Lamb Shanks (Duubi) Souris d’Agneau et Riz Somali

Lamb Shanks with Somali Rice (Duubi) - Souris d’Agneau et Riz Somali

Tender meat cooked to perfection and served with Somali rice.  You can cook this dish either with lamb shanks or goat shanks.  Goat meat has a milder taste than lamb.

We used a pressure cooker to cook the meat quickly, but you can cook it slowly in a slow cooker or in a regular pot until the meat becomes fork tender and starts to fall off the bones.  The resulting sauce is incredibly flavourful.  

We didn’t add any other vegetables because the Somali rice is usually served with a topping of vegetables.  

This is a fancy and delicious dish yet simple at the same time.


Cette viande est tendre quand elle est cuite à la perfection, et se sert avec du riz Somali. Vous pouvez réaliser ce plat avec soit du jarret d’agneau soit du jarret de chevreau. La viande de chevreau a un goût moins prononcé que l’agneau.

Nous avons utilisé un autocuiseur pour cuire la viande rapidement, mais vous pouvez la cuire lentement dans une cocotte ou dans une marmite normale jusqu’à ce que la viande soit tendre et commence à se détacher. La sauce qui en résulte est incroyablement goûteuse.

Nous n’avons pas ajouté de légumes car le riz Somali est servi avec une garniture de légumes.

C’est un plat sophistiqué et délicieux mais simple en même temps.



Serves 4

4 Lamb or goat shanks
1 Large onion (diced)
8 Garlic cloves (crushed)
6 Tbsp Canola oil (or any other vegetable oil)
1 Tbsp Vegetable seasoning (we used Vegeta Seasoning Mix; you can use vegetable stock or bouillon cubes)
1 tsp Xawaash
¼ tsp Ground cinnamon
¼ cup Fresh cilantro (chopped)
2 Tbsp White vinegar
2 cups Water (5 cups if not using a pressure cooker)


Waxa loo baahan yahay:

Ku-filan 4 qofood

4 Duubi
1 Basal weyn (la-jarjay)
8 Tuun (toon) shiidan
6 QW Saliid caddeey 
1 QW Maraq qudaar (Vegeta) ama 2 mukacab Maggi ama Knorr 
1 qy Xawaash 
¼ qy Qorfe shiidan
¼ koob Kabsara caleen (jarjaran)
2 QW Qal cad
2 koob Biyo (5 koob haddaadan digsi fuufle “pressure cooker” isticmaalaynin)



Pour 4

4 Souris d’Agneau ou de Chevreau
1 Gros Oignon (coupés en dés)
8 Gousses d’Ail (écrasées)
6 cs d’Huile de Colza (ou tout autre huile végétale)
1 cs de Condiment Légumes (nous avons utilisé le mélange Vegeta; vous pouvez utiliser du bouillon de légumes ou des bouillon cubes)
1 cc de Xawaash
¼ de cc de Cannelle en Poudre
¼ de mesure de Coriandre Frais (haché)
2 cc de Vinaigre Blanc
2 Mesures d’Eau (5 mesures si vous n’utilisez pas un autocuiseur)


Wash the lamb shanks

Hilibka dhaq

Laver les souris d’agneau


Lamb Shanks - Souris d’Agneau

Brown the onions, garlic, and spices with the oil. Then add the lamb shanks.

 Basasha, tuunta iyo carafta isku dalac. Hilibka ku-rid.

Faire dorer les oignons, l’ail et les épices dans l’huile. Puis ajouter les souris d’agneau.


Lamb Shanks - Souris d’Agneau

Add the vinegar and water.

 Biyah iyo qalka ku-dar.

Ajouter le vinaigre et l’eau.


Cook on medium heat for half an hour. If not using a pressure cooker, cook for about 2 hours until fork tender. Add the cilantro before turning off the heat.

 Dab dhexdhexaad ah ku-kari muddo nus saac. Haddaadan digsi fuufle (pressure cooker) isticmaalaynin, 2 saacadood kari ilaa uu hilibka ka-jilco. Kabsaro caleenta ku-dar intaadan dabka ka-dejin.

Cuire à feu moyen pendant une demie heure.


Lamb Shanks - Souris d’Agneau

The lamb shanks.  Fork tender and cooked to perfection.

 Hilibka oo si-fiican u-bislaaday.

Les souris d’agneau. Tendre et cuites à la perfection.


Lamb Shanks - Souris d’Agneau

Serve with Somali rice and, most important of all, do not forget the banana!

 Bariis ku-cun, muuskana haka ilaawin.

Servir avec du riz Somali, et très important, ne pas oublier la banane!


Lamb Shanks (Duubi) - Souris d’Agneau



Lamb Shanks (Duubi) - Souris d’Agneau







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13 Responses to Lamb Shanks (Duubi) Souris d’Agneau et Riz Somali
  1. sam
    December 25, 2011 | 4:40 am

    lol, I like how you have the empty plate at the end.

    • A&L
      December 25, 2011 | 12:36 pm
  2. sumayo
    February 9, 2012 | 1:20 pm

    asc wan idin salaamay walaalayaal aad baad umahadsanitihiin walaalayaal noo soo galiya hilibka asagoo daawasho ah af ingiriiska manaqaanee aad baadna umahadsantihiin asc

    • A&L
      February 9, 2012 | 11:19 pm

      Insha-Allah waan soo gelin doonnaa. Mahadsanid.

  3. Lis
    March 12, 2012 | 10:23 pm

    i want to try this recipes but i have a couple of question, what is vegetable seasoning? And why in ingredient i found white vinegar but in direction you didn’t mention it at all.. ty

    • A&L
      March 13, 2012 | 12:00 am

      Vegetable seasoning refers to a seasoning salt mix. We used Vegeta Seasoning Mix (google it for the picture of the package and description). You can use vegetable stock instead or bouillon cubes (such as Knorr or Maggi). The vinegar is added after the shanks are placed in the pot. We updated the directions and added the servings.

  4. maandeeq
    April 3, 2012 | 4:31 am

    asc wr wb.walaal recipekan baan rabay inan sameeyo waaxana fahmin xawaash
    ma waxan istimaalaya any xawaash and thank you walaalo saaxiibaday baa webkani ii soo dirtay walaahi you cant imagine sidan ugu farxay thank you walalo ilaahay ajar iyo xasanad haka siiyo.

    • A&L
      April 4, 2012 | 8:33 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Xawaash kasta waad isticmaali kartaa, laankiinse xawaashka guriga lagu sameeyo ayaa ka caraf badan. Recipe-ga xawaashka iyo video-hiisa waa ku jiraa ee fiirso. Waa wax sahlan sameeskiisa. Waad ku mahadsantahay su’aashaada.

  5. yurub
    April 26, 2012 | 8:17 am

    sckm wrb..walaalo waan idin salamaya dhamantiin wadna mahadsantihiin ilaahayna cimrigina hadhereysiyo…..after that walaalo waxan rabay inad sogelisan video ga sida lokariyo bariis iyo hilbka(Somali Rice (Bariis)oo kala karsan hilibka goone losameyey bariiskana goone…..thanks alot

    • A&L
      April 26, 2012 | 8:08 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Mahadsanid.

  6. garaad yusuf
    October 12, 2012 | 1:45 am

    asc asxaabta waad mahad san tahiin runtii bariis isku karis ah oo aad u qurux badan ayaad samay seen laakiin maxay kuugu taalaa waan idinka koobiyaystay oo waan karsaday isagoo kale xaqiiqdii waad mahad san tihii kkkkkkcuno soomaali waan jeclahay

    • A&L
      October 12, 2012 | 9:04 pm

      Dabin ayaa laguu dhigay. Waa laguugu talagalay inaad guurisid. Waan ku-faraxnay inaad si-fiican uga salgaartay.

  7. Aziza
    August 30, 2015 | 8:24 am


    Hai i love and tried your recipe.. But maybe you need to mention why you choose to use vegeta seasoning mix instead of maggie cubes in the recipe..
    Because i tried your recipe with maggie cubes, and it gave me a bad aftertaste :( it tasted wonderful, just the aftertaste.. I think its because the maggie has msg in it :(

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.