Baklava is a dessert to be experienced. It has an amazing combination of textures that is sure to please. The paper-thin layers of filo pastry are flaky and crisp while the nut filling is sweet and chewy. Addictive.
We used our homemade filo pastry that makes the baklava taste infinitely better than those made with store-bought, frozen filo dough.
Video without music:
- 1 recipe Filo (Phyllo) Dough – click for recipe
- 1 recipe syrup – see recipe below
- 1 recipe nut filling – see recipe below
- 1 recipe browned butter – see recipe below
- 1 cup (200 grams) white granulated sugar
- ½ cup (118 milliliters) water
- 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) lemon juice
- ½ teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) orange blossom water
- In a sauce pan, combine the sugar, water and lemon juice.
- Boil for 10 minutes using medium heat.
- Add the orange blossom water and stir.
Nut Filling
- ⅓ cup (47 grams) cashews
- ⅓ cup (47 grams) pistachios
- ⅓ cup (40 grams) walnuts
- ½ cup (63 grams) icing sugar
- ¼ teaspoon (1.25 milliliters) cardamom (ground)
- ½ teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) cinnamon (ground)
- ⅛ teaspoon salt
- Combine the nuts on a baking tray, then arrange in a single layer.
- Roast the nuts in a preheated oven at 350°F/177°C for 10 minutes. Let them cool down completely.
- Grind the nuts then add the icing sugar, cardamom, cinnamon and salt. Mix well.
Browned Butter
- 1 cup (227 grams) unsalted butter
- Place the butter in n a saucepan set over medium heat.
- Let it brown for 5-6 minutes.
- Turn off the heat when the foam subsides. Do not burn the milk solids.
- Butter a 9½ inch (24 cm) pan with browned butter.
- Place one sheets of filo pastry in the pan and butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 5 sheets layered.
- Sprinkle ½ cup of the nut mixture on top. Top with another 5 sheets of filo. Butter each layer with brown butter. Repeat as follows: 5 filo —> nuts —> 5 filo —> nuts —> 5 filo —> nuts —> 5 filo.
- Cut into the desired shape.
- Pour 3 tablespoon browned butter.
- Bake in a preheated oven at 300°F/149°C for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Pour the cold syrup on the hot baklava and let it cool down completely before serving.
Fiidiyo aan muusik lahayn:
- 1 soo’ Bur Fiilo – guji oo soo’da aad
- 1 soo’ sirab – soo’da boggaan hoostiisa ka fiirso
- 1 soo’ xashwo laws – soo’da boggaan hoostiisa ka fiirso
- 1 soo’ buuro la gaduudiyay – soo’da boggaan hoostiisa ka fiirso
- 1 koob (200 garaam) sokor cad
- ½ koob (118 mililitir) biyo
- 1 qaaddo yar (5 mililitir) casiir liin dhanaan
- ½ qaaddo yar (2.5 mililitir) maa’ sahar
- Isku dar sokorta, biyaha iyo liin dhanaanta.
- Dab dhexdhexaad ku kari muddo 10 daqiiqo.
- Ku dar maa’alwardiga, kaddibna walaaq.
Xashwo Laws
- ⅓ koob (47 garaam) laws kaashu
- ⅓ koob (47 garaam) laws fustuq
- ⅓ koob (40 garaam) laws woolnad
- ½ koob (63 garaam) budo sokor
- ¼ qaaddo yar (1.25 mililitir) hayl (shiidan)
- ½ qaaddo yar (2.5 mililitir) qorfe (shiidan)
- ⅛ qaaddo yar cusbo
- Saxanka foornada ku shub lawska, isku qas, kaddibna saxanka ku fidi.
- Ku dub foorno lasii kululeeyey 350°F/177°C muddo 10 daqiiqo. Dhig ilaa ay ka qaboobaan.
- Lawska shiid, kaddibna ku dar sokorta shiidan, haylka, qorfaha iyo cusbada. Si fiican u qas.
Buuro La Gaduudiyay
- 1 koob (227 garaam) buuro cusbo lahayn
- Bir dab dhexdhexaad saaran buurada ku rid.
- Gaduudi muddo 5-6 daqiiqo.
- Dabka ka demi markay xumbada degto. Xanshada ha gubin.
- Bir 9½ inji (24 cm) mari buurada la gaduudiyay.
- Cajiinka hal xabo birta saar, buuradana mari. Ku celi ilaa aad ka saartid 5 xabo, mid walbana buuro mari.
- Ku shub ½ koob lawska, kaddibna 5 xaboo bur saar. Bur walbo subag mari. Ku celi ilaa aad ka samaysid 5 fiilo —> laws —> 5 fiilo —> laws —> 5 fiilo —> laws —> 5 fiilo.
- Gabalo yaryar u jarjar.
- 3 QW buurada la gaduudiyey korka uga shub.
- Ku dub foorno la sii kululeeyey 300°F/149°C muddo hal saac iyo 15 daqiiqo. Syrabka ku shub, dhig ha qaboobo inta aadan qaddimin.
فيديو بدون موسيقى
- 1 وصفة عجينة الفيلو/الكلاج/الجلاش – اضغط هنا للوصفة
- 1 وصفة ثيرة – الوصفة في اسفل الصفحة
- 1 وصفة حشوة مكسرات – الوصفة في اسفل الصفحة
- 1 وصفة زبدة محمرة – الوصفة في اسفل الصفحة
- 1 كوب (200 جرام) سكر ابيض
- ½ كوب (118 مليلتر) ماء
- 1 ملعقة صغيرة (5 مليلتر) عصير ليمون
- ½ ملعقة صغيرة (2.5 مليلتر) ماء الزهر
طريقة التحضير:
- يخلط السكر، الماء وعصير الليمون
- يغلى على نار متوسطة لمدة 10 دقائق
- يضاف ماء الورد ويخلط
حشوة المكسرات
طريقة التحضير:
- تخلط المكسرات وتفرد على صحن الفرن
- تحمص المكسرات في فرن مسخن مسبقا على درجة حرارة 177 د.م. (350 ف) لمدة 10 دقائق. تترك حتى تبرد تماما
- تطحن المكسرات ثم يضاف اليها السكر، الهيل، القرفة والملح وتخلط جيدا
الزبدة المحمرة
- 1 كوب (227 جرام) زبدة غير مملحة
طريقة التحضير:
- توضع الزبدة في قدرعلى نار متوسطة.
- تحمر الزبدة لمدة 5 الى 6 دقائق
- يطفئ النار عندما تختفي الرغوة (تقريبا)
طريقة التحضير:
- يدهن قالب 24 سم بالزبدة المحمرة
- تفرد قطعة عجينة على الصحن وتدهن بالزبدة. يعاد نفس الخطوة عدد 5 مرات.
- تفرد 1/2 كوب مكسرات ثم يعاد نفس الطريقة الى ان تحصل على 5 فيلو —> حشوة —> 5 فيلو —> حشوة —> 5 فيلو —> حشوة —> 5 فيلو.
- تقطع الى قطع صغيرة.
- يصب فوقها 3 ملاعق من الزبدة المحمرة.
- تخبز في فرن مسخن مسبقا على درجة حرارة 149 د.م. (300 ف) لمدة ساعة وربع. تضاف الشيرة وتترك حتى تبرد تماما.
Dear A&L,
You won’t believe, but it’s the truth that I’m writing a comment for a food blog the first time. You are a great couple with fabulous interests.countless number of food blogs are around, but I should say xawaash is the best in it’s simple presentation, excellent in recipes, and I have no words to put together more to appreciate your skills.I will be so honored if you have a moment to drop a mail to my inbox.Me and my hubby always loved to taste baklava, and we buy it from the best arabic sweet shops, when we were in Bahrain.Now we live in Dubai.So glad to find the best recipe for this crispy sweet.
Dear Shi,
Thank you very much for your heart warming comment. We were truly touched to read your comment. We wish you and your family all the best. May God bless you. Thanks again.
asc wrb maxaa idinku dhacay qoraalkiina waan u xiisnay mise meelkale aad u guurteen saan wabkiina u booqanayay waa daalay,
cimri dheer ,caafimaad iyo cibaado suuban
ilaahay ha idinsiiyo
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Annagaba waan idiin xiisnay. Waxaan ku mashquulsanahay maqaayad ayaan Toronto ka furanaynaa. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo laaban doonnaa. Mahadsanid walaal.
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السلام عليكم
رائع رائع رائع
دقة متناهية عرض ولا أروع بصراحة موقع سحري
حفظكما الله ورعاكما
ألف شكر
Salam alaikom …can u please share the baklava dough recipe coz i cnt find tat place where i live …
I have questions would like to ask you. I notice that you guys stopped posting stuff up here, so are you guys going to close the website and if so when because I will print all the recipes. please please don’t stop posting. I know you guys are busy with the new restaurant.
This recipe is great great but I have a couple of questions?
1. Do the nuts have to be untoasted and are yours salted or no?
2.what do my fill sheets stick to each other? Do you have any suggestion for me?
Mash allaah Macluumaad aad u wanaagsan iyo cuntooyin kala duwan ayaad ku soo bandhigteen.
iskaabulo badan wax way ka baranayaan.
Assalamu alaykum.
Ramadan Mubarak.
Please, no more recipes?
You are great couples may allah bless you
walaal waxaan u bahanahay in aan ka qayb qaato barnamijkan si aan idinla xihdhiidho isha allaah si taxane ah ma ula socon karaa. mahadsanid.
MashaAllah I came across ur blog few days back n the first recipe I tried was filo n baklava. On seeing the results u don’t know how much dua came out from my heart for both of u, the result was Amazing. U take so much effort n help us, May Allah bless u both with all gudness in life Aameen.
Amazing, I am so glad I found this website. Thank you.
If every Somalian was as lovely as you and cooked as well as you, there would never be any conflict or turmoil there. Thank you for being a great ambassador for your people, nation and culinary history. Much respect.
السلام عليكم
Runtii waxaa isoo jiitay farsamada iyo xirfada aad ku xeeldheer tihiin ee samaynta cuntada. Waxaan dareemayaa inay arrintan suurtageli lahayn haddii aysan jirin wada-shaqayn dhexdiina ah. Waa tusaale fiican oo ka tarjumaya lamaane team ah.