Category Archives: Sauces (Soos) Sauce

2 Tomato Sauces (2 Dallac Bilaash) 2 Sauces Tomate نوعين من صلصة الطماطم


English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Uncle Mursal Mohamed Abdulle just came back from Russia when he called me, my brother and a young uncle to the kitchen. I had just turned 12 and my brother was 13. He announced, “Today I will teach you how to cook been dallac.” Been dallac is a very basic tomato…

Roasted Chicken (Digaag La Foorneeyay) Poulet Rôti دجاج محمر بالفرن

Chicken 1

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي I was in my second year of high school when the Somali government at the time decided to close all the schools for one academic year. All high school students were sent to the rural areas to participate in a literacy campaign (Rural Development Campaign). I was sent to Go’doon, a…

Chicken Lollipop (Garbo Digaag La-Shiilay) Ailes de Poulet en Sucette عيدان اجنحة الدجاج

Chicken Lollipop (Garbo Digaag La-Shiilay) عيدان اجنحة الدجاج

  We know how kids love finger foods, especially out of the ordinary foods like chicken lollipops. We also know that most kids do not like eating vegetables. Our solution is to use the carrot and stick approach. Never mind those studies that tell you it is the wrong approach, because ours is a totally…

2 Somali Hot Sauces (2 Nooc Basbaas) 2 Sauces Piquantes Somali البسباس الصومالي

2 Somali Hot Sauces (2 Nooc Basbaas) البسباس الصومالي

  Somali food is not spicy hot. It is unlike the cuisines of neighbouring countries that use a lot of hot spices. Somalis prefer to serve the hot sauce on the side just like the salt and pepper which everyone can adjust to his/her taste. One thing you do not have to worry about when…

Chicken Parmesan (Kutuleeti Digaag) Escalope de Poulet Panée au Parmesan دجاج بجبن البارميزان

Chicken Parmesan (Kutuleeti Digaag) دجاج بجبن البارميزان

  In this recipe, we did not follow the traditional method of preparing chicken parmesan. We asked ourselves, “Why prepare crispy chicken parmesan, then make it soggy with marinara sauce?” Fresh mozzarella is also always best fresh. In our version, all the components are on the plate, with the marinara sauce served on top of…

Baked Macaroni (Makarooni Alfoorno) Gratin de Macaronis

Baked Macaroni (Makarooni Alfoorno)

  This delicious dish might seem complicated at first glance, but it is really very easy when you break it down to its individual components. These are: the pasta, a meat sauce, and a béchamel sauce. The béchamel sauce is extremely easy if you follow the method we show in the video. There is no…

Bajiya (Bajiyo)


  Ahh! Bajiya! We just love them. How can you not? Eat them fresh and you will become addicted. Bajiyas, are a regular fixture on iftar tables (breaking the fast in Ramadan), they are part of the Asariyo Quartet (one of the four essential elements of the Somali Afternoon Tea), and they are the ultimate…

About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.