Vegetable Stew (Maraq Qudaar) Légumes Mijotés مرق الخضار

Vegetable Stew (Maraq Qudaar) Légumes Mijotés مرق الخضار

We mentioned in previous posts how Somalis, in general, liked to eat red meat. From sea to shining sea (the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean), Somalis prefer to have meat included in their main meal of the day. That, however, was not always realized. In many places, the main meal was just grits and milk. In the south, which was the agricultural heartland, people ate grits with vegetables. In the coastal areas, fish was an important part of the diet. That reality was dictated by affordability, since not everyone could afford to buy meat everyday. So the statement that Somalis love their meat or that meat and milk (cad iyo caano) is Somalia’s national dish, means that given the choice, Somalis would opt for red meat.

In pre-civil war Somalia, we have never come across Somalis who would say, “Let us eat healthy today. Let us have a vegetarian main meal.” When it came to eating healthy, the debate was about which type of meat was healthier.

In Somalia, lack of affordability had its benefits, as it dictated a healthier lifestyle. For Somalis in the diaspora, the irony is that lack of affordability dictates an unhealthy lifestyle, since vegetables and fruits can be more expensive than red meat.

Yesterday, our family said, “Let us eat healthy today. Let us have a vegetarian main meal.” We had this vegetable stew with yellow corn grits, and it was fabulous! Even the die-hard meat eaters enjoyed it. After the meal, we had a family meeting about having vegetarian days. The meeting ended almost as soon as it started. The consensus was to eat vegetarian twice a week. And the decision was unanimous.


Print Recipe

Print Recipe with Photos


(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements

  • ¼ Cup(s) (59 mL) Olive oil
  • 1 Onion (sliced)
  • 1 Potato (diced)
  • 3 Small carrots (diced)
  • 2 Garlic cloves (minced)
  • 2 tsp (10 mL) Vegeta powder – 1 1/3 bouillon cubes (Knorr/Maggi) can be used instead
  • 1 Cup (237 mL) Water (hot)
  • 3 Tomatoes (blended)
  • 2 Cups (260 g) Brussels sprouts – Cabbage can be used instead
  • 1 Cup (237 mL) Vegetable stock – Optional if serving the stew with grits
  • 5 Packed Cups (375 g) Fresh spinach leaves (chopped)
  • ½ Cup(s) (50 g) Fresh parsley (chopped)



Brussels sprouts


Preparing the brussels sprouts

  1. Cut the stem.
  2. Remove the outer leaves.
  3. Cut into quaters.


Brussels sprouts






Fresh spinach leaves


Preparing the vegetable stew

  1. Using medium heat, saute the onions in the oil for 2 minutes.
  2. Add the diced potatoes and carrots.
  3. Add the Vegeta seasoning and the garlic. Stir well then cover and cook for 5 minutes. During that period, stir twice to prevent the vegetables from sticking to the pan.
  4. Add the hot water, then cover and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Add the tomatoes, stir well. Adding the tomatoes in the beginning would make the potatoes take longer to soften. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the brussels sprout, then cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Add the vegetable stock if serving the stew with grits.
  8. Add the spinach. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. Add the parsley, stir well, and serve hot.


Instant stock

  1. Using your fingers, break the bouillon cube into small pieces.
  2. Add the hot water.
  3. Mix well.


Vegetable Stew

Vegetable Stew

Grits with vegetable stew


Daabac Soo’da

Daabac Soo’da oo Sawirro Leh


(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)

  • ¼ koob (59 mL) Saliidda oliifada
  • 1 Basal (jarjaran)
  • 1 Bataato (yaryar loo jarjaray)
  • 3 Karooto yaryar (jarjaran)
  • 2 Tuun (toon) la xoqay
  • 2 qy (10 mL) Maraq qudaar Vegeta or 1½ mukacab Knorr ama Maggi
  • 1 koob (237 mL) Biyo (kulul)
  • 3 Yaanyo (shiidan)
  • 2 koob (260 g) Kaabij yaryar
  • 1 koob (237 mL) Maraq qudaar la-qasay (haddii aad soor ku-cunaysid)
  • 5 koob aad loo buuxiyay (375 g) Caleen isbinaasho cusboon (jarjaran)
  • ½ koob (50 g) Baqduunis (jarjaran)



Kaabij yaryar


Diyaarinta kaabijka yaryar

  1. Kaabijka salka ka-jar.
  2. Caleemaha sare ka-fiiq.
  3. Afar gabal u-jar.


Kaabij yaryar






Caleemo isbinaasho cusboon


Diyaarinta maraqa qudaarta

  1. Basasha dallac muddo laba daqiiqadood.
  2. Bataatada iyo karootada ku-dar.
  3. Maraq qudaarta iyo tuunta (toonta) ku-dar. Si-fiican u-walaaq, dabool, 5 daqiiqo kari.
  4. Biyaha kulul ku-shub. Dabool oo 5 daqiiqo kale kari.
  5. Yaanyada shiidan ku-dar, si-fiicanna u-walaaq. Haddii yaanyada aad bilowga ku-dartid, bataatada (baradhada) dhaqso ma-jilcayso. Dabool, oo haddana 5 daqiiqo kari.
  6. Kaabijka ku-rid, dabool, 5 daqiiqo kari.
  7. Ku-dar maraq qudaarta aad qastay (daawo sawirka hoos) haddii aad maraqa soor ku-cunaysid.
  8. Isbinaashada ku-rid. Haddana 5 daqiiqo kale kari.
  9. Baqduuniska ku-dar. Si-fiican u-walaaq; dabka ka-deji.


Maraq boobsiis ah

  1. Mukacabka maraq qudaarta faraha ku-burburi.
  2. Biyaha kulul ku-shub.
  3. Si-fiican u-walaaq.


Maraq Qudaar

Maraq Qudaar

Soor iyo maraq qudaar

Dans nos billets précédents, nous avons mentionné que les Somalis en général aiment la viande rouge. De la Mer jusqu’à la Mer Étincelante (la Mer Rouge et l’Océan Indien), les Somalis préfèrent que leur repas principal de la journée contienne de la viande. Ce n’est cependant pas toujours le cas. Dans de nombreux endroits, le repas principal est juste composé de semoule de maïs et de lait. Dans le sud, qui est le centre agricole, les gens mangeaient du maïs et des légumes. Dans les zones côtières, le poisson tenait une grande partie dans l’alimentation. Cette réalité était dictée par le manque de moyens car tout le monde n’avait pas les moyens d’acheter de la viande tous les jours. Dire que les Somalis aiment leur viande ou que Viande et Lait (cad iyo caano) est le plat national Somali, veut dire que s’ils avaient le choix, les Somalis opteraient pour la viande rouge.

En Somalie, avant la guerre civile, nous n’avons jamais rencontré de Somalis qui disaient, “Et si on mangeait sain aujourd’hui. Faisons un repas végétarien”. Pour manger équilibré, le débat portait sur quelle viande est la plus saine.

En Somalie, le manque de moyens avait ses avantages, car il imposait un mode de vie plus sain. Pour les Somalis de la diaspora, l’ironie est que le manque de moyens entraîne un mode de vie malsain, car les légumes et les fruits peuvent être plus chers que la viande rouge.

Hier, en famille, nous nous somme dit: “Mangeons plus sain aujourd’hui. Faisons un repas végétarien”. Nous avons mangé des légumes mijotés avec de la semoule de maïs jaune, et c’était fabuleux! Même les gros mangeurs de viande ont apprécié. Après le repas, nous avons fait une réunion pour discuter de manger végétarien certains jours. La réunion s’est finie à peine après avoir commencée. Le consensus s’est porté sur des repas végétariens deux jours par semaine. Et la décision était unanime.


Imprimer la Recette

Imprimer la Recette avec Photos


(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras

  • ¼ de mesure (59 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
  • 1 Oignon (émincé)
  • 1 Pomme de Terre (coupée en morceaux)
  • 3 Petites Carottes (en rondelles)
  • 2 Gousses d’Ail (hachées)
  • 2 cc (10 mL) Poudre Vegeta ou 1½ bouillon cube Knorr/Maggi
  • 1 mesure (237 mL) d’Eau (chaude)
  • 3 Tomates (mixés)
  • 2 mesure (260 g) de Choux de Bruxelles
  • 1 mesure (237 mL) de Bouillon de Légumes (optionnel, si les légumes sont servis avec de la semoule de maïs)
  • 5 mesure tassées (375 g) de Pousses d’Epinards fraîches (hachées)
  • ½ mesure (50 g) de Persil Frais (haché)



Choux de Bruxelles


Préparation des choux de Bruxelles

  1. Couper la tige.
  2. Retirer les feuilles extérieures.
  3. Couper en quartiers.


Choux de Bruxelles




Préparation des boulettes de viande


Préparation des légumes mijotés

  1. Faire sauter les oignons dans l’huile à feu moyen pendant 2 minutes.
  2. Ajouter les morceaux de pommes de terre et de carottes.
  3. Ajouter le condiment Vegeta et l’ail. Bien remuer puis couvrir et cuire pendant 5 minutes. Pendant la cuisson, remuer deux fois pour éviter que les légumes attachent à la casserole.
  4. Ajouter l’eau chaude, puis couvrir et cuire 5 minutes de plus.
  5. Ajouter les tomates, bien remuer. Ajouter les tomates au début rendrait les pommes de terre plus longues à cuire. Couvrir et cuire 5 minutes.
  6. Ajouter les choux de Bruxelles, puis couvrir et cuire 5 minutes.
  7. Ajouter le bouillon de légumes si vous servez avec la bouillie de maïs.
  8. Ajouter les épinards. Couvrir et cuire 5 minutes.
  9. Ajouter le persil, bien remuer, et servir chaud.


Bouillon Instantané

  1. Émietter le bouillon cube avec les doigts.
  2. Ajouter l’eau chaude.
  3. Bien mélanger.


Légumes Mijotés

Légumes Mijotés

Bouillie de maïs servie avec les légumes mijotés






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42 Responses to Vegetable Stew (Maraq Qudaar) Légumes Mijotés مرق الخضار
  1. zamiira
    November 4, 2012 | 4:47 pm

    asc leyla iyo cabdulaahi walaalayaal illaah ajar ha idinka siiyo sida aad maalin walba noogu faa iideesaaan qudaartana wax ka fiican malahan lakiin waygiina aad u sameeyneesaan is the best loo sameeyo qudaarta jazaakalaahu qeyr hadaad awoodaad noo soo galiya sida loo sameeyo liin ajaarka thankzz again

    • A&L
      November 4, 2012 | 9:49 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Walaasheenna Zamiira, aad iyo aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay. Waan ku-faraxnay faalladaada. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa liin ajaar.

  2. deeqa
    November 4, 2012 | 5:35 pm

    asc mansha alaah waa maraq aad umacan saan u arkay waana ka ficanyahay hilib waayo waa qudaar caafimadka ayaa ku jiro ilaah ha idin xafido idinka iyo dhaman reerkina waxamnsa idin weydiyay waa maxay baqduunis waxan u qaatay kabsar ee ma sax baa mahadsanidin

    • A&L
      November 4, 2012 | 10:04 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Waa runtaa walaal, qudaarta waa wax aad caafimaadka ugu fiican. Waxaan rajaynaynaa dadkeenna inay bartaan oo ay isticmaalaan. Baqduunis wuu ka-duwan yahay kabsarada, wuu ka-caleema weyn yahay, caraftana isku mid ma-ahan. Afka Ingiriiska waxaa loo yaqaanaa “parsley.”

  3. nasra
    November 4, 2012 | 10:59 pm

    walaalaheeyow waa C/laahi&Leyla waad ku mahadsan tihiin sida hagar la’aanta ah ee mar walba ugu taagan tihiin cunooyin aan kala dhicin,kala nooc-nooc ah tayadooduna heer sare tahay aadna noogu soo gudbisaan websitgan. runtii wax badan aan ka faa’iidey waaba fakarsanaa waxaan jecleystey inaan khudaarta kaliya cuno lkn si aan u kariyo aanba kasi la’sanaa hilibka booskiisa aan rabaa inaad vegetable ku badalo marka walaalahey waxaan idinka codsanayaa inaad noo soo badisaan hadaad awoodaan vegetarianka cunooyinkooda inshaa alaah bari aan ka bilaabaa inaan kariyo khudaartaan adinkan kheyr ilaahey ha idin siiyo dambigiina iyo dambiga waalidkiin ilaahey ha dhaafo meeshaad ka ooman tihiina ilaahey ha idinka waraabiyo,aamiin

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 12:16 am

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah Nasra, aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay hadalada macaan aad inoo soo xushay, oona na-dareensiiyeen inay qalbigaada ka-soo go’een. Ducadaada aad ayaan ugu riyaaqnay, adiga iyo reerkaadana intaas iyo in ka-badan ayaan idiin rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.

  4. um asmaa
    November 5, 2012 | 12:16 am

    asalaamu aleykum walaalaheyga qaaligoow aaadaa umahadsantihiin wax qabadkiina wanaaga quruxda badan niyadiin allaah niiyeelo runtii maraqa waa wax macaan mander leh isla waqtigaasna sufradha qurxiya wallaal tislam walaalaheyga qaaligoo meeshii ka-oomantihiin allaah haniiga oon tiro hortiin reediin hareerihiin nuuuuur aaamiin jazaakallaah khyr waqhr jamiic muslim baarakallaah fiikum dunyaa wal aakhir

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 12:50 am

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Aamiin, ducadaada Ilaahay ha-inoo aqbalo. Walaal qaali ah ayaad tahay, waana ku-mahadsan tahay sida aad nala socotid marwalba. Ilaahay qayr badan oo aan dhammaan ha ku-siiyo, umuurahana Ilaahay ha kuu fududeeyo.

  5. Naima
    November 5, 2012 | 1:10 am

    ASC, I hope you gys are doing great. Thank you for the vegetable recipe, i love vegetables. Can you please show us how to make the “hajaari” ( i don’t know if i spelled it right) the lemon or the mango kind. I really love it. Thank you.

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 2:53 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
      Thank you for your greetings. We plan to post a recipe for ajaari (achaari) in the near future. Thank you very much for your comment.

  6. Amal
    November 5, 2012 | 3:29 am

    REQUEST REQUEST: SPRINGROLL RECIPE PLEASE (with a Somali twist of course)

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 2:59 pm

      We will add it to the list and hope to post it in the near future. Thank you.

  7. sarah
    November 5, 2012 | 10:55 am

    asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,
    i was looking for somthing new that you posted but we didn’t find it but eventually i found it today and we are going to have it for lunch today i can’t wait to eat it:)

    ps:my mum wanted to make something called ajaar but she didn’t make it but my granny knew how to make it but my mum wants to tell her the ingredents she needs to make and jazakallah khairan mashaallah

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 3:25 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      We hope you will enjoy the vegetable stew. Thank you very much for your comments and for being a regular. Tell your mom we will post a recipe for ajaar, God willing. Thank you.

  8. Ifraax
    November 5, 2012 | 1:03 pm

    MaashaAllah, kan waa inaan baroobeeyo mardhow inshaAllah. Laakiin waxaan isku dayay inaan soorta sida loo sameeyo taabto videoga dhexdiisa, waana ii suuroobi weydey. Waana ka arkiwaayay recipeka listigooda. Waxaan kalo idinka codsanaa calooleey sida loo sameeyo hadaad soo gelin kartaan. Mahadsanidiin.

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 4:41 pm

      Naga raali ahoow waan ka-ilaawnay inaan ku-xirno, haddase waad ka-geli kartaa. Ilaa aan ka soo gelinno soo’da soorta jaallada, midda cad oo kale ayaa u-karin kartaa. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay inaad nala socodsiisay. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa calooleey. Mahadsanid.

  9. Yasmina
    November 5, 2012 | 2:00 pm

    Asalamu Alaykum,

    It looks very delicious masha Allaah! I just wanted to know if the sauce tasted a little bit bitter because of the Brussels srpouts? When i am preparing them, i always cook them apart in some salted water till they are tender and later on i add them to the main dish.

    • A&L
      November 5, 2012 | 9:47 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

      What bitter taste? :) They say brussels sprouts taste bitter to some people and not to everyone. We notice a slight bitter taste when we cook them whole and do not cook them in a stew. If you are very sensitive to the bitter taste, the strategy we recommend is: 1) cut them in half or quarters 2) use them with other vegetables. The salt added to the stew, together with the sweetness of the carrots, help in masking any bitterness.

  10. ayan abdullahi ali
    November 7, 2012 | 3:59 am

    delicious! its realy highly pleasing taste!! masha’alah brother & sister….jazakumullahu kheyr.

    • A&L
      November 7, 2012 | 6:34 pm

      Thank you so much for your nice comments and continuous encouragements.

  11. Nimco
    November 7, 2012 | 10:58 am

    S/C walaalo team ka xawaash waan idin salaamay, walaalo aad ayaad ugu mahasantihiin sida fiicane ee haagr la’aanta ah aad nagu soo daysaan dish ba dish ku ka sii fiicanyahay in kastoo aan ooran karo makala dhacaan cuntooyinkiinu walaalo.waxan aad ula dhacay sida muqaal ahaan aad noogu soo daysaan .walaahi inta meel cunto doondoonayaye mid la mid ah xawaash ma arag sida fiicane ee fudud ee ila qiiyast aad ugu sharxaysan dadka .halkaa walaalo kaa sii wada dadalka hambalyo ayaan idin leeyahay magacii somalida ayaad kor u qaadeene .ilaahay khayr ha idinka siiyo walaalayal.

    • A&L
      November 7, 2012 | 6:52 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Walaal Nimco, waa ku-mahadsan tahay salaanta wacan. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada wanaagsan aad inoo soo qortay. Waan ku-faraxsan nahay sida aad inoo dhiira gelisaan iyo waxa yar aan idinla wadaagno inaad jecleysateen. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.

  12. sarah
    November 7, 2012 | 2:55 pm

    This looks great, ill be trying this out soon. I’ve been contemplating adding more veggie meals for dinner, but at times get stuck, this looks a winner.

    • A&L
      November 7, 2012 | 6:54 pm

      Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. We are happy you liked the vegetable stew.

  13. Raxmo
    November 17, 2012 | 3:30 am

    Waxan idinka codsan lahaa inad afka somaliga nogo soo gudbisan sharaxada hore

    • A&L
      November 17, 2012 | 11:38 pm

      Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan rabnaa inaan Af-Soomaali ku-qorno sheekadana, laakiinse waqtiga ayaa ciriiri nagu ah. Af-faransiiska waxaa tarjunta haweeney Faransiis ah oo degan waddanka Faransiiska ayaa waqtigeeda ugu tabarucday Xawaash.

  14. Nasra
    November 26, 2012 | 1:56 pm

    maasha allaah, waa ka helay.. mahadsanidiin. soortaase dhibaato isku qabnaa, wexey iga yeelaneysaa kuuskuus, waa walaaqey(oo walaaqey,oo walaaqey) laakiin natiijo kama keenin, mexey idinla tahay inaan qaldaayo?..


    • A&L
      November 26, 2012 | 10:27 pm

      Soorta waa inaad dhaqdaa weliba hadday burbadan leedahay. Si-fiican u-dhaq ilaa biyaha ay saafi ka-noqdaan, saliiddana ha ka-ilaawin. Markaad karisid oo ay qabowdo faraha ku-burburi. Mahadsanid.

  15. nanii
    December 3, 2012 | 4:33 pm

    How do you make lemon ajaar

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:06 pm

      We will post it, insha’Allah.

  16. roda
    December 7, 2012 | 4:48 pm

    asc walaalahayga sharafta badan aad baan idiin salaamayaa runtii aad baad umahadsantihiin mansha alaah ilaahay cisi iyo sharaf haydin siiyo afkeenii hooyo iyo waxa aynu nahay baad cisi iyo sharaf siiseen ilaahay haydin ciseeyo oo haydin sharfo aamiiin aaamiin walaalayaal runtii aad baad nuugu faa iidayseen jasaakumulaahu khayraa , innntaa kadib suaal baan rabaa inaan idin waydiiyo idinkoo aad iigaraaliya walaal waamaxay BAQDUUSIN KU ? aad baan idiin salaamayaa wsc.

    • A&L
      December 7, 2012 | 11:29 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaan wacan. Ilaahay ha ku ciseeyo hana ku sharfo adigana. Baqduunis wuxuu u egyahay kabsara caleen, wuu ka caleema wayn yahay caraftana wuu ka duwan yahay. Baqduunis waa af Carabi, af Ingiriisiga waa (parsley). Haddaad su’aal kale qabtid nala soo xiriir.

  17. roda
    December 9, 2012 | 7:18 am

    asc walaalahayga sharafta badanoo khayr iyo xasanaad Alaah haydin siiyo aad baad u mahadsantihiin walaalayaal wasalaama calaykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatu .

    • A&L
      December 9, 2012 | 11:42 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, adigaa mahadda mudan. Waa ku mahadsan tahay ducada wacan. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  18. Mahat
    December 24, 2012 | 2:16 pm

    السلام عليكم ورحمـة الله وبركاته
    My sincere regards to Mr Abdullahi and Leyla, I would like to send you my appreciation to both of you for the excellent website you made for us, May Allah reward you for this work Ameen. From the first day I learnt this website to date I’m benefiting daily and still exploring more and more, I have even shown most of my workmate Somalis and non-Somalis and believe me everybody like it. Please keep up this effort. But I wish to request you one thing please Mr Abdullahi, please kindly remove the musing at the background when watching the youtube please.
    All the best to both of you and thanks for everything
    from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    • A&L
      December 24, 2012 | 8:13 pm

      وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
      Thank you so much for your nice comment and kind words. We are very happy that you are benefiting from the website and thank you for spreading the word. We see no valid reason to remove the music from the videos. There is nothing either in the Qur’an or the authentic Sunnah which says that music is not permissible.
      يجب علينا ان لا نحول هذا الدين من يسر الى عسر، والله جل وعلا يريد ان نطبق دينه كماانزله الله

  19. Sh. CabdulQaadir
    April 24, 2013 | 8:08 am

    Assalamacaleykum Warraxmatullaah

    Qoyska Reer Cabdullaahi waxaan ka soo salamaaya Xamar cadde.
    Alle Weyne ajar weyn ha idinka siiyo aaraada raashinka aad ku soo bandhigtaan

    Sideedaba waxa ciidda kabaxa waxaa ku naaxa jirka. Laakiin qoftu waxay ka sameysantahay Ruux iyo Jir.

    Waxaan walaalaha ku xiran iyo kuwa hindisay ba xusuusinayaa in ay ruuxana naaxiyaan. Wuxuu ku naaxaana waa xuska Alle Weyne iyo qofta mu’minka ah oo muqaal ahaan iyo naf ahaan ba qaata sunnada Nebigeenna suuban (SCW) iyo amarka Ilaahey. Waa salaadda, xuska Alle, asturka jirka , iwm.

    Wabbillaahi Towfiiq

    • A&L
      April 26, 2013 | 11:59 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay salaanta iyo faallada wacan. Waxaa kaloo ku mahadsan tahay waanada aad inoo soo wada jeedisay. Ilaahay Quraankiisa wuxuu ku yiri {وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنْفَعُ المُؤْمِنِينَ}. Eebbe ha kaa abaal mariyo.

  20. Hesbi
    May 15, 2013 | 11:34 pm

    amazing. i made this along with the avocado smoothie.
    god bless u for sharing your talent with food.

    • A&L
      May 16, 2013 | 3:06 am

      It is great to know the recipes worked well for you. Thank you very much.

  21. Anisah
    January 14, 2014 | 1:27 am

    Assalaamu ‘alaykum. Shukran for the recipe. It was so delicious and healthy with so little effort and spices. I’ll definitely be saving this recipe for the future. Can’t wait to try your other recipes

    • A&L
      January 14, 2014 | 9:42 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you very much for letting us know. We are happy you have enjoyed it.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.