan dhaqanka u-leennahay inay asalkooda waddama kale inooga yimaadeen. Addunweynaha oo dhan ayaa cuntooyinka is-weydaarsada. Waxaan kaa fahannay inaad cuntooyinka ajnabiga ah raadsan kartid, waxaase jira dad fara badan oo sidaada u-raadsan karin.
          4- Waxaan rabnay inaan cunta kariska (tan Soomaalida iyo ajnabiga) u-soo bandhigno si fudud oo aad waadix u ah. Waxaan ku-faraxsan nahay in dad badan oo cunta kariska jeclaan jirin ay maanta jeclaadeen. Waxay nala tahay inay u-sabab tahay habka fudud aan u-soo bandhignay.

          Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, waan ku-faraxsan nahay sida aad u-jeceshahay dhaqankeenna. Waxaan kaa codsanaynaa inaad sameysid liis oo cuntooyinka dhaqankeenna. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waxaan ku-dadaalaynaa inaan soo wada gelinno. Mahadsanid.

  2. Ayaan cabdulaahi cali
    May 8, 2012 | 8:06 am

    asc, walalayaal aad iyo aad ayn idinkugu mahad celinayaa qalbiga ayan idinkaga duceyay walalyaal waxana ka mid ahay aqristayaasha cusub ee ee dagan magalada Muqdisho Somalia, walalyaal sida aad inooga farxiseen oo inoogu dadaasheen ilah ha idinkaga farxiyo hana idinka abaal mariyo wanaagiina insha alah.

    • A&L
      May 8, 2012 | 9:51 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnaa waddanka hooyo markii nalagala soo xiriiro. Ilaahey ha-idin xifdiyo hana idin nabad yeelo.

  3. cabdi waali
    May 11, 2012 | 5:50 pm

    asc walaalayal waad ku mahadasaantihiin sidaad noo cawiseen oo aad nogu sahasheen inaan karasano cunoyiin qiimo lehd gabadha walaasheye ahaana gacaanteeda allahaa uu barakeyo

    • A&L
      May 11, 2012 | 11:05 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Waad ku mahadsan tahay faalladaada wacan.

  4. Aira Lavwen
    August 7, 2012 | 9:39 pm

    Thanks for putting this up . It looks really good . Mashallah!

    • A&L
      August 7, 2012 | 11:22 pm

      Thank you very much for your comment.

  5. Rahma
    September 14, 2012 | 3:03 pm

    I boil all my potatoes to be soft for no matter what I’m doing because I do not want it to be hard. In this dish I can wish to boil the potatoes right ?

    • A&L
      September 14, 2012 | 9:56 pm

      There is no need to boil the potatoes for this recipe. Cut them as thin as we did and follow the recipe and they won’t be hard. When you fry thin sliced potatoes it takes between 10 to 15 minutes depending on the heat. If you are cooking them in a stew it depends on how thin the liquid is. The thicker the liquid, the longer it will take for the potatoes to cook. Acidic liquids like tomato sauce will also increase the time it takes to soften raw potatoes.

  6. samaya
    October 27, 2012 | 6:19 am

    ASC! i wanted to cook this but i have one question though, do i have to have the sweet pepper or i can do this without it? thank you for your help.

    • A&L
      October 28, 2012 | 12:55 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
      You can do without the sweet pepper but it gives the dish a nice flavour. Happy Eid.

  7. Hena
    February 11, 2014 | 2:16 pm

    Hi,Looks yummy. I love Somali food and look forward to making these recipes.I wanted to ask what is this “vegetable seasoning in the ingredients you have listed?
    Thank you!

    • A&L
      February 12, 2014 | 7:52 pm

      Thank you very much for your comment. In this recipe we used Vegeta, but you can use any seasoning salt.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.