Easy Rice Pilaf (Bariis Maraq Fudud) أرز بيلاف سهل

Easy Rice Pilaf (Bariis Maraq Fudud) أرز بيلاف سهل

Easy Rice Pilaf


In this recipe, we show a quick method for preparing delicious rice pilaf. If you skip the rice soaking step, it becomes almost as quick as preparing a simple pasta dish. Use a good stock and your family or guests will think you have been labouring for hours in the kitchen. To make the rice more appealing and delicious, top it with a Somali rice topping or a carrot and raisin topping.

This rice goes well with many meat dishes such as shish taouk, beef kebabs, braised lamb, cubed chicken, fried fish, roasted chicken drumsticks, chicken stew, roasted lamb, chicken steak, thin-sliced beef steak, suqaar, as well as the vegetable dishes we posted before.

Sometimes, we do not bother with any of those other dishes. Serve with a simple green salad, peel a banana, and dig in.


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(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements


Easy Rice Pilaf:

  • ¼ cup (59 mL) Vegetable oil
  • 1 Medium Onion (sliced)
  • 1 Cinnamon stick
  • 4 Cloves
  • ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Cardamom (ground)
  • 3 Garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 Medium Tomato (sliced)
  • 2 cups (420 g) Sella basmati rice (parboiled rice)
  • 2 Tbsp (30 mL) Xawaash Bouillon Powder – Or 1 tsp Xawaash spice mix + 2 tsp salt
  • 4 cups (1 litres) Water (boil)




Steps for preparing the rice

  1. Soak the rice for 30 minutes. Using medium heat, fry the sliced onion in the oil for 3 minutes then add the cinnamon stick and cloves. Stir well after each addition. Add the ground cardamom and minced garlic.
  2. Add the sliced tomato and cook for three minutes.
  3. Add the rice and fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Mix the Xawaash bouillon powder with the boiling water, and stir well.
  5. Add the stock to the rice and stir well.
  6. Lower the heat. Cover and cook for 15 minutes.


Soak the rice for 30 minutes


The soaked rice


Easy Rice Pilaf


Easy Rice Pilaf


Easy Rice Pilaf


Easy Rice Pilaf


Hawaij Bouillon (can be substituted with xawaash spice mix and salt)


Bariis Maraq Fudud



Fiidiyo aan muusik lahayn:

Daabac Soo’da

Daabac Soo’da oo Sawirro Leh



(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)


Bariis Maraq Fudud:

  • ¼ koob (59 mL) Saliid caddeey
  • 1 Basal , Dhexdhexaad (jarjaran)
  • 1 Qori qorfe
  • 4 Dhegayare / qurunful
  • ¼ qy (1.25 mL) Hayl (shiidan)
  • 3 Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
  • 1 Yaanyo , Dhexdhexaad (jarjaran)
  • 2 koob (420 g) Bariis basmati seela
  • 2 QW (30 mL) Maraq Xawaash
  • 4 koob (1 litre(s)) Biyo (karkari)




Diyaarinta bariiska

  1. Bariiska qas muddo 30 daqiiqo. Digsi dab dhexdhexaad saaran, saliidda ku shub, basasha ku rid ee shiil. Qorfaha iyo dhegayaraha ku dar, si fiicanna u walaaq. Haylka iyo tuunta ku dar, kaddibna walaaq.
  2. Yaanyada ku dar oo walaaq. Kari muddo saddex daqiiqo.
  3. Bariiska ku dar, kaddibna shiil muddo 5 daqiiqo.
  4. Maraq Xawaashka iyo biyaha kulul isku dar, si fiicanna u walaaq.
  5. Maraq Xawaashka bariiska ku shub, kaddibna walaaq.
  6. Dabka aad u gaabi. Dabool oo kari muddo 15 daqiiqo.


Bariiska biyo la dhig muddo 30 daqiiqo


Bariiska biyaha lala dhigay


Bariis Maraq Fudud


Bariis Maraq Fudud


Bariis Maraq Fudud


Bariis Maraq Fudud


Maraq Xawaash (waxaa ku beddeli kartaa Xawaash iyo cusbo)


أرز بيلاف سهل


فيديو بدون موسيقى:

اطبع الوصفة – بدون صور

اطبع الوصفة – مع صور


كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل

أرز بيلاف سهل
زيت نباتي كوب ¼
(بصل( مقطع شرائح 1
عود قرفة 1
قرنفل 4
(هيل (حبهان)( مطحون ملعقة صغيرة ¼
(فص ثوم( مفروم 3
(طماطم( مقطع شرائح 1
ارزسيلا بسمتي جم 420
مرق حوائج ملعقة كبيرة 2
(ماء( يغلّي كوب 4


طريقة التحضير:


طريقة تحضير الأرز

ينقع الأرز لمدة نصف ساعة. يقلى البصل في الزيت على نار متوسطة، ويضاف عود القرفة والقرنفل ويقلب جيدا، يضاف الهيل المطحون والثوم ويقلب باستمرار -1
تضاف الطماطم وتحرك جيدا ثم تطهى لمدة ثلاث دقائق -2
يضاف الأرز ويقلب جيدا، يحمر لمدة 5 دقائق -3
يخلط مسحوق مرق حوائج مع الماء المغلي ويحرك جيدا -4
يضاف المرق الى الأرز ويقلب جيدا -5
تخفض النار الى اقل درجة، يغطى الأرز ويطهى لمدة 15 دقيقة -6


ينقع الأرز لمدة نصف ساعة


الأرز المنقع


أرز بيلاف سهل


أرز بيلاف سهل


أرز بيلاف سهل


أرز بيلاف سهل


مرق حوائج (يمكن استبداله بحوائج و ملح)







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35 Responses to Easy Rice Pilaf (Bariis Maraq Fudud) أرز بيلاف سهل
  1. ameerali
    December 4, 2013 | 9:58 pm

    salam a&l after long time. how ru guys I miss u guys, but I never miss ur recipes thank 4 that. when u guys start to sell the family chicken bouillon, cant wait try ur product. however the rice soaked 4 30 minutes, add 4 cups of broth, when I see ur video its seen picture perfect. when im making that the rice came out little mushy. wats going wrong? need some help on that please thank you. may allah give all the health n wealth 2 u guys aameen. how about nice butter chicken and naan please thank you.

    • A&L
      December 5, 2013 | 8:47 pm

      Thank you very much for your greetings. We are happy to hear from you.

      We think that you did not use the type of rice specified in this recipe. You must use Sella basmati rice (parboiled rice). We added your requests to our to do list and God willing we will make them. God bless you.

  2. Celmah
    December 4, 2013 | 11:48 pm

    Salam. What a great recipe ! I sure want to try it but where can I buy your Hawaij Bouillon ?

    • A&L
      December 5, 2013 | 8:49 pm

      Thank you for your comment. It is not yet available in the market.

  3. AA
    December 5, 2013 | 2:02 am

    AK..where can I find Hawaij Bouillon ? Look for everywhere but couldn’t find..

    • A&L
      December 5, 2013 | 8:50 pm

      It is not yet available in the market.

  4. Ayaan Abdullahi Ali
    December 5, 2013 | 3:33 am

    masha’alah runtii waa hab fudud hadana aad u qurux badan, udgoonkiisa ayn hada dareemayaa!! mahadsanidiin walalayaal.

    • A&L
      December 5, 2013 | 8:54 pm

      Adigaa mahadda mudan walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaatay.

  5. hani
    December 5, 2013 | 8:39 am

    asc walaal karooto see u samyisay mida kale maraqa digaaga xagee yaal oo aan ka heli karaa?

    • A&L
      December 5, 2013 | 8:58 pm

      Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Maraq digaaga weli suuqa ma yaalo.

  6. Qalanjo
    December 6, 2013 | 1:06 am

    Salaam A&L

    This Recipe looks so simple, can’t wait to try it. Thanks so much for making cooking so simple for us. May Allah reward you both. AMEEN!

    • A&L
      December 8, 2013 | 2:38 pm

      Thank you very much for your kind comment and prayers.

  7. Celmah
    December 6, 2013 | 1:41 am

    Mahasanid walaal. But you will tell us when and where your Hawaij Bouillon is available in the market ? What if I live in Hong Kong ? Can I order online ??? I am Chinese but a great fan of Somali culture, espcially Somali cooking :)

    • A&L
      December 8, 2013 | 2:40 pm

      We will let you know when it is available. Thank you very much for taking the time to comment.

  8. sumaya
    December 9, 2013 | 11:40 pm

    Asalam calaykum walaayaal this rice does look easy one can’t wait to try it can you guys please show us a picture of that sella pasmati rice I have looked at it there are lots of different ones I would like to use the right one JAZAAKA ALLAH QAYR

    • A&L
      December 15, 2013 | 7:05 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      We use Pameer, but any Sella basmati will do.

  9. fahma
    December 11, 2013 | 6:34 am

    Walaal waxaan kaa rabaa inaan fahmo sida loo sameyo toonta cad ee baroostada lagu cuno waliba carabta siyaada looga isticmaalo

    • A&L
      December 15, 2013 | 7:15 pm

      Waan soo gelinay sida loo sameeyo tuunta (toonta) Baroostada lagu cuno. Linkiga waa kan http://xawaash.com/?p=7125.

  10. Ibnu Adam
    December 15, 2013 | 4:36 pm

    asc wr wb, walaal aad ayaad u mahadsan tahay, run ahaanti webkan aad ayaan ooga faaiiday, aniga oo ah wiil ku nool wadanka norway, ilaahay khayr ha inga siiyo, maalintaan soo booqdo webkan wax baan ka faiida.

    • A&L
      December 15, 2013 | 7:32 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Adigana qayr badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay.

  11. umm Ahmed
    December 22, 2013 | 11:31 am

    Assalam wa’alaikum I was just wondering could I use a different stock like maggi or knorr and which one chicken, lamb or vegetable? Another thing is you use xawaash in all your recipes could I substitute it for curry powder or something? Thanks in advance May Allah bless you Inshaa’Allah.

    • A&L
      December 23, 2013 | 11:15 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you very much for your comment and prayers. You can use any type of stock you like. You can use cumin instead of xawaash.

  12. Siham
    December 26, 2013 | 12:18 pm

    Salaams, I tried this recipe yesterday and I must say it was great. The rice came out flavoured and delicious. I’m a newlywed wife and I was worried about my cooking. But thanks to you guys I’m enthusiastic about trying new dishes. Your recipes are so easy to follow and well detailed. Tonight I will try to make the sponge cake (my first cake ever) so wish me luck. I will let you know how it goes inshallah. I have one request can you add lemon cake to your recipes please. Thank you for the wonderful recipes, keep up the fantastic job

    • A&L
      December 29, 2013 | 11:04 pm

      Thank you very much for your great comment. We hope the cake turned out well for you. God willing, we will add lemon cake to our to do list. We wish you joy and happiness in your life together.

  13. habiibo
    February 2, 2014 | 10:36 pm

    Xawaash Bouillon Powder. Where can I find it.

    • A&L
      February 3, 2014 | 1:29 am

      It is available in Kenya now, and we will let you know as soon as it becomes available in other countries.

  14. Dahabo
    February 9, 2014 | 8:45 am


    I am a dutch woman, and I am married to a somali man.
    Long time I have looked for Somali receipes. Now I have found your site and i am cooking a lot of the receipes!! They are very nice!! That is why I want thank you for sharing!! greetings from Holland!!!


    • A&L
      February 9, 2014 | 7:03 pm

      Hi Dahabo,

      Thank you very much for your comment. We are happy you found the website helpful, and that you are enjoying Somali food.

  15. Sudi Hassan
    February 23, 2014 | 6:38 pm

    Aassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh; How are you doing?
    I want to tell you may Allah reward you for posting your videos and teaching us young Somali girls how to make Somali food. Today my Hooyo was sick and I had to make something, am not good at Somali food, and I was worry and Alhamulillah I went to your website and made this for my family. They all liked it, and it was easy and tasty.
    Jakallah Khrin please keep post your videos…

    • A&L
      February 23, 2014 | 11:19 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      We are doing great! Thank you.

      We hope your mom has recovered. Now that you have discovered what you can do in the kitchen, keep cooking and unleash your potential.

  16. ilhaan
    March 16, 2014 | 3:19 am

    waxaan ka codsanayaa cooker ka sharaf badan in ayay naga caawiyaa sida karinta cunta

    • A&L
      March 17, 2014 | 2:08 am

      Cunto kariska dhankee jeceshahay in lagaa caawiyo?

  17. Adnan59
    May 29, 2014 | 7:36 am

    Salam Aaleykoum wa rahmatulah wa barakatu, machaallah pour votre travail extraordinaire je vous félicite ;) …et j’aimerais savoir ou puis je trouver le bouillon FAMILY Halal ?? Merci et bonne continuation, qu’Allah nous facilite un chemin pour le plus haut degrés de son paradis, je patiente pour votre réponse, merci beaucoup pour vos efforts ! Machaallah !

    • A&L
      May 30, 2014 | 7:48 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you very much for your kind words. We are happy you like the website.

      God willing, the chicken bouillon will be available in Canada soon.

  18. Supuu
    February 15, 2015 | 8:22 pm

    Have you found out where I can buy the boullion powder? Thanks for the recepies. I am proud of you. May Allah bless you more.

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About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.