East African curries are influenced by Indian as well as Middle Eastern cuisines, so any similarities are not coincidental. This curry contains coconut milk which features prominently in Swahili cooking and it is one of the ingredients that makes the food really delicious.
This recipe is a family favourite and is one of the dishes most often requested when our nephews and nieces come for a visit. Even though the list of ingredients is quite long, most of the ingredients are items we regularly stock in our pantry. Traditionally, the chicken is cooked separately and is added to the pot in the last ten minutes or so of cooking. In order to simplify the dish, we cooked everything in one pot.
For this dish, we prefer using chicken thighs instead of chicken breast. The dark meat stays moist and tender for a longer period while it becomes infused with all the flavours of the curry.
Les currys d’Afrique de l’Est sont influencés par la cuisine Indienne ainsi que les cuisines du Moyen Orient, ils présentent donc des similarités. Ce curry contient du lait de coco qui est très présent dans la gastronomie Swahili et qui est aussi un des ingrédients qui rendent la nourriture vraiment délicieuse.
Cette recette est une des favorites de la famille et un des plats les plus demandés par nos neveux et nièces lorsqu’ils viennent nous visiter. Bien que la liste des ingrédients soit longue, la plupart sont des ingrédients souvent présents dans notre garde-manger. Traditionnellement, le poulet est cuit séparément puis ajouté à la marmite pour les dix dernières minutes de cuisson. Pour simplifier le plat, nous avons tout cuit dans un seul récipient.
Pour ce plat, nous préférons utiliser des cuisses de poulet plutôt que des escalopes. La viande brune reste juteuse et tendre pendant plus longtemps pendant qu’elle infuse dans les saveurs du curry.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL) all level measurements
(1 Tbsp Vegeta Seasoning Mix (18 g) = 2 Maggi or Knorr bouillon cubes = 2 tsp salt)
Serves 8
½ cup (118 mL) Canola oil
2 Onions
2 Large garlic cloves (or 3 small)
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Fresh ginger
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Cumin Powder
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Curry powder
1 tsp (5 mL) Turmeric powder
¼ tsp (2.5 mL) Cardamom powder
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Vegeta seasoning or 2 bouillon cubes (Maggi, Knorr etc.) or 2 tsp (12 g) salt
5 Tomatoes
2 Jalapeno peppers (or to taste) – Remove the seeds if you do not like it very spicy
1 cup (237 mL) Plain yogurt
2 Tbsp (30 mL) Tomato paste
1 Potato
1 Carrot
1 Sweet red pepper
2 lb (900 g) Boneless, skinless chicken thighs (cubed)
1 can (398 mL) Coconut milk
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Brown sugar (packed)
3 Tbsp (45 mL) Butter or ghee (optional)
1 cup (237 mL) Cilantro (chopped)
Waxa loo baahan yahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
(1 QW “Vegeta Seasoning Mix” = 2 mukacab Maggi ama Knorr = 2 qy cusbo)
Ku-filan 6 qofood
½ koob (118 mL) Saliid caddeey
2 Basal
2 Tuun (toon) waaweyn ama 3 yaryar
1 QW (15 mL) Sanjabiil cusboon (fresh)
1 QW (15 mL) Kaamuun shiidan
1 QW (15 mL) Kaari shiidan (curry powder)
1 qy (5 mL) Huruud shiidan
¼ qy (2.5 mL) Hayl shiidan
1 QW (15 mL) Maraq qudaar Vegeta ama 2 mukacab Maggi, Knorr ama 2 qy (12 g) cusbo
5 Yaanyo
2 Basbaas halabeenyo (jalapeno) – Miraha ka-saar haddaadan kuleyl badan jeclayn
1 koob (237 mL) Caano fadhi ama garoor
2 QW (30 mL) Yaanyo shiishiid
1 Bataato (baradho)
1 Karooto
1 Barbarooni gaduudan
2 lb (900 g) Cajarro digaag aan lafo lahayn
1 koob (398 mL) Caano qumbe
1 QW (15 mL) Sokorta madoow (faraha ku-riix markaad cabbiraysid)
3 QW (45 mL) Buuro ama subag (waad ka-dhaafi kartaa)
1 koob (237 mL) Kabsaro caleen
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL) mesures à ras
(1 cs de Mélange Assaisonnement Vegeta (18 g) = 2 bouillon cubes Maggi ou Knorr = 2 cc de sel)
Pour 8
½ mesure (118 mL) d’Huile de Colza
2 Oignons
2 Grosses Gousses d’Ail (ou 3 petites)
1 cs (15 mL) de Gingembre Frais
1 cs (15 mL) de Cumin en Poudre
1 cs (15 mL) de Curry en Poudre
1 cc (5 mL) de Poudre de Curcuma
¼ cc (2.5 mL) de Cardamome en Poudre
1 cs (15 mL) d’assaisonnement Vegeta ou 2 bouillon cubes (Maggi, Knorr etc.) ou
2 cs (12 g) de Sel
5 Tomates
2 Piments Jalapeno (ou selon le goût) – Retirer les pépins si vous n’aimez pas trop épicé
1 Mesure (237 mL) de Yaourt Nature
2 cs (30 mL) de Concentré de Tomate
1 Pomme de Terre
1 Poivron Rouge
2 Livres (900 g) de Cuisses de Poulet sans la peau, désossées, coupées en cubes
1 Boite (398 mL) de Lait de Coco
1 cs (15 mL) de Sucre Roux
3 cs (45 mL) de Beurre ou de Ghee (optionnel)
1 Mesure (237 mL) de Coriandre (haché)

Steps for preparing the yogurt coconut chicken (1) - Étapes pour préparer le Poulet Coco au Yaourt (1)
1. Blend the onions and garlic, then saute in the oil for 5 minutes. 2. Grate the ginger, then add. 3. Add the cumin powder. 4. Add the curry powder. 5. Add the turmeric powder. 6. Add the cardamom powder. 7. Add the Vegeta or bouillon cubes. 8. Blend the tomatoes and jalapeno, then add them to the pot. 9. Add the yogurt then cover and cook on medium heat for 10 minutes.
1. Basasha iyo tuunta isku-shiid. Saliidda ku-dallac muddo 5 daqiiqo. 2. Sanjabiisha xoq oo ku-dar. 3. Kaamuunta ku-dar. 4. Kaariga ku-dar. 5. Huruudda ku-dar. 6. Haylka ku-dar. 7. Ku-dar maraq qudaarta Vegeta ama mukacbaadka Maggi/Knorr. 8. Yaanyada iyo basbaaska isku-shiid, kaddibna ku-dar. 9. Caano fadhiga ku-dar, kaddibna dabool oo dab dhexdhexaad ah ku-kari muddo 10 daqiiqo.
1. Mixer les oignons et l’ail, puis les faire revenir dans l’huile pendant 5 minutes. 2. Râper le gingembre, puis ajouter. 3. Ajouter le cumin en poudre. 4. Ajouter le curry en poudre. 5. Ajouter le curcuma en poudre. 6. Ajouter la cardamome en poudre. 7. ajouter le Vegeta ou les bouillons cubes. 8. Mixer les Tomates et le piment, puis ajouter au plat. 9. Ajouter le yaourt, couvrir puis cuire à feu moyen pendant 10 minutes.

Steps for preparing the yogurt coconut chicken (2) - Étapes pour préparer le Poulet Coco au Yaourt (2)
1. Add the potato and carrot. 2. Cover and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes. 3. Add the sweet pepper. 4. Add the chicken. 5. Add the coconut milk. 6. Add the brown sugar. 7. Add the butter or ghee (if using). 8. Cover and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes. 9. Add the chopped cilantro. Serve with white rice.
1. Bataatada (baradhada) iyo karootada ku-dar. 2. Dabool oo dab dhexdhexaad ah ku-kari muddo 30 daqiiqo. 3. Barbarooniga ku-dar. 4. Digaagga ku-dar. 5. Caanaha qumbaha ku-dar. 6. Sokorta madoow ku-dar. 7. Buurada ama subagga ku-dar (haddaad isticmaaleysid). 8. Dabool oo dab dhexdhexaad ah ku-kari muddo 30 daqiiqo. 9. Kabsaro caleenta ku-dar. Bariid cad ku-cun.
1. Ajouter la pomme de terre et la carotte. 2. Couvrir et cuire à feu moyen pendant 30 minutes. 3. Ajouter le poivron. 4. Ajouter le poulet. 5. Ajouter le lait de coco. 6. Ajouter le sucre roux. 7. Ajouter le beurre ou le ghee (si vous en utilisez). 8. Couvrir et cuire à feu moyen pendant 30 minutes. 9. Ajouter le coriandre haché. Servir avec du riz blanc.
Best served with plain white rice or the Cilantro Rice
Maraqa wuxuu ku-fiican yahay bariis cad ama Bariis Kabsaro Leh
Meilleur servi avec du riz blanc ou du Riz au Coriandre
asalamu calaykum wr wb waa idin salmay layla iyo abdulaahi mashalaah tabrakalah ilaahay gacantiina ha idiin xifdiyo aduun iyo akhiiro ajar aan dhamaneen ilaahay ha idiin siyoo saan ugu bahnaa chicken waa u bahnaa mashalaah janatal fardowsaan ilaahay idinka baryeey 10 danbe ee sonkaa lagu jiraa ilaahay acmasheena ha inaga wada aqbalo ilaahayna ha noogu naxriisto alahuma amiin asc wr wb
Aamiin walaal. Intaad noogu ducaysay iyo in ka-badan ayaan Ilaahey kaaga baryaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada iyo ducadaada fiican. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
maasha alaah walaal ilaah haniga wada siiyo ajar iyo xasanaaat plz alaabta ciida ma soo galin kartaaa
Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan soo dedejin doonnaa. Mahadsanid.
Thanks it looks yummy. When do I add the plain yogurt (I don’t see that on the cooking instructions). Thanks again for the recipe. Jazakallah.
It is fixed know. Thanks.
Nevermind, pls disregard my last comment/question. I just noticed the plain yogurt step in the video. Sorry I usually look at the pictures & notes before going to grocery shopping. when I get all the ingredients, then I sit down to watch the videos. Thanks again guys. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
Thank you very much. God bless you.
hi guys can u tell me what kind of curry powder? why is the sugar please thankyou a&l.
We used mild curry powder but you could use any type you like. It is quite common to use jaggery (raw sugar) in some traditional curry recipes. We tried the brown sugar and we liked the result.
asalaamu alleeykum walaalaheyga qaaligoow maashaa allaah tabaaraka allaah tislamiin aadoo uqurxoonyahay walaal aadaa umahadsantihiin facal kheerkiina wanaaga quruxda badan niyadiin allaah hiiyeelo hortiin reediin hareerihiin nuuur inshaa allaah caafimaadsan farxad kuwada waara jazaakallaahu kheeyrakum waqeer jamiic baarakallaahu fiikum dunyaa wal aaakhr
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah, aad iyo aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay. Qayr ayaa kuu rajaynaynaa.
masha alaah jazakumulaah qeyr ilaah ha idiin xafidiya aad ayaan u jeclahay web kaan thnxa again
Aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay. Ilaahey adiga iyo reerkaada ha-idin xifdiyo. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
maashaa allah aad ayuu u qurux badan yahay ilaahay ha idinka abaal mariyo. aamin
Mahadsanid walaal.
salam caleykum walaal waxan iniga codsan lahaa idinkoo raali ah inaad labaniyad soo galisan
jazakumulaah kheyr
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan soo gelin doonnaa.
Adduun iyo aakhiraba liibaana aamiin
Aad ayaad u-mahadsan tahay. Adigana guul ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
Mashallah maanta ayaan casho ahaan u sameeyay maraqaan oo macaanka badan.. its so delicious, thank u so much for such effort u making for us!
Waad ku-mahadsan tahay inaad inoo sheegtay sida aad u-jeclaatay maraqa. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad cuntooyinka kalena tijaabisid. Mahadsanid.
Asalamu Caleykum. Abdullahi & Leila.
Mansha Allah and thank you another delicious recipe. May Allah! Grant you the best of outcomes in all your affairs, and save you from disgrace in this world and from punishment in the Hereafter. Amen
I was told to lose weight, need to eat more healthy. plz can I ask for diet recipes.
Amen, dear sister. Thank you so much for your great du’a. We were truly touched by it. God willing, we will post healthier recipes after Ramadan.
aad ayaan ujaclaada cunooyinkaada ee allaah ajir farabadan hakaasiiyo ee ahlullaahi hakaadhigo aaamiin
Adigana qayr fara badan Ilaahey ha ku-siiyo. Ciid Wanaagsan.
Thanks for sharing these recipes, i tried both the yogurt chicken n rice. Neighbours did not believe that lovely smell was coming from my kitchen lol…
Thanks for keeping my kitchen alive
You are most welcome. We are glad to know that you liked the recipes and that your neighbours enjoyed the lovely smell. Do let them have a taste next time. Thanks.
Sc wr web WALAALAHA xageen Kahelia karaa buuga cunta karinta
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Buug cunto karin ma-qabno.
i want say jazakalaahu kheyran the people who make us those amazing somalian recipes,, i always wanted to make masharo and mashmash but i didnt know the recipes, but now i can make it, again i have to say many thanks the people who invented this website….
Thank you so much for your nice comment. We are very happy we could help.
Assalamu caleykum waraxma tulaahi wabarakaatuhu janno allah idinku abaal Mariyo WA idin jeclahay side Hagar la aanta ah aad noo tusteen aqoontiina waan KA faaiideystay anoo gurigeyga joogo WAXAAN idin leeyahay Mashaa allah
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Aamiin walaal, annaga oo dhan insha’Allaah. Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada xamaasadda leh iyo ducada fiican. Mahadsanid.
Assalamo alaykum. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us. That looks delicious and easy to make. But if I just want to make it for 2 people, should I simply cut all your ingredients into half quantity ? Thank you. Celmah. I keep reading your recipes from Hong Kong. Keep up the good work. Mahadsanid. Maalin wanaagsan.
Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Thank you very much for your comment. As you said, you can divide the ingredients by two and refrigerate the rest. Stay tuned for more recipes to come. Thanks.
Hi there. I just want to ask if it is ok if I do not blend the tomatoes and jalepeno peppers and just cut them into cubes. If I blend them, do you put water into it ? I will try this recipe this weekend. Hope it will turn out well. Thank you. Celamh
You sure can cut them into small cubes. We used a food processor to blend the tomatoes so there was no need to add water. We hope you would love this recipe. Thank you.
Assalamo alaykum. Hello from Hong Kong ! I tried this recipe last weekend and it turned out very delicious. My family and I loved the chicken so much. The only problem I came across is that since I did not blend some of the ingredients, the sauce did not get sufficent liquid and at the end it burned my pot. But thank you for this wonderful dish. Celmah
Wa’alaikum As-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Thank you for taking the time to comment and let us know how much you enjoyed the Yogurt Coconut Chicken. We don’t believe that the problem is not blending some of the ingredients. You probably cooked it on high heat. Raw chicken releases a lot of moisture, this in addition to the yogurt and coconut milk.
Asc A&L, I made this curry before and it was delicious. I want to make it again tomorrow for lunch except this time I want to try with goat meat, would that work? Please reply and thanks in advance.
Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
We love curry made of goat meat but remember that you will have to adjust the cooking time. Thank you.
Thank you for your fabulously delicious recipes. As I have said before I am new to cooking Somali foods and frankly new to cooking as a whole. Your site has helped make my training a pleasure with minimal excursion or pressure. I thank you, my children thank you and mostly my husband thanks you.If I may make just one request, can you please post some healthy smoothie options? I love Somali blended smoothie drinks.
Much Love
You are most welcome. We are very happy that Xawaash has helped you become a better cook and that you are making your family happy. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. God willing, we will add your request to the list.
This was really good though I noticed the recipe didn’t have salt. Is that deliberate?
The recipe does include salt. It says 1 Tbsp Vegeta seasoning or 2 bouillon cubes (Maggi, Knorr etc.) or 2 tsp (12 g) salt. Thank you.
As always, thank you so much for the yummy looking recipe
. I’m planning to try this tomorrow, one question though, how do you get the onions and garlic pureed like that? Is it your type of blender or do you add water while blending?
Thank you very much for your comment. We used a food processor and blended for a while.
Hi I wanted to make this dish but noticed I only have chicken drums! Can I substitute and just use chicken drums with the bones instead of boneless thighs? Thanks u!
Ps I am a huge fan of your website I really appreciate your work and thanks to you I have made many of your yummy dishes that has impressed my family and friends! May Allah reward you
You definitely can.
Thank you for being a great fan.
We are happy for you. Thank you for letting us know.
My favourite! Greetings from Germany!
Wonderful! Thanks a lot.
Just want to say thank you so much for providing these recipes to cook for my husband. He only eats Somali food and I never learned much from my mother bcs I always hated to cook. I’m learning now and actually enjoying, plus I love seeing my husband so happy and full. Inshallah you are well and can continue making videos with your husband.
Thank you!! Farhiya