Unless you are hard pressed for time, making samosa pastry from scratch is well worth the effort and time. Homemade samosa pastry tastes much better than any store bought variety. Apart from the taste, you have full control over the texture of the pastry, the oil and salt content, and the type of flour. In addition, there are no food additives and preservatives.
Whenever we make samosa pastry, we usually prepare a large batch. We use some and freeze the remainder for later use. We defrost them and they are ready to use by the time the filling is ready.
This recipe is different from many other recipes for homemade samosa pastry in one important aspect. You get very pretty samosas unlike the ones made with soft, flabby pastry that is a challenge to hold and work with. Granted, the floppy pastry is easier to make, but we believe it should be not used for making triangular samosas. We hope to post a recipe that uses the soft pastry for a shape that will make the samosas look much nicer.
A moins de vraiment manquer de temps, fabriquer soi-même la pâte à samosa récompensera vos efforts et le temps consacré. La pâte à samosa faite maison a bien meilleur goût que toutes les feuilles que l’on peut trouver dans le commerce. En plus du goût, vous avez la liberté de choix de sa texture, de sa teneur en huile et en sel, et de la variété de farine employée. En plus, il n’y a aucun additif alimentaire ou conservateur.
Lorsque nous fabriquons la pâte à samosas, nous en faisons une grande quantité. On en utilise une partie et on congèle le reste pour plus tard. On met les feuilles à décongeler et elles sont prêtes le temps de préparer la farce.
Cette recette est différente des autres recettes maison sur un aspect. Elle donne des samosas très jolis contrairement à ceux fabriqués avec une pâte molle et sans tenue qui est difficile à travailler et manipuler. Bien sûr la pâte molle est plus facile à faire, mais nous pensons qu’elle ne devrait pas être utilisée pour faire des samosas triangulaires. Nous espérons publier une recette utilisant cette pâte pliée de façon à ce que les samosas soient beaucoup plus présentables.
(1 cup = 237 mL; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL)
Yields pastry for 24 samosas
2 cups (280 g) Flour
¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Salt
2 Tbsp (30 mL) Canola or vegetable oil
¾ cup (178 mL) Water
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Canola oil for layering the dough
Waxa loo baahanyahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Waxaad ka-sameyn kartaa 24 sambuus
2 koob (280 g) Bur
¼ qy (1.25 mL) Cusbo
2 QW (30 mL) Saliid cad
¾ koob (178 mL) Biyo
1 QW (15 mL) Saliid cad oo burka la-mariyo
(cs est une cuillère à soupe; cc est une cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL)
Pour environ 24 samosas
2 mesures (280 g) de farine
¼ de cc (1.25 mL) de sel
2 cs (30 mL) d’huile de colza ou végétale
¾ de mesure (178 mL) d’eau
1 cs (15 mL) d’huile pour étaler la pâte
1. Put the flour in a bowl. 2. Add the salt. 3. Add the oil. 4. Add the water. 5. Mix well. 6. Knead the dough for 10 minutes, then cover and let it rest for 15 minutes.
1. Burka baaquli ku-shub. 2. Cusbada ku-dar. 3. Saliida ku-dar. 4. Biyaha ku-shub. 5. Si-fiican u-qas. 6. Toban daqiiqo rifaaq, kaddib dabool oo rubac saac dhig.
1. Verser la farine dans un bol. 2. Ajouter le sel. 3. Ajouter l’huile. 4. Ajouter l’eau. 5. Bien mélanger. 6. Pétrir la pâte pendant 10 minutes, puis couvrir et laisser reposer pendant 15 minutes.
1. Cut the dough into 6 pieces. 2. Shape them into discs. 3. Roll each disc to an 8″ (20 cm) diameter circle. 4. Layer the circles, smearing a little oil and flour between the layers. 5. Press the edges together. 6. Roll out the dough into a 12″ (30 cm) diameter circle.
1. Cajiinka 6 gabal u-jarjar. 2. Warwareeg ka-dhig . 3. Waxaa u-fidisaa wareeg cabbirkiisa yahay 8″ (20 cm). 4. Iskorsaar adigoo saliid iyo bur u-dhexaysiinaysa. 5. Dhinacyada si-fiican isku-dheji. 6. Cajiinka u-fidi wareeg cabbirkiisa yahay 12″ (30 cm).
1. Couper la pâte en 6 morceaux. 2. Former des disques. 3. Étaler chaque disque en cercles de 8 pouces (20 cm) de diamètre. 4. Empiler les cercles, en badigeonnant d’un peu d’huile et de farine entre les couches. 5. Presser les bords. 6. Étaler à nouveau pour faire un disque de 12 pouces (30 cm) de diamètre.
1. Place the dough on a pan set on mediam heat. 2. Cook for 2 minutes. 3. When the colour changes, flip and cook 1 more minute. 4. Cut in half. 5. Cut again in half to get 4 equal pieces. 6. Cover to prevent from drying.
1. Bir dab dhexdhexaad ah saaran waxaa saartaa burkaa aad fidisay. 2. Laba daqiiqo dub. Markuu burka xoogaa soo caddaado, dhanka kale u-rog. 3. Daqiiqad kale dub. 4. Laba gabal ka-dhig. 5. Iskorsaar oo haddana laba gabal ka-dhig. 6. Maro ku-duub si-uusan burka u-qalalin.
1. Mettre la pâte dans une poêle à feu moyen. 2. Cuire pendant deux minutes. 3. Quand la pâte change de couleur, la retourner et cuire une minute de plus. 4. Couper en deux. 5. Recouper en deux pour obtenir 4 parts égales. 6. Couvrir pour éviter qu’elles sèchent.
Combine ¼ cup flour with ¼ cup water. Mix well into a smooth paste.
Isku-dar ¼ koob bur iyo ¼ koob biyo. Si-fiican u-qas.
Mélanger ¼ de mesure de farine et ¼ de mesure d’eau. Bien touiller pour obtenir une pâte lisse.
1. Hold the pastry with the right angle towards you. 2. Fold one edge as shown. 3. Apply flour glue to the edge. 4. Lift the other corner. 5. Fold as shown. 6. The folded pastry. 7. Fill with the filling. 8. Tuck in the near side and apply flour glue. 9. Fold to get a perfect triangle.
1. Dhinaca wareegsan, shishe mari. 2. Hal dhinac soo laab. 3. Burka koolada ah mari. 4. Dhinaca kale soo lab. 5. Farta ku haay si-ussan sambuuska dulayl u-yeelan. 6. Waa burkii oo laalaaban. 7. Hilib ama qudaar ku-rid. 8. Dhinaca ku-xiga laab, dhinaca kalena bur mari. 9. Soo laab, hubsana inoo dulayl lahayn.
1. Placer l’angle droit de la feuille face à vous. 2. Replier le côté gauche au milieu. 3. Étaler un peu de colle sur le bord. 4. Soulever l’autre côté. 5. Plier comme ci dessus. 6. La feuille pliée. 7. Remplir de farce. 8. Rentrer le petit bord et appliquer de la colle sur la pointe restante. 9. Plier pour obtenir un triangle parfait.
asc walaal aad ayaad umahadsanyahay sida wacan ee aad mar walba inoo faaii deyso cuntooyin wacan ee noosoogaliso ilaah ha kaa ajar siiyo walaasheena qaaliga ah [ walal waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aad inoo soo galiso sida loo sameeyo burka laku cuno zambuuska thanks .
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Adigaa mahadda mudah walaal. Hadduu Ilaahey idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa burka sambuuska lagu cuno.
Asc wr wb? Mashaa Allaah tabaarakallaah!!!.
Allaah ha idin barakeeyo meelkasta oo aad joogtaan.
Kamaa qaala Rasuulullahi SCW.
So bishaaro ayay idiin tahay madaama aad cawinaysaan walaalihiin, idinkana Allaah ayaa idin caawinaaya bi’idnillaahil baarri.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay dhiira gelinta iyo bishaarada fiican. Khayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
asc uqtii masha alah tislamii xabiibtii ilahay qeyr badan hakusiiyo sidaad nooga fa ideyneyso waxaaba icajibiyey sida sanbuuska indho indho usoo yeeshay laakiin uqtii weligay sidaa ima noqo waxaa umalaynaa waxaa iga maqanaa fikrada saliida lagu qasaayo iyo rubuc saaca la dhigaayo thank you walalayaal fikrada aad nasiiseen waad ku mahadsan tihiin qeyr badan ayaa idiin rajeyna ,,
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada fiican. Adigana qeyr ayaan kuu-rajaynaynaa .
asc mansha alaah ilaah ha idin xifdiyo hana idin barakeeyo waxaad tihin dad mudan in lagu daydo wanaga eey umadooda uhaayan mansha alaah waan ku faraxsanahay inta aan idinka faa iidestay ajar fara badan ilaah ha iidn siiyo waxan idinka bartay manta qaab sahlan oo burka sanbuusaha loo sameeyo waayo marki hore markan jar jaro ayan cala xabad birta usaari jiray waxey iga qadan jirtay mudo badan hada ayan fahmay saliidna kuma qasi jirin mansha alaah thanks
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Walaal Deeqa, aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad ka-faa’iidaysatay. Waxaan ku-dadaalaynaa cunooyinka Ramadaanka inaan idiin soo gelinno. Mahadsanid.
Maa sh allah ilaahay gacmihiina ha barakeeyo aakhirana cadaabta ha haka dhawro sharaftiinana ha dhowro aakhiro iyo aduunba
Amiiin Amiin
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faalladaada iyo ducadaada walaal.
I loveeeee Somali food!!! Your website has helped me a lot especially the Sambusa pastry my Mum would spend ages making these whilst fasting in Ramadan but your method is so much easier so I cant wait to relieve her!!! I also cant wait to make her Qamdi because sambusa just doesn’t taste as good without it!! I cant wait to see your other recipes you should see my face when you uploaded a new video.
Anyways, May Allah reward you with good!!! I really mean that ❤
lots&lots&lots of love from a 17year old Arab
Thanks a lot for the nice comment. Good gal! Help your Mom and make her happy. You will get extra reward in Ramadan.
asalaamu alleeykum walaalehega qaaligoow inshaa allaah caafimaadsan qeer iyo farxad kuwaara hortiin qeer allaaha dhigo bilaha barakeeysan fadligooda niyaddiina allaah niirumeeyo waddan keenana rabi saalax hanooga dhigo aamiin aadaa oogu mahadsantihiin facal qeerigiina wanaaga quruxda badan walaal maashaa allaah assiila tislamiin jazaakallaahu kheeyran baarakallaahu fiikum dunyaa wal aakhira
Wacalaykum Assalaam,
Walaasheenna qaaliga-ah waad ku-mahadsan tahay xiriiriskaada. Ducada Ilaahey ha inoo aqbalo. Adiga iyo reerkaada qeyr aan dhamaan ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Aamiin.
asc walaal aad baan idin kaga mahad celinayaa sida wanagsan ee aad wax inoo bareysaan in badan ayan idinnka fa idnay thnks
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waan ku-faraxsannahay inaad ka-faa’iidaysanaysaan. Mahadsanid.
asc ukhtii alcaziizah waan ku salaamey ilaaheey waxaan kaaga baryeyaa janatul firdowsi aclaa
ukhtii fillah tislaam iidaig gacmahaaga alaha kuu barakeeyo
adiga iyo inta kugu saacidey
borogoraamkan qaaliga ah fadlan waxaan kaa codsaneyaa in aad heesaha nagadeeyysaan ramadaan ka soo socda fadligiisa aad ku duubtaan quraan fadiilaha sheekh sacud alshureym ama sudeysi adigoo raali ah moowduuca halkiisa ka siiwada waxaana idiinka codsanaayaa inaad noo soo gelisiin ifdhaar ama afur wanaag san sida mash mash iyo waxyaalo kale waxyaalaha aad isticmaashaan noogu tarjuma carabi sida hada aad ugu tarjumtaan ukhtii fillah tixgeliya dalab keyga waan ka faa iideeysaney wax yaalihii qaaliga ahaa ee hore ashkurukum jamiican cimiri dheer ayaan iidiin rajeeynaayaa
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Waan ku-faraxsannahay jaceylka aad u-qabtid Quraanka. waxaan rajaynaynaa inta aad jeceshahay iyo umadda Soomaaliyeed inuu Ilaahey Quraanka jecleysiiyo. Fikrada aad soo jeedisay waxaa jirta laba arimood: 1) Nalama haboonna in quraanka cunto karis lagu duubo maxaa yeelay marka quraanka uu daaran yahay waxaa loo baahan yahay in micnihiisa laga fekero oo maskaxda wax kale ku-mashquulin. Cunto kariska wuxuu kaa mashquulinayaa Quraanka.
2) Culumo badan oo Muslimiin-ah ayaa sheegeen in heesaha aysan dambi ahayn haddii miraha heesaha ay san ahayn wax xun. Annaga ra’yigaas ayaan raacsannahay.
Dadka u-arka heesaha inay dambi yihiin ra’yigooda waan ixtiraannaa, Taariiqda Islaamka culumada waxyaabo ay isku qilaafeen ayaa jira ra’yiga saxda ahna Ilaahey uun baa ogsoon.
As-salaamu Alaikum…
Thank you so much for all the great recipes. I have one question:
Whenever the recipe calls for “All purpose Flour”, can you tell me if it will make a difference, if I use “Bleached All purpose Flour” or “Unbleached All purpose Flour”? Which one is better?
Wa-alaikum as-salaam,
Bleached all-purpose flour is treated with chemicals to whiten it. This process also reduces the gluten in the flour. Unbleached all-purpose flour is also bleached but the bleaching occurs naturally over a longer period of time. Since unbleached flour has more gluten, it is better for breads, pizza, or any recipe where you want a slightly more chewy result. We mainly use bleached all-purpose flour for most purposes, and we use cake flour when the recipe calls for it.
Assalmu calaykum walaashey waan ku salamay ma arkin somali dadka ricetta cunto sinnaysa maasha Allaah aad iyo aad baad daacad u tihiin marka abaayo Allaah ajir ha idiinka siiyo Amiin intaas kadib abaayo cuntaada ceeb malahan cadeey maasha Allaah abaayo hadii aad naga badashid heesa oo aad noogu badashid Asmaa ul xusnaa oon layan musig heesa marba hadii ay saaran yihiin laxan iyo musig waa xaaran walaasheyey culuuma badan ayaa axaadiis badan kusheegay marka raadi walaasheyey doorrashada adigaa leh marba hadaad walaalaha wax baraysid oo Qayr ah oo si niyad ah lakuugu duceeynaayo waa in aad Qayr dhagaha noogu shubtaa abaayo culuumada aad raacsan tahay hadii ay qabaan heesa musikada leh aniga uun codkaan iska xirraa abaayo iga raali noqo waa xaq in aan isku nasteexeeno abaayo adiga iyo ehelkaaga Allaah Qayr ha idiin siiyo Amiin.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
Waad ku-mahadsan tahay ra’yigaada iyo niyad wanaaggaada. Qofkii ku-jecel ayaa wax fiican kula jecel. Markaan si-fiican u-baarnay, culumana kala tashannay, waxaan ku-qanacnay in heesaha muusikada la-socoto inay xaaraan ahayn haddii heesta aysan miraheeda dambi ku-jirin. Jazaakillaah khayran.
When I fry my samosas the wrap is crunchy and then it softens up after a while. I use the homemade pastry, just like you do. I have tried to make the dough really tough to reduce the moisture content or increase the amount of time on the pan before I cut it up, but I haven’t been successful in achieving the crunchy crust that last longer than ten or 15 minutes. From the picture yours looks really crunchy. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Samosas should be fried using medium heat. If you fry them in very hot oil they will cook faster and the pastry won’t have enough time to become crunchy. Another important thing is the filling, which must not be hot. If you are using ground beef and onions, don’t add the onions while the meat is hot. If you want crunchy samosas, don’t add oil to the dough. Use very little oil for layering.
Thanks for the reply, your recipes are fantastic. They turn out great each time. I check your blog almost every day to see if you have uploaded something new.
Thank you very much for the nice words.
You reminded back home on Ramadan days, where we sat around the table to open the pastry apart.
One of the things we like most is the communal aspect of preparing food together. It becomes less of a chore and even makes the work enjoyable. Ramadan karim.
Looove your site, anytime someone asks me how I made my Somali food, I recommend them to your blog, it makes it easier for me to not waste time explaining, you know, especially since I still use a-la grandma style, a little bit of this and a little of that
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment and letting us know how much you liked the website. We understand what you mean by a-la grandma style.
We had to translate some traditional recipes from a little bit of this and that to precise measurements.
asc ramadaan kariim walaal aad ayaad umahadsantihiin masha allaah illaah ajar iyo hasanaad ha idinka siiyo sida wanaagsan ee hagar la aanta ah i love sambuus masha allaah
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay hadalada wacan iyo ducada. Adigana qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Asc a&l, I tried alot of your recipes and they turned out wonders except I was afraid to try the sambusa foil as it never turned out right for me before but today I ran out of the ready ones so I tried to make it and it turned out really great so thank you so much. P.s I really really like your qamdi and the Somali cookies they are so yummy! You made Ramadan and eid easy for me this year so thanks alot!
Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
We are very happy that you like the recipes and that they are working for you. Thank you so much for your nice compliment; it is appreciated.
Hi, I spent à lot time today trying to make the pastry for samosas. I’m lost. What happens once you heat the 30 cm piece of pastry. Are you then able to unpeal the different layers? Mine was a thick block. I ended up with chapatis style pastry which was actually very good. How do you get 24 samosas out of one 30 cm circle?
Obviously not from a samosa making tradition, but I would appreciate your enlightening my ignorance.
I look forward to trying other of your recipes as they sound wonderful.
It is 6 layers of 30 cm circles. Please watch the video so you can see how it is done. You will need to smear 1/2 a teaspoon of oil and a little flour between each layer. This way you will be able to peel the layers easily after heating the dough, two minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you still have a problem.
Walaal marka hore, salaan kashka iyo laabta ka soo go’dey iga gudoon, marka labad na Jazaak allah khayr for your good deed and may allah reward you Janat al furduus for this beautifull, exciting and magnificent site . I would like to know if ” All purpose flour ” is not available in my country would self raising flour or plain flour work with Sabuusa pastry and other pastry recepies??? and which one is better than the other ,, Jazaak allah khayr again
Waa ku-mahadsan tahay salaanta qaaliga ah waana kaa guddoonay. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Intaad noogu ducaysay iyo in ka-badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Burka loo yaqaano “all-purpose flour” iyo “plain flour” waa isku hal. “Self rising flour” wuu ka-duwan yahay, qamiir iyo cusbo ayuu leeyahay. Burka sambuuska waxaa u-isticmaashaa “plain flour”. Mahadsanid.
Thanks a lot always wanted to make my own samoosa pastry but didnt know how. This looks really easy will definitely try this. Thanks again fore making us all better cooks!
Thank you very much for your kind words and nice comment. We hope you will like it.
ohhhhhhhh aad ayu u macan yahay walahi waxyabo badan ayan ka arkay asxabteyda dhamaantood aan ugu nasexyay in ay ka fa’idaystan
Waan ku faraxnay saaxiibadaada inaad u sheegtay inay ka faa’iidaystaan. Mahadsanid walaal.
My family loves somossa’s of any kind and your website is one of the great ones. I’ve started trying different flours and seasonings in the pastries, and one of the kids asked a question and I don’t know the answer as it has never occurred to me. So if you could educate me just a little further I would appreciate it. So our question is, is there a proper thickness to the pastry? I’ve always just tried to make it as thin as possible, but on asking a few friends that make them it almost seams as its to every ones own personal taste. Again thanks for any info and for the great site.
Thank you very much for the great comment. As a general rule samosa pastry should not be rolled too thin or too thick. That is not much help, is it?
The proper thickness depends of the type of pastry that you are using. If the pastry is the buttery, flaky type (similar to puff pastry) then it is much better to have a thick pastry for the samosas. If the pastry is the hard type then it should be rolled out thin. The samosas will become crunchy. For the thin pastry, care should be taken that the filling not be oily or wet. We hope that helps.
a big help thank you….I now realize my fillings are both oily and wet….easy to fix!! God bless….Grant
Wet and oily fillings do make the pastry soggy. Thanks.
waxaan meeshan bogaadin uga diraayaa xawaash.com iyo maamulkisa shaqada ay umada uhayaan hawl fiican ayaad haysan ayaan idin leeyahay laakiin waxaan rabaa in aan codsado buskudka yar yar oo xalwada lagu cuno badnaa somalidu isticmaasho xiliyada ciidka fadlan hadii aad awoodaan tusaale naga tusa
Walaal Warsame, aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay hadalada wacan. Soo’da buskudka waa kan http://xawaash.com/?p=2365.
Hi, I love your pastry recipe but it never works for me I tried it so many times but every time I try to peel the pastry apart it ether splits or tears can you please tell me after you remove it from the pan and when you cut it into 4 triangles do you have to cover it and wait for it to go cold and then peel it?? And is all purpose flour called plain flour?? Please give me some tips for making a good pastry!!
Thank you!!
Thank you very much for your comment. There are many factors to consider.
1) If enough oil is not used to smear, or not sprinkled with enough flour.
2) If you roll to a diameter more than 12″ (30 cm), it means that you have rolled them too thin and they will be impossible to separate.
3) Use medium heat and make sure they are well cooked. You won’t be able to peel if they are not fully cooked.
4) You need to cover them after cooking to keep them moist.
5) They peel easily while they are warm.
All purpose flour is known as plain flour in the UK. Let us know if you still have questions.
WOW…..I am so impressed and love your recipes thank you! Most of all I am impressed by your diligent replies you post about queries……queries just like mine! I am working with your samosa pastry recipe rite now….it seems fabulous but difficult so far…..I just persevere! What I like most is the pastry method….different from the Asian / Indian technique….and making pastry chips too!!! Delicious! I have seen multi-layered samoosa crust…..this is what I am trying to do…I will tell you when it works!
Thank you lovely lady for your site and support!…God Bless…..Grant (yes….a Caucasian man living in South Africa with a Muslim girl!! if I may!?)
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. We hope that it worked for you. Do let us know how it turned out.
By the way, it is lovely lady and handsome gentleman.
Hi again, just wanted to ask you you also said that we can freeze the pastery how do we freeze it and how long can we freeze it for? Sorry for the botheration!!
Thank you!!
Place them in a well sealed freezer bag. You can freeze them for up to one month. Your questions are always welcomed. Thank you.
Hi again 1 more question when we roll out the pastry and it’s ready to put in the pan does the pan has to be heated on medium heat from before or do we put the heat on after we put the pastery on??
Thank you…
The pan has to be heated, but make sure it is not too hot; you could end up with crunchy or burned samosa pastry.
Please tell me how to make vegetable seasoning
Thank you
God willing, we will post a recipe for it.
Thank you!!
You are most welcome.
hi. im from barbados and I love your recipe. it was simple n easy.
much love from an island girl in the caribbean.
Thank you so much for your lovely compliment. We are happy you liked them. We wish you all the best.
asalamu calaykum, Masha Allah may Allah reward you for what u guys do for us i learned a lot from ur website jazakallah qery, walalayaal foolyada wee iskaga key dhagtaa ee maxaan sameeyaa hal hal ma ufidin karaa?
Thanks much
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Burka iyo saliidda dhexda laga marinaayo haddaad ku yareeysid wey isku dhegeysaa. Marka soo socota markaad fidinayso bur badan ku fidi, saliiddana u kordhi. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inay kuu hagaagto. Mahadsanid.
thanks for your recipes and taking the time out to reply to all the questions. keep up the good work.
You are very welcome.
Hi, I was looking for how to make aloo samosa for my little ones birthday and came across your video on samosa pastry and it is very interesting. I will try them soon. I have a quick question I have lots of guest so can I make the samosa ahead of time and freez them without frying till the day I need them and if so for how long can I freeze filled samosas.
Thank you!
We are happy that you found our video. You can freeze them for up to a month; just make sure the filling is dry. We hope that you have a good celebration.
Thank you for the quick reply.
You are welcome.
I have been impressed with your samosa pastry recipe. I would like to make 1500pcs of samosa for my sister wedding. Would you please help me to get a proper pastry ingredients required?
Thanks in advance.
From Tanzania, East Africa.
Thank you very much for your comment. You would need 17.5 kg flour, 1/3 cup salt, 1 litre plus 875 mL oil, 11 litres water and about 1 litre oil for layering. You will also need 5 tablespoons flour for layering. Use 1/2 teaspoon between each layer. Congratulations in advance.
Asc Abdullaahi iyo layla walal
waad mahadsantihiin
walal waxaan idinka codsanayaa inad badana
luuqada soomaliga noogu soo qora ama labada thanks wlo
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaasheenna qaaliga ah. Xawaash wuxuu ku qoran yahay afar luqadood, luqad walbana bog ayaa loo sameeyey. Waxaad gujisaa masawirka koowaad hoostiisa meesha ku qoran Af-Soomaali.
asc walalakay iyo walashay ad iyo aad baad umahadsanatihin aad baana uuga heley walaayaal jazaka Allah ilahay cilmiga ha idin siyaadiyo dad idinko kale wey yaryihiin oo walalhood aqoonta u faa ideynayaa
insha Alah bi idni laah waan raadin qaybta ay soomaligu ku qorantahay thanks wl
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay hadalada wacan aad inoo soo qortay.
I have made samosa pastry with this recipe about a dozen times now. Each time I am asked, where did you get the pastry. I am never tired of looking at the faces of my friends and family when I reply, “I made it”. Many don’t believe me. Thank you so much for this. My daughter is allergic to nuts. It makes such a difference to be able to make food at home she can enjoy. Again, thank you.
Thank you so much for your AMAZING comment. We are absolutely delighted that the website was of help to you. We are also glad that your daughter can enjoy the samosas with you now. God bless you and your family.
acs walashey & walalkey waxaan idin waydina inaa sameyo sambus beri subixi layga rabaa 9:00 marka cawada ita sameyo talajada cadiga magelin kara sidi subixi udubo iga jawaaba plz
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Haa waa gelin kartaa. Si fiican bac ugu duub si aysan u qalalin.
Thank you
You are very welcome sister.
maansha alaah ilahay aaqiro iyo aduunba ha idnka ajarsiiyo sida
wanagsan ee ad umada ugu faa iidayan, dears i have a one big question,
abaayo sidee ayan u kaydin karaa folyada intan sameeyo can i freeze and how, plz help me ..
Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada wacan.
Yes, you can freeze them for up to a month.
fadlan ma ii fahfahinkartan sidan u freeze garayn karo idnkoo aad u mahadsan
Inta aad isticmaalaysid u qaybi, kaddibna si fiican bac ugu xir ee barafka geli.
Asc walaalahay waxaan idin weydiinaa sambuuska saan indho ma iigu yeelanaayo wareegana ma ii saxmanayo maxaa iga qaldan iisheeg qeyr alaaha idin siiyee laakiin wixii cabir ah waan wada saxay
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Saliid qaboow haddaad ku shiisho indho ma yeelanaayo. Hadduu Eebbe idmo nooc cusub ayaan soo gelinaynaa oo wareegana aan si fiican u micnayn doonno.
[...] from scratch. Easy to follow steps. VOIR CI-DESSOUS LE FRANÇAIS المكونات في الأسفلhttp://xawaash.com/?p=3412#sthash.DhA…(٢ كوب طحين (دقيق١/٤ ملعقة صغيرة ملح٢ ملعقة كبيرة زيت٣/٤ [...]
Asalaamu caleykum walaalyal!
I’ve been following your recipes for a long time now and I have really improved in my cooking! Thank you very much!
I have one thing to ask, its not been possible for me to follow this recipe and I have failed a few times. Is there a way of making the same pastry without layering it? I cant get them unstuck and it becomes a big bulky useless pastry, maybe I’m doing something wrong.
I know that you reply to all messages (another reason why I love your site), so thanks again in advance!
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wararakatuh.
If you roll out too thin it will turn into one piece of dough as the oil and flour between the layers will be absorbed into the dough. Here is a link for our new Samosa dough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK6DzQbAsgQ. We hope this will be easy for you. The corn starch won’t be absorbed into the dough, but you still shouldn’t roll out too thin.
Waan idin salaamey. Aniga aad Ayaan uga faaideystey
Recipe aad no soo qorted markasto waan feeriyaa
In aad mid cusub ku soo darted, marka Walaal
Maxaa Baryahaan kuga dhacey, miyaad xerteen
Thanks I do like you web side
Waa ku mahadsan tahay salaanta iyo faallada wacan waanna ku faraxnay. Mashruuc ayaan ku mashquulsanahay, hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo noqon doonnaa.
i love the way you made them but how to preserve these pastry …and can we make the samosa in advance and keep them in refrigerator and when in need just deep fry them
Did u use cold water or just plain tap water?
I really love your method. I made it first time today, it was dome sort of failure or success
. It worked but i realized i didnt hv a 12″ pan to cook it. N i rolled the dough half inch too big. Also i felt that the end result, the pastry was too thin. And i wasted a lot of dough because the sides couldnt cook ( pan was too small). Also some of it i couldnt take it easily apart and i tore it…etc it was a mess. But your method and recipe was great though. Just that i am not skilful enough. So i will try it again until i succeed. Thanks very much
I’ve tried 5 times,I just couldn’t separate the dough, please tell me the possible error. Thanks