We usually bake this bread during the month of Ramadan (the month of fasting for Muslims) and serve it as a sweet dish. The soft, cheese-filled bread is soaked with a sugar syrup that makes it particularly suitable for iftar. One of the main objectives of Ramadan is to teach a person self-control and there is no better way to measure a person’s progress on this issue than to see how he/she can resist overindulging on this sweet dish.
Preparing this bread is a fun project for children: spreading the dough pieces with the fingers, placing the filling, shaping them into small balls, and brushing them with milk. These are tasks that can be handled very easily by children. The very small buns are also a perfect finger food that they will love.
One thing we like about this bread is how versatile it can be. Instead of cream cheese, we have also used other fillings: cooked apples, chocolate pieces, peanut butter, date paste, raisins, sweetened coconut. You can serve the bread without the syrup. At times, we have also used savoury fillings such potatoes and peas, small meatballs, and chicken. Be creative. That is what cooking is about.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Honeycomb Bread:
- ⅔ cup (158 mL) Milk
- 2 tsp (10 mL) Instant yeast
- 1 tsp (5 mL) Sugar
- 2 cups (280 g) All-purpose (plain) flour
- 3 Tbsp (45 mL) Sugar
- ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Salt
- ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Baking powder
- 3 Tbsp (30 mL) Butter (melted)
- ¾ cup (170 g) Cream cheese (6 oz)
- 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Butter – For the pan
- 2 Tbsp (30 mL) Milk – For brushing
- 1 cup(s) (200 g) Sugar
- 1 cup(s) (237 mL) Water
- ½ tsp (2.5 mL) Lemon juice
- Combine the lukewarm milk, the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Stir well then let the yeast activate for 10 minutes.
- In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, and butter, then add the yeast mixture.
- Mix the dough ingredients then knead for 5 minutes. Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel and let the dough rise for 1 hour.
- Cut the dough in half and shape each half into a cylindrical shape. Divide each cylinder into 16 equal pieces. You will end up with 32 dough pieces.
- Flatten each dough piece with your fingers then place half a teaspoon of cream cheese on it. You can also use cooked apples (or the fruit of your choice), a piece of chocolate, peanut butter, date paste, raisins, sweetened coconut, etc…
- Enclose the cheese with the dough as shown in the video, then roll the dough ball in the palm of your hands.
- Place the dough balls in a buttered 9½ inch (24 cm) pan, spacing them evenly.
- Brush the tops of the balls with milk.
- Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 380°F/193°C. After baking, pour on top a sugar syrup made of 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, boiled together for 10 minutes. You could also serve the delicious buns without the syrup.
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Rooti Shinnidhaab:
- ⅔ koob (158 mL) Caano
- 2 qy (10 mL) Qamiir rooti
- 1 qy (5 mL) Sokor
- 2 koob (280 g) Bur cad
- 3 QW (45 mL) Sokor
- ¼ qy (1.25 mL) Cusbo
- ¼ qy (1.25 mL) Beekin baawdar
- 3 QW (30 mL) Buuro (la dhalaaliyay)
- ¾ koob (170 g) Farmaajo kareemo leh
- 1 QW (15 mL) Buuro
- 2 QW (30 mL) Caano
- 1 koob (200 g) Sokor
- 1 koob (237 mL) Biyo
- ½ qy (2.5 mL) Casiir liin dhanaan
- Isku dar caanaha qandaca ah, qamiirka, iyo 1 qaaddo yar oo sokor ah. Si fiican u walaaq, kaddibna 10 daqiiqo dhiq si uu qamiirka u kaco.
- Baaquli ku shub burka, sokorta, cusbada, beekin baawdarka, iyo buurada la dhalaaliyay. Waxaa ku kor dartaa qamiirka aad qastay.
- Isku qas mukawinaadka cajiinka, kaddibna rifaaq muddo 5 daqiiqo ah. Baaquliga maro wax yar qoyan ku dabool. Cajiinka muddo 1 saac ah dhig si uu u fuuro.
- Cajiinka jar oo 2 gabal isle’eg ka dhig. Gabal walba waxaa ka dhigtaa si xarig dheer, kaddibna mid walba u qaybi 16 gabal isle’eg.
- Gaballada cajiinka faraha ku fidi. Waxaa gabal walba dhexda ka saartaa nus qaaddo yar oo farmaajo kareemo ah. Waxaa kaloo isticmaali kartaa tufaax la kariyay (ama furuutka aad jeceshahay), gabal shukulaato ah, loos la shiiday, timir, sabiib, qumbe sokor leh, iwm…
- Cajiinka xashwada (waxa dhexda ku jira) ku duub. Fiirso (daawo) fidiyaha.
- Waxaa ku saftaa bir cabbirkeeda yahay 9½ inch (24 cm) oo buuro la mariyay.
- Caano korka ka mari si ay u gaduutaan oo midab qurxoon u yeeshaan.
- Ku dub foorno lasii kululeeyay 380°F/193°C muddo 20 daqiiqo. Markaad dubtid kaddib, waxaa korka uga shubta sirab laga sameeyay 1 koob sokor, 1 koob biyo, 1/2 qaaddo yar liin dhanaan, oo la isku karkariyay muddo 10 daqiiqo. Haddaad doontid sirabka waa ka dhaafi kartaa oo rootiga sidiisa ayaa u qaddimi kartaa.
Nous préparons souvent ce pain pendant le mois du Ramadan (le mois du jeûne des Musulmans) et le servons en plat sucré. Le pain tendre, fourré au fromage est recouvert de sirop de sucre ce qui le rend particulièrement adapté pour iftar. Un des objectifs du Ramadan est d’apprendre le contrôle de soi et il n’existe pas de meilleur moyen pour évaluer les progrès de quelqu’un que de voir si il ou elle peut résister et ne pas faire d’excès avec ce plat sucré.
La préparation de ce pain est une activité appréciée des enfants: étaler les morceaux de pâte avec les doigts, mettre la garniture, former des petites boules, et passer du lait dessus. Ces tâches sont très faciles pour des enfants. Ces tous petits pains sont un en-cas parfait qu’ils aimeront manger avec les doigts.
Une chose que nous aimons particulièrement avec ce pain est qu’il est très versatile. A la place du cream cheese, nous utilisons d’autres garnitures: pommes cuites, morceaux de chocolat, beurre de cacahuètes, pâte de dattes, raisins secs, noix de coco sucrée. Vous pouvez servir le pain sans sirop. Parfois nous utilisons aussi des ingrédients salés comme des pommes de terre et des petits pois, des petites boulettes de viande, et du poulet. Soyez créatifs. Cuisiner, c’est être créatif.
Imprimer la Recette avec Photos
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
Pain nid d’abeille:
- ⅔ mesure (158 mL) de lait
- 2 cc (10 mL) de Levure Instantanée
- 1 cc (5 mL) de Sucre
- 2 mesure (280 g) de Farine Blanche
- 3 cs (45 mL) de Sucre
- ¼ cc (1.25 mL) de Sel
- ¼ cc (1.25 mL) de Levure Chimique
- 3 cs (30 mL) de Beurre (fondu)
- ¾ mesure (170 g) de Cream Cheese (6 oz)
- 1 cs (15 mL) de Beurre – Pour le plat
- 2 cs (30 mL) de Lait – Pour dorer
- 1 mesure (200 g) de Sucre
- 1 mesure (237 mL) d’Eau
- ½ cc (2.5 mL) de Jus de Citron
- Assembler le lait tiède, la levure et une cuillère à café de sucre. Bien mélanger puis laisser la levure activer pendant 10 minutes.
- Dans un bol, mélanger la farine, le sucre, le sel, le bicarbonate, et le beurre, puis ajouter le mélange de levure.
- Mélanger les ingrédients de la pâte puis pétrir pendant 5 minutes. Couvrir le bol avec un torchon humide et laisser la pâte lever pendant une heure.
- Couper la pâte en deux et former des cylindres avec les deux morceaux. Couper chaque cylindre en 16 morceaux égaux. Vous obtiendrez 32 morceaux de pâte.
- Aplatir chaque morceau de pâte avec les doigts et poser une demie cuillère à café de cream cheese dessus. Vous pouvez utiliser des pommes cuites (ou le fruit de votre choix), un carré de chocolat, du beurre de cacahuètes, de la pâte de dattes, des raisins secs, de la noix de coco sucrée, etc.
- Recouvrir le fromage avec la pâte comme montré dans la vidéo, former une boule en la roulant entre la paume de vos mains.
- Poser les boules de pâtes sur une plaque graissée de 9 pouces ½ (24cm), en les espaçant uniformément.
- Brosser le dessus des boules avec du lait.
- Cuire 20 minutes dans un four préchauffé à 380°F/193°C. Après la cuisson, verser un sirop de sucre fait avec une mesure de sucre, une mesure d’eau et une demie cuillère à café de jus de citron, bouillis ensemble 10 minutes. Vous pouvez aussi servir ces pains délicieux sans sirop.
كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
خلية النحل | ||
حليب | كوب | ⅔ |
الخميرة الفورية | ملعقة صغيرة | 2 |
سكّر | ملعقة صغيرة | 1 |
طحين ابيض متعدد الأغراض | جم | 280 |
سكّر | ملعقة كبيرة | 3 |
ملح | ملعقة صغيرة | ¼ |
بيكنج باودر | ملعقة صغيرة | ¼ |
زبدة | ملعقة كبيرة | 3 |
جبنة بالقشطة | جم | 170 |
زبدة | ملعقة كبيرة | 1 |
حليب | ملعقة كبيرة | 2 |
شيرة | ||
سكّر | جم | 200 |
ماء | كوب | 1 |
عصير ليمون | ملعقة صغيرة | ½ |
طريقة التحضير:
يخلط الحليب الدافئ مع الخميرة الفورية وملعقة صغيرة سكر، ثم يترك لمدة 10 دقائق حتى تتنشط الخميرة. | -1 |
في سطانية كبيرة، يوضع الطحين (الدقيق)، السكر، الملح، البيكنج باودر، والزبدة المذابة، ثم يضاف اليها خليط الخميرة. | -2 |
تخلط مكونات العجينة ثم تعجن لمدة 5 دقائق. تغطى السلطانية بفوطة مبللة قليلة ثم تترك العجينة لمدة ساعة لكي تختمر. | -3 |
تقسم العجينة الى قطعتين متساوية وتشكل على شكل اسطواني. تقسم كل اسطوانة الى 16 قطعة متساوية. | -4 |
تفرد كل قطعة عجينة بالصوابع ثم يضع في وسطها نصف ملعقة صغيرة من جبنة الكريمة. بدل الجبنة يمكن استعمال تفاح مطبوخ (او فاكهتكم المفضلة)، قطعة شوكولاتة، زبدة الفول السوداني، معجون التمر، زبيب، جوز الهند المحلى، الخ… | -5 |
تلف العجينة حول الحشوة على شكل كروي. الطريقة مبينة في الفديو. | -6 |
ترص الكريات في صينة فرن مدهونة بقطر 24 سم. | -7 |
تدهن الكريات بقليل من الحليب. | -8 |
تخبز فى فرن مسخن سابقا على درجة حرارة 193 د.م. (380 ف) لمدة 20 دقيقة. بعد الخبز، تسقى بشيرة مكونة من 1 كوب سكر، 1 كوب ماء، ونصف ملعقة صغيرة عصير ليمون، تم غليهم لمدة 10 دقائق. يمكنكم ايضا تقديم الخبز بدون اضافة الشيرة. | -9 |
Thank you so much I made the honeycomb this evening,for ifter.It was amazing.We ate it as desert,My family loved it. They could not stop eating until the plate was empty. Thank you so much for everything you did. My appreciation can not be discribed in words.May Allah reward you in this life and after.
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. We are happy you all loved it.
asalaamu caleykum walaalaheyga qhaaligoow dhamaantiin waamahadsantihiin niyadiin allaah niiyeelo bishabarakeysan fadligeeda jazaakallaaku kheyrakum
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, Ramadaan Kariim. Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada. Adigana qayr, caafimaad iyo cibaado suuban ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Thanks alot for the recipe inshaallah i will try it
Do try and let us know. Thank you for the comment.
asc waa idinsalamey walalayaal ramadaan kareem aad ayaa ugu mahadsantihiin sida fiican aa marwalba wax noo bartaan jazaakalahu qeyru waxaan idiin weeydinayaa xabad ukun malagu dari karaa misa la aan ayee ku fiican tahey thankzzz marlabaad
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Ramadaan Kareem Walaal. Ukunta waxay ka dhigee (caky) sida doolsho oo kale. Haddaad jeceshay waa ku dari kartaa xabad ukun ee caanaha laba qaaddo ka yaree. Mahadsanid.
Asalaam calaykum walaalayaal I am very happy and excited that you guys posted this recipe I love this bread a friend of mine makes it and it’s delicious but herS is little different she ads lots of butter eggs she showed me how but I was not successful in it but I am glad that yours is easy can’t wait to try it I was wondering can I use a cookie sheet or a different kind cake pan and placing the cake pan in the oven is it in the middle of the oven? or the last rack? thanks a million JAZAAKA ALLAH QAYR
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much for your comment. We hope you will like this recipe. You can use a cookie sheet, or any flat bottom cake pan. We always bake on the middle rack of the oven. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have been waiting for long time again thank you and Ramadan kareem
You are most welcome.
Asc walaalaha xawaash ramadaan kareem ayaan idin wadaleeyahay saad noogu kaalmeeseen illaahay aduun iyo aakhiraba haidinku kaalmeeyo idinka iyo waalidiintii idin dhashayba rootigaan macaan aad noo soo galiseena waan sameeyay aad iyo aad ayuuba iigu fiicnaaday aad ayaana taa ugu mahad san tihiin jira oo jooga ayaan idin leeyahay
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Maasha’Allaah. Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad jeclaatay. Mahadsanid walaal.
asc wa idin salamey walalayaal this afternoon I make Honeycomb Bread
and it came out so good and testy and yummy my kids love it so much similar bread with the cream cheese I did it before one of my freind showed me with the egg but but totaly different your Honeycomb Bread
is the WINER and I am glad to try it again illaah ajar ha idinka siiyo insha allah this will be my kids fav….even me lol .it so soft and soft with out egg I cant bleave it thankzz again.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
We are happy you and your kids loved it. Thank you very much, Zamiira, for your kind words. God bless you.
s/c.walal aad iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin,waxaan rabay inaan ku waydiiyo cheese ta hadiiaan ka daayo maxaa kale ee aan ku dari lahaa pls.? zajaakumu laahu khayrab.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Timir ayaa gelin kartaa ama tufaax la kariyay, ama looska la shiiday (peanut butter). Mahadsanid.
Asselamu aleykum,
Thank you so much for this recipe. I used to wonder how it can be baked.
I think you read my mind. Jezakelah heyr and will let you know my result very soon, insha’allah.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much for the comment. We are waiting to hear from you.
quick question guys what is &frac23? I just did not get it I am trying to make but I ready having problems with other Ingredients help please
and thank you so much for everything
Where did you see it? Tell us which ingredients you have a problem with so we can help.
A & L,
Tried this yesterday. Lena had tons of fun making this with me, messiness notwithstanding
I added a tspn of pure vanilla extract and 1/2 tspn of ground cardammon to the syrup. Turned out great. Will definitely be making this again. I missed the step about “cover and let rise for half an hour” (mentioned in the video) after putting the dough balls into the pan as this was omitted from the written recipe instructions. Still turned out great. Thanks for posting the recipe.
A & L (Aysha & Lena)
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, and thank you for pointing out the omission. We are happy you and Lena love the bread.
Thanks so much guys I was looking for this recipe!!!I’ll make soon inchALLAH!!!
You are most welcome. Let us know how you like them.
S/c walalo dhamaan bahada xawaash waan idin Salamay walalo. Walalo aad iyo aad ayaad ugu mahadsantahiin Honeycomb aad nuusau galisane.Gabdha aan saxiib nahay ayaa samaysa marka waxay ii soo qoratay recipe ga, lakiin uu ii hagaagi wayaye waxay igu tidhi aniga ayaa kuu iimanaya uu kuu baraya.walahi sidaan uu faraxay markan manta kuu arkay umamalyn kartan,Iftar kii a waan samayaye alxamduliilah uu ii hagagaye.Ilahay sidaad nuuga farxiisan Ilahay haa idiin kaa faraxiyo walalo khasatan biisha barkaysan ee dad badan idiinka faiidaysanayan ilahay ajeerka haa idiin siiiyo inshalha.Thank you very much walalo.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waa ku mahadsan tahay salaanta wacan. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaatay Rootiga Shinnidhaabka, waxaan kaloo ku faraxnay faallada fiican aad inoo soo qortay. Mahadsanid walaal.
asc and ramadan karim i am making this right now am having alot of fun but my question is at the end maxaa waaye waxa kor uga dartay
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Sokorta iyo biyaha la karkariyay ayaan dusha uga shubnay. Mahadsanid walaal.
waaaaaaaaaaw waan kariyey macaan me ehee waa la isku dilay caawana waan karirinayaa insha allah waliba galab dheer sey ciyaalku usii cuneeyan illaahey ha idiinku abaal gudo qeyr badan amiin
Maasha’Allaah. Waan ku faraxnay sida aad u jeclaatay. Ku dadaal caruurta inay kula sameeyaan. Mahadsanid walaal.
Honeycomb bread please tell me what is means
It means that the shape of the bread is like a honeycomb.
Asc wr wb walalayaal ramadaan mubaarak ilaahey ha’idinka abaalmariyo marwalba waan jeclaa inaan suubiyo mana aqoonin aad iyo aad baan ugu farxay markaan arkay laba mar ayaan suubiyey aad buu ugu hagaagay caruurteydana wey jecleysteen wax badana waan idinka faa’iidey jisaakumalaahu qeyran.
Mahadsanid walaal. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaateen. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
Asc wr wbr Ramadan kariim walalayaal ilaah ajar ha idinka siiyo Mashaa alaah waan jeclaa
In sameyo wax badan lakin vidio wuu I cawiayay wax badan wuuna ii hagagay masha alaah
Family wey jecleyssteen waan idinka mahadcelinaa page Kane favorite keyga waye
WOW!!! Had these for iftar tonight these were wonderful. ma sha Allah. I have been waiting for this recipe for awhile (about 2 years), but I couldn’t find good instructions/recipes so it never turned out the way I remembered the dish. jazakumullahu kheiran! Everyone loved them!!
Definatly making these tonight for iftar inshallah. they look delish!!
Let us know how you like them. Thanks.
Asselamu aleykum
As promised I prepared it yesterday, it was amazing.
Now my question is to bake it bigger than this, do I have to double
all the recipe? and what about the time? Pls advise.
Jezakumulah kheyren again, remember that I am your number one fan.
Wow!!! I found the recipe I was looking for for ages. I’ve had people make it for me but could never find its name or how to make it with proper measurements. Thank you so much. Ramadan Kareem! Man if I could be a fly on the wall in your kitchen
Ramadaan Kareem. Thank you very much for your kind comment. We are happy we could help.
Hi… I just want to inform u that 1 fb page is sharing ur pics…here is the link of that page
Thank you very much for letting us know. We appreciate it. We saw that they removed the name of our website from the photographs. We will contact them about it. Thanks again.
I tried this bread, it was awsome.
Now I wanted to double the recipe for relatives for iftar, so
is it ok to double each ingredients?
And what about the time?
Please advise.
Jezakumulah khayren again.
Yes, you can double it. The time for rising and baking remains the same. Thank you.
Asc wr wb waan idin salaamay walalaha web ka xawaash.com, runti aad baan idin ka Mahad celinaa dadalka aad ku bixinaysaan inaad noo soo gudbisaan cunoyinkaan kala duwan, walina ma arag web sidaan oo kale wax u sharxaaya mashalah, waxaan idin leeyahay jazakumullah khayran.
Honeycomb aad ban u jeclaa oo gabar aan saaxib nahay ba ii samayn jirtay markaan u tago, in badan ayaan radinaayay inaan barto, iima suura galin lakin xawaash.com made my dream come true, shalay baan sameeyay family gaygana way jeclaadeen aad. Marka thanks again and again.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waa ku mahadsan tahay salaanta wacan. Waan ku faraxnay faallada fiican aad inoo soo qortay, waanna ku mahadsan tahay. Waxaan kaloo ku faraxnay inaad wada jeclaateen Rootiga Shinnidhaabka. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa adiga iyo reerkaada. Mahadsanid walaal.
sc walal waan idin salaamay.
walal waan sameeyey furunkan laakiin iima hagaagi
daqiiqda xitaa way adkaatay anigoo qiyaastana saxay laakiin waxku dhacay maan garan
markaa walal karan daqiiqda hadii aan jilciyo pls HELP.!!!!?
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Cabirka ayaa kaa qalddan, waxaa muuqata daqiiqda inay ku badatay. Waa inaad isticmaashaa koobka cabirka ama miisaanka aan ku qornay.
Hi. Your website and your posts are so impressive and inspirational. What spoiled the fun is that everytime I click on “Print Recipe”, nothing happens. I would appreciate helpful tips. Many thanks and good luck with future recipes. I have thoroughly enjoyed everything on your website. My neighbour and I have so much fun experimenting with your recipes. We are not Somali but we think Somali cuisine is very creative and extra delicious.
Thank you very much for your nice comment. We are happy you like our website. We checked the printing and it is working well. Please make sure that your printer is set up properly.
assalamu caleikum A&L aad iyo aad ayaan idin salamaya,waxaan tihiin ruunti dad aad no farax galiya,websitkiina haad iyo jeer ayaa daawada. cuntada macaan ee sida quruxda lee aad noogu soo bandhiigtan waad ku mahadsantihiin,anigo ah xaaskaa fanaanka cawaleh casri,waxaan idiin leenahay ani iyo seegeyguba Hambalyo and good luck.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay faallada qiimaha leh. Adiga iyo fannaankeenna qaaliga ah Cawaleh Casri waan idinka guddoonnay salaanta iyo hambalyada. Cawaleh wuxuu ka mid yahay fanaaniinta aan aadka u jecelnahay. Waxaanna jecelnahay inaan fankiisa u gudbino daawadeyaasheenna, siiba kuwa ajnabiga ah. Waxaan jecelnahay adduun weynaha inay ogaadaan inaan leennahay fan iyo fannaaniin heer sare ah.
OK aad baad uu mahadsantihiin. waana idinka gaadhsiyey hambalyadiina fananka,thank u my brothers and sisters,and good luck.
This is my favorite recipe right now… I love how easy the steps were and how amazing they taste… Thank yu very much
You are most welcome. Glad you like it.
thank you very much fr this recipe. masyaAllah, it turn out well, m so happy.
but it makes lesser thn yours….
i wish i cound show you the photo…..
may Allah bless u n ur family with gd health….
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
We are happy you liked it. Thank you very much for letting us know.
Salaam ou Alaikum,
Thank you so much, my aunts friend made this for me years and years ago and I never knew what it was or called..This was bugging me for ages. Thank you so much.
Also this is a great site introducing somali cuisine to Somali youth.
Thank you I have faith once again
Thank you very much for your kind words. We are happy to know that you found what you were looking for.
Thank you so much for this recipe, I tried it and i added some raisins and my husband and daughter loved it.
That is a good idea. Thanks for the comment.
Asalam calaykum walaayaal aad ayaan marka hore idiinku mahadcelinayaa for your efforts I tried this recipe lots of times and my kids love it every time it tastes good just for the first day and after a day or two the texture changes it becomes more crumbly and I want them to stay soft please help me out what am I doing wrong? Please help me out JAZAAKA ALLAH
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
You will need to cover them with plastic so they won’t dry up. You will also have to refrigerate them.
السلام عليكم
بارك الله فيكم ووفقكم الله لما يحب ويرضى
اشركم جدا . فانتم اناس مخلصون جدا
و عملكم دقيق للغاية
وتحبون الخير للكل .. وتنشرون المعرفة بكل المنطاق العرببة والاسﻻمية
فلكم كل الشكر والتقدير والاحترام وارجو ان تواصلو عملكم الفريد و الرائع
فكل من يتابعكم استفاد حتما منكم
والسﻻم عليكم ورحمة الله
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخونا العزيز ابو وليد، شكرا لك من الاعماق وجزاك الله عنا خير الجزاء
دمت في رعاية الله وحفظه
Gracias por compartir esta receta,pero tengo una duda ¿es polvo para hornear Royal o bicarbonato de sodio?
Thank you very much for your comment. You can use any type baking powder.
Thank you for the recipe. It was so delicious. My kids really enjoyed making it – http://ummsafufa.blogspot.dk/2014/02/delicious-honeycomb-bread.html
We are happy you have enjoyed it with the kids. Thank you very much for letting us know.
assalamu alaykum. First of all thank you very much for this! I love honeycomb bread. I have just a question for you.. can I use olive oil instead of the butter? thank you!
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, you can use olive oil.
[...] Tags Cream cheese filled buns that are glazed with a sugar syrup. The bread is very soft even without the addition of eggs. You can skip the glaze and still have an amazing bread. VOIR CI-DESSOUS LE FRANÇAIS. http://xawaash.com/?p=6593#sthash.PFfrJZ8Q.dpbs [...]
Hello A&L,
mine is in the oven baking i used vegetable oil insteaad of butter , is that ok ? Thank you
We hope you have enjoyed it. Thank you for the comment.
There should be no problem in using oil for this recipe.
Can I use egg wash instead of milk in the end to brush?
Yes, you can.
السلام عليكم… اشكركم جزيل الشكر على جهودكم
استفدنا من وصفاتكم الجميلة واسلوب عرضكم المبدع
هناك استفسار عن وصفة خلة النحل
في كل مرة تطلع قاسية وغير هشة .. بالاضافه لرائحة الخميرة فيها تبقى قوية ….
متاكد ان لديكم حل للمشكل .. وشكراً
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
رمضان كريم وكل عام وانتم بخير
الظاهر ان العجينة اختمرت اكثر من اللازم، في هذا الحال النتيجة ستكون كما ذكرت، ايضا استعملنا ملعقة 5 مل
hi i have my husbands friends coming over tomorrow for iftar and wanted to make this. i have two question. one can i add black seed on top as a sprinkle and when do i do it? do i do it after i put the milk wash on top the dough before going in the oven or after brushing with syrup. also one more question. the no bake cheese cake. i really want to make it what other fruit can i use other then strawberry and raspberry. can instead even put crushed oreo’s or shaving of chocolate
Sorry for the late reply. You can add the black seeds after brushing with milk. You can use any topping you like for the cheesecake. We wish you all the best.
I just wanna ask a question
Do you have to add that much sugar
You can reduce it if you like.
I have always wanted to try dis cz I had it @ ma aunty’s house,I will try it for breakfast for ma kids dey lov it too but I jus wnt to know when u say cream cheese wat c,cheese exactly do u refer as… Plsz & thnx agn
Hi its really a nice recipe. Can I use cream cheese spread instead of solid cheese.
Hi, how you do the chicken filling to this ?
Wllo su aal ban qaba dhexda cajiin iga noqotay naxan ku sameeya
my sister always makes honeycomb bread its great and i hope in the future to try more of your ingredients
Hi A&L, Thank you for sharing your recipes which look wonderful on the videos,tried you honeycomb bread recipe, it did’nt turn out the same as shown in your videa fully and soft it is because I used plain flour coz in you recipe it says all purpose (plain flour) res all was done as shown in your video and recipe. What I made was a bit solid not fluffy, can you please advise what may have gone wrong. looking forward to hearing from you. thanks.
Hi! Thank you for this recipe! I actually had the same exact measurements for ingredients but I am wondering why my bread turns up so packed. The procedure was just verbally shared over to me. Now I know what I did wrongly. Will surely try this recipe again with the correct procedure! Thanks a lot!
I made this for a gathering and got so many complements, everyone loved it! They were fighting for the last few pieces