Ahh! Bajiya! We just love them. How can you not? Eat them fresh and you will become addicted.
Bajiyas, are a regular fixture on iftar tables (breaking the fast in Ramadan), they are part of the Asariyo Quartet (one of the four essential elements of the Somali Afternoon Tea), and they are the ultimate street food. Whether you are in Mogadishu, Brava, Merca, Kismayu, and countless other cities in Somalia, you will find street peddlers selling bajiyas in the market. They are cheap and they don’t spoil easily.
Bajiyas also known as vadas in the Indian subcontinent, are made from black-eyed peas. In Brava, they were also made from azuki beans. Since it is important that bajiyas have some texture, the skins are removed from the peas after soaking them. If the peas were to be ground into a smooth paste, removing the skins would not have been necessary. Bajiyas, however, benefit from having a little coarse texture which makes them more crunchy.
It is a good idea to prepare a large batch of the crushed and skinned black-eyed peas (without the onions, tomatoes, garlic, etc). You can store them in small freezer bags for a couple of months. This way you can make tasty bajiyas at a moment’s notice.
Bajiyas are usually served with a spicy sauce, even though they are great just on their own. You can adjust the heat by using milder peppers and by reducing the quantity of seeds.
Ahh! Bajiya! Nous les adorons. Comment ne pas les aimer? Si vous les mangez tout frais, vous deviendrez accro.
Les Bajiyas, sont indispensables à table lors de l’iftar (la rupture du jeûne pendant le Ramadan), ils font partie du Quartet de l’Asariyo (un des quatre aliments essentiels du Thé de l’Après Midi Somali), et ils sont le snack de rue ultime. Que vous soyez à Mogadishu, Brava, Merca, Kismayu, et plein d’autres villes en Somalie, vous trouverez toujours des vendeurs de rue de bajiyas sur les marchés. Ils sont économiques et se conservent bien.
Les Bajiyas, aussi connus sous le nom de vadas dans le sous-continent Indien, sont faits à base de haricots cornilles ou doliques à oeil noir. A Brava, ils étaient aussi faits à partir de haricots azuki. Comme il est important que les bajiyas aient une texture, les pellicules des pois sont retirées après le trempage. Si les pois étaient moulus en une pâte lisse, il ne serait pas nécessaire de retirer les pellicules. Les Bajiyas, toutefois, sont meilleurs s’ils ont une texture un peu granuleuse, elle les rend plus croustillants.
Il est pratique de préparer une grande quantité de pâte de haricots cornille pelés et moulus (sans les oignons, les tomates, l’ail, etc). Vous pouvez les conserver dans des petits sachets au congélateur pendant deux mois. Comme ça vous pouvez vous faire de bons bajiyas dès que l’envie vous prend.
Les Bajiyas sont d’habitude servis avec une sauce épicée, même s’ils sont aussi très bons nature. Vous pouvez ajuster le piquant en utilisant de piments doux et en réduisant la quantité de pépins.
2 cups Dry black-eyed peas
½ Medium-size tomato
½ Small onion
4 Garlic cloves
1 Jalapeno pepper (seeded if you can’t stand the heat)
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Salt (adjust to your taste)
1 tsp (5 mL) Turmeric powder
1 tsp (5 mL) Fresh coriander seeds or ground coriander
Oil for deep frying
Spicy sauce
½ Tomato
2 Garlic cloves
½ cup Fresh cilantro
1 Lemon
3 Jalapeno peppers
3 Tbsp (15 mL) Vinegar
½ tsp (2.5 mL) Salt
Waxa loo baahanyahay:
(Q.W. waa qaaddo weyn – midda cunnada lagu cuno) (q.y. waa qaaddo yar)
2 koob Digir ‘black-eyed beans ama peas (fiiri sawirka)
½ Yaanyo
½ Basal
4 Tuun (toon)
1 Basbaas (miraha ka-saar haddaad kulaylka jeclayn)
1 QW (15 mL) Cusbo
1 qy (5 mL) Huruud
1 qy Miraha kabsarada oo cusboon (fresh) ama kabsaro shiidan
Saliid cad oo lagu shiilo
½ Yaanyo
2 Tuun (toon)
½ koob Kabsaro caleen cagaaran
1 Liin dhanaan
3 Basbaas
3 QW (15 mL) Qal cad
½ qy (2.5 mL)Cusbo
Sida loo sameeyo waxaa ka-fiirsataa ‘video’ga.
2 mesures de Haricots Cornilles Séchés
½ Tomate de taille moyenne
½ Oignon petit
4 Gousses d’Ail
1 Piment Jalapeno (sans les pépins si vous ne supportez pas le piquant)
1 cs de Sel (ajusté à votre goût)
1 cc de Poudre de Curcuma
1 cc de Graines de Coriandre Fraîches ou de Graines de Coriandre Moulues
Huile pour la friture
Sauce Epicée
½ Tomate
2 Gousses d’Ail
½ mesure de Coriandre Frais
1 Citron
3 Piments Jalapeno
3 cs de Vinaigre
½ cc de Sel
Soak the black-eyed peas for six hours or overnight. The peas will double in size.
Digirta biyo la dhig muddo lix saacadood ama hal habeen.
Faire tremper les haricots cornille 6 heures ou toute une nuit. Les haricots vont doubler de taille.

Black-eyed Peas (When soaked they double in size) - Haricots Cornille (Quand ils sont trempés, ils doublent de taille)
Nooca digirta
Using a food processor, pulse the soaked black-eyed peas about six times. Transfer the peas into a very large bowl and fill with water. The skins will float to the top, making it easy to remove them when you drain the water. Repeat this step four or five times until you get rid of most of the skins. To conserve water, re-use the same water again and again.
Avec un robot mixer, utiliser la fonction pulse 6 fois sur les haricots cornille. Transférer les haricots dans un très grand bol et remplir d’eau. Les pellicules vont flotter à la surface, ce qui les rend facile à retirer en vidant l’eau. Répéter l’opération quatre ou cinq fois jusqu’à ce que la plupart des pellicules soit parties. Pour économiser l’eau, réutiliser la même eau plusieurs fois.
Alternately, you could buy crushed black-eyed peas if they are available at your local market. Soak them for 3 hours then wash and separate the skins.
Grind together the onion, garlic, tomato, crushed green coriander seeds, and the seeded jalapeno pepper. Green coriander seeds are very aromatic and are a favourite spice. We grow them in our backyard garden and store them in the freezer for use during the winter. You could use ground coriander seeds instead, but toast the seeds and cool them before grinding.
Comme alternative, vous pouvez acheter des haricots cornille déjà écrasés s’ils sont disponibles à votre supermarché local. Les faire tremper 3 heures, les laver, puis séparer des pellicules.
Réduire en purée l’oignon, l’ail, la tomate, les graines de coriandre écrasées, et le piment jalapeno épépiné. Les graines de coriandre vertes fraîches sont très aromatiques et sont une de nos épices favorites. Nous en faisons pousser dans le potager du jardin et les conservons au congélateur pendant l’hiver. Vous pouvez utiliser des graines de coriandre moulues à la place, mais grillez et laissez refroidir les graines avant de les moudre.
You can use a blender instead of a food processor, but we found that it is hard on the blender and you could easily burn the motor. Otherwise you would have to keep adding water. With a food processor you won’t need to add any water as the soaked beans already have sufficient moisture.
Add the peas and grind again making sure that it does NOT become a smooth paste. The mixture should have a medium texture. Try shaping the bajiya and if it disintegrates then blend it some more until it comes together. Add the turmeric powder and mix using a spoon. Transfer to a bowl.
Vous pouvez utiliser un blender à la place du robot, mais nous trouvons que ça le fait plus chauffer et vous pourriez facilement brûler le moteur. Ou alors vous devriez ajouter de l’eau. Avec un robot mixer vous n’aurez pas besoin d’ajouter d’eau, les haricots trempés en contiennent déjà assez.
Ajouter les haricots et mixer à nouveau en faisant attention à ce que la pâte ne devienne pas trop lisse. Le mélange devrait avoir une texture médium. Essayez de mouler le bajiya et s’il se désintègre mixez un peu plus jusqu’à ce que la pâte soit homogène. Ajouter la poudre de curcuma et mélanger avec une cuillère. Transférer dans un bol.
Using a frying pan, heat vegetable on medium high heat. If using a deep fryer, set the temperature to 365°.
Scoop some of the mixture with your fingers and shape it into a two-inch wide patty. Using your thumb, make a hole in the middle of the patty, then carefully drop it into the oil. Repeat.
Dans une poêle à frire, faire chauffer de l’huile à feu moyen. Si vous utilisez la friteuse, chauffer à 365°F/ 185°C.
Serve them hot!
Servir chaud!
To make the spicy sauce, blend together the ingredients for the dipping sauce. The photo below shows flat leaf parsley instead of cilantro because that is what we had in hand.
Remember that if you remove the seeds from the jalapeno peppers, you will have a very flavourful sauce without the heat. Enjoy!
Pour faire la sauce épicée, mixer les ingrédients de la sauce ensemble. La photo ci-dessus montre une feuille de persil plat à la place du coriandre parce que c’est ce que nous avions sous la main.
N’oubliez pas que si vous retirez les graines des piments jalapenos, vous aurez une sauce très parfumée sans le piquant. Bon appétit!
What a great recipe..!! I love Bajiyas. They make a perfect side dish for any meal or even an afternoon snack. We made some yesterday. They turned out soggy & greasy, Otherwise, they were very tasty. Any advice of how to make non-greasy bajiyas?
Thanks for sharing such a great link. Great job. Keep them coming bro.
Great question, Abdurahman. We’ve all had greasy bajiyas that turn you away from this tasty snack. It doesn’t have to be that way though.
You need to do two things to avoid this problem. First, don’t make the batter too watery. Second and more important, get the oil at the right temperature. If the oil is too hot, it will quickly cook the outside and leave the inside raw. If it is not hot enough, the bajiyas will sink and they will absorb too much oil.
If you look at the video, you will notice that the bajiyas float in a very short time and the oil has no chance to soak in. Have enough oil in the pan and do not try to fry too many bajiyas at one time. Too many bajiyas will lower the oil temperature quickly. If you have a thermometer, the right oil temperature for frying bajiyas is 365 degrees.
Hope that helps.
I just made these today, but i definatley made them too watery (i should have used the cup measurement) and consequently were too greasy. tasted good, but will measure properly and maybe even use a thermometer next time.
Make sure that the batter is not too grainy, otherwise they will disintegrate when you drop them into the oil. Go for a finer grain and as you mentioned, and don’t make it watery.
Bajiye have a lovely unique taste! Thanks for posting this with the heat sauce! Do you know how to make a heat sauce using qumbe? Some Somalis use qumbe for making it… But I don’t know if it is popular in Somalia.
We are familiar with the hot sauce that is made with coconut. It is better with freshly grated coconut but you can rehydrate desiccated coconut then add it to the blender with the rest of the ingredients. Hope that helps.
I found this recipe very useful. I cooked 2 KG of bajiya and froze it for more than a month. Somedays, I put it in the microwave for 1.30 seconds and wrap it in pita bread, mixed salad greens, arugula with ranch dressing and it becomes a healthy to go lunch. I also put it in the oven with frozen fries, bake everything at the same time and it goes in the lunch bag of the kids. Really versatile and useful . The only issue is that I cannot fry with the whole in the middle, so I have a question: can we add a little bit of flour to make the batter a bit harder?
Thanks for sharing this recipe!!
Nice suggestions. You could make the batter harder by reducing the tomato and the onion. Actually we made bajiya without tomato and onion and they turned out like the Egyptian ta’amiya. The Egyptians have a famous sandwich made of ful and ta’amiya. We also like to add roasted eggplant to the wrap, it’s delicious. Thank you for the question.
walalo marka hore wad ku mahad santahay walahi wan ka helay cuntadad lkn walalo wax ku waydina ado rali ah canboladan cad inte laka hela aniag yurub an joag mana arko
Waad ku mahadsan tahay faalladaada. Digirtaas waxaad ka heleysaa dukaamada Carabta ama Hindida.
asc walalaha qaaliga waad ku mahadsantihin sida wanagsan ee hagar la aanta eh ood noogu soo bandhigtan wixi ilaah idin baray ilaah ha idinka abaal mariyo su aal waxan idin weydihaa waxa mooyaha ku jiro magacood oo cagaaran oo bajiyaha iyo qudaarta lagu shiidayo waxa meesha ku qoran yanyo tuun basal basbaas cusbo huruud marka waxan fahmi waayay waxa moyaha kujiro idinkoo raaliya iga jaahil bixiya mahadsanidiin webkan waa mid aad uqaaliya hooyooyin ila mida ayan umaleynaya in eey maalinba nuuc ukariyan ciyalkoda ayagoo ka firsanayon xawaash horumariyaha bulshada thanks
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada aadka u-fiican. Waxaan aaminsan nahay qofwalba Ilaahey aqoon siiyay inuu dadka u-faaiideeyo. Mooyaha waxa ku-jira waa miraha kabsarada oo fareeshka ah. Waxaan beerannaa kabsaro caleen, waxay innoo dhashaa miraha kabsarada. Waxaad ku beddeli kartaa kabsarada qalalan oo shiidan.
asc waad ku mahadsan tihin sida aad iiga jaahil bixiseen jizaakalahu
Adigaa mudan. Su’aasha aad qabtid waa na-weydiin kartaa.
Another wonderful and easy to make recipe. My children and husband loved it with no complaints. Which is rare in my household, especially at mealtime. The bajiya will definitely be a staple on our menu. My only challenge is, that it is fried. Can I bake it instead and still get the same results?
We haven’t tried baking them, but we don’t see why not. If we were to bake them we would spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet, put a few drops of oil on top of them and bake them at 385F. Turn them over after 15 minutes and bake for 10 more minutes. Thank you for your comment.
You guys are amazing. I will keep you updated once I bake them. Thank you.
Salam, I love bajiyo shukran!. Can I use black eyed BEANS instead??
Wa-alaykum Assalaam,
Black-eyed peas is another name for black-eyed beans. They are one and the same. Thanks for the question.
waw so simple and yummy thank U …
Thank you.
asc walal waxaan rabaa in aan kuwaydiiyo black eyed peas iyo fuulka carabta ma iskumidbaa miyaan isticmalikaraa fuulka daasadaha kujiro ..mahadsanid
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Fuulka iyo black eye peas isku mid ma’ahan. Fuulka daasadaha waa mid karsan oo looma isticmaali karo bajiyaha. Waa laga sameyn karaa digirta fuulka haddeysan karsaneyn.
waan idinku faraxsanahay in badan walaalo yaal caawinta aad nacaawineesaa, aad ayaan idinkaaga mahad celinaa, waxaan ahay arday jooga meel oo san ka heli karin cuno somali, maalinta aan bartay “web-page-kaan ” waan isku filnaaday waana ka kaaftoomay raashinka banaanka…. allah mahad leh , kadibna idinka mahad leh waan idinku faraxsanahay
Maasha’Allaah! Waa wax aad loogu farxo. Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada, waxaana rajaynaynaa inay dad kale oo badan kugu daydaan.
asc waad mahad san tihiin laakiin aniga bajiyaha wuu ii hagaagi la yahay marwalbo wuu iga jilicsan yahay maxaan ku adkeeyaaa si fiican iigu soo faahfaahi adiga oo mahadsan
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Soo’da si-fiican u-raac, yaanyada iyo basasha haku badin. Haddaad ku-badiso wuu kaa jilcayaa. Makiinada waxaa fiican nooca “food processor-ka” inaad isticmaashid. “Blender” haddaad isticmaalaysid waxay noqonaysaa inaad biyo yar ku-dartid, haddii kale mashiidi karo. Mahadsanid.
I love this website and it has made my cooking so much richer and authentic. Trust me, I have referred friends, coworkers, and family to this site to enrich their skills.
It is a dream of mine to watch you on the FOOD NETWORK along with renowned chefs!
Best Regards,
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm for Xawaash. You are an amazing sister who likes to see the success of her people.
We are truly honoured to come to know people like yourself. We have been blessed by the outpouring of support that we got from the viewers of Xawaash. It has exceeded our expectations and we are humbled by it. Thanks again, sister Fartun.
Sw WALAALAHA WAXAAN Rabay inaad iisheegto adigoo mahadsan waamaxay jalapeno
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Jalapeno waa basbaas cagaar oo waaweyn.
ASc, aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin. leyla iyo cabdulahi. ilaah wax wanaagsan ha idinku abaal mariyo mida xigta aniga bajiyaha iima tooso marka hore dhadhankiisa iima macaanaado sida bajiyo iiguma dhadhamo mida xigta dhaxda ayuu ceyriin ka noqdaa wuuna iga adkaada maxaan sameeyaa?
waxaan idinka codsanayaa inaad noo soo gudibsiin sida cadasada loo dalaco iyo fuulka. mahadsanid
Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada. Dhadhanka wuxuu ku-xiran yahay waxyaabaha aad ku-dartid (basasha, tuunta, cusbada iyo yaanyada) hana ku-badin. Cusbada beddelkeeda waxaad isticmaashaa maraq qudaar ama maraq dajaaj, dhadhanka wuu sii fiicnaanaa. Saliid aad u-kulul haddaad ku-shiishid gudaha ceyriin ayuu ka-noqonaayaa. Waxaad isticmaashaa dab dhexdhexaad. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa waxyaabada kale aad naga codsatay. Mahadsanid.
Walaal salaan kadib mar labaad waxaan idin ka codsanaa mar dhexdaasna codsaday sida loo shiilo moosbukeeniga lagu sheiilo sokorta waan dhadhamiyay laakiin waligay ma arag meel lagu sameeyo it’s very delicious.
thanks, Nadiya
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa ee wax yar inoo samir.
asc walalyaal manshallah waye recepiga always cunto qurxon o fuded ayaa na tustiin lakiin waxan idinka mahad celinayaa sawirada quruxda badan oo somaliya ku saabsan wlahi dadka 20kii sano oo bur burka jiray soo koray ayaan ahay sawiradiinana waxay na tusayaan in aan wadan qurxon laheyn hadana hadii aan gacmaha is qabsano hagaajisan karno always thanks A&L illahay ha idin deysto danbigiina ha dhaafo iyo kii waalidkiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Aamiin. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada fiican. Waxaan Ilaahay ka baryaynaa waddankeenna siduu ahaa kafiican inuu nooga dhigo. Mahadsanid.
Assalamu Alaykum,
Growing up, my mom would always added an egg to the mixture because it helped the batter stick together during deep frying. Is this an unnecessary step I can get rid of?
Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Some people add an egg, and we have done that too, and it works well. However, it is not necessary. You can add an egg white if you wish. Thank you for your comment.
asalaamucaleykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatu?
walaal waxaad ii sheegtaan digirta nooca midabka cas maka samayn karaa bajiya.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Soomaaliya middaas ayaa laga samayn jiray, laakiinse halkaan iskuma dayin inaan ka samayno.
It’s simple
Thank you Ayan.
Asc wrt. Masha Allaah webkina hadda aya igu horeyso.
Waana kahelay dadaalkina wanagsan Allaah ha idinla
Garabgalo. Intaa kadib
Walaalo Su’aasheyda waxey tahay aniga Bajiyaha crispy iima noqdo ama qarbabac maxaa
Oogu wacan walaalo Adinki Mahadsan
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waxaan ku leennahay ku soo dhowoow goobta Xawaash. Waan ku-faraxnay inaad ka heshay. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada wacan.
Bajiyaha haddii aad loo shiido wuxuu noqdaa nooca jilicsan. Haddaad rabtid inuu qababacleeyo xoog ha u shiidin.
Masha Allaah waanka helay really Jawaabtina
Quruxdabadan oo dhaqsida badan Allaah ha idinkahayo IL iyo Cawriba.
Allaahumma Aamiin
Waa ku mahadsan tahay ducada wacan.
masha allaah aad u mahadsantihiin waana wax faaiido badan aaad iyo aad ugu helay sida noogu baahidirteeeyn allah ha idinka awaal mariyo
jisaakumalaahu Khayr..
Mahadsanid walaal.
Asc walaalayaal aad baad noogu faaiideyseen ilaahay haydinka abaal mariyo ..Ilaahay hanoo kiin daaayo.aamiin
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid walaal.
Asalaam Alaikum
This recipe for Bajiya is really amazing. I have a question though, I made this recipe and my batter wouldn’t stick together. When I had put a spoonful into the pan, about a bit after it literally divided into many little pieces. What do you think I should do, I really don’t want to waste the batter I made. I was thinking of adding some flour but I wasn’t sure if it would work.
Thank you.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakatuh.
You need to blend it some more. That happens when the batter is too coarse. There is no need to add flour.
Hi leyla how are you I hope your fine you and your family.luula mardadi
Dear Luula, we are all doing well and hope the same for you and your family. Thank you so much for your comment. We are very happy to hear from you.
Khutumiliile e-mail, naambila kana peete. Ahsanta.
My son is doing a project on Somalia at his primary school (in Oxford, UK). He would like to make some Somali food to bring in for his classmates to try and this looks like a good recipe! I have two questions:
1) How much batter would I need to make for 30 Bhajiya?
2) Are they OK to eat cold? We would need to cook them the night before!
Thanks for your help.
The recipe makes about 40 bajiyas. They are edible the next day, but not that great when cold. May we suggest Somali Fried Biscuits http://xawaash.com/?p=6723. You can make them ahead of time and they will be great.
Thank you guys so much..this food blog is amazing. i have learned so much from you. i really appreciated it.
Thank you very much for your kind comment. It is appreciated.
I was wondering if you have conversions for cups to grams that i can use for all you recipes?
How much is it for this recipe?
Here is the link to our conversion page http://xawaash.com/?page_id=7039.
[...] more info on bajiya (or baijyo), from Xawash: Bajiyas, are a regular fixture on iftar tables (breaking the fast in Ramadan), they are part of [...]
asc I need to know about the bajiyo so much. .my question is can I mix it with flour. ???
This dish makes me want go to Somalia. How is the situation here in Somalia? I want to travel here.
Assalamu aleikum,
I love your recipe mashallah, I have a question can I use a different type of beans? like beans that do not have the black spot?.