The delicious graffe (Italian donuts), from the previous post, require a special custard for the filling. Store-bought custard will not do. A good pastry cream begins with quality ingredients. For flavouring, we recommend using vanilla bean and orange zest. If you cannot find vanilla bean, the next best thing is pure vanilla extract. You can also use vanilla essence or vanillin sugar.
Pastry cream or crème pâtissière can be used in many desserts, which makes this easy recipe very important to learn. It is very versatile and we hope to post several for desserts in which this pastry cream will be used. This recipe uses fewer eggs than many other recipes and you do not need cream to prepare it. One option we like is the addition of a little cream cheese, but this is entirely up to you if you wish to add it or leave it out. You can replace the flour with a 1/4 cup of corn starch (UK: cornflour), but we prefer to use flour whenever we prepare pastry cream.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
- 2 cups (474 mL) Whole milk (3.25%)
- ½ Vanilla bean
- 1 tsp (5 mL) Orange zest
- 6 Tbsp (90 mL) Sugar – Or 75 grams
- 4 Egg yolks
- ⅓ cup (40 g) All-purpose (plain) flour
- ¼ cup (56 g) Cream cheese (softened) – Optional
- ¼ cup (63 mL) Unsalted butter (softened)
- Combine the sugar, egg yolks, and flour. Whisk well.
- In a pot set over medium heat, combine the milk, vanilla bean, and orange zest. Do not let the milk boil.
- Take a 1/4 cup of the warm milk and mix with the egg mixture.
- Add the egg mixture to the milk before the milk reaches the boiling point. Whisk continuously.
- Add the cream cheese, if using, then add the butter. Whisk well.
- Transfer to a bowl and place cling film directly on the surface to prevent the cream from forming a skin. Refrigerate.
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
- 2 koob (474 mL) Caano dufan laga saarin (3.25%)
- ½ Digir faniilla
- 1 qy (5 mL) Bishir oranjo
- 6 QW (90 mL) Sokor
- 4 Shaharka ukunta
- ⅓ koob (40 g) Bur cad
- ¼ koob (56 g) Farmaajo kareemo leh (la jilciyay)
- ¼ koob (63 mL) Buuro aan cusbo lahayn (la jilciyay)
- Isku dar sokorta, sharka ukuta, iyo burka. Si fiican u qas.
- Digsi dab dhexdhexaad ah saaran, ku shub caanaha, kuna dar faniillada iyo bishirka oranjada. Canaha yaysan karkarin.
- Soo qaado 1/4 koob caanaha waxaana ku qastaa ukunta.
- Caanaha marka ay ku dhowaadaan inay soo karaan, waxaa ku dartaa ukunta aad qastay. Si fiican oo joogto ah u walaaq.
- Ku dar farmaajada jilicsan, haddaad isticmaaleysid. Ku dar buurada. Si fiican u walaaq.
- Baaquli ku geddi, kaddibna bac saar kareemada dusheeda. Qaboojiyaha geli.
Les délicieuses graffes (beignets italiens), du post précédent, sont fourrées avec une crème spéciale. La crème anglaise toute prête du supermarché ne convient pas. Une bonne crème pâtissière se prépare avec des ingrédients de qualité. Pour le parfum, la meilleure solution est d’utiliser de l’extrait de vanille pure. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser de l’essence de vanille ou de sucre vanillé.
La crème pâtissière s’utilise dans de nombreux desserts, ce qui fait que cette recette simple est indispensable à connaître. Elle est très versatile et nous espérons publier plusieurs recettes de desserts qui utilisent de la crème pâtissière. Cette recette contient moins d’oeufs que les autres recettes et vous n’avez pas besoin de crème pour la préparer. Une variante que nous apprécions est de rajouter un peu de cream cheese, mais vous êtes libre de l’ajouter ou de le laisser de côté. Vous pouvez remplacer la farine par ¼ de mesure de fécule de maïs, mais nous préférons utiliser de la farine quand nous préparons la crème pâtissière.
Imprimer la Recette avec Photos
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
- 2 mesures (474 mL) Lait Entier
- ½ Gousse de Vanille
- 1 cc (5 mL) de Zeste d’Orange
- 6 cs (90 mL) de Sucre – Ou 75 grams
- 4 Jaune d’Oeuf
- ⅓ mesure (40 g) de Farine Blanche
- ¼ mesure (56 g) de Fromage Frais (ramolli) – optionnel
- ¼ mesure (63 mL) de Beurre Doux (ramolli)
- Mélanger le sucre, les jaunes d’oeufs, et la farine. Bien battre avec un fouet.
- Verser le lait, la gousse de vanille et le zeste d’orange dans une casserole chauffée à feu moyen. Ne pas faire bouillir le lait.
- Prendre ¼ de mesure de lait tiède et l’ajouter au mélange d’oeufs.
- Ajouter le mélange d’oeufs dans le lait avant que le lait commence à bouillir. Fouetter constamment.
- Ajouter le cream cheese, si utilisé, puis ajouter le beurre. Bien fouetter.
- Transférer dans un bol et poser un film alimentaire directement sur la surface pour éviter que la crème forme une peau. Réfrigérer.
كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
كريم باتسيير | ||
حليب كامل الدسم | كوب | 2 |
عود فانيليا | ½ | |
بشر البرتقال | ملعقة صغيرة | 1 |
سكّر | ملعقة كبيرة | 6 |
صفار البيض | 4 | |
طحين ابيض متعدد الأغراض | جم | 40 |
جبنة بالقشطة | جم | 56 |
زبدة غير مملحة | كوب | ¼ |
في سطانية، يوضع السكر، صفار البيض، والطحين (الدقيق). يخلط جدا. | -1 |
فى قدر يوضع الحليب، الفانيليا، وبشر البرتقال. تستخدم نار متوسطة. يجب ان لا يصل الحليب الى درجة الغليان. | -2 |
بعد ان يسخن الحليب قليلا، يؤخذ منه 1/4 كوب ويضاف الى مزيج البيض. | -3 |
يضاف مزيج البيض الى الحليب الساخن قبل ان يصل الحليب الى درجة الغليان. تحرك بإستمرار. | -4 |
تضاف جبنة الكريمة الطرية اذا حبيتم، ثم تضاف الزبدة الطرية. تحرك بإستمرار. | -5 |
توضع الكريمة في سلطانية ويوضع بلاستك التغليف مباشرة على سطح الكريمة لتفادي تكون قشرة، تحفظ في الثلاجة لحين الاستعمال | -6 |
yummmmy can not wait to try it….
We hope you will like it. Thank you.
maaansha allaah wa cunto qurux badan aadna u fudud
suaal walaal kaligiis mala cuni karaa?
saa nooga farxisaan illaahey meel eydaan fileyn ha idiinka farxiyo amiin
Mahadsanid walaal. Waa la cuni karaa, waa sida kastarka oo kale.
thanks amillion for your work and effort i had this receipe for pastry cream but yours is much easer this is handy i will be able to use same cream for many things…..thanks again
Thank you very much for your comment. We are happy you liked it.
waxa sidoo kale hanbalyada Ciida u diraayaa
sanadkaan sanadkiisa Alle hanagu gaarsiiyo nabad. Soonkeena Alle ha naga wada aqbalo. aad ayaa idin salamayaa. Kareemada wa ka helay sida lo sameeyay waana isku dayi doonaa insha Allah, inaa sameeyo
Ciid wanaagsan dhamantiina
Ciid Wanaagsan walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay hambalyada wacan iyo faallada fiican. Qayr badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Mahadsanid.
As,layla & cabdullaahi ,ciid Mubarak, walalyaal aad ayaan idinkaga mahad celinaynaa dadaalkiina daacadnimada leh. waana idinka Faa’iidaystay aniga gaar ahaan wanaag Allah a idinkugu badalo.
Aamiin walaal. Aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay. Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada. Ciid Mubaarak.
Hi leyla how are you I hope your fine you and your you remember me. I am really so happy to see you.
Thank you very much for the comment, Luula. We are happy to hear from you. Happy Eid.
Asc walaalayal. I used your lovely xawash with rice for the Iftar I made for visitors of Masjid An Nabawi in Madina KSA during Ramadan. The rice was very popular. Thank you for this recipe and also for this website, I made many dua for you. Eid Mubarak.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you very much sister for your kind comment and prayers. God bless you! May God accept your charity and prayers. One of the places we miss the most is the prophet’s mosque in Madinah. Whenever we visited it, it gave us an indescribable and overwhelming sense of tranquility and serenity.
masha’alah, thankz to u so much walalayal, kheyr badan illah ha idin siiyo, wan ka maqsuuday.
Waan ku faraxsan nahay inay ku cajibisay. Mahadsanid.
wll wan ka helay cremkan lkn waxan jecelahay inad nogu soo dartan kastarka oo dhownoc laga dhigo ayaa jira kas nogu soo dara walaal allaha idinka jasai siyo insha camalkan fiican eed wadan
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Mahadsanid.
yammy cant wait to try it thanks a lot
We hope you will like it. Thanks.
ascww wl aad baa u mahadsantiin sidaad marba noogusoo dhigaysaan wax niyadayadu jeceshahy, inaan barano, khyr ALLE ha idiin ku badallo miizaanka xasanaadkana ha idiin ku daro, wl waxaan jeclahy inaad noosoo dhigtaan sida uunsig loosameeyo haday suura gal tahy waa mahadsantihiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay hadalda wacan. Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay faallada iyo ducada. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
This is THE best cooking sit I have come across EVER.
It is inspiring, full of beauty and the recipes are out of this world.
My deepest gratitude!
What a nice, nice comment! Your kindness is appreciated. Thank you!
This is the best cooking site that I hv ever seen, how our lovely chefs they make easy for us to learn from them n they show us step by step its soo beautiful n the recipes is out of this world. my Dua with u all n thanks for website. Thank you all n I say Mashaallah to you.
Thank you very, very much for your wonderful comment. We are very happy that you liked our website. Best wishes for you.
Do you guys have a store where I can buy the donut and the creme?
No, we don’t own a store. We hope you will try to make them yourself.
Thank u so much for the great effort in introducing us to your marvellous & fascinating recipes.. very simple and easy ingredients!
I feel so sorry that I’ve missed much, but I’m trying hard to collect as many of your recipes to my notes.
This is really a great website that I’m proud of.
So, thank you from the bottom of my heart…
Thank you very much for your amazing comment. We are very happy you found our blog and hope you will catch up soon. God bless you.
Asc Wsc, How are you guys? I want to thank you guys for this wonderful website you have made! I have learnt so so much from you guys and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 I have a question for this recipe tho, How long does the cream have to be in the fridge before I can use it? Thank You So Much And Insahllah You Keep On Working Hard