Category Archives: Recipes/Soo’yo/وصفات/Recettes

Orange & Mandarin Juice (Casiir Oranjo & Mandariino) Jus d’Orange & Mandarine عصير البرتقال والماندرين

Orange & Mandarin Juice 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Orange & Mandarin Juice This is a simple and delicious juice made from navel and mandarin oranges. The juice is very refreshing and has an amazing flavour because we used mandarin orange peel to prepare it. Orange peel has many nutritional benefits, however, the pith of navel oranges is quite…

Somali Puff Puff (Bur Saliid) Puff Puff Somali الـمـقـلـيـة

Somali Puff Puff 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Somali Puff Puff Most cultures have some form of fried dough: puff puffs, fry dough, beignet, zeppole, bofrot, loukoumades, etc. Somalis know it as bur saliid. It is a popular street food that is served as a snack. Bur saliid with samosas, bajiya, and tea make a great casariye (afternoon…

Chicken Recipe: Soup (Barooddo Digaag) Soupe de Poulet شوربة الدجاج

Chicken Recipe - Soup 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Chicken Soup Of the many soups that we prepare, this is by far the most popular among our guests. When we prepared the soup for this post, we had family come over to visit that day. We served them the soup but our nephew declined, saying that he did not…

Easy Tulumba (Bilxishaan) Tulumba Facile (طرمبة (بلح الشام

Tulumba 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي <h1 >Tulumba   <p > The origin of this dessert is disputed. However, there is no disagreement that tulumba is very delicious. It is particularly great for breaking the fast in Ramadan as it provides a much needed sugar boost. Usually, the choice of many is dates in their many varieties….

Pita Bread (Ceesh) Pain Pita الخبز – العيش

Pita Bread 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Pita Bread There is something magical about baking pita bread at home. We do not do it because of the cost, even though homemade pita is cheaper than the store-bought variety. We like watching pitas puff up in the oven and we like letting the steam out of them and…

Ful Mudammas (Fuul) Ful Mudammas فول مدمس

Ful Mudammas 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Ful Mudammas “Some ideas are by frequency and strength of association so closely combined that they cannot be separated; if one exists, the other exists along with it in spite of whatever effort we make to disjoin them.” (Analysis of the Human Mind, 2nd ed., vol. i, p. 93) That…

Lamb Stew (Maraq Ari) مرق لحم غنم

Lamb Stew 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali عربي Lamb Stew These past few days, it has been raining quite hard. We love watching heavy downpours when we are staying at home, curled up in a blanket, and having no need to go outside. These heavy rains coincide with the Gu which is the main rainy season (April to June)…

Chocolate Buttercream & Ganache (Kareemo Buuro & Ganaash) Crème au Chocolat & Ganache كريمة الزبدة بالشوكولاتة وجاناش

Chocolate Frosting & Ganache 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Chocolate Buttercream & Ganache The first time we made chocolate buttercream frosting was during our first year of marriage. The recipe was from a French cookbook that we bought. We do not remember the name of the book or the author but we cannot forget the first layer cake we…

Chocolate Cake & Torte (Doolsho & Toorto Shukulaato) Gâteau au Chocolat & Torte كـيـك وتورتة الشوكولاتة

Chocolate Cake 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Chocolate Cake & Torte Good chocolate cake reminds both of us of La Baguette in Jeddah. It was one of those places we liked to frequent during our stay in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It was without doubt the best Patisserie/Cafe in Jeddah. We remember the owner, a young Saudi gentleman,…

Kalamudo (Kalaamuddo) Kalamudo كَـلامُـدّة

Kalamudo 1 - Somali Food Blog

English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Kalamudo When Leila’s mother, Maedo, came from the UK to visit us for a few days last week, it was only natural that we would prepare the video for Kalamudo that many of you have been requesting for so long. She told us that instead of repeating the previous recipe,…

About (Annaga)
Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.