Oodkac or Muqmad is what Somalis prepare whenever they want to preserve meat. During times of plenty, that is the rainy days, the nomads save for a dry day. Rainy days bring abundance (barwaaqo), when the milk from the herd is flowing and meat becomes available.
The preserved meat was sometimes the only food available to the nomads whenever they wanted to “raid the fridge.” Oodkac was also contingency food that could be served to a hungry husband who would often arrive late at night, unannounced, after bringing the herd back from the watering hole. Letting him sleep hungry, could result in the woman having to make room for a second wife. A wife that could better cater to him.
Oodkac has many other uses. It is prepared when going on a long journey (saffar). For example, Somalis take it with them when going for pilgrimage (Xajka). It is also prepared for wedding ceremonies, and for the new groom and bride (arooska iyo aroosadda).
Oodkac can be prepared from different types of meat, but it is traditionally prepared from camel meat. While an extended family can eat a goat in one day, the size of a camel makes it a necessity that some of its meat be preserved. The meat would be cut into long, thin strips that are left to dry in the sun, and it is then cut into tiny pieces. This process is known as dareeris (hilibka waa la-dareershay).
Some Somalis have a wonderful tradition of preparing Xeedho as part of the wedding ceremonies. The Xeedho is a decorated vessel that contains oodkac and dates. It is secured with a rope that has intricate knots and it requires some ingenuity to untie. The Xeedho, which represents the bride, is made by the bride’s family and is presented to the groom’s family who are then challenged to open it. There are rules to opening the Xeedho (xeedho-fur), and these are well-explained on the blog Incoherent Thoughts. Do not be fooled by the title of the blog as the writer is very, very coherent.
Fouwzia Haji Hussein prepared the Xeedho for us. We would like to thank her on behalf of all our readers and viewers. We told her not to tie any complicated knots, since nowadays there are already enough knots in life.
In the diaspora, some of the new generation of Somalis turn their nose up at oodkac. Many of them do not realize that the promise of oodkac was one of the ways of courting women. In the following verses, a love-stricken young man makes these promises to the woman he loves:
Ubbad timir ah, owdali sokor ah, iyo oodkac malabeysan
Intaasba anaa heli karee, olola ii kaalay
What a crafty fellow! He is telling her that he can afford timir (dates), sokor (sugar), and oodkac, and is asking her to be his bride. That is definitely the good life! What more could a woman ask for?
Oodkac or Muqmad est préparé par les Somalis quand ils veulent conserver de la viande. Pendant les périodes d’abondance, c’est à dire la saison des pluies, les nomades font des réserves pour les jours secs. Les jours pluvieux apportent l’abondance (barwaaqo), quand le lait du troupeau coule à flot et que la viande devient disponible.
La viande séchée était parfois la seule nourriture disponible des nomades lorsqu’ils voulaient “dévaliser le frigo”. Oodkac était aussi la nourriture de réserve qui pouvait être servie au mari affamé qui arrivait souvent tard le soir, sans prévenir, après avoir ramené le troupeau du point d’eau. S’il partait au lit sans manger, cela pouvait avoir comme conséquence pour l’épouse de devoir faire de la place pour une deuxième femme. Une femme qui pouvait mieux s’occuper du mari.
Oodkac a plein d’autres usages. Il est préparé pour faire un long voyage (saffar). Par exemple, les Somalis l’emportent avec eux en pèlerinage (Xajka). Il est aussi préparé pour les cérémonies de mariage, et pour le jeune marié et son épouse (arooska iyo aroosadda).
Oodkac peut être préparé à partir de différentes viandes, mais il est traditionnellement fait avec de la viande de chameau. Si une famille élargie peut manger une chèvre par jour, la taille d’un chameau rend nécessaire la conservation d’une partie de sa viande. La viande est alors coupée en bandes et allongées qui sont séchées au soleil, et elles sont ensuite découpées en petits morceaux. Ce savoir faire est connu sous le nom de dareeris (hilibka waa la-dareershay).
Certains Somalis suivent la très belle tradition d’inclure la préparation du Xeedho dans les cérémonies de mariage. Le Xeedho est une coupe décorée qui contient le oodkac et des dattes. Il est fermé par une corde attachée avec des noeuds compliqués qui requièrent de l’ingéniosité pour les défaire. Le Xeedho, qui représente la mariée, est fait par la famille de la mariée et est présenté à la famille du marié qui ont pour défi de l’ouvrir. Il existe des règles pour l’ouverture du Xeedho (xeedho-fur), elles vous sont très bien expliquées sur le blog Incoherent Thoughts. Ne faites pas attention au titre du blog, son auteur est très, très cohérent.
Fouwzia Haji Hussein nous a préparé le Xeedho. Nous la remercions au nom de tous ceux qui nous lisent et nous regardent. Nous lui avons demandé de ne pas faire de noeuds trop compliqués, parce que de nos jours il y a déjà assez de noeuds dans la vie.
Parmi la diaspora, une partie de la nouvelle génération de Somalis fait la fine bouche devant l’oodkac. Beaucoup ne réalisent pas que promettre de l’oodkac était un moyen de courtiser une femme. Dans les vers suivants, un jeune homme éperdument amoureux en fait la promesse à la femme qu’il aime:
Ubbad timir ah, owdali sokor ah, iyo oodkac malabeysan
Intaasba anaa heli karee, olola ii kaalay
Quel jeune homme ingénieux! Il lui dit qu’il a les moyens d’acheter timir (les dattes), sokor (le sucre), et l’oodkac, et il lui demande de devenir son épouse. C’est la belle vie! Que pourrait elle demander de plus?
Traditionally, oodkac is preserved in ghee but we replaced half of it with canola oil. Apart from the obvious health benefits, adding oil to the butter or ghee will also prevent the oodkac from solidifying. This would have made the job easier for Kabacalaf and Huryo, a trickster couple in Somali folk stories.
To steal oodkac from an unsuspecting family, they fake an altercation. While the family are busy restraining Kabacalaf (the husband), Huryo (the wife) sneaks into the hut but finds it difficult to steal the oodkac from the container it was stored in (qumbaha). Pretending to hurl abuse at her husband, she says, “Cod-cod ina ciidoole!” (something along the lines of “Solid, solid, you slanderer!”). Having understood that she meant that the oodkac has solidified, he yells back, “Rux-rux ina ruxaansho!” (shake, shake, you shaker bugger!). And she does exactly that, vigorously shaking the container to steal the oodkac.
Traditionnellement, l’oodkac est conservé dans du beurre clarifié mais nous l’avons remplacé à moitié par de l’huile de colza. En plus des bienfaits pour la santé évidents, ajouter l’huile au beurre pourra aussi empêcher l’oodkac de solidifier. Cela aurait fait l’affaire de Kabacalf et Huryo, un couple d’escrocs des histoires folkloriques Somalis.
Pour voler l’oodkac des familles sans méfiance, ils feignent une dispute. Pendant que la famille essaye de contenir Kabacalaf (le mari), Huryo (la femme) se faufile dans la hutte mais n’arrive pas à subtiliser le oodkac du récipient où il est conservé (qumbaha). Elle feint alors d’insulter son mari, elle lui dit: “Cod-cod ina ciidoole!” (qui veut dire en gros “Dur, Dur, menteur!”). Comprenant qu’elle lui annonce que l’oodkac est solidifié, il lui hurle en retour, “Rux-rux ina ruxaansho!” (secoue, secoue, casse pieds!”). Et elle fait exactement ça, elle secoue vigoureusement le récipient pour voler l’oodkac.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Serves 8-10
2.2 lb (1 kg) Very small cubes of beef
2 cups (474 mL) Canola oil (for frying)
1 cup (250 mL) Butter
1 cup (237 mL) Canola oil
1 tsp Salt
¼ tsp Ground cardamom
Dates (for the Xeedho):
2.2 lb (1 kg) Dates (semi-soft)
¼ tsp Ground black pepper
1 tsp Ground cardamom
Waxa loo baahan yahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Wuxuu ku-filan yahay 8 ilaa 10 qofood
2.2 lb (1 kg) Hilib aad loo yaryareeyay (suqaarka ka yaryar)
2 koob (474 mL) Saliid cad (Hilibka lagu shiilo)
1 koob (250 mL) Buuro (ama subag)
1 koob (237 mL) Saliid cad
1 qy Cusbo
¼ qy Hayl shiidan
Timir (Xeedhada lagu sameeyo):
2.2 lb (1kg) Timir (jilicsan)
¼ qy Filfil madow shiidan
1 qy Hayl shiidan
(cs = cuillère à soupe; cc = cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL; 1cs = 15 mL; 1cc = 5 mL); (les cuillères sont rases)
Pour 8-10 parts
2.2 livres (1 kg) de Boeuf découpé en très petits cubes
2 mesures (474 mL) d’Huile de Colza (pour la friture)
1 mesure (250 mL) de Beurre
1 mesure (237 mL) d’Huile de Colza
1 cc de Sel
¼ de cc de Cardamome Moulue
Dattes (pour le Xeedho):
2.2 livres (1 kg) de Dattes (ramollies)
¼ de cc de Poivre Noir Moulu
1 cc de Cardamome Moulue
1. Place the meat in a pot set on medium heat. 2. When the meat releases its moisture (about 5 minutes), discard the water. 3. Add the oil. 4. Add the salt. 5. Fry for 11 minutes, stirring continuously. 6. Drain the oil (you can use this oil for cooking).
1. Digsi dab dhexdhexaad saaran, hilibka ku-rid. 2. Kari hilibka ilaa biyo uu ka-dhalo. Biyaha ka-daadi . 3. Saliidda ku-shub. 4. Cusbada ku-dar. 5. Hilibka 11 daqiiqo shiil, adigoo si-joogta ah u-walaaqaysa. 6. Saliida ka-miir (waxaad ku-karsan kartaa suugo).
1. Mettre la viande dans une casserole chauffée à feu moyen. 2. Quand la viande rend son eau (environ 5 minutes), jeter l’eau. 3. Verser l’huile. 4. Ajouter le sel. 5. Frire pendant 11 minutes, en tournant continuellement. 6. Égoutter l’huile (vous pouvez garder l’huile pour la cuisine).
1. Melt the butter and brown it. 2. Add the oil when the foam starts to subside. 3. Add the cardamom.
1. Buurada dhalaali ee waxyar gaduudi. 2. Markay xumbada bilawdo inay degto, saliida ku-dar. 3. Haylka ku-dar.
1. Faire fondre le beurre et le laisser colorer. 2. Ajouter l’huile quand la mousse disparaît. 3. Ajouter la cardamome.
Use the type of dates that you prefer. You could also buy pitted and pressed dates that you can soften in a pan with a little butter or ghee.
Waxaad isticmaali kartaa nooca timirta aad jeceshahay. Waxaad kaloo gadan kartaa timir lafaha laga baxshay oo shiidan. Timirtaas waxaa ku-jilcin kartaa inaad dab saartid oo in yar oo subag ah ku-dartid.
Utiliser le type de dattes que vous préférez. Vous pouvez aussi acheter des dattes dénoyautées et pressées que vous pouvez ramollir dans une poële avec un peu de beurre ou de ghee.
1. Remove the pits from the dates and place them in a bowl. 2. Make a fist and mash the dates till they turn into a paste. 3. Add the black pepper and mix well.
1. Timirta lafaha ka-bixi oo baaquli ku-rid. 2. Si-fiican u-xash. 3. Filfisha madow ku-dar.
1. Retirer les noyaux des dattes et les placer dans un bol. 2. Avec le poing fermé, écraser les dattes jusqu’à ce qu’elles forment une pâte. 3. Ajouter le poivre noir et bien mélanger.
Timir la-xashay
Pâte de dattes pour le Xeedho
Timir la-kuuskuusay
Dattes pour le Oodkac/Muqmad
Xeedhada waxay matashaa aroosadda
Le Xeedho représente la mariée
This is great! The greatest part was the end with the laxoox and muqmad, brings back memories of eating late breakfasts with my extended family during summer vacations amidst laughter and great conversation.
Thanks for your neverending great posts!
You are right. Food is more than just filling your belly. Just like you mentioned it is about comfort,family gatherings,laughter and memories. Thank you for your comment.
You’re welcome! In prep for Ramadan, can you please show some recipes that would make for a filling Suxuur meal? First Ramadan without my parents, I’m a little nervous
We will post recipes for suhuur. What was common suhuur in your home?
My mother normally would make qamadi (grits? no idea how to explain this dish but it’s very filling) every Ramadan or Sabaayad. I wasn’t a fan of qamadi so I barely ate it, but I did wolf down 2 sabaayads frequently lol. Otherwise, we would eat Iftar leftovers.
Also, I’m not sure if I mentioned it already but my friend and I attempted to make Sabaayad from your website for the first time a while ago and it turned out just like how my mother would make it, we were so proud of ourselves! Thank you for teaching us
I can proudly say I’m no longer intimidated by my favourite bread.
We are happy that the sabaayad recipe worked for you. We will post suxuur recipes, God willing. Thank you.
Assalamu Caleykum,
Leyla, Cabdillaahi, iyo Fowzia, runtii waa xeedho aad u quruxbadan, sidaad sheegtay waxay u dhigan tahay xeedhadu caruusada marka ninka furaya haduu khalad sameeyo waxaa la cabsiiyaa biyo cusbo leh, ulna waa lagu garaacaa, aad baad ugu mahadsan tihiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Run ahaantii Xeedhada waa wax nagu cusub, laakiin waa dhaqan qurxoon oo aan aad u-jeclaannay. Waa wax aan ku-faani karno, haddaan Soomaali nahay. Mahadsanid walaal.
Finally you made oodkac
Thank you
You are most welcome.
Masha Allah this is much better than what i expected, i cant wait to try it thanks alot for taking it into consideration. Absolutley great website
Thank you for your comment. We will also make cambuulo as you requested.
The history of the ootkac is amazing I learned so much. I never knew that side to it. when I watched and read everything I was truely speechless subhnallah and had to say MAsh Allah. I can’t wait for the cambulo and jazakallahu khayr in advance, u guys are great keep up the amazing work
As we research the recipes we keep discovering interesting stories and facts. Thank you very much for your keen interest.
runtii aad ayaa u mahad san tihiin cunada aad noo ban dhigtaan waxa aan
ku qanacno sida aad u sameyesaan si heer sara ah waad na ku mahad san tihin
Waad ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaan fiican. Hadduu Eebbe idmo, waxaan soo gelin doonnaa cuntooyin kale oo aan rajaynayno inaad u-riyaaqdaan.
Man I love this couple. Whatever happens please keep this website running as long as you can….and keep posting new recipes. I love how you end every episode with great locations in Somalia. Keep up the great work.
Thank you very much for your vote of confidence. We have a lot of recipes coming, and God willing we will continue.
cod-cod ina ciidoole, kkkk i am impressed by the story telling and the oodkac.. great stuff. maasha allah. I watch the vedio’s on Youtube but like to check out the blog as the blog has the stories.. thanks.
We love to intertwine stories from Somalia and our memories of the motherland with the food that we grew up with. It is all about our cultural heritage. Thank you very much for reading, watching and commenting.
asalaamu aleeykum walaalahega qaaligoow aadaa umahadsantihiin dhinackasto oonaga caawisaan walaal facal kheerigaan wanaaga badan quruxda khalbiwaasaca leh oo dagaanka nooga wadadhisteen wamahadsantihin walaal maashaa allaah tislam edaak waa wax macaan mandar quruh badan walaal mudaan raadinaayi sida loosameeyo oodkaca maanta fadligiina bi fadal xawaash waxyaabo anlasookoobi karin dhinac kasto wajabaat kaamil macmacaan casariyaad iyo waxyaalo kaloobadan walaalaheega qaaligoow igaraali ahaada qoraalkaaniigu badiyaay walaal xamaasaa iqaaday xawaash xamaasooleeyahay inshaa allaah bilaha barakeysan fadligoda kheer caafimaadsan hortiin reediin hareerihiin nuur niyadiin allaah niiyelo dunyaa wal aakhirah taam jazaakallaahu kheyrakum wakheyra jamiical muslamiin baarakallaahu fiikum
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay sida aad noola socotid marwalba. Waxaa kaloo ku-mahadsan tahay hadalada xamaasadda leh iyo dhiiri gelintaada.
asc wr wb, waad mahad santihiin sida wanaagsan ee aad noogu soo bandhigtaan waxyaabo aanan hore u arag oo aan ku farax sanahay, waxaanse idinka codsanayaa in aad noo soo badisaan bisha ramadaan oo nagu soo foolle insh allaah mahad sanidiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waxyaabo badan oo afurka ku-fiican ayaan soo gelin doonnaa. Mahadsanid.
asck walaalayaal aad baad u mahadsan tihiin ilaahayna ajar ha idinka siiyo hoowsha aad noo haysaan waxaana idinka cod sanaynaa maadaama ay bishii ramadaan hada nasoo hayso inaad natustaan waxyaabo aad u macaan oon ku afurno si aan usamaysano waxaan naqaanay wax ka badalan idinkoo mahadsan
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa waxyaabaha Ramadaanka. Waxaa jira waxyaabo nalaga codsaday, marka waxaan isku dayaynaa inaan isku wadno.
Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaada.
A/S/C/ walaal aad baad igu mahad santihiin oodkaca quruxda badan ama macaan ka badan walaashay aad ayaan kaaga mahad celinaya waan sameeyay waana ku guulaystay alhamdulaahi aadna waan kaaga mahad celinaya jizaakalaahu qeyran walaal waxaan kaa codsanaya inaad soo galiso sida loo sameeyo SUBAG SOMAALI mahad sanid
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad jeclaatay oodkaca. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay inaad nala socodsiisay. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa subag Soomaali. Mahadsanid walaal.
a/s/c mansha alaah waxasa odgac lagaa dhahaa walee waxaan soo xasuustay carruusadaha marki loogu diiqi jiray mansha alaah ilaah ha idin barakeeyo gacmihiina ha daayo qeerka aad noo faaiideysan ilaah ha idinkugu badalo aduun iyo aakhira taama ilaahna ubadkina ha idn xafido walalayal walaahi ma soo koobi karo saan webkan ugu faraxsanahay waayo wax badan oo anan aqon ayan idinka faiiday jizakalah waxaan idinka codsahaa hadey idiin suura galeyso in aad noo soo galisaan jikinkan la dhaho chicken lollipop mahadsanidinn
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Walaal Deeqa, aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada iyo ducadaada. Waan ku-faraxsanahay inaad ka-faa’iidaysatay Xawaash. Ilaahey waxaan kaaga baryaynaa qeyr aan dhamaan. Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan soo gelin doonnaa waxa aad naga codsatay.
Asc wr wb? Maashaa Allaah Laa-quwata illaa billaah.
Aad ayaad ugu mahadsantihiin Xeedhadaan quruxda badan iyo sheekadaan qosolka badan oo isoo xasuusisay yaraantaydii iyo sheekooyinkii nalooga sheekayn jiray markii aanu ciyaalka ahayn.
“cod-cod” (sixinn/saafi) eraygaan ma aanan maqal mudo dhow iyo toban sano ah.
Dadka qaarkoodna waxay dhahaan markay aragtay subagii oo adkaaday kana soo dhacaynin haantii ama weelkii uu ku jiray ayay ku dhahday “ina xargag xargag”
isna wuxuu ku yidhi ” naa ruxrux ruuxaa Alla gooye!”.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Waan ku faraxsannahay haddaan yaraantaadii kusoo xasuusinnay.
Sheekadaan dhoor si ayaa loo sheegay:
Waxay tiri, “Cod-cod ina ciidoole, Casiiskaan ku dhaartay car bal gacantaada ii celi.”
Wuxuu ugu jawaabay, “Rux rux ina reexaan rudo, rabigaan ku dhaartaye hadii aadan rabshada iga deyn haddaan rubadda kaa goyn.”
Waxay tiri, “War ina xarkag, xarkaguu dhalay idhaaf.”
Wuxuu ugu jawaabay, “Naa ina ruqruqato kasoo ridato, haddaan ku-dhaafo ninba ma ihi.”
Kkkkkkk. Wow!!! I love it.
Aad ayaan ugu farxaa markaan maqlo sheekooyin noocaas ah.
Aniga waaban ilowsanaa oo intaas oo dhan maba aanan xusuusnayn, balse hada markaan aqriyay baa waxaad moodaa inaan dib usoo xusuustay sheekadu siday ahyd.
thank u sooooooo much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all these lovely recipes. I am doing the muqmad.
You are most welcome. We hope that enjoy it. Thank you.
acs walaalayaal waxaa jira dhaqankaan sidaan loogu sameeyay ood kaca family marki gabadhooda laguursanayo ayaa soo sameeyo kadib waxaa fura xujadaas ninka guursanayo gabadha marka ma ahan in uu meel walba uu kataabto dhiisha ama xeero ama dhoqoska siduu qofba u yaqaano koleey waa meesha uu ku jira hilibka jaran ee lasoo qurxiyay ee gabadh lagasoo dhigayekkkk marka haduu furi waayo ama uu iska taabtaabto waa qalad waa in uu si sax u furaa meesha ama faraha ayaa lagu dhuftaa ul oo lagu dhahaa war gawadha ha faraxumeyn kkkkkkkk
haye soo sax maahan taas ?
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Hal meel keliya ayaa kaa qaldan. Ninka gabadha guursanaya mafuro xeerada, ee waxaa fura qaraabadiisa. Mahadsanid walaal.
aad baad u mahadsantihiin xawaash.com si wanaagsan ayaad u sharaxdeen oodkaca , waxaanse idinka codsanayaa inaan kalaamuda inoo soo galisaan insha allah haday suura gal tahay . mahadsanidiin.
Soo’da kalaamuddada wey ku-jirtaa, Hadduu Eebbe idmo waxaan samayn doonnaa video labaad oo kaamil ah. Mahadsanid.
I really enjoy your blog. You never fail to impress mashallah..Keep up the great work! Ramadhan mubarak.
Thank you very very much. We will try to always meet your expectations.
Its been a while since I ate Oodkac with canjeero. Inshallah will try to make it sometime soon. Thank you for always bringing us the best of Somalia.
Ramadhan mubarak.
Thank you very much for your comment. Oodkac with canjeero is indeed special. If you don’t need to keep the oodkac for a long time, we would suggest that you fry the meat for a shorter period of time so it would not be as hard. Ramadan Mubarak.
Asalam Calaykum walaalaha qaaliga aha aad ayaad uga mahadsantihiin cuntooyinka kala duwan ee aad na tusaysaan sida loo smayeeyo we love odkac of course who doesn’t? waxaan ku weydiin lahaa adigoo raali ah ilaa iyo intee maalmood ayuu odkaca banaanka yaalaan karaa? in Somalia when odkaca la sameeyo usually more than a week maba yaalo ba islamarkiiba waa la dhameeyaa marka please help me Thanks
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaan wacan. Haddii aad hilibka si-fiican u-shiishid saliiddana ay ka-sarayso hilibka, dhoor bilood ayuu oollaan karaa. Haddase qofkii qaboojiye qaba uma baahanaayo inuu hilibka aad u-adkeeyo. Annaga waxaan jecelnahay inuu in yar jilicsan yahay. Mahadsanid.
[...] it when we went on pilgrimage to Makkah. In my research, the only similar Somali food I found is Oodkac, I’m not sure if Otka is a borrowed concept from this [...]
Thanks for this recipe, I am trying to make it for my parents and I have a question. It might be stupid Q, but do you mix the dates with the meat? at the end I mean.
That is a very good question. We keep them separate and mix them just before serving. Since the dates were shaped by hand it may shorten the shelf live of the Oodkac. Thank you for the question.
Salamu aleykum layla and Abdillahi’
What an amazing recipe for ” Muqmad”, by the way I never heard about the other word for it which is ” Oodkac” ,,may be they use it in the southern sides of Somali. I love you both and wish you all the best in life and Jannat al furdos in judgment day. I am learning from you guys things that I have never learned from my mum who I loved her the most. My allah reward my parents and you both all the best . Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Thank you very much for your great comment and for your special prayer. It is appreciated! We wish you succes in your life, God bless you.
Doolsho Soomaali iyo Suugo mar hore ayaan soo gelinay. Linkiga doolshaha waakan http://xawaash.com/?s=cakes. Midkaanna waa suugada http://xawaash.com/?p=1876.
I loved the recipe (planning to try it soon), but I have to say I wasn’t too thrilled with the glorification of the old times when women were mere beings whose sole purpose was to have children, stay home, and cook for the man. I don’t think that is a world to uphold as “the good old times”. We can be proud of our history and culture without romanticizing destructive habits.
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Thank you so much for posting this. This is something that every Somali women should know how to do. It’s our tradition that mothers and mother inlaws send this whenever a new family is made or a baby is born. I always worried who will do this for my daughters and sons when my mother is no longer there.
Thank you very much for your kind words. It is appreciated.
Asc. I prefer my oodkac to be softer rather than crunchy. To get these results would I reduce the frying time from 11 minutes to about 8 or 9? Jazakumalahul Khairun.