2 Tomato Sauces (2 Dallac Bilaash) 2 Sauces Tomate نوعين من صلصة الطماطم

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22 Responses to 2 Tomato Sauces (2 Dallac Bilaash) 2 Sauces Tomate نوعين من صلصة الطماطم
  1. Sarah
    August 5, 2014 | 8:24 pm

    We vastly enjoyed this video on how to make two tomato sauces .mashallah abdullahi and leila I hope u make more video like this thank u keep going and may god bless u and ur family !!

    • A&L
      August 21, 2014 | 12:54 am

      Thank you very much, Sarah. We wish you all the best.

  2. Yasmin
    August 19, 2014 | 5:25 pm

    Assalamu Alaikum. Great recipe, as always! JazakAllahu khairan.

    Can you guys pleeease make a recipe for kabsa? It’s my husbands favorite dish but I can never quite get it right.

    • A&L
      August 21, 2014 | 1:38 am

      God willing, we will add it to our to do list.

  3. Farhiya
    August 22, 2014 | 11:49 am

    Hey leyla iyo Abdullahi, I like your Youtube video.
    Manshallah nice to follow Great work. I think your both amazing and very talented cook.
    Please I’m asking you to do Ice bucket challenge,
    Love & peace.♥

  4. samirasafi
    August 22, 2014 | 3:37 pm

    waaw nice waaye dalacbilash waaba ku soo korey bahda xawaash waa mahd san tihiin .
    waxaan idinka codasanayaa inaad soo gelisaan calooley hada ka horna waa idin waydiiyay pls waan jeclahay lknwaxay igu qaadataa inaa kariyo laba saac ka badan,hadii aadan soo gelin karin inta xataa iigu soo sheega idinkoo raali ah. sida ugu fudud uguna dhaqsaha badan ee aan ku sameen karo wabilaahi towfiiq

    • A&L
      August 26, 2014 | 12:22 am

      Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Liiska ayuu ku jiraa, hadduu Eebbe idmona waan soo gelin doonnaa.

  5. muna
    August 27, 2014 | 1:21 am

    thanks for your welcoming and iam very happy and interesting to participate

  6. SD
    August 27, 2014 | 5:44 am

    salaam aad baad ugu mahadsanthiin so saridiin cuntoyinkan quruxd badale! Waa wax lagufarxo in dhalinyaro Somaliyeed ay tusayaan aduunk in aan Somalidu wadahayn sida loo wado arko.Mansha-Allah.

    Saxankan(dhish) kor ku qoran ee aad u badashen been dalac, waxaa ila fiican in aad u deysaan magciis hore ee loo yaqiin oo ahaa dalac bilaash. Sabatooah waxkastab waxay leeyhiin tariiq lagu yaqaan oo soo jirtey boqolaal sano. Dadk aduunku waa ku fanaan. Kalamad been dalac macne masamenso.Sidiib wadankeenu u burburay waxaa la badaley wax badan oo dhinc kastah.Wadan markuu burburayo waxaa lagu yaqaan marka la tirtiro waxuu tariiq u lahaanjirey wax kastab hahaadane! Maadam Somalidu ka sameysantay dhaqabo isutagey aad by ufiicantahay in lagu faano tajirnimad allah nasiiyeye.

  7. Laila
    September 2, 2014 | 7:47 am

    Salaam, I’m looking forward to trying out these recipes. Would you mind making a tiramisu recipe?
    Thanks for all your amazing work, I’ve learnt so much from your website!

    • A&L
      September 3, 2014 | 1:08 am

      Thank you very much. Tiramisu is on our to do list and God willing, we will post it.

  8. Sabah Ahmed
    September 11, 2014 | 9:58 am

    I love your blog so so so much. The food is so good and the instructions are easy to follow.

    Thank you.

    • A&L
      September 13, 2014 | 1:19 am

      We are glad to know that.

  9. Muslim
    October 6, 2014 | 4:54 pm

    Assalam alaikum. Amazing and beautiful work, may Arrahman be pleased with all of you ameen. Will it be possible to connect with you via email? If so, may I request your email address? Thank you.

    • A&L
      October 7, 2014 | 11:41 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you very much for your prayers. Our email is mail@xawaash.com.

  10. Margie
    November 1, 2014 | 11:03 am

    I want the world to experience the beauty of your blog. I’ve nominated you for the, One Lovely Blog Award, details are written on my site. XO

    • A&L
      November 3, 2014 | 1:23 am

      Thank you very much, Margie for nominating our blog. We really appreciate it and feel very honoured. We also thank you for adding us to your Food Blog Phenomes list. We are astounded!

  11. Asminaa.
    February 15, 2015 | 5:38 am

    mshalllh tnx waxbdanaa ka faidaaay cunadaaan jzaklllh akhwaati

  12. farhiya
    June 29, 2015 | 4:15 am


  13. [...] 2 Tomato Sauces (2 Dallac Bilaash) 2 Sauces Tomate نوعين … – Dans ce billet, nous avons préparé deux sauces tomate, une sauce de base et une améliorée par des ingrédients supplémentaires. Si vous voulez savourer le goût … [...]

  14. Baked Ajeero & Dallac Bilash
    December 20, 2015 | 1:04 am

    [...] For an Authentic Dalac Bilash visit xawaash.com [...]

  15. Mulki
    June 18, 2016 | 7:35 pm

    Mashallah everything looks so great.See you guys soon Inshallah.

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About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.