Somali Salad (Insalaaddo) Salade Somali

Somali Salad

Somali Salad - Salade Somali

Somali salad is very simple: lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, radishes, and a fresh, homemade dressing. The dressing is made of olive oil, lemon juice, white vinegar, salt, black pepper, and minced garlic. The garlic is optional but it enhances the taste quite a bit. The dressing must be made fresh and any leftover dressing should be refrigerated and used within two to three days.

The ratio of oil to acid is 2:1 and is different from the “golden ratio” of 3:1. We prefer the tartness of this dressing which makes it taste less oily. Even though most vinaigrette recipes recommend not using white vinegar, we like its neutral flavour which works well with the lemon juice. 

To ensure that the lettuce stays crispy, add the dressing just before serving the salad, but remember to shake the jar again.


La salade Somali est très simple: laitue, tomates, oignons verts, radis, et une vinaigrette faite maison. La vinaigrette est faite à partir d’huile d’olive, de jus de citron, vinaigre blanc, sel, poivre noir, et ail haché. L’ail est optionnel mais il améliore le goût grandement. La vinaigrette doit être fraîche et le restant doit être réfrigéré et utilisé dans les deux, trois jours qui suivent.

Le ratio huile/acide est de 2:1 et est différent du “nombre d’or” de 3:1. Nous préférons l’acidité de la vinaigrette ce qui la rend moins huileuse. Même si la plupart des recettes de vinaigrette déconseillent l’utilisation du vinaigre blanc, nous aimons son goût neutre qui va bien avec le jus de citron.

Pour s’assurer que la laitue reste craquante, ajouter la vinaigrette juste avant de servir la salade, mais n’oubliez pas de re-secouer le pot avant.



2 Under-ripe tomatoes
1 English cucumber
3 Radishes
2 Green onions
8 cups Romaine lettuce

Salad Dressing:
2 Tbsp Fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 Tbsp White vinegar
6 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1 Garlic clove (finely minced)
¼ tsp Salt
Pinch Freshly ground black pepper
¼ tsp Sugar

Serves four

Waxa loo baahan yahay:

2 Yaanyo cagaaran
1 Qajaar
3 Bagal
2 Basal cagaaran
8 Insalaaddo

Sooska Insalaaddada:
2 QW Liin dhanaan
1 QW Qal cad
6 QW Saliidda oliifada 
1 Tuun (toon) xoqan
¼ qy Cusbo
Far iyo suul filfil madoow
¼ qy Sokor

Ku filan afar qofood


2 Tomates pas tout à fait mûres
1 Concombre Anglais
3 Radis
2 Oignons Verts
8 mesures de Laitue Romaine

2 cs de Jus de Citron Frais
1 cs de Vinaigre Blanc
6 cs d’Huile d’Olive Vierge Extra
1 Gousse d’Ail (finement hachée)
¼ cc de Sel
Une pincée de Poivre Noir Fraîchement Moulu
¼ cc de Sucre

Pour quatre



Wash the romaine lettuce under cold running water then cut it into bite-size pieces. Pat dry the lettuce or use a salad spinner to spin off the excess water. Wash the tomatoes, radishes, and cucumbers thoroughly, then slice them. If you prefer, you can quarter the slices. We used an English cucumber and didn’t need to peel it. If you are using a cucumber with a thick skin, you will need to peel it. Wash the green onions then chop them. In a serving bowl, combine the tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers and green onions.

For the salad dressing, combine all the ingredients in a glass jar and shake well until an emulsion is formed. We always have a few empty jam jars that we save. Using a glass jar makes it very convenient for storing any leftover dressing.

Making the salad dressing is quick and easy and its flavour is so much more superior to the store-bought variety.

Sida loo sameeyo:

Insalaaddada dhoor jeer biyo qaboow ku dhaq kaddibna gabalo yaryar u jar. Insalaaddada miire ku rid ama miiraha insalaaddada loogu talagalay si ay biyaha saa’idka uga baxaan. Si fiican u dhaq yaanyada, bagalka, iyo qajaarka, kaddibna jarjar. Haddaad jeceshahay, mukabacaat u jar. Waxaan isticmaalnay qajaar Ingiriis, looma baahna in la fiiqo. Haddaad isticmaalaysid qajaarka caadiga, maqaarka ka fiiq. Basasha cagaaran dhaq ee jarjar. Baaquliga aad ku qaddimaysid, isku wada dar yaanyada, bagalka, qajaarka iyo basasha cagaaran.

Maqaaddiirta sooska dhala dabool leh isku wada dar, si fiican u rux ilaa uu ka culusaado.

Insalaaddada sooskeeda si sahlan ayaa u sameysan kartaa weyna ka fiican tahay midda lagado ee diyaarka ah.


Laver la salade romaine sous un filet d’eau froide puis la couper en petits morceaux. Sécher la laitue dans un torchon ou avec une essoreuse à salade pour enlever l’excédent d’eau. Bien laver les tomates, les radis, et les concombres, puis les couper en tranches. Si vous préférez, vous pouvez couper les tranches en quartiers. Nous avons utilisé un concombre Anglais et nous n’avons pas eu besoin de le peler. Si vous utilisez un concombre avec une peau épaisse, il faudra le peler. Laver les oignons verts puis les hacher. Mettre les tomates, les radis, les concombres et les oignons verts dans un saladier.

Pour la vinaigrette, mélanger tous les ingrédients dans un pot en verre et bien secouer jusqu’à ce qu’une émulsion se forme. Nous avons toujours à portée de main des pots de confiture vides mis de côté. Le pot en verre est pratique pour conserver le reste de vinaigrette.

La vinaigrette est rapide et facile à faire et son goût est bien supérieur à celle du supermarché.


TomatoesSliced TomatoesTomatoes - Tomates – Yaanyo


RadishesSliced RadishesRadishes - Radis – Bagal


CucumbersGreen Onions
Cucumbers  &  Green Onions - Concombres & Oignons Verts

Qajaar iyo Basasha cagaaran


Romaine LettuceRomaine Lettuce - Laitue Romaine – Insalaaddo


Somali SaladSalad Mix - Mélange de Salade – Insalaaddada aan Sooska lagu darin


Salad Dressing
Salad Dressing - Sauce Vinaigrette – Sooska Insalaaddada


Somali SaladSomali Salad - Salade Somali – Insalaaddo Soomaali


Green OnionsGreen Onions - Oignons Verts – Basal Cagaaran


Somali Salad



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8 Responses to Somali Salad (Insalaaddo) Salade Somali
  1. W Ahmed
    June 8, 2012 | 11:40 am


    I tried the swahili tilapia curry yesterday and it was lovely – thank you, your reipes are delicious and simple, and increase my fairly new love of cooking, mashaAllah. I’m commenting on this particular recipe as I wanted to applaud you on your beautiful photography, mashaAllah! Did you take a course or was it just a case of practising? They’re really great! Many congratulations on a great website. May Allah SWT bless you.

    From walaashiin.

    P.S. If you get a chance, will you please post a recipe for the more flatbread muufo inshaAllah? Thank youuuu.

    • A&L
      June 9, 2012 | 2:57 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Thank you so much for the nice comment. Photography has been a lifelong hobby with many years of practice.

      Can you be more specific about what do you mean by flatbread muufo? Do you mean muufo Somali?

  2. W Ahmed
    June 9, 2012 | 8:16 pm

    Thanks for your reply. Ahh, that explains the great pictures mashaAllah.

    Yes, I meant Somali muufo. I saw a muufo recipe on xawaash but I was after the other Somali muufo…the ‘flatter’ one. JazakumAllahu Khairan in advance. All the best with everything inshaAllah.

    • A&L
      June 9, 2012 | 10:28 pm

      We miss muufo Somali too. We will add it to the list, and hope to do it soon.

  3. muna
    August 8, 2012 | 9:01 pm

    it look lovely food from somali

    • A&L
      August 8, 2012 | 11:56 pm

      Thank you for the comment.

  4. Abbas Salah
    April 26, 2014 | 1:47 am

    Excellent stuff!!
    One suggestion: instead of calling the dressing “sooska” in Somali, you can call it “iidaan” which is precisely what it is.

    • A&L
      April 27, 2014 | 1:08 am

      That is a great suggestion. We always need our viewers help to expand Somali food terminology, and we are open to all your ideas and input. Thank you very much.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.