A week ago, we held our annual barbecue at Laurel Creek Conservation Area in Waterloo, Ontario. As usual, it was a very large gathering and we had family and friends from different parts of the world. The weather was wonderful and everyone, young and old, had a great afternoon. We found a shaded spot close to the beach where we setup our trusty charcoal grill.
The food was plentiful and scrumptious. We started off with an eggplant appetizer and slices of pita bread. For the main course, we grilled lamb chops and boneless chicken and served them with aromatic rice, Somali chutney, Somali salad, and grilled sweet corn on the cob.
We did not bring any dessert with us since the plan was to have everyone come to our house for tea, coffee and dessert. No, we did not prepare dessert ahead of time. We decided that we would prepare something that was delicious, quick, and easy, and we chose to bake a pineapple upside-down cake. Not only is it easy but it also looks very pretty and gives the impression that it was a lot of work. The cake was a hit and everyone was raving about it.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake:
- ¾ cup (187 mL) Unsalted butter (softened)
- 1½ cups (300 g) Granulated white sugar
- 4 Large Eggs
- ½ tsp (2.5 mL) Salt
- 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Baking powder
- 2 tsp (10 mL) Vanilla extract
- 1 tsp (5 mL) Lemon zest
- 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Lemon juice
- 2½ cups (210 g) All-purpose (plain) flour
- 1 cup (237 mL) Milk
- 7 Pineapple rings
- 7 Maraschino cherries
- 6 Pecan halves
Caramel Topping (Method #1):
- 2 Tbsp (30 mL) Unsalted butter (softened) – For greasing pan
- ¾ cup (165 g) Brown sugar (packed)
Caramel Topping (Method #2):
- ⅓ cup (83 mL) Unsalted butter
- 1 cup (220 g) Brown sugar (packed)
- Cream the butter and sugar. Beat for 5 minutes.
- Add eggs one at a time and beat well after each addition. The eggs have to be at room temperature otherwise the mixture will curdle.
- Add the salt, baking powder, vanilla, lime zest and lime juice. Mix well.
- Add the flour and milk.
- Mix until well combined.
- If using method #1, butter a 10 in. (25 cm) round, 2 in. (5 cm) deep pan with the 2 tablespoons butter and sprinkle with 3/4 cup brown sugar and pat it down.
- For method #2, melt 1 cup brown sugar and 1/3 cup butter until the mixture starts bubbling. Pour the it into buttered pan.
- Place pineapple rings and maraschino cherries.
- Pour the batter and bake in a preheated oven at 350°F/177°C for 45 to 50 minutes. Let the cake cool down for 5 minutes and invert it on a cake stand or a plate bigger than the cake pan.
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Doolsho Cananaas:
- ¾ koob (187 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn (la jilciyay)
- 1½ koob (300 g) Sokor cad
- 4 Ukun , Weyn
- ½ qy (2.5 mL) Cusbo
- 1 QW (15 mL) Beekin baawdar
- 2 qy (10 mL) Faniilla
- 1 qy (5 mL) Qolof liin la xoqay
- 1 QW (15 mL) Casiir liin dhanaan
- 2½ koob (210 g) Bur cad
- 1 koob (237 mL) Caano
- 7 Cananaas wareeg loo jaray
- 7 Jilyeejo (maraschino)
- 6 Loos bekaan
Korkasaar Karameel (Habka Koowaad):
- 2 QW (30 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn (la jilciyay)
- ¾ koob (165 g) Sokor maroon (faraha lagu riixay)
Korkasaar Karameel (Habka Labaad):
- ⅓ koob (83 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn
- 1 koob (220 g) Sokor maroon (faraha lagu riixay)
- Sokorta iyo buurada isku garaac muddo 5 daqiiqo.
- Ukunta aan qaboobayn hal hal ugu dar. Si fiican u garaac mid walba intaadan tan kale ku darin.
- Ku dar cusbada, beekin baawdarka, faniillada, bishirka liinta iyo liin dhanaanta la miiray. Si fiicanu qas.
- Ku dar burka iyo caanaha.
- Si fiican u qas.
- Waxaa isticmaashaa bir wareeggeeda yahay 10 in. (25 cm), dhererkeedana yahay 2 in. (5 cm). Habka koowaad haddaad isticmaalaysid, birta 2 qaaddo buuro mari, kuna shub 3/4 koob sokor madoow. Sokorta markaad cabbireysid, koobka faraha hoos ugu riix.
- Habka labaad haddaad isticmaalaysid, isku dhalaali 1 koob sokor madoow iyo 1/3 koob buuro. Birta waxaa marisaa buuro waxaana wada gaarsiisaa sokorta aad dhalaalisay.
- Cananaaska iyo jilyeejada ku saf.
- Cajiinka ku shub. Foorno la sii kululeeyey ku dub 350°F/177°C muddo 45 ilaa 50 daqiiqo. Markaad dubtid, qabooji muddo 5 daqiiqo, kaddibna doolshaha ku geddi saxan birta doolshaha ka weyn.
La semaine dernière, nous avons fait notre barbecue annuel à la Réserve Naturelle de Laurel Creek à Waterloo, Ontario. Comme d’habitude, nous avons reçu notre famille et nos amis venus de différentes régions du monde. Le temps était magnifique et tout le monde, jeune et vieux, a passé un très bon après midi. Nous avons trouvé un coin à l’ombre près de la plage où nous avons installé notre fidèle barbecue à charbon.
La nourriture était abondante et délicieuse. Nous avons démarré avec un hors-d’oeuvre d’aubergine et des morceaux de pain pita. Puis en plat principal, nous avons fait griller des côtelettes d’agneau et du poulet désossé, servis avec du riz aromatique, du chutney Somali, de la salade Somali, et des épis de maïs.
Nous n’avons pas amené de dessert car notre plan était de ramener tout le monde à la maison pour le thé, le café et le dessert. Non nous n’avons pas préparé le dessert à l’avance. Nous avons décidé que nous ferions quelque chose de délicieux, rapide et facile, et nous avons choisi de faire une tarte tatin à l’ananas. En plus d’être facile, elle est jolie à regarder et donne l’impression qu’elle a nécessité beaucoup de travail. La tarte était un succès et tout le monde nous a complimenté.
Imprimer la Recette avec Photos
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
Tarte Tatin à l’ananas:
- ¾ mesure (187 mL) de Beurre Doux (ramolli)
- 1½ mesures (300 g) de Sucre blanc en Poudre
- 4 Gros Oeufs
- ½ cc (2.5 mL) de Sel
- 1 cs (15 mL) de Levure Chimique
- 2 cc (10 mL) d’Extrait de Vanille
- 1 cc (5 mL) de Zest de Citron
- 1 cs (15 mL) de Jus de Citron
- 2½ mesures (210 g) de Farine Blanche
- 1 mesure (237 mL) de lait
- 7 Rondelles d’Ananas
- 7 Cerises confites / au marasquin
- 6 cerneaux de Noix de Pécan
Nappage au caramel (Method #1):
- 2 cs (30 mL) de Beurre Doux (ramolli) – pour graisser le moule
- ¾ mesure (165 g) de sucre roux (tassè)
Nappage au caramel (Method #2):
- ⅓ mesure (83 mL) de Beurre Doux
- 1 mesure (220 g) de sucre roux (tassè)
- Travailler le beurre et le sucre. Battre pendant 5 minutes.
- Ajouter les oeufs un par un et bien battre après chaque ajout. Les oeufs doivent être à température ambiante sinon le mélange tournera.
- Ajouter le sel, la levure chimique, la vanille, le zeste de citron vert et le jus de citron vert. Bien mélanger.
- Ajouter la farine et le lait.
- Mixer jusqu’à ce que la pâte soit bien homogène.
- Si vous utilisez la méthode #1, beurrer un moule de 10 pouces (25 cm) de diamètre et 2 pouces (5 cm) de profondeur, avec 2 cuillères à soupe de beurre et saupoudrer avec ¾ de mesure de sucre roux et tasser avec les doigts.
- Pour la méthode #2, faire fondre 1 mesure de sucre roux et ⅓ de mesure de beurre jusqu’à ce que le mélange commence à faire des bulles. Verser dans le moule beurré.
- Poser et arranger les rondelles d’ananas et les cerises au marasquin.
- Verser la pâte et cuire 45 à 50 minutes dans le four préchauffé à 350°F/177°C. Laisser refroidir le gâteau 5 minutes puis le retourner sur un plat ou une assiette plus grande que le moule.
كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
كيك الأناناس المقلوب | ||
زبدة غير مملحة | كوب | ¾ |
سكر ابيض | جم | 300 |
بيض | 4 | |
ملح | ملعقة صغيرة | ½ |
بيكنج باودر | ملعقة كبيرة | 1 |
فانيليا | ملعقة صغيرة | 2 |
بشر الليمون | ملعقة صغيرة | 1 |
عصير ليمون | ملعقة كبيرة | 1 |
طحين ابيض متعدد الأغراض | جم | 210 |
حليب | كوب | 1 |
حلقات الأناناس | 7 | |
كرز maraschino | 7 | |
جوز البقان | 6 | |
صوص الكراميل (الطريقة الاولى) | ||
زبدة غير مملحة | ملعقة كبيرة | 2 |
(سكر بني( مضغوط | جم | 165 |
صوص الكراميل (الطريقة الثانية) | ||
زبدة غير مملحة | كوب | ⅓ |
(سكر بني( مضغوط | جم | 220 |
طريقة التحضير:
تخفق الزبدة مع السكر لمدة 5 دقائق | -1 |
يضاف البيض (على درجة حرارة الغرفة) واحدة واحدة ويخفق جيدا بعد كل اضافة | -2 |
يضاف الملح، البيكنج بودر، الفانيلا، بشر الليمون، وعصير الليمون، ويخلط جيدا | -3 |
يضاف الطحين (الدقيق) والحليب | -4 |
تخلط جيدا | -5 |
في حال استعمال الطريقة الأولى لتحضير الكراميل، يدهن قالب كيك (قطر 25 سم وعمق 5 سم) بملعقتين زبدة ويرش عليه 3/4 كوب سكر بني، ثم يضغط على السكر بالاصابع | -6 |
في حال استعمال الطريقة الثانية لتحضير الكراميل، يذاب 1 كوب سكر بني مع 1/3 كوب زبدة، يفرغ في قالب كيك المدهون بالزبدة | -7 |
ترص حلقات الأناناس والكرز | -8 |
يوضع الخليط في قالب الكيك ويخبز في فرن مسخن مسبقا على درجة حرارة 177 د.م. (350 ف) لمدة 30 دقيقة، يترك ليبرد ثم يقلب | -9 |
asalaamu caleykum wallaalaheyga qaaligoow dhamaantiin waamahadsantihiin dambigiin iyo kanwaalidkiin allaah dhaafo niyadiin allaah niiyeelo idinka iyo intaajeceshihiinba walaal wakumahadsantihiin waxqabadkiina wanaaga quruxdabadan jazaakallaahu kheyrakum
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay. Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay faallada iyo ducada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
Asalaamu caleykum A & L,
Thank you for posting this pineapple cake. I’ll definitely attempt to do this tonight. I have a quick suggestion, although, I see the new posts on front of the page…which is great, however, wouldn’t be ideal to have a segment for everything new separated from the previous posts? For instance, you’ll download this pineapple cake as new and it’ll remain in the new folder for 2-3 weeks then transfer to the previous recipes. Thank you for taken the time to read this.
Sincerely your friend,
Nakhiil H.
P.S. I just love this website to be THE GO TO WEBSITE (and it is 90%) for SOMALIAN FOOD.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Dear Nakhiil, thank you so much for your nice comment and suggestion. We appreciate your input. We wish you all the best.
ASC walaalaha Xawaash Aniga Sokorta Caadiga aanba Gaduudin Jirey Maba ogeen iney Tan gaduudan Ka qurux Badan tahey Kana Dhib Yertahey Jazaakumulaah ajer Xasanaad ilaah ah idinka Siiyo Waalaheyga Bogaan Wax Badan aan ka Faaidney Mahdsanidiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada wacan. Waan ku faraxsan nahay inaad ka faa’iidaysanaysaan.
Masha Allah ilaahey ajir aan lasoo koobi karin ha idiin siiyo , doolsho cananas aa jecla aya noo soo bandhigteen inaa sameeya waye<3
Aamiin walaal. Nala socodsii haddaad jeclaatid.
mashaa allah jzk allhu khera wallal aad iyo aad ayaad uma hadsantihiin, waa doolshe aad u macaan inshaalh waan isku dayi daana idinkana ajar iyo xasanaad rabi ha idinka siiyo mar walba waad noo faideesaane.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad jeclaatid. Mahadsanid.
waaw..yummy! masha’alah, thankz alot.
Thank you so much for your kind comment.
manshallah i love that cake thank you thank you
You are very welcome.
wow mashaallah I always wanted to make pineapple cake thanks for making n show it to us step by step I cant wait to make it thanks a lot again
Thank you very much for your comment. Do let us know how you like it.
I made this cake the first day you posted, it’s so delicious and smells really really nice, i will be making it again this weekend, Thank you again.
We are very happy that you liked it. Share the love.
Merci pour la recette.
Je vous en prie.
asc walal sokontarta madow intee laga helaa idin koo mahadsan
Subarmarketyada ayaa ka heleysaa.
Thank you very much for your amazing comment.
walaalayaal aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin cuntooyinka iyo macmacaanka aad soo galisaan inba caadi maahan. walaal waxaan rabaa caka cananaaska waxaad butterka isticmaasheen ml anaga waqxaan isticmaal naa waa gm ,
marka waxaan rabaa idnkoo mahadsan in aad soo gelisaan by
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada fiican. Buurada (butter) waxaan isticmaalanay 170 g.
Love your website, makes the cooking life so much easier. I had made several cookies for eid and everyone love them.! But not yet your pineapple upside down.
I have tried other pineaple upside down recipes before, and with one of the topping methods where you have to melt the sugar and it is new for me to see your method to put the dry sugar on the baking plate without melting it.
Is there a difference between both methods, is one better?
When i make this recipe i sometimes end up with a cake that is very wet and a mushy cake but sometimes it comes out normal.
Usually when it comes to using the oven, i am always curious and confused with every recipe, about which stand one should set the oven in.
With normal cakes, i usually start with turning on the bottom part of the oven and when i see that the cake has risen (more than half) i turn on the top part the oven. THis the cake comes out good also inside.
But with the pineaple upside down cake this method does not always work because it’s upside down. =)
So what do you usually do when it comes to cakes, cookies or even meat?
For cookies i turn on bottom and the top part at the same time… for meat i turn on the fan in the oven. i have an elektric oven btw.
Best regards,
You will get excellent results without melting the sugar, and it will taste better than white sugar that has been melted. However, the melted brown sugar is the best since it gets a nice “caramely” taste. For almost 90% of our cooking in the oven, we use the middle rack. When we are broiling we use the upper rack. As far as roasting and baking is concern there is not much difference nowadays. When talking about cakes, cookies and breads, we say baking. When talking about meats and vegetables, we usually say roasting, but there are always some exceptions. Different oven manufacturers define those terms differently. The convection setting reduces the cooking time and gives an even distribution of heat. Always follow the instructions given in the recipe. When we use the convection setting in our oven it turns on the top and bottom elements as well as the fan. For cookies and cakes we use the baking setting only in the middle rack. If any special oven settings are required, we will mention that in our recipes.
We hope we answered your questions. If you need any more clarification, do not hesitate to ask.
Asalamu calaykuim sis…. I hope all is well.
I was wondering if its possible to make the cake with vanilla extract?
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much sister. Normally vanilla is for flavouring. You can omit if you don’t mind the eggy smell, but for this cake the lemon zest will take care of that.
I meant without, sorry.
great jop, thank you for this video.
You are most welcome.
I don’t make cakes (or leave comment but I had to for this one. I fancied making one for a dinner party. I choose to do this one. Wow it was the best cake I had made. like you said it was easy to mix in between the courses (I had measured everything out so it was all ready) and it was baking whiles we finished the main meal. Turned out beautiful. The sponge was really soft. Not sure if my tin size was wrong but it only fitted 4 pineapple rings so I made two and they both turned out well. Thanks again and will be making it again. Am also going to try some of the other dishes. I did not know Somalian cooking was so good. So have restaurants serving the food. it seem a fusion of food mix.
We would like to thank you for taking the time to comment. Your comment has delighted us in the same way that the cake has pleased you. We very much appreciate your feedback and we hope the other recipes will similarly delight you.
sc 2 method the brown sugar wey kala badanihiin maxay ku dhacday ?many thx
Sokorta aan la dhalaalin haddii lagu badiyo ma wada dhalaaleyso.
Asc (ILAAHAY) ha idinka abaal Mariyo cilmigaan aad umada usiyaadinaysaan idinkoo kalana waa ay nagu yaryihiin waxyaabo badan oo aan la,aa Meel aan kabarto baa ILAAHAY iigu kiin soodhiibay we walaalahayga qaaliga ahoow hanaga caajisina inaad wax noo saa idisaan JAZAAKA ALAAHU KHAYR
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, Ubah. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaatay goobta Xawaash. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad ka faa’iidaysatid. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada wacan.
I love your blog – the step-by-step instructions, videos, anecdotes, photographs – all really fabulous.
I have started baking again after a gap of about 25 years and today I made the pineapple-upside-down-cake. I followed the recipe to the tee (except that I used a 9″ pan and so had to adjust the baking time/temperature accordingly). Long story short, the cake turned out great. Thanks for the lovely recipe.
I lived in Addis Ababa for close to 15 years but never knew that Somali food was so interesting or that it had many dishes in common with Indian cuisine!!
Thank you very much for your kind comment. We also thank you for your confidence in our recipes. We are happy that you like the cake. Baking is something that we enjoy a lot, and we hope you have fun with it.
Ilaah ayaa mahad leh marka hore, mar labaad waxaan aad idiinku mahad naqayaa dhalinta xawaash.com sida wanaagsan ee aad umada somaliyeed growth up qabataan markale mahad sanidiin
Aigaa mahadda mudan walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada. Mahadsanid!
asc. i want try this now, will 2% milk work . is all i have and also baked on lasagna pan.
Yes, you can use 2% milk, and you can bake it in a lasagna pan.
asc.thank you so much. i went ahead and did just that. it came out perfect my first time making it. my family loved it and finished fast more than any other cake. God bless you all for all the hard work you put into your site. mashallah
walaal illahy ha dinka abaal mariyo wax wanagsana illahy wajigiina ha idinka tuso walaal hadaan doonayo inaan dubo doolshe ka weyn oo lamid ah ma laban laabayaa wax kasta
Waa sida aad sheegtay, wax walbo laba jibaar ka dhig. Waa ku mahadsan tahay ducada fiican.
walaal aad baad u mahadsan tihiin sida fiican e aad cuntada u samaynaysaan qeer illaahay haydin siiyee meeshaad buurada ka isticmaalaysaan subugii somalia malaga dhigan karaa
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Buurada subag waa ku beddeli kartaa.
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