There are days when you want to avoid spicy dishes or tomato-based stews, and you want just a simple and flavourful dish. This dish is perfect for those days. In Brava, Somalia, this is what is normally served with grits for the midday meal. It is accompanied by yoghurt or buttermilk, maankale (a type…
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If you don’t like sweets then you met your match! Beware, if you try these dumplings you will become addicted. Seriously addicted. They are sweet, crunchy, yeasty, and ‘dare-you-to-stop-at-one’ goodies. We cannot imagine iftar without these dumplings. They are known as skaramati in Brava, Somalia. In Swahili, they are called kaimati which sounds very similar…
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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Butter & Yoghurt Cake In Somalia, this was the closest thing we had to a fruitcake. Raisins were always special and were reserved for decorating and topping the festive rice as well adding to cakes. Apart from this cake, the only other cake we remember that had fruits was Panettone,…
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This is a healthy and great-tasting vegetable dish made of spinach and chunky mashed potatoes and carrots. You can serve it as a side dish or you can eat it with bread, muufo, anjero, rice, or you can even toss it with fresh pasta. It is an easy dish and is nutritious at the…
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One of the things we miss about Somalia is the way the whole family used to eat the midday meal together. In Mogadishu, civil servants used to finish work at 2:00 pm, which was also the end of the school day. By 3:00 pm, the hustle and bustle of city life would wind down and…
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English Af-Somaali Français عربي Yemeni Hareesa Hareesa is one of those dishes that remind us of Eid. No Eid is complete without a piping hot dish of Hareesa served with sugar and browned butter. Hareesa originated in Yemen and it is made of barley and meat (usually lamb) that are cooked until the fibres…
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English Af-Soomaali Français عربي Pound Cake Pound cakes were some of the few cakes that were popular in Somalia. They were second in popularity to sponge cakes. Pound cakes were sold in teashops but they were not baked there. They were sold to the teashops by ladies who baked them at home and the…
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We call these Eid cookies because my mother (Abdullahi’s) used to bake them every Eid back home in Mogadishu, Somalia. On the night before Eid, we would be sent to the neighbourhood bakery to bring a dozen or so cookie sheets. My mother would mix the cookie dough and we would help pressing the…
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Sesame snaps make for a great snack and they keep well. In Brava, these treats were always available when we visited relatives. Grandmothers and aunts, in particular, “had” to have them stashed in large tins and they would hand out one or two of these brittles to their nephews and nieces whenever they visited…
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This is a simple chicken stew that goes well with the Somali Chapati (Sabaayad), the Potato & Cumin Rice (Pilau), or Maanda (Muufo). It’s a typical Somali stew flavoured with Xawaash (Somali spice mix). Growing up in Somalia, the chicken we had there were all free range. The meat was tougher and required a much…
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