This rice dish is for those days when we grill, when we want a rice dish that is both easy and quick. It is recommended to soak basmati rice for at least an hour, so the grains will become elongated during cooking. However, for this dish we usually skip this step or let the rice soak for just the amount of time needed to prepare the rest of the ingredients, which is about 20 minutes to half an hour.
This is a vegan dish and it would a great accompaniment to grilled vegetables. We did not add any vegetables to the rice since we were planning to serve it with a vegetable topping.
This rice is very flavourful and has an irresistible aroma. Just ask the poor fellows who had to endure the aroma wafting from the microwave as we heated up the rice in the lunch room, the next day.
Ce plat de riz est réservé aux jours de grillades, quand nous voulons un plat de riz facile et rapide. Il est recommandé de faire tremper le riz basmati pendant au moins une heure, pour que les grains deviennent allongés à la cuisson. Cependant, quand nous faisons ce plat, nous sautons cette étape ou alors nous laissons le riz tremper juste le temps de préparer les autres ingrédients, ce qui prend de 20 minutes à une demie heure.
C’est un plat végétalien et il serait très bien associé à des légumes grillés. Nous n’avons pas besoin d’ajouter des légumes au riz car nous le servons déjà avec une garniture de légumes.
Ce riz est très parfumé, il a un arôme irrésistible. Demandez à ceux qui ont enduré les effluves qui s’échappaient du four à micro-ondes lorsque nous réchauffions le riz dans la salle de déjeuner l’autre jour.
Serves 8-10
4 cups (828 g) Basmati rice
2 Tomatoes
2 cups Cilantro
¼ cup (59 mL) Canola or vegetable oil
1 Onion (diced)
1 Cinnamon stick
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Vegetable seasoning
3 Garlic cloves (minced)
1 tsp (5 mL) Xawaash (see recipe)
½ tsp (2.5 mL) Cardamom (ground)
6 cups Water (boiling)
½ tsp (2.5 mL) Black pepper (ground), optional
Waxa loo baahanyahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cunnada lagu cuno) (qy waa qaaddo yar)
4 koob (828 g) Bariis Basmati
2 Yaanyo
2 koob Kabsaro caleen
¼ koob (59 mL)½ Saliid cad
1 Basal (la-yaryareeyay)
1 Qorfe
1 QW (15 mL) Maraq dajaaj
3 Tuun ama Toon (la-xoqay)
1 qy (5 mL) Xawaash
½ qy (2.5 mL) Hayl (shiidan)
6 koob Biyo karkaraaya
½ qy (2.5 mL) Filfil madow (shiidan), haddaad jeceshahay
Wuxuu ku-filan yahay 8 ilaa 10 qofood
Pour 8-10 parts
(1 cs d’assaisonnement Vegeta (18g) = 2 bouillon cubes Maggi ou Knorr = 2 cc de sel)
4 mesures (828 g) de Riz Basmati
2 Tomates
2 mesures de Coriandre
¼ de mesure (59 mL) d’Huile de Colza ou d’Huile Végétale
1 Oignon haché
1 Bâton de Cannelle
1 cs (15 mL) d’assaisonnement légumes (ex bouillon cubes)
3 gousses d’ail hachées
1 cc (5 mL) de Xawaash (cf la recette)
½ cc (2.5 mL) de cardamome en poudre
6 mesures d’eau (bouillante)
½ cc (2.5 mL) de poivre noir (moulu) optionnel
1. Wash and soak the rice for half an hour. 2. Blend the tomatoes and cilantro. 3. In a pot set on high heat, sauté the diced onion with ¼ cup oil and add the cinnamon stick. 4. Add the vegetable seasoning. 5. Add the minced garlic. 6. Add the Xawaash spice mix. 7. Add the ground cardamom. 8. Add the blended tomatoes and cilantro. 9. Stir well and add the ground black pepper if using. 10. Add the boiling water. 11. Add the rice and stir well. 12. Cover and cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
1. Bariidka si-fiican u dhaq oo ½ saac ha qasnaado. 2. Yaanyada iyo kabsarada isku-shiid. 3. Basasha saliidda ku dalac, qorfahana ku-dar. 4. Maraq dajaajka ku-dar. 5. Tuunta (toonta) ku-dar. 6. Xawaashka ku-dar. 7. Haylka ku-dar. 8. Yaanyada iyo kabsarada aad shiidday ku-dar oo walaaq. 9. Filfisha ku-dar haddaad isticmaalaysid. 10. Biyaha kulul ku-shub. 11. Bariiska ku-shub, si-fiicanna u-walaaq. 12. Dabool oo 15 daqiiqo dab yar ku-kari.
1. Rincer et faire tremper le riz pendant une demie heure. 2. Mixer les tomates et le coriandre. 3. Dans une sauteuse sur feu fort, faire revenir l’oignon haché avec une ½ mesure d’huile et ajouter le bâton de cannelle. 4. Ajouter l’assaisonnement pour les légumes. 5. Ajouter l’ail haché. 6. Ajouter le Xawaash. 7. Ajouter la cardamome moulue. 8. Ajouter les tomates et le coriandre mixés. 9. Bien remuer et ajouter le poivre noir moulu selon votre goût. 10. Verser l’eau bouillante. 11. Verser le riz et bien remuer. 12. Couvrir et laisser cuire à feu doux pendant 15 minutes.
Salam Alaikum sister Leyla, and brother Abdullah. I hope your both well,
I’ve just logged on to your website to look for something new to try today… I wasn’t disappointed! This looks so flavoursome I can’t wait to try it today. Also, the beef kebabs look mouth-watering, Shame I can’t try them, coz I don’t have a BBQ! I was wondering If I can cook it in the oven? I was wondering, If you could show me how to make: Leemee and Maangee I’ve just been craving these two… I don’t know why, since I never use to like ‘em when I was little.
Thank you, so much again, for your great recipe.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Thank you very much for your comments. You can cook them under the grill, but the flavour is not the same. You can buy a small, inexpensive charcoal grill. We even find them at some Halal stores here.
We will post recipes for your requests. As for craving foods that you didn’t like as a child, you are not alone in that.
A&L Aslamu calykum,walaal aad iyo aad ayad u mahadsan tihin had iyo gorba Ilahyna khyr aan dhaman ha idin siyo sida wacan ee aadno cawinaysan iyo wakhtigina qaliga ah ee aad had iyo jerba nogu deqdan. anigu ayamahan mshqul ayan ah lakin qalbigaygu xagina ayu so jiray, wixi ii dhafayna hada ayan si fican uga bogday. walalo manta ayn karinaya hadii Ilahay yidhahdo. Bariskan quruxda iyo macankaba leh Ilahy hortina khyr iyo cafimad ha dhigo Amin
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Walaasheenna qaaliga-ah Khadija, aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay dhiiri gelinta iyo ducooyinka. Ilaahey ammuuraha hakuu sahlo. Khayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
asc wr wb? A&L. Mashaa Allaah wa baarakallaahu fiikum. Illaahay ha idiin jeclaado sida aad wadankeenii u jeceshihiin Aaamiin.
Alloow nabad dagdag ah noo dhali dalkii waan u xiisnee aamiin.
dalkaygoow dalkii aan jeclaayoow dadkii dadkii waa kuu xiisay walle waa kii xiisay , markaan duuneen duni ku faafneen dayacmeen xuquuqdii qalbigaa i dilaacsho qalbigaa i dilaaca.
Maasha’Allaah! Xikmad iyo murti. Ilaahoow aamiin! Aad ayaad u-mahadsan tahay.
Asalaamu Aleykum Leyla & Abdullah, best greeting from your brother Jibril from Münich German. What a wonderful lessons and experience I have got from you and I know no where else I’ll get, also amazing the way of presenting clear and clean, plz could you tell me what kind of vedio camera you have been using, at last but not least I would like to say you thank you very much May Allah save u all!
asalaamu aleekum walaalahega qhaaligoow maashaa allaah tabaaraka rraxhmaan baarakallaahu fiikum dunyaa wal aakhira wakumahad santihin facal kheerigiina wanaga badan maashaa allaah ruuzka iyo khudaartiisa tiftaxal shahiya tislam iidak walaaleheey farxat iyo caafimaadsan kuwaarah jazaakallaahu kheerakum
Walaasheena qaaliga-ah UmAsmaa, aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay. JazaakiLaah khayr. بالهناء والشفاء
Assalam Aleykum. MashAllah you have a great Website with beautiful recipes. The Xawaash mix is looks soo good. How much do u get making the xawaash with those measurements on the recipe and can i double the recipe to make more of it? Thanks
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment. You will get about 100g of xawaash for those measurements. You can double or triple if you like and keep it in airtight containers.
Maashaa ALLAAH walaalaheyga qaaliga ah waan idiin wada salaamay aad ayaadna umahatsantahin seda wacen ee aad marwaliba waxa fiican noogo soogudbisaan aad ayaan idiinka mahadcilinayaah inbadan inta barnamsheshkan gacanta kageysatay thanks
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah Axlam, adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waad ku mahadsan tahay faalladaada.
Salaam, Thought I would share some Xawaash humour
“Hey Omar, have you seen this website,”
“Go look at it, I think you would like it.”
…… a little while later
“Oh my God. What did they just do? Did they add the boiling water first or the rice? I have to see this again.”
“I’m not sure, I’m not watching the video now. I think they add the water first, then the rice, then stir, but when I make rice, I put the rice in first, mix it with the tomato paste and then add the wa-”
“Well you don’t have a recipe video up on YouTube, do you?”
Nice one! Keep them coming.
AsSalaamu Caleykum:
Layla iyo Cabdullaahi,
Waxaa i qiiro galiyey heesta baxaysa miraheeda siiba, riyada taan doonisteedii / hurdada daris kula ahaan jiray / dabayshiyo dhaxanta dayreed / dugsiga tii iiga noqon layd–mirahaan oo dalkaygii oo iga durugsan jacaylkiisa igu daaray. Ii-daran weeye dalkayga Soomaaliya!
Sida kale, waad ku mahadsantihiin in aad martida Xawaash u soo daabacdeen soo’da* “Bariis Ugdoon”–taas oo i anfacday aniga.
- – - – - – - – - – -
* Soo’ = recipe. [Rasmi ma'aha, oo immika ayaan erey-bixiyey; af Soomaaliga ayaan ka soo waayey erey u dhigma ereyga "recipe." So' oo "hilib" ah oo cod ahaan dheer weeyi ereygu. Adeegsashadiisu ma adka, tusaale ahaan: Waa maxay Soo'da rooti Ferenjigu, oo ka dhigan, "What is the recipe for French toast." Amma sidan kale:Waa soo' aafo, oo ka dhigan, "It's a recipe for disaster."]
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu:
Walaal Idiris,
Aad ayaan ugu faraxnaa markuu nala soo xiriiro qof daneeya afka hooyo. Run ahaantii, marka laga hadlaayo cunnada, ma-fududa in la-helo ereyo Soomaali ah oo u-dhigma ereyada af-Ingiriisiga. Dhaqankeenna ma-ahayn in cunnada wax badan laga faalloodo, taasoo keentay in suugaanteenna ay aad ugu yar tahay ka-hadalka cunnada.
Waan jeclaannay ereyga soo’, hadduu Eebbe idmana waan hirgelin doonnaa. Waxaan kaa codsanaynaa inaad gacan nagu siisid Soomaaliyeenta ereyada qalaadka ah, aadna inoo saxdid wixii naga qaldama.
Waxaad nasoo xusuusisay hooyo markay na-dhihi jirtay: Nabaaddiino iyo nooli kulanti. Adigana sidaas ayaan ku-leennahay.
As-Salaamu Caleykum:
Layla iyo Cabdullaahi,
Xawaash waxaan ka soo dul-dhacay Aniga oo tiraabaha cuntada raadinaya, si aan qaamuus cunto oo aan qoroyo ereyadiisa u sii badiyo. Waan ka mashquulay, bal se hadda ayaan si fiican u guda-galayaa. Waxaan samayn doonaa, haddii uu Eebbe idmo, tax tiraabo (terms) ah oo aan si khaas ah Xawaash uga soo guro, una macnayn doono. Waxaanan idiin soo diri doonaa, haddii uu Eebbe idmo, May dabayaaqadeeda.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Walaal Idiris:
Hadalka aad inoo soo qortay waa mid aan aad iyo aad ugu faraxnay. Waad ku-mahadsan tahay, waana wax ay martida Xawaash oo idil ay ku-farxi doonaan.
Qaamuuska cuntada aad samaynaysid, wixii sawirra ah oo aad u-baahatid waxaad ka-qaadan kartaa Xawaash, wixii aad jeclaatid. Mar labaad aad ayaan kuugu mahadnaqaynaa. Eebbe hakaa abaal mariyo.
Asalamucaleykum, the rice looks really delisioues
i was wondering how many cups of water i need if am making it for two people only and using only two cups of rice…when i make it, it either goes to soft or to am not sure about the amount of water i need to cook the rice in. Thanks for your help.
Wa-alaikum assalam,
It depends on the type of rice and also on whether you pre-soaked the rice or not. As a general rule, when you pre-soak long grain rice use 1 1/2 cups water for each cup of rice. If you do not pre-soak the rice, use 2 cups water for each cup of rice. It is important to cover the pot as soon as it comes to a boil and lower the heat to the lowest setting. Thank you for the question.
asc maaasha alllah waa markii iigu horeeysay aan arko somali foood ama web wax laga barto waad mahadsan tihiiin
Walaal waad ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaada.
Asalamu Caleykum..
I am mother of three children, have a husband and children to cook for. I used to hate cooking. I would cook one time a day lunch but after seeing ur website, I am always cooking. My husband is very happy and my chldren are eating home cooked meals. No more frozen food. No more take away.
There is more harmony in my family. Through a man’s heart is his stomach.
Your have given me a gift, made me a better mother and wife..
Jazzakallah Qayr
Your comment has touched our hearts and we are grateful to you for your generous compliment. We would like to say mission accomplished but we feel that we have just scratched the surface. There are still a huge number of recipes that we would like to share with you. We salute you and we send you and your family our very best wishes. Ramadan Karim.
Asc A&L,
I would like to thank you guys very much for sharing with us your delicious recipes. I have not been a cook and the number one thing I had the hardest making has been bariis (rice). Today, I made the aromatic rice with vegetable topping and it turned out good. Also, I have previously made the japati (the japati took me several times to get it right) and chicken stew which turned out great .
I’m looking forward to try other recipes such as the mash-mash,the creme caramel, and etc . Once again thank you so much for this site and may Allah reward both of you.
You are most welcome. We are happy to know that the recipes are working for you. The more you cook the more confident and proficient you will become. Thank you for your comment.
ASC, abaayo aad iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin. mida xigta waxaan jeclahay bariiska kala kariska ah oo la shiilo fadlan sida loo kariyo bariis kala karis manoo soo bandhigi kartiin.
thanks, nadiya
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa bariis kala karis.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaan rajaynaynaa cuntooyinka kalena inay sidaas oo kale kuu soo jiitaan. Mahadsanid.
waa idin salaamay walaalayaal aasaasayaasha iyo asaxabta aya maskaxdooda kasoo maaxatay abuurista wabseedkaan aad iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin fikirkaan muhiimka ah ee cunta karis
Eebbaa mahad leh oo nagu dhaliyay fikraddaan kana dhigay wax ay dadka jeclaadaan. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada wanaagsan iyo hadallada wacan. Ciid Wanaagsan walaal.
Asalamu aleikum dear brother thanks for the support. allah will reward you insha’llah. could you please help me how to prepare cakes in diffrenent styles. i look forward to hear from you soon insha’llah. thanks again.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Thank you for your prayer. How did you know what we were working on?
A.c, merci beaucoup Xawaash.