Peeling & Seeding Tomatoes (Fiiqidda & Mira Ka Saaridda Yaanyada) Peler & Épépiner les Tomates تقشير وازالة بذور الطماطم

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2 Responses to Peeling & Seeding Tomatoes (Fiiqidda & Mira Ka Saaridda Yaanyada) Peler & Épépiner les Tomates تقشير وازالة بذور الطماطم
  1. Umuhamim
    June 18, 2014 | 9:11 am

    Jezakelah this is a big lesson. That is exactly what most of us
    need it. Specially when I am in a ruch I always put the seeds with
    the juice. But I wonder? does the seed create another taste if
    we put in the sauce?

    • A&L
      June 19, 2014 | 12:42 am

      No, it doesn’t. It is a matter of personal preference, and you can definitely use the whole tomato. We do not always peel and seed tomatoes, especially when we are making hearty stews and soups.

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