Zurbian or zurbiyan is a type of Biryani that is popular in Yemen, other parts of the Arabian Peninsula as well as parts of Somalia. We believe the Arabic name زربيان (zurbiyan) was derived from رز برياني (ruz biryani) where the first two letters were reversed. Zurbian which is a variant of Hyderabadi biryani, is usually cooked with lamb and potatoes but there are recipes that use chicken instead of lamb.
Zurbian is considered as a special occasion rice dish that is usually served in weddings, during the Eid, or when important guests arrive. The rice is very aromatic due to the different spices used in preparing it: saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, cloves, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and orange blossom water. Just like there are so many different types of biryani, there also different recipes for zurbian.
Not only does zurbian taste delicious, it is also very pleasing to look at: the contrast between the plain white basmati rice, the bright yellow colour of the saffron-tinged rice, and the pale reddish colour of the stew-covered rice. To make the rice even more festive-looking, some like to add fried onions and toasted nuts.
Good zurbian is not dry and some of the tomato-yogurt stew should remain at the bottom. The best meat to use is lamb shoulder as it is more tender and tends to stay more moist. Zurbian is usually served with a green salad and zhoug (a tomato-based green chili sauce).
Video without music:
- ¼ cup (59 milliliters) vegetable oil
- 1 medium onion (chopped)
- 4 garlic cloves (minced)
- 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) fresh ginger (grated)
- 1½ pound (680 grams) bone-in lamb shoulder – 2½” (6 cm) cubes
- 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) xawaash
- ½ teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) cardamom (ground)
- ½ teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) cinnamon (ground)
- ¼ teaspoon (1.25 milliliters) turmeric powder
- ¼ teaspoon (1.25 milliliters) ground black pepper
- 4 teaspoons (20 milliliters) xawaash bouillon powder – or 2 teaspoons xawaash spice mix + 2 teaspoons salt
- 2 medium tomatoes (chopped)
- 1 cup (237 milliliters) yogurt – plain
- 2½ cups (593 milliliters) boiling water
- 2 medium potatoes – quartered
- 2 cups (414 grams) basmati rice
- 12 cups (3 litres) water – for boiling the rice
- 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) salt – for boiling the rice
- ½ cup (80 grams) fresh cilantro (chopped) – (UK: coriander)
- 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) saffron threads
- ¼ cup hot water – for the saffron threads
- 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) browned butter
- 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) orange blossom water
- Using medium heat, fry the onions in the oil for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger, stir and cook for 1 minute. Add the meat and cook for 3 more minutes.
- Add the xawaash spice mix, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper and xawaash bouillon powder. Stir and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and stir well, then cover and cook for 3 minutes.
- Add the yogurt and stir well until combined. Add the hot water and stir well, then cover and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes.
- Add the potatoes and stir, then cover and cook for another 30 minutes.
- Grind the saffron threads then add ¼ cup hot water and stir well.
- Boil 3 litres of water and add 3 tablespoons salt. Wash the rice and add to the boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, then drain.
- Add the fresh cilantro to the meat and stir well. Add the rice to cover the meat and even the top (do not stir the rice into the stew).
- Add the saffron mixture, browned butter and orange blossom water.
- Cover and cook over very low heat for 20 minutes.
Fiidiyo aan muusik lahayn:
- ¼ koob (59 mililitir) saliid caddeey
- 1 basal dhexdhexaad (jarjaran)
- 4 tuun (toon) (shiidan)
- 2 qaaddo yar (10 mililitir) sanjabiil cusboon (oo la xoqay)
- 1½ rodol (680 garaam) hilib ari oo lafo leh
- 2 qaaddo yar (10 mililitir) xawaash
- ½ qaaddo yar (2.5 mililitir) hayl (shiidan)
- ½ qaaddo yar (2.5 mililitir) qorfe (shiidan)
- ¼ qaaddo yar (1.25 mililitir) huruud shiidan
- ¼ qaaddo yar (1.25 mililitir) filfil madoow shiidan
- 4 qaaddo yar (20 mililitir) maraq xawaash
- 2 yaanyo dhexdhexaad (jarjaran)
- 1 koob (237 mililitir) caano fadhi
- 2½ koob (593 mililitir) biyo karkaraaya
- 2 bataato (baradho) dhexdhexaad
- 2 koob (414 garaam) bariis basmati
- 12 koob (3 litir) biyo
- 3 qaaddo weyn (45 mililitir) cusbo
- ½ koob (80 garaam) kabsaro caleen (jarjaran)
- 1 qaaddo yar (5 mililitir) sacfaraan
- ¼ koob biyo kulul
- 3 qaaddo weyn (45 mililitir) buuro la gaduudiyay
- 1 qaaddo yar (5 mililitir) maa’ sahar
- Dab dhexdhexaad adigoo isticmaalaysa, basasha iyo saliidda isku shiil muddo 3 daqiiqo. Ku dar tuunta iyo sanjabiisha. Walaaq ee shiil muddo 1 daqiiqo. Hilibka ku dar, walaaq, kaddibna kari muddo 3 daqiiqo.
- Ku dar xawaashka, haylka, qorfaha, huruudda, filfisha madoow iyo maraq xawaashka. Walaaq, kaddibna shiil muddo 1 daqiiqo. Yaanyada ku dar, si fiicanna u walaaq. Dabool oo kari muddo 3 daqiiqo.
- Ku dar caano fadhiga, si fiicanna u walaaq. Ku dar biyaha karkaraaya, si fiicanna u walaaq, kaddibna dabool oo kari muddo 30 daqiiqo.
- Bataatada ku dar, kaddibna walaaq. Dabool oo 30 daqiiqo kale kari.
- Sacfaraanka kal iyo mooye ku shiid, kaddibna ¼ koob biyo kulul ku dar ee walaaq.
- 3 litir biyo karkari kaddibna 3 QW cusbo ku dar. Bariiska dhaq, kaddibna biyaha karkaraaya ku kor shub. Kari muddo 10 daqiiqo, kaddibna biyaha ka miir.
- Kabsaro caleenta hilibka ku dar, kaddibna walaaq. Bariiska ku dar, korkana ka sin (bariiska maraqa ha ku walaaqin).
- Ku dar sacfaraanka, buurada la dhalaaliyay iyo maa’ saharka.
- Dabool oo dab gaaban ku kari muddo 20 daqiiqo.
Le zurbian ou zurbiyan est un type de Biryani populaire au Yémen, dans la Péninsule Arabique et dans certaines régions de Somalie. Nous pensons que le nom Arabe زربيان (zurbiyan) est dérivé de رز برياني (ruz biryani) où les deux premières lettres ont été inversées. Le zurbian qui est une variante du biryani Hyderabadi, est d’habitude préparé avec de l’agneau et des pommes de terre mais certaines recettes utilisent du poulet à la place de l’agneau.
Le zurbian est considéré comme un plat pour les occasions spéciales servi aux mariages, pendant l’Eid, ou quand un invité important arrive. Le riz est très aromatique grâce aux différentes épices utilisées dans la préparation: safran, cardamome, cannelle, cumin, coriandre, clous de girofle, curcuma, gingembre, poivre noir et eau de fleur d’oranger. De même qu’il existe de nombreuses sortes de biryani, il existe aussi différentes recettes de zurbian.
Non seulement le zurbian est délicieux, mais il est aussi très joli à regarder: le contraste entre le riz basmati nature blanc, le jaune vif du riz coloré de safran, et la couleur rouge pâle du riz recouvert de râgout. Pour rendre le riz encore plus festif, certains aiment ajouter des oignons frits et des noix grillées.
Un bon zurbian n’est pas sec et il doit rester un peu de sauce tomate-yaourt au fond du plat. La meilleure viande pour le cuisiner est l’épaule d’agneau car elle est plus tendre et reste plus moelleuse. Le zurbian est d’habitude servi avec une salade verte et du zhoug (une sauce verte au chili à base de tomate).
Vidéo sans la musique:
- ¼ mesure (59 ml) de huile végétale
- 1 moyen oignon (haché)
- 4 gousses d’ail (hachées)
- 2 cuillères à café (10 ml) de gingembre frais (râpé)
- 1½ (680 grammes) épaule d’agneau – en cubes de 2 ½ “ (6 cm)
- 2 cuillères à café (10 ml) de xawaash
- ½ cuillère à café (2.5 ml) de cardamome (moulue)
- ½ cuillère à café (2.5 ml) de cannelle (moulue)
- ¼ cuillère à café (1.25 ml) de curcuma en poudre
- ¼ cuillère à café (1.25 ml) de poivre noir moulu
- 4 cuillères à café (20 ml) de Bouillon au Xawaash en poudre – ou 2 cuillères à café de xawaash + 2 cuillères à café de sel
- 2 tomates (hachées)
- 1 mesure (237 ml) de yaourt – nature
- 2½ mesures (593 ml) de d’eau bouillante
- 2 pommes de terres – coupées en quatre
- 2 mesures (414 grammes) de riz basmati
- 12 mesures (3 litre) d’eau – pour cuire le riz
- 3 cuillères à soupe (45 ml) de sel – pour cuire le riz
- ½ mesure (80 grammes) de coriandre frais (hachée)
- 1 cuillère à café (5 ml) de pistils de safran
- ¼ mesure de d’eau chaude – pour le safran
- 3 cuillères à soupe (45 ml) de beurre noisette
- 1 cuillère à café (5 ml) de d’eau de fleur d’oranger
- A feu moyen, Faites frire les oignons dans l’huile pendant 3 minutes. Ajoutez l’ail et le gingembre, tournez et cuire 1 minute. Ajoutez la viande et cuire 3 minutes de plus.
- Ajoutez la poudre de xawaash, la cardamome, la cannelle, le curcuma, le poivre noir et le bouillon de xawaash en poudre. Touillez et cuire 1 minute. Ajoutez les tomates et bien tourner, puis couvrir et cuire pendant 3 minutes.
- Ajoutez le yaourt et bien tourner pour l’incorporer au mélange. Ajoutez l’eau chaude et mélangez, puis couvrez et cuire 30 minutes à feu moyen.
- Ajoutez les pommes de terre et tournez, puis couvrez et cuire 30 minutes de plus.
- Moudre les pistils de safran et ajouter ¼ de mesure d’eau chaude et mélanger.
- Faites bouillir 3 litres d’eau et ajoutez 3 cuillères à soupe de sel. Lavez le riz et versez-le dans l’eau bouillante, laissez cuire 10 minutes, puis égouttez.
- Ajoutez le coriandre frais à la viande et bien tourner. Couvrez la viande avec le riz et lissez (ne mélangez pas le riz au ragoût).
- Versez l’eau au safran, le beurre noisette et l’eau de fleur d’oranger.
- Couvrez et laissez cuire 20 minutes à feu très doux.
فيديو بدون موسيقى:
- ¼ كوب (59 مليلتر) زيت نباتي
- 1 بصل وسط (مقطعة)
- 4 فص ثوم (مفروم)
- 2 ملعقة صغيرة (10 مليلتر) زنجبيل طازج (مبشورة)
- 1½ رطل (680 جرام) لحم غنم مع عظم
- 2 ملعقة صغيرة (10 مليلتر) حوائج
- ½ ملعقة صغيرة (2.5 مليلتر) هيل (مطحون)
- ½ ملعقة صغيرة (2.5 مليلتر) قرفة (مطحون)
- ¼ ملعقة صغيرة (1.25 مليلتر) مسحوق الكركم (الهرد)
- ¼ ملعقة صغيرة (1.25 مليلتر) فلفل اسود مطحون
- 4 ملعقة صغيرة (20 مليلتر) مرق حوائج
- 2 طماطم وسط (مقطعة)
- 1 كوب (237 مليلتر) لبن زبادي
- 2½ كوب (593 مليلتر) مأء بدرجة الغليان
- 2 بطاطس وسط
- 2 كوب (414 جرام) ارز بسمتي
- 12 كوب (3 لتر) ماء
- 3 ملعقة كبيرة (45 مليلتر) ملح
- ½ كوب (80 جرام) كزبرة (مقطعة)
- 1 ملعقة صغيرة (5 مليلتر) زعفران
- ¼ كوب ماء ساخن
- 3 ملعقة كبيرة (45 مليلتر) زبدة محمرة
- 1 ملعقة صغيرة (5 مليلتر) ماء الزهر
طريقة التحضير:
- يحمر البصل في الزيت وتستعمل نار متوسطة لمدة 3 دقائق ثم يضاف الثوم والزنجبيل ويطهى لمدة دقيقة. يضاف اللحم، ثم يقلب ويحمر لمدة 3 دقائق
- يضاف الحوائج، الهيل، القرفة، الهرد، الفلفل الاسود، ومرق الحوائج. يقلب ويحمر لمدة دقيقة. تضاف الطماطم ثم تقلب وتطهى لمدة 3 دقائق
- تضاف الزبادي وتحرك حتى تذوب. يضاف الماء ويقلب ثم يغطى ويطهى لمدة 30 دقيقة
- تضاف البطاطس ويقلب المرق ثم يغطى ويطهى لمدة 30 دقيقة
- يطحن الزعفران ثم يضاف اليه الماء الساخن ويحرك
- يغلى 3 لتر ماء ثم يضاف 3 ملعقة كبيرة ملح. يغسل الارز ويضاف الى الماء المغلي ويطهى لمدة 10 دقائق ثم يصفى
- تضاف الكزبرة الى اللحم ويقلب ثم يضاف الارز ويسوى (لا يقلب الارز مع المرق).
- يضاف الزعفران، الزبدة المحمرة و ماء الزهر
- يغطى ويطهى على نار هادئة لمدة 20 دقيقة
Hi, This looks amazing! How many people does it serve?
It can serve 4 to 6 people depending on the appetite.
Thanks for this recipe. I was wondering if I could use chicken legs instead? What would change if you make it with chicken? cooking time? Please let me know, I can’t wait to try this!
You can use chicken legs if you wish. You will need less water than we used. The first cooking time should be half hour. Add the potatoes after cooking the chicken for ten minutes. After the half hour, add the rice and steam for 20 minutes.
I made it with chicken chest,and it was amzing…so i think you can try it with chicken legs. good luck
Mahadsanidiin, wax badan baanba sugay surbiyaan..
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal.
salamu alaikum xawaash team it is a very useful website i like to visit this website whenever i have time I have learnt how to make shawarma now every sunday i cook shawarma for the whole family especialy my children they like it I was wondering if you could show us how to make different kinds of shurba as the holy month of ramadaan is coming soon insha alla
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much for your nice comment. We are happy to know that you are using the recipes. Click on this link for other soup recipes http://xawaash.com/?cat=186.
Love you guyz I had to check your web in order to refresh my memory as Ramadan is approaching, and as usual you never disappoint me … May Allah reward you Jannah
Because of u, am a super wify xox
Thank you very much for stopping by, and thank you for the comment. We are happy we could help.
salamu alaykum guys i love watching your blogs so much and i learned so much from you and now in our home i become a good chef and they wonder how i became that all thanks to allah and you i am looking up for you thank you muaah
We are happy to know that. Thank you very much for your nice comment. Ramadan Kareem.
you most welcome ramadan mubarak
My dears, I don’t have “Zabaadi” here, what can I replace it with? Thanks
You can use butter milk.
Ramadan Kareem,
Dear A&L,
First and foremost, I cannot thank both of you enough for these fascinating and mouth-watering recipes you have created for us. I love your creativity, simplicity of your instructions, the sharpness of your clips, the authentic Somali music in the background and the purity of your kitchen.
I’m 30 and never cooked in my life thanks to my wonderful mother who’s an excellent cook. Over the years, due to studies and employment I never had the time to learn how to cook, especially, some wonderful Somali dishes (Surbiyan, shurbad, sanbuse etc), and now that I have accidentally stumbled on your wonderful blog I cannot stay away from the kitchen area.
I always thought cooking was the hardest thing that is out there, but you have restored my faith. Cooking is important to all cultures and communities and I certainly cannot turn the clock back but would like to stress a greater importance to teach the young generation about their roots and the risks of unhealthy eating. A great way to pique their interest in nutrition is to involve them more in the cooking process. They not only will learn to cook for themselves, but also develop a lifetime of healthy habits. A humble thank you.
London, UK
Thank you very, very much for your fabulous comment and words of encouragement. We were truly touched to read your comment. We are delighted you found the website helpful and that you are using it. We wish you all the best. Ramadan Kareem.
bariiskaan wan kariyey waxaan si aad ugu farxay in aniga iyo ciyaalkeyguba aan ka helnay sida uu usawiran yahayna aan u kariyey Illaahey ayaa webkaan ibaray markastana uga mahad celiyaa markastana janadii idiin weydiiya adinka iyo ehelediinaba
illaahey janadii ha idinku bishareeyo gacmihiinana ha idiin barakeeyo
Aamiin walaal. Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inay ciyaalka jeclaadeen, waxaan kaloo ku faraxnay inaad nala socodsiisay. Mahadsanid walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Qayr badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa.
Salam Ramadhan
I plan to try this wonderful dish for eid and has been playing your video on youtube many times.
How do you make the hot zurbiyan sauce.
I didnt see the recipe list.
Thank you for showing us your great recipe.
Thank you for your comment. God willing, we will do our best to post the recipe soon.
I have several questions: lamb is a fatty meat, so will the rice be full of fat, thus making it even longer to cook? And also can I use a different type of meat instead of lamb? Where can I purchase the orange blossom?
No, it won’t be full of fat. Make sure you trim as much of the fat as possible. You can buy the orange blossom water from middle eastern supermarkets. Yes, you can use different types of meat, but you have to adjust the cooking time depending on the type of meat.
Assalam Alaikum, mashaAllah so many mouth watering recipes absolutely love this website learnt so many recipes thanks to you, (Jazakum Allah khair). I love zurbian and have been waiting for this recipe for so long. I was wondering if you have the recipe for chicken kabsah, my husband loves kabsah and I have been trying so many recipes but it just doesn’t turn out right, also your recipes are genuine of course(may Allah bless you). Thanks in advance.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh.
Thank you very much for your kind comment, and thank you for your confidence in our recipes. Kabsah is on our to do list and God willing, we will post it.
Mashallah, you two are doing wonderful job and putting Somali food on the international map. May Allah reward you for your hard work and dedication. Ameen
I wanna try this inshallah, will let you know how it comes out.
Since you’re both wonderful chefs I think you might know the answer to this question, what’s the English name for Cali Uraaye rice? I’ve been looking for this for quite some time with no luck . Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much for your kind words. We don’t know what that type of rice is called.
Hello thanks for this amazing recipe. I wanted to know the name of the rice you use to make this and the brands name. I have attempted making it with a salma brand and it went wrong. thanks your help is appreciated
Thank you for taking the time to comment. We use Kohinoor basmati rice. Good luck.
Deliciosamente simple. Gracias.
asc ramadaan A&l aad iyo aad ayad muahadsantihiin aniga waxaan ahay will waad ogtihiin waxaan ula jeedo somalia guy and cooking…… lakiin waan isku dayay and i did it thanks to you again really and ramadaan kariim you guys made my afur amazing.
Thank you so much for sharing amazing recipes! May Allah reward you and your family for the kindness.
I want to make a greater quantity. Should I just double the quantity? Was worried it would be too spicy. help
Helo sir I hoping you fine ..
Thank for sharing such a knowledge.
I tried this at home it was delicious.
Could you send me 1kg recipie.pls.
I marinated the meat overnight is that ok to us for this recipe?
This yemen food
It was awesome. Thanx for sharing the recipe
The recipes on your site look delicious, I can’t wait to get to cooking. I like that you have videos on here.