The following recipe is for sweet bottle gourd known in Brava as Ntaambi ya Maboori. The word Ntaambi means Vermicelli, and Ntaambi ya Mabboori is Vermicelli made of Bottle Gourd. During Ramadan (the month of fasting), this dessert is served after dinner in the majority of households.
The bottle gourd must be young and tender. Buy the freshest ones you can find. Bottle gourd is prepared into either sweet or savoury dishes.
The preparation of this dish is somewhat labour-intensive, but the result is worth it. However, some people use short cuts by cutting the bottle gourd into thin wedges.
Bottle gourd is considered to have many health benefits. The pulp is cooked seperately and is believed to induce sleep.
La recette qui suit utilise la Courge Bouteille Sucrée connue à Brava sous le nom de Ntaambi ya Maboori. Le mot Ntaambi veut dire Vermicelles, et Ntaambi ya Mabboori veut dire Vermicelles de Courge Bouteille. Pendant le Ramadan (le mois de jeûne), ce dessert est servi après dîner dans la plupart des foyers.
La courge bouteille peut être préparée en plats sucrés ou salés.
La préparation de ce plat nécessite pas mal de travail, mais cela vaut le coup. Cependant, certaines personnes utilisent des raccourcis en coupant la courge bouteille en fines tranches.
La courge bouteille est considérée comme très bénéfique pour la santé. La pulpe est cuisinée séparément et on dit qu’elle aide à s’endormir.
3 tender bottle gourd (mabboori)
1 cup granulated sugar (suukari)
½ stick (4 tbsp) butter (maftaa sehemu) (For a Vegan option, replace the butter with oil)
6 cups water (maayi)
½ tsp ground cardamom (hilki)
Waxa loo baahan yahay:
3 Bocor cusboon (fresh)
1 koob Sokor
¼ koob (4 QW) Subag ama buuro
6 koob Biyo
½ qy Hayl shiidan
3 Courges Bouteille
1 mesure de Sucre en Poudre
½ plaque de Beurre (4 cs)
6 mesures d’Eau
½ cc de Cardamome Moulue
Cut the bottle gourd into thin strips as shown above.
Bocorta sida sawirka u-jarjar
Couper la courge bouteille en fines lanières comme ci-dessus
Add the sugar, water and butter. Cook until all the water is absorbed and the sugar becomes caramelized. Add the cardamom.
Ku-dar sokorta, biyaha iyo subaga ama buurada. Kari ilaa ay ka-gursato, sokortana haku gaduudato.
Haylka ku-dar intaadan ka-dejinin.
Ajouter l’eau et le sucre. Cuire jusqu’à ce que l’eau soit absorbée et que le sucre soit
caramélisé. Ajouter la cardamome.
The bottle gourd will become translucent and the sugar caramelized.
Bocorta oo la-gaduudiyey.
La courge bouteille va devenir translucide et le sucre va caraméliser
hi, leila wanted to ask you if you can show us how to make coconut (qumbe).
thank you so much.
Insha-Allah we will include the sweet coconut (qumbe) in the list of recipes to be posted.
I am so pleased to have found your website and i am thrilled that at least I can follow the recipes as it is in english. I like to try different food but most of the time , the show is in foreign language, so once I don’t understand, I never visit the site again. I just wish others could do the same like you.Your music is so so soothing and I love them all. I will try some of your recipe. May Allah bless you and your family. I am Muslim but i come from a French country But I live in the UK.
Thank you very much for visiting the website and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. May God Almighty bless you and your family.
salam a&l just like to say thank u for this site. you guys are wonderful people there arent many barawanee people out there who like to share their have helped me so much than words can describe. all so wanted to ask you do u have to peel the bottle gourd?
We are glad you found the website helpful. While there may be some people who don’t like to share their recipes, we found many who shared gladly.
Thank you very much for your comment.
You will need to peel the bottle gourd as the skin is very tough. Hope you enjoy this delicious dessert.
mashallah may allah bless u all and u webside help me lot,tnk alot
Thank you for the comment.
halow, leyla wanted to ask you if you can show us how to make banana (sida muuska loo shiilo).
God willing, we will post a recipe on how to fry bananas.
Hi Leila, Thank you very much for sharing your recipes and because of you, I’m cooking your recipes for Ramadan. May Allah bless you and your family and your husband. Thanks,
From Faisa Who Lives In The UK
P.S, can you show us a recipe of how to make potato zain.
Thank you for taking the time to comment and we are happy to know that you enjoy the recipes. The recipes are both ours and we develop them together. We have a lot of recipes for potatoes that we hope to post.
asc,ramadaan kariim walaalayaal ilaahay ha idin barakeeyo maansha allaah cuntooyin fiican bad noosoo galisaan walal waxaan jeclaan lahaa hadaad nooguuso dartaan Canbaabur. thanks.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Waad ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaada. Hadduu Eebbe idmo Ciidda ka-hor ayaan soo gelin doonnaa.
asc walaalayaal aad ayaad umahasantihiin cunoyinka macaan aad soogaliseen
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Masha allah waxaan aad uga helay noocyada cuntadii aan ku arki jiray dalkii hooyo gaar ahaan xamar waxa kaliya oo tabaayo waa canbihii lakarin jiray ee aan unaqaanay canba leeleefoow iyo cuntadii aan wada jecleen ee muus bukeri iyo batati isku karsan
Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan ku-talajirnaa inaan soo gelino waxyaabahaas oo dhan. Mahadsanid.
thanks guys walaahi dad jiro aya tahiin maba is lahen somali food aya internetka ka arki dontaa.. wax badan aya iga cawiseen waxan jeclaan laha inad so gelisan sida ‘i cun’ lo sameeyo
Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada fiican. Icun mar hore ayaan soo gelinay linki-ga waakan
Asc wad ku mahadsantihiid. Cawimadiina waxan Rabay idin weydinayaa qobka kore Malaga fiqaa mase jisakumulahu kheer
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Haa, waa inaad fiiqdaa. Mahadsanid.
waxan idinka codsanayaa adinkoo mahadsan sida lo sameyo SANGOONI
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa.
Inshallah ana wan idinka sugayaa wad mahadsantahay
koo waan idin salaamaya waxan idin ku salaamaya boqol iyo towon afarta. salaan kadib waxaa tihiin indaha mushtamaca somaaliyed waxaan ilahay kaga baryaya cimri dheer iyo caafi maad aqirana janada, amiin.
codsigayga waa arkay hadana waxaan iniga codsanaya madaama aan jaclahay macaanka in aad ku soo xejisiin baklava Jazaakumulaha qair waxaa inoo balan ah janada. Salamu alaikum wa raxmatul lahi wabarakatuh
Waa ku mahadsan tahay salaanta wacan waanna ku faraxnay. Waxaan kaloo ku faraxsan nahay kalsoonida aad nagu qabtid. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa baqlaawa. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahasanid marlabaad.
Asc walalaha qaliga ah kheeyr alle haidin siiyo walalyaal waxaan idin weydiina bocorka dhaxda malaga bixina
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigana qayr badan oo aan dhammaan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Bocorta dhexda ama caloosha waa inaad ka bixisaa. Mahadsanid walaal.