For quite some time now, we wanted to post a recipe for fried chicken. It was always in the back of our mind. Then came Lee Daniel’s The Butler. We went to watch the movie as soon as it was released, and there was the fried chicken. A short hushed consultation and we decided it was going to be our next recipe. Well, there were two things that pushed us towards that: we were hungry at the time AND the movie left a good impression on us.
Our all-time favourite fried chicken was the one at Al Baik Restaurant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We have yet to come across a place that has as good a fried chicken. Al Baik uses the broasting method of pressure frying the chicken, and its unique blend of spices makes the chicken addictive.
We remember a sales representative from a French furniture supplier who used to visit us in Jeddah. He used to tell us that his first stop in Jeddah was at Al Baik. He would tell the taxi driver to take him to the nearest restaurant. That is how much he loved it!
What makes the fried chicken taste even better is the garlic dip that comes with it. One day, our friend lamented that the garlic breath made him uncomfortable after eating his favourite meal. We gave him 3 cardamom pods to chew, and that he did. From that day onwards, he made sure he had a few cardamom pods in his pocket when flying into Jeddah.
Video without music:
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Fried Chicken:
- 3 lb (1.36 kg) Whole Chicken
- 2 cup(s) (474 mL) Buttermilk – Or milk, or thinned yogurt
- 2 Tbsp (30 mL) Chicken bouillon powder – For marinade
- 1 tsp (5 mL) Ground black pepper – For marinade
- 2 tsp (10 mL) Garlic paste – Minced garlic will burn
- 3 cups (420 g) All-purpose (plain) flour
- 3 Tbsp (45 mL) Chicken bouillon powder – For seasoned flour
- 2 tsp (10 mL) Ground black pepper – For seasoned flour
- 8 cups (2 litres) Vegetable oil – For a 9½ inch (24 cm) diameter pot
- Cut the chicken into 8 pieces, and remove the excess fat. Wash and pat dry.
- Mix the 2 cups of buttermilk, 2 tablespoons chicken bouillon powder, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper and the garlic paste. Stir very well.
- Marinade the chicken. Refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours.
- Mix the 3 cups of flour, 3 tablespoons chicken bouillon powder and the 2 teaspoons of ground black pepper.
- Dredge the chicken pieces in the seasoned flour.
- Place them on a rack and air dry for 20 minutes.
- For a thicker crust, dip them again in the buttermilk marinade and dredge in the seasoned flour.
- Fry the chicken pieces in vegetable oil using medium heat. Let the oil temperature reach 350°F/177°C before starting to fry. After placing the chicken in the hot oil, the temperature will drop. Keep using medium heat. Fry the white meat for 14 minutes and the dark meat for 16 minutes.
- Remove the cooked chicken pieces from the oil and place them on a wire rack to drain.
Fiidiyo aan muusik lahayn:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Digaag La Shiilay:
- 3 baawun (1.36 kg) Digaag (dooro) (dhan)
- 2 koob (474 mL) Caano garoor – Ama caano caadi ah, ama caana fadhi biyo lagu qafiifiyay
- 2 QW (30 mL) Budo maraq digaag – Caanaha lagu daro
- 1 qy (5 mL) Filfil madoow shiidan – Caanaha lagu daro
- 2 qy (10 mL) Tuun (toon) macjuun – Tuunta la xoqay way gubanaysaa
- 3 koob (420 g) Bur cad
- 3 QW (45 mL) Budo maraq digaag – Burka lagu daro
- 2 qy (10 mL) Filfil madoow shiidan – Burka lagu daro
- 8 koob (2 litre(s)) Saliid caddeey – Ku filan digsi wareegiisa yahay 9½ inch (24 cm)
- Digaaga 8 gabal u jar, caddiintana ka jar. Dhaq kaddibna qallaji.
- Isku dar 2 koob caanaha garoorta, 2 qaaddo weyn maraq digaag, 1 qaaddo yar filfil madoow iyo tuunta shiidan. Si fiican isku qas.
- Ku qas gaballada digaagga. Qaboojiyaha geli ugu yaraan muddo 3 saacadood.
- Isku shaqshaq 3 koob bur, 3 qaaddo weyn maraq digaag, 2 qaaddo yar filfil madoow. Si fiican u walaaq.
- Digaagga burka geedaha leh si fiican u mari.
- Dhig ha qalalaan muddo 20 daqiiqo.
- Haddaad rabtid maqaar adag, mar labaad caanaha ku rid kaddibna burka mari.
- Ku shiil saliid kulaylkeeda yahay 350°F/177°C adigoo isticmaalaysa dab dhexdhexaad ah. Shafafka shiil muddo 14 daqiiqo ah, lugahana shiil muddo 16 daqiiqo.
- Saliidda ka saar. Shabaq saar inay saliidda ka baxdo.

Haddaad rabtid inuu digaagga aad u qababacleeyo, ha saarin saxan ama xaanshida jikada. Waxaa saartaa bir shabaq ah (wire rack) sida sawirka aad ka arki kartid
Depuis un moment déjà, nous voulions publier une recette de poulet frit et que nous l’avions en tête. Et puis Le Majordome de Lee Daniels est arrivé. Nous sommes allés voir le film dès sa sortie, et il y avait du poulet frit. Après une rapide discussion à voix basse, nous avons décidé que ce serait notre prochaine recette. En fait, deux choses nous ont poussé: nous avions le ventre vide à ce moment là ET le film nous a fait bonne impression.
Le meilleur poulet frit que nous ayons jamais mangé, est celui de la chaîne de restaurants Al Baik à Jeddah, en Arabie Saoudite. Nous n’avons toujours pas trouvé d’endroit qui serve un aussi bon poulet frit. Al Baik utilise la méthode du broasting: frire le poulet sous pression, et son mélange d’épices pour rendre le poulet irrésistible.
Nous nous rappelons d’un vendeur de meubles français qui venait nous rendre visite à Jeddah. Il nous racontait que dès son arrivée à Jeddah, il se rendait dans un Al Baik. Il demandait au chauffeur de taxi de l’amener au restaurant le plus proche. Il l’aimait à ce point!
La sauce à l’ail qui accompagne le poulet le rend encore meilleur. Un jour, notre ami nous avoua qu’il était mal à l’aise d’avoir une haleine parfumée à l’ail après son repas favori. Nous lui avons donné 3 gousses de cardamomes à mâcher, ce qu’il fit. A partir de ce jour, il fit attention à toujours avoir quelques gousses de cardamomes dans sa poche quand il se rendait à Jeddah.
Vidéo sans la musique:
Imprimer la Recette avec Photos
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
Poulet Frit:
- 1 Poulet de 3 livres (1.36 kg)
- 2 mesures (474 mL) de Babeurre – Ou de lait, ou de yaourt dilué
- 2 cs (30 mL) de Bouillon de Poule en poudre – Pour la marinade
- 1 cc (5 mL) de Poivre Noir moulu – Pour la marinade
- 2 cc (10 mL) de Pâte d’Ail – L’ail émincé brûlerait
- 3 mesure (420 g) de Farine Blanche
- 3 cs (45 mL) de Bouillon de Poule en poudre – Pour la farine assaisonnée
- 2 cc (10 mL) de Poivre Noir moulu – Pour la farine assaisonnée
- 8 mesures (2 litres) d’Huile Végétale – pour une marmite de 9 pouce ½ de diamètre (24 cm)
- Couper le poulet en 8 morceaux, et retirer l’excès de gras. Laver et sécher.
- Mélanger les deux mesures de babeurre, 2 cuillères à soupe de bouillon de poule en poudre, 1 cuillère à café de poivre noir et la pâte d’ail. Bien mélanger.
- Mariner le poulet. Réfrigérer au moins 3 heures.
- Mélanger les 3 mesures de farine, 3 cuillères à soupe de bouillon de poule et 2 cuillères à café de poivre noir moulu.
- Paner les morceaux de poulet dans la farine assaisonnée.
- Les poser sur une grille et laisser sécher 20 minutes.
- Pour une panure plus épaisse, tremper à nouveau dans la marinade au babeurre et paner à nouveau dans la farine.
- Frire les morceaux de poulet dans l’huile végétale à feu moyen. Laisser la température atteindre 350°F/177°C avant de commencer la friture. Une fois le poulet dans l’huile, la température va baisser. Toujours utiliser un feu moyen. Frire la viande blanche 14 minutes et la viande brune 16 minutes.
- Retirer les morceaux de poulet cuits de l’huile et les égoutter sur une grille.
فيديو بدون موسيقى:
كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
بروست الدجاج | ||
(دجاج( كامل | باون | 3 |
لبن رائب | كوب | 2 |
مسحوق مرق الدجاج | ملعقة كبيرة | 2 |
فلفل اسود مطحون | ملعقة صغيرة | 1 |
ثوم معجون | ملعقة صغيرة | 2 |
طحين ابيض متعدد الأغراض | جم | 420 |
مسحوق مرق الدجاج | ملعقة كبيرة | 3 |
فلفل اسود مطحون | ملعقة صغيرة | 2 |
زيت نباتي | كوب | 8 |
طريقة التحضير:
يقطع الدجاج الى 8 قطع ويزال الشحم، ثم تغسل وتنشف | -1 |
يخلط 2 كوب حليب رائب (لبن رائب)، 2 ملعقة كبيرة مسحوق مرق الدجاج، 1 ملعقة صغيرة فلفل اسود مطحون و2 ملعقة صغيرة معجون ثوم | -2 |
تتبل قطع الدجاج وتحفظ في الثلاجة لمدة 3 ساعات على الاقل | -3 |
يخلط 3 كوب طحين (دقيق)، 3 ملعقة كبيرة مسحوق مرق الدجاج، 2 ملعقة صغيرة فلفل اسود مطحون | -4 |
تغمس قطع الجاج في الطحين (دقيق) | -5 |
تترك لمدة 20 دقيقة حتى تنشف | -6 |
للحصول على قشرة مقرمشة اكثر، تغمس في اللبن ثم في الطحين مرة اخرى | -7 |
تقلى في زيت نباتي درجة حرارته 177 د.م. (350 ف) على نار متوسطة، تقلى صدور الدجاج لمدة 14 دقيقة وتقلى الارجل لمدة 16 دقيقة | -8 |
ترفع من الزيت وتترك تنشف على رف سلك | -9 |
Hummmmm cela semble être très bon inchallah j fai cette recette aujourd’hui merci encore!!!!!!!
masha Allah shukran for your effort.this great i am going to try inshallah
Thank you for your commemt. We hope you will like it.
Masha.alah qayr allah idin kasiiyo waxan isdhihi jiray digaga bananka laga so gato siday ushiilan lkn manta wan arkay waana fudeed waan isku dayi doona insha.alah thanks mar labaad
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad jeclaatid markaad samaysatid. Mahadsanid.
Asc wr wb? Walaaleheeyga qaaliga ah aad iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin. Wa jazaakumullaahu khayran khayral jazaa.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad ayaan ugu faraxnay xiriiriskaada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.
masha’alah waa wasfo sahlan oo aad cajiib u ah, wan jecleystay, kheyr badan illah ha idin siiyo walalyal.
Aamiin walaal. Aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad jeclaatay. Mahadsanid.
salamu alaikum walal aad baad ugu mahad santiihin sida wanaagsan ee aad noogu soo gudbisaan cuntooyinka qiimaha badan leh,waxaanan aad ugu farxay musica aad ka reebteen halkaa kaga haya walal music xaaram weeyaan mizaanka xasanaad kana ilaahay ha idiinku daro inshaa alaah.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada wacan walaal. Qayr ayaan Eebbe kaaga baryaynaa. Mahadsanid.
salam a&l how ru dream came true.with ur fried chicken.just want know where I can find the chicken stock powder.thanks bye,love ur cooking n love u guys .
Thank you very much for your comment. We are very happy you liked it. We were promised it will be available soon.
Looks very interesting and I will definitely try it. By the way, I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. While watching this recipe, I started wondering why you haven’t used the exquisite Somali spices that have turned my recipes around since making the pleasant discovery of your blog post? Was there a particular reason why you decided that no spices should be used in the chicken marinade? looking forward to your reply and many thanks once more for your wonderful and resourceful recipes and for all the efforts you put into this website.
The title we put on the photos will give a clue. It says Simple Fried Chicken. We wanted it to be as simple as possible with no spices. Many recipes call for 12 or even 20 different spices. Trust us on this, the chicken tastes absolutely delicious without those spices.
Mashalah Aad ayaan uga helay si fiican ee aad u samayseen chicken inshaah wananan isku dayi doonaa mahadsanid wl
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad jeclaatid.
asalaamu caleykum wallaalaheyga qaaligoow dhamaantiin waamahadsantihiil niyadiin allaah niiyeelo idinka iyo intaajeceshihiinba jazaakallaakuqheyraku baarakallaahu fiikum
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay. Waan ku faraxnay faallada iyo ducada.
Asante sana kwa upishi
Karibu sana!
what is the recipe of the crispy fried chicken that is similar to kentucky fried chicken (KFC) and how do you prepare it .
Mansha Allah ilahey haidin xafido I dinky iyo caruurtiinaba wallah I wax bad an aan idin mahadcelinaya ill ah kasokow waa yo Waxan aan I Dinka bartay ma Yaro Mansha allah
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada fiican, waanna ku faraxsan nahay inaad ka faa’iidaysanaysid. Ciid Wanaagsan.
mashallah wa mahadsan tihiin inbdn im gonna try this inshallah.waa chicken kii take awayka cml oo fudud lkn chips sameyskiisa kusoo dara idinka oo mahadsan. baradhada marka laga sameynayo chips na tusa
Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad jeclaatid markaad samaysatid. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonna.
Mahad sanidin dhamaan so saarayasha barnamijkan waxtarka uleh bulshada somaliyed wan lasocon dona insha’alah
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay hadalada wacan.
Muchas gracias! Me encantó!!
Gracias por dejar tu comentario. Saludos!
oooohh manshallah that looks soo good can i use deep fryer??? with you for us
anything is possible . can’t wait to try it.
Thank you so much. We are happy to hear from you.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada wacan. Muusikada ma aynaan joojin, hadduu Eebbe idmana ma joojin doonno. Muusikada waxay ka mid tahay nicmooyinka Eebbe nagu mannaystay.
Asw. This looks amazing and delicious and I love your recipes and website but I was wondering if I could do this recipe with chicken breasts for 2 people and what adjustments if any I’d have to make in ingredients and preparation. Thank you so much. Jazakallah khair.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much for your confidence in our recipes. You should divide everything by three.
Is this recipe supposed to be close to the legendary Al-Baik?
Add ginger to it and it will be closer to Al-Baik.
Aad ayaad ugu mhdsantihiin howsha weyn ee aad u heysaan umada aadna waan idinka faa’iidnay thnks alot waxaan rabay inaa idin weydiiyo caanaha badalkeeda yoguort ma ku dari karaa