For Middle Eastern recipes, we owe a lot to Jeddah where we lived for several years. With so many expatriate friends as well as all the different types of restaurants, it was very easy to fall in love with Middle Eastern cooking. Leila was not working at the time (just like most of the women) and she had plenty of time on her hands. So she, together with her neighbours, established a routine where, on a rotating basis, one of them would host the other ladies for coffee and snacks. It was a great way to socialize, exchange recipes, and of course engage in a little gossip. We will share with you all those amazing recipes but you will not be privy to the gossip. It is sealed and concealed.
One of those neighbours was Um Ayman whose recipes we adored. She was from Syria and was a very talented cook who had a large repertoire of traditional Syrian recipes. This fatayer recipe is from the wonderful Um Ayman and we hope that you will agree that they are truly delectable.
This post is a tribute to Um Ayman. On these difficult days for Syria, we hope that she, as well as her loved ones, are safe and are not in harm’s way. We also wish peace, justice, and prosperity for all the people of Syria.
Pour les recettes du Moyen Orient, nous devons beaucoup à Jeddah où nous avons vécu plusieurs années. Avec la présence de beaucoup d’amis expatriés ainsi que de toutes sortes de restaurants, il était très facile de tomber amoureux de la cuisine du Moyen Orient. Leila ne travaillait pas à ce moment là (comme la plupart des femmes) et elle avait beaucoup de temps libre. Donc elle, avec ses voisines, avait une routine où chacune leur tour, l’une d’elles recevait les autres pour le café et une collation. C’était un très bon moyen de rencontrer des gens, d’échanger des recettes, et bien sûr de partager nouvelles et ragots. Nous vous dévoilerons toutes ces excellentes recettes mais vous ne saurez rien des ragots. C’est top secret.
Une des ces voisines était Um Ayman dont nous adorions les recettes. Elle venait de Syrie et elle était une cuisinière talentueuse qui avait un grand répertoire de recettes traditionnelles syriennes. Cette recette du fatayer nous vient de la merveilleuse Um Ayman et nous espérons que vous décrouvrirez aussi qu’elle est vraiment délicieuse.
Ce post est un hommage à Um Ayman. En ces temps difficiles pour la Syrie, nous espérons qu’elle, ainsi que ses proches, sont sains et saufs. Nous souhaitons paix, justice et prospérité à tout le peuple de Syrie.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Yields about 50 fatayer
Fatayer Dough:
5 cups (700 g) All-purpose flour
1 Tbsp Instant dry yeast
1 tsp Salt
¼ cup (50 g) Granulated sugar
¾ cup (178 mL) Canola or vegetable oil
2 cups (474 mL) Warm milk
Fatayer Filling:
1 Onion (medium size)
2 tsp Allspice
2 tsp Salt
2 Tbsp Olive oil
1 Sweet red pepper
½ Sweet yellow pepper
1 Firm tomato
½ lb (225 g) Ground beef
½ lb (225 g) Ground lamb (you can also use beef)
½ tsp Ground black pepper
2 Tbsp Pine nuts (optional)
Um Ayman’s recipe for the filling also included the following ingredients which we did not use but you could add if you wish:
1 Tbsp Pomegranate syrup
1 tsp tomato paste
Waxa loo baahanyahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Waxaad ka-sameyn kartaa 50 fataa’ir
5 koob (700 g) Bur cad
1 QW Qamiirka rootiga (“Instant dry yeast”)
1 qy Cusbo
¼ koob (50 g) Sokor
¾ koob (178 mL) Saliid cad
2 koob (474 mL) Caano qandac ah
1 Basal (aan aad u-weynayn)
2 qy Buhaarka “allspice”
2 qy Cusbo
2 QW Saliidda oliivada
1 Barbarooni gaduudan
½ Barbarooni jaallo ah
1 Yaanyo adag
½ lb (225 g) Hilib lo’aad shiidan
½ lb (225 g) Hilib ari shiidan (hilib lo’aad ayaa ku-beddeli kartaa)
½ qy Filfil madoow shiidan
2 QW Looska “Pine nuts” (waa ka-dhaafi kartaa)
Waxaa kaloo hilibka ku-dari kartaa:
1 QW Sirabka rumaanka “pomegranate syrup”. Sirabka rumaanka waa casiirka rumaanka oo la-gursiiyay oo culusaaday
1 qy Yaanyo shiishiid
(cs est une cuillère à soupe; cc est une cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); les cuillères sont mesurées rases
Pour 50 chaussons
Pâte à fatayer:
5 mesures (700g) de farine de blé (type 55)
1 cs de levure chimique
1 cc de sel
¼ de mesure (50g) de sucre en poudre
¾ de mesure (178 mL) d’huile végétale (colza ou arachide)
2 mesures (474 mL) de lait tiède
1 oignon de taille moyenne
2cc de quatre-épices (piment de la Jamaïque)
2 cc de sel
2 cs d’huile d’olive
1 poivron rouge
½ poivron jaune
1 tomate ferme
½ livre (225g) de boeuf haché
½ livre (225g) d’agneau haché (ou n’utiliser que du boeuf)
½ cc de poivre noir moulu
2 cs de pignons (facultatif)
La recette de Um Ayman pour la farce inclus aussi les ingrédients suivants que nous n’avons pas utilisés mais que vous pouvez ajouter si vous voulez:
1 cs de sirop de grenade
1 cc de concentré de tomate
1. Place the flour in the bowl. 2. Add the instant dry yeast. 3. Add the salt. 4. Add the sugar. 5. Add the warm milk. 6. Add the oil and mix for 4 minutes with a stand mixer or mix and knead for 10 minutes by hand.
1. Burka baaquliga ku-shub. 2. Qamiirka rootiga ku-dar. 3. Cusbada ku-dar. 4. Sokorta ku-dar. 5. Caanha qandaca ah ku-dar. 6. Saliidda ku-dar. Afar daqiiqo makiinad ku-rifaaq ama 10 daqiiqo gacan ku-rifaaq.
1. Verser la farine dans un plat. 2. Ajouter la levure chimique. 3. Verser le sel. 4. Verser le sucre 5. Verser le lait tiède. 6. Ajouter l’huile et mélanger 4 minutes avec un mixeur ou mélanger et pétrir 10 minutes à la main.
1. Place the diced onions in a bowl. 2. Add the allspice. 3. Add the salt then mix. 4. Add the olive oil and mix well. 5. Add the ground beef and lamb, then mix well. 6. Add the diced red and yellow peppers. 7. Add the diced tomatoes. 8. Add the ground black pepper. 9. Mix well.
1. Basasha baaquli ku-shub. 2. Ku-dar buhaarka “allspice”. 3. Cusbada ku-dar. 4. Saliidda ku-dar. 5. Hilibka shiidan (lo’da iyo ariga) ku-dar. 6. Barbarooniga gaduudka iyo jaalada ku-dar. 7. Yaanyada jarjaran ku-dar. 8. Filfisha madoow ku-dar. 9. Si-fiican isku-qas.
1. Mettre l’oignon émincé en dés dans un plat. 2. Ajouter le quatre-épices. 3. Ajouter le sel et mélanger. 4. Ajouter l’huile d’olive et bien mélanger. 5. Ajouter le boeuf et l’agneau hachés, bien mélanger. 6. Ajouter les poivron rouge et jaune taillés en dés. 7. Ajouter la tomate taillée en dés. 8. Ajouter le poivre noir moulu. 9. Bien mélanger.
1. Divide the dough into 50 equal pieces. 2. Shape each piece into a ball (about 1½ inch ball). 3. Spread each ball using your fingertips, or rolling pin, or pasta roller. 4. Place 1 Tbsp of filling on the dough. 5. Lift a corner and pinch it down as shown in the picture. 6. Lift and pinch down the other corner. 7. Repeat on the other side. 8. This is what the fatayer should look like. 9. Place on an oiled baking sheet or cover the sheet with parchment paper. Bake at 400°F/204°C for 14 to 16 minutes.
1. Burka 50 gabal is-le’eg u-qaybi. 2. Gabal walba kuuskuus sida sawirka. 3. Burka fidi. Waxaad isticmaali kartaa farahaada, ama qoriga lagu fidiyo, ama makiinadda baastada. 4. Hal QW oo hilib ah saar burka. 5. Dhinac soo qaad oo soo laab kuna dheji sida sawirka. 6. Dhinaca kalena sidoo kale u-soo laab oo isku dheji. 7. Labada dhinac oo kalena sidoo kale u-sameey. 8. Fataa’irka sidaas ayay u ekaanaayaan. 9. Waxaa saartaa bir aad saliid marisay ama isticmaal xaanshi “parchment”. Ku-dub foorno kulaylkeeda yahay 400°F/204°C, muddo 14 ilaa 16 daqiiqo.
1. Diviser la pâte en 50 parts égales. 2. Rouler chaque morceau en boule (de + ou – 4 cm). 3. Etaler chaque boule avec les doigts, ou un rouleau à patisserie, ou une machine à pâtes. 4. Déposer une cuillère à soupe de farce au centre de la pâte. Déposer quelques pignons et presser pour qu’ils ne tombent pas. 5. Relever un côté de la pâte, le plier et le pincer à l’extrémité comme sur la photo. 6. Relever et pincer l’autre extrémité. 7. Répéter avec l’autre côté de la pâte. 8. Voici à quoi ressemble le fatayer (chausson). 9. Placer les chaussons sur une plaque de cuisson huilée ou recouverte de papier cuisson. Cuire à 400°F/200°C pendant 14 à 16 minutes.
mash alah walalhey ad ayan ugu faraxsanahay in an website kan helno wan idinkaga mahad celinayaa waqtigiina qaliga ah e ad galiseen
hilibka 14 al 16 daqiiqo maku bislan karaa
mida kale cheese laguma dari karo miyaa ? if so sideen ugu daraa ?
ad ayad u mahadsantihiin
Mahadsanid walaal. Waxaa la-rabaa horta inaad fooranada kululaysid. Si fiican ayay u-bislaadaan, Bariga Dhexe sidaan ayaa loo sameeyaa. Caadi ahaan kuwa hilibka farmaajo (cheese) laguma daro. Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo nooca farmaajada lagu daro iyo kuwo qudaar ah ayaan soo gelin doonnaa.
Watching this on an empty stomach is torture!!!!!!
Can’t wait to give it a try, I love meatpies!
They are easy to make and they taste delicious!
I’m sure they do! I’m finally back in Canada and I have newlyweds over for iftaar on Friday. I wanted to make these but since it’ll be my first time making them I was thinking to do them tomorrow (Thursday) and freezing them as per the suggestion at the end. Are they as great once defrosted or is it better to take a leap of faith and have them done on Friday?
It is better to make them on Thursday and since you will be using them the next day there is no need to freeze them. You can keep them in the fridge. They stay us good once defrosted. We have them in the freezer when we need we just put them in the toaster, and they are still amazing. Thank you for the question.
sugada oo la kariyay laguma dari karo miyaa ?
Waxaad jeceshahay ayaad ku-dari kartaa, laakiin sidaan ayuu ku-fiican yahay.
Ich bin Deutscher und Küchenchef in Rente. Ich wohne in Mombasa. Ihre Rezepte die ich bisher gesehen habe sind alle hervorragend. Ich habe auch schon einige ausprobiert und muss sagen “SEHR GUT”
vielen Dank.
From the limited German that we know and a little help from Google , this is what we understood from the comment.
I am German and I am a retired chef. I live in Mombasa. Your recipes that I’ve seen so far are all excellent. I also tried a few and have to say, “VERY GOOD.” Thank you very much.
Thanks to you, dear friend. Schönen Dank.
cant wait for ramadan guys, i smelled ramadan already thank you a&l. looking forward to more recipes.
Thank you very much for the comments.
I love your site and I can’t wait to try this recipe. Thanks to you my family will have an amazing ramadaan. Your site has become referrence point for all things “somali food”. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Thank you very much for the nice words.
asc mansha alaah waan la dhacay qaabka uu usameysan yahay ilaah gacmahiina ha daayo kuwa barakeysana ha idinka dhigo su aal ma asigoo duban ayuu bil meesha barafka iigu jiraa mise asoo eeriin eh teeda kale burka meq saac ayan qamiirinaa mahadsanidin sida hagar la aantaa ood noogu faa iideysan iyo waliba ad noogu soo jawabtan jizaakalaah
Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaada iyo ducada. Asaga oo duban ayaa barafka gelinaysaa. Burka markaad qasto intaad hilibka diyaarinaysid ayaa ku-filan inuu oolaado.
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
walaalayal barnamijyadinan aad ayan oola socdaa qaar ka mid ah waan sameyay waan ku guuleystay ilahay ha idin ka ajar siiyo wana ku faraxsanahay,marka su’aal ayan idin waydiin lahaa:
waxaan rabay inaan helo makiinada aad isticmaasho oo kitchen aid mixer ka ah waan ka waayay meesha aan joogo ee maxaa igu saacidi kartaan waan u baahnaa wixii qarash ah diyaar ayan la ahay .. my email wakaas oo aan kor ku qoray.. ee aan xariirno
waa mahadsantihiin
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Mahadsanid walaal. Waxaad ka-heli kartaa
ad ayad u mahadsantihiin walalahey
Adigaa mudan walaal.
Assalamu Alaikum do you let the dough rest and rise for how long? Love your blog I check for new recipes every couple days to see if you guys post new recipes.
Wa-alaikum as-salaam,
You can let it rest for 10 minutes. By the time you prepare the filling, the dough will be ready to work with.
asalaamu alleeykum walaalaheega qaaligoow inshaa allaah qeer iyo caafimadsan hortiin qeer allaah dhigo aadaa oogu mahadsantihiin facal kheeyrkiina wanaaga quruxda badan allaah yastur caleeykum dunyaa wal aakhira niyadiina allaah niiyeelo bilaha barakeysan fadligooda walaal maashaa allaah maxaakaquruxbadan walaal tislamiin asiila mucajinaadka waxyaabaha oon aadka uxiiseeyee kujiraan waa wax macaan isla waqtigaasna sufrada qurxiya waamahad santihiin jazaakallaahu kheeykan wabaarakallaahu fiikum
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Walaasheenna qaaliga-ah, aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallooyika iyo ducooyinka. بالهناء والعافية ، انشاء الله
maasha alaah qeyr badan allaha niisiiyo waxaan xasuustay ayaama zamaan cuntdii macaaneed waagaan wadankii ku nooleen iyo carabtaba duco idiinma dhameen karee ilaahay haniigu badalo janadiisa insha allah,
Mahadsanid walaal Asho. Adigana qeyr aan dhammaan ayaan kuu rajeynaynaa.
Asc wr wb? Maashaa Allaah tabaarakallah.
Wa baarakallaahu fiikum.
Wa xafidakumullaah,
Wa racaakum.
Wa jacalal Firdowsal Aclaa ma’waakum.
Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Aamiin. Aad ayaad u-mahadsan tahay. Ilaahey waxaan kaaga baryeynaa inuu ku-siiyo intaad noogu ducaysay ka-badan. Aamiin.
Allahumma Aamiin.
Do you add the pine nuts before or after the baking?
We added the pine nuts before baking. Make sure you press them down so they will not fall off.
Assalaamu Caleykum,
Cabdillaahi iyo Layla aad baad ugu mahadsantihiin cuntada macaan eed walaalihiin la qaybsataan sida loo sameeyo,Umm Ayman iyo dhamaan Muslimiinta meel walbay joogaan Ilaahay ha ku nabadgaliyo hana ka saaro dagaalka sokeeyee lagu dhamaaday(aamiin)malawixii iyo canbuuladii galayda lagu karinayay wali waan sugayaa.Mar labaad aad baad u mahadsantihiin,ehelka iyo caruurtaba Ilaahay ha idiin xafido(aamiin)
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Mahadsanid walaal. Ducadaada Allaha inoo aqbalo. Adigana qeyr ayaan kuu rajeynaynaa. Hadduu Eeebbe idmo, malawax iyo cambuulo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Waxaan ku tala jirnaa inaan malawaxa soo gelinno Ramadaanka ka-hor, Insha’Allaah.
Thank you very much, for your giving us this chance which we are learning as a university, and gaining a lot of benefits, I myself study every day a new topic, which I practice and I suceeded many things included this Fataa’ir,it is really very delicious and easy to cook.
Many thanks and Jazaka lahu khayran
Thank you for the feedback. We appreciate it.
s.c walaalaay aad&aad ayaad u mahadasantihiin ilaahay ajar &xasanaad ha idiinkuku badalo qeer badan iyo caafimaad ayaan idiin rajeynaa.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Ducadaada Illaahay ha inoo aqbalo. Adiga iyo dhammaan beesha Xawaash waxaan idiin rajeynaynaa qeyr aan dhammaanin. Aamiin.
You guys are amazing! (but you probably already know that) This website really makes me proud to be Somali. With all the wonderful recipes, professional photos, and great videos. If you haven’t already considered, please try opening a resturant. Your food looks mouth watering, and this kind of stuff should be out there for the public. Maybe you guys can even try opening a place in Xamar. Lots of people are opening up businesses, resturants, hotels, etc. You guys should too.
Thank you for making these recipes, and sharing our wonderful food with the world.
Thank you for your amazing comment. If any one had any doubts whether Somalis are appreciative of good effort or not, the comments on this blog should lay that to rest. Your encouraging comments are always appreciated.
asalaamu alleeykum walaaleheyga qaaligoow waniisalaamayaa inshaa allaah bilaha barakeysan fadligooda kheer caafimaadsaa illaahey haniixafido hortiin qeer allaah dhigo niyadiina allaah niiyeelo baarakallaahu fiikum dunyaa wal aakhira
Aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Qeyr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
Asalamalaikum. I have a couple of questions! What if you don’t need exactly 50? What measurements do I use, or how much do I divide it by? Also, will the meat inside cook fully? The only thing I’m worried about is when I put in the oven, is that the meat won’t bake and it’ll be raw when I take it out…. Is it okay to use a non-stick pan when puting it in the oven?
Wa’alaikum as-salaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
You can do half the recipe, divide every thing by two. We always bake these and the meat inside cooks sufficiently. Since the temperature is high (400) we would not recommend using non-stick pans. Thank you for the questions.
a.c.w abaayo qeyr badan alaha idin siiyo waan sameyey mashmashka alaah waxa e ku soo baxday ish calaa cunto qatar yummy thanks walashiis
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Waan ku-faraxsannahay inaad jeclaatay mashmashka, waanna ku-mahadsan tahay inaad noo soo sheegtay. Waxaan rajaynaynaa Ramadaan barakaysan inuu Ilaahey inooga dhigo.
This is truly amazing!!!!!! I will make sure to cook this early tomorrow for my family. I’m not the best Somali cook…but I can learn something from this site.
Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. We are happy to know that you like the website. Enjoy the fatayer.
Walaalayaal waan idiin salaamay waana ku mahadsantihiin sida aad noogu faaiideysiin waxan idiinka codsanaa inaad Noo soo gelisaan sida loo Sameyo Icunka mahadsanidiin
Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waxaan ku-dadaalaynaa Ciidda ka-hor inaan soo gelino. Mahadsanid.
Alsalaam alaikum!!! My husband is Somali, and I found my way to his heart through his stomach!!!! I have been on vacation for a while and was trying to think of a good way to surprise him and the family when I get home. I know how to make the basics, suqaar, foul, somali rice, goat, lamb, spaghetti, etc, but I dont know many quick recipes for the in between meal times. This website provides a lot of insight and I love the step by step instructions with pictures for reference. I am a cook by sight, so it helps a lot!!! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you very much for your kind compliment. We are happy we could help you make your family happy. Our best wishes to you and your family.
I just made them with my mum for iftar and the family absolutely loved the fatayer! I took a photo of them here:
Thanks so much for the recipe, I’ll definitely be making more inshallah.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and the photo with us. We are happy you like them.
ascwrwb aad baan idiin salaamaya walaalaha qaaliga ah e isku behesatay webkan sharafta leh ilaahay waxaanidinkaga baryaya inuu ajar fara badan idinka siiyo sida aad noogu soo gudbisan cunada sharafta leeh ee aadka u udgoon indhuhuna la dhaceen walayaal waxan idnka codsan laha inad ii shegtan sida ama mesha ugu fudud ee aan kala socon karo cunoyinka cusub ee kusoo kordhisan webka idinkoo mahadsan wajazakumulahi khyran jazza wcswrwb
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaan aadka u-fiican, hadalada wacan iyo ducada. Markaan wax cusub samayno waxaan horta soo gelinaa goobta Xawaash kaddib ayaan video-ha Youtube-ka gelinaa.
Mashallah Jazallahkhair walaal Truly wonderful recipes!! Keep it up!
I wonder if the dough tastes similar to Bur……
Thank you very much for your confidence in our recipes. No, it doesn’t taste like bur. It tastes great.
walalhey qaliga ah waxaan rabaa in sameyo rotigan hilibka iyo qudaarta ku jirto
lakiin 5 cup oo bur ah wey badan tahay 2 or 3 people sideen u qayasaa meqo cup oo bur ah ayan ku sameyn karaa sideena u qayasaa wax yalaha an ku daraayo
thanks alot ilahey ajir ha idinka siiyo waqtigiina
thnks again!!!!!!!
Soo’da nuskeeda ayaa samayn kartaa. Wax walba laba u-qaybi. Tusaale ahaan burka wuxuu noqonaayaa laba koob iyo bar, caanaha hal koob, qamiirka qaaddada weyn nuskeeda, hilibka aad dhexda ka-gelinaysidna sidoo kale. Wax walba nuskiisa ayaad isticmaal. Intaas waxaa kaaga soo baxaysa 25 xabbo. Haddeey haraan barafka ayaad gelin kartaa, markaad u-baahato toostarka ama foornada ku-kululeey.
masha alah wad ku mahasantihiin jawabtiina
thanks i will try insha alah
Adigaa mahadda mudan.
i love this and cant wait to make them
They are really delicious. Thanks.
waaaaaaaaaw masha allah . . plz can u tell me from where can I get all spices ?
Thank you very much. It is available at the supermarkets.
asalamu caleykum
walalayaal aad baad umahadsantihiin sida aad wax noogu soo gudbiseen
walalayaal waxaa niweydiinaa makiinada cajiinka lagu qaso xageen ka heli karaa mahadsanidiin
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaa ka heli kartaa dukaamada maacuunta lagu gado, ama dukaamada waaweyn (department store), ama internetka.
how long does dough have to sit ????