Kingfish (Taraaqad) Thazard (Nguurhu)

Kingfish - Bravanese Style

Kingfish (Thazard) (Nguurhu)

When a society has many names for something, it shows the value they attach to it. The Bravanese have more than 200 names for fish, and this attests to its importance in their daily lives. 

Fish plays a central role in the Bravanese diet. It is served for breakfast, lunch, and supper. However, it is far from being a boring regimen. Fish is one of nature’s most versatile foods, making itself amenable to being coaxed into a variety of delicious concoctions.

The following is a recipe for Kingfish (Nguurhu in Bravanese). The recipe is simple and straightforward like most Bravanese recipes.


Lorsqu’une société utilise de nombreux noms pour quelque chose, cela montre l’importance qu’elle y attache. Les Bravanais ont plus de 200 noms pour le poisson, ce qui atteste de son importance dans leur vie quotidienne.

Le poisson a une place centrale dans la cuisine Bravanaise. Il est servi au petit déjeuner, au déjeuner, et au souper. Cependant il n’est jamais répétitif. Le poisson est une des nourritures les plus versatiles, il peut être inclus dans une multitude de concoctions délicieuses.

La recette suivante utilise le thazard (Nguurhu en Bravanais). Elle est simple et franche comme la plupart des recettes Bravanaises.



Brava, Somalia

Bravanese Fishermen - Pêcheurs Bravanais. Brava, Somalia

Brava, Somalia

Fishermen bringing in the fresh catch – Pêcheurs qui ramènent la dernière pêche. Brava, Somalia




Recipe #1
(Watch the video for the directions)

3 Kingfish fillets (1 inch thick)
1 Onion (diced)
1½ tsp (7.5 mL) Vegetable seasoning salt
2 Tbsp (30 mL) Light sesame oil (not toasted) or use extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp (15 mL) White vinegar
¼ tsp Black pepper
2 cups (474 mL) Water

Serves 3


Recipe #2 

4 Kingfish (1 inch thick)
1 Onion (diced)
3 Cloves garlic
1½ tsp (7.5 mL) Vegetable seasoning salt
2 Tbsp (30 mL) Light sesame oil (not toasted) or use extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp (15 mL) White vinegar
¼ tsp Black pepper
2 cups (474 mL) Water

Serves 4

Waxa loo baahanyahay: 

(Q.W. waa qaaddo weyn – midda cunnada lagu cuno) (q.y. waa qaaddo yar)

Soo’da koowaad 
(Ka-daawo fiidiyaha sida loo kariyo)

3 gabal Mallaay Tarraaqad (Yuumbi)
1 Basal (la jarjaray)
1½ q.y. (7.5 mL) Maraq dajaaj
2 Q.W. (30 mL) Saliid macsaro ama saliidda oliifada (olive oil)
1 Q.W. (15 mL) Qal cad
¼ q.y. (1.25 mL) Filfil madoow
2 koob (474 mL) Biyo

Ku-filan saddex qofood

Soo’da labaad 

3 gabal Mallaay Tarraaqad (Yuumbi)
1 Basal (la jarjaray)
3 Xabo tuun (toon)
1½ q.y. (7.5 mL) Maraq dajaaj
2 Q.W. (30 mL) Saliid macsaro 
ama saliidda oliivada (olive oil)
1 Q.W. (15 mL) Qal cad
¼ q.y. (1.25 mL) Filfil madoow
2 koob (474 mL) Biyo

Ku-filan saddex qofood



3 Thazards (1 pouce d’épaisseur/ 3 cm)
1 Oignon (émincé)
1½ cc (7.5 mL) de Condiment Légumes
2 cs (30 mL) d’Huile de Sésame douce (non grillé) ou Huile d’Olive Vierge Extra
1 cs (15 mL) de Vinaigre Blanc
¼ cc de Poivre Noir
2 mesures (474 mL) d’Eau

Pour 3 Personnes


Directions for recipe #2 (for recipe #1, watch the video)

Sauté the onions with the oil until they become translucent.  Add the minced garlic and sauté for another minute.  Then add the vegetable seasoning and the water.  Cover the pan and bring to a boil.  Add the fish and cook for 10 minutes until it becomes fork tender, add black pepper and the vinegar and turn off the heat.

It’s important not to overcook the fish as it will become tough.  

Habka loo karinaayo soo’da labaad: (soo’da koowaad ka-daawo fiidiyaha)

Basasha iyo saliida isku dalac ilaa ay ka-jilicdo. Tuunta (toonta) ku-dar. Walaaq muddo hal daqiiqo.  Maraq dajaajka iyo biyaha ku-dar. Dabool ilaa ay ka-karaan. Malayga ku-rid waxaana karisaa muddo 10 daqiiqo. Ku-dar filfisha madoow iyo qalka, kaddibna dabka ka-demi.

Mallaayga aad ha u-karin wuu adkaanayaa.


Faire sauter l’oignon jusqu’à ce qu’il devienne translucide. Ajouter l’ail haché et faire sauter une minute de plus. Puis ajouter le condiment légumes et l’eau. Couvrir la casserole et faire bouillir. Ajouter le poisson et cuire 10 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’il soit tendre lorsque piqué à la fourchette.

Il est important de ne pas trop cuire le poisson sinon il deviendra coriace.



Do not overcook the fish. 

Ne pas trop cuire le poisson.


Kingfish with Maanda - Thazard servi avec Maanda

Serve with Bravanese Bread (Maanda). Servir avec du Pain Bravanais (Maanda)

Kingfish with Maanda - Servir avec du Pain Bravanais (Maanda)



Kingfish with Maanda - Servir avec du Pain Bravanais (Maanda)



Kingfish – Thazard

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26 Responses to Kingfish (Taraaqad) Thazard (Nguurhu)
  1. Sharifa M. Sheikh
    August 22, 2011 | 3:38 am

    it is an easy delicious and healthy recipy thanks for sharing the background and beautiful pictures. From the Indian Ocean………….. to our tables.

    • A&L
      August 22, 2011 | 12:12 pm

      Thank you Sharifa. We will post more recipes soon.

  2. Amal
    December 12, 2011 | 7:40 pm

    I love your web page, thank you so much for all this yummy recipes.

    • A&L
      December 12, 2011 | 7:42 pm

      Thank you for your feedback.

  3. Sahra
    February 4, 2012 | 10:43 am


    walaloyal wan idin salamaya wad ku mahadsantahiin wa waxlagu farxo
    walee dad jira aya tahiin jira oo joga wadaniyaal

    • A&L
      February 5, 2012 | 3:50 pm

      Walaal Sahra, aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada fiican aad noo soo qortay.

  4. anwar xashi
    March 7, 2012 | 2:29 pm


    • A&L
      March 7, 2012 | 9:01 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam. Malayga ama Kalluunka ‘video’-hiisa waan samey doona, isaga iyo video-ha muufada, Insha-Allaah.

  5. Hafsa
    April 4, 2012 | 1:22 pm

    masha allah i liked this receipe kaluunka iyo mufada..thank u the owners of useful website and educating people about our cultural food..

    • A&L
      April 4, 2012 | 9:09 pm

      Thank you very much for your comment.

  6. mohaMED
    May 29, 2012 | 2:32 pm


    ASC .

    • A&L
      May 29, 2012 | 6:54 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Khabari ammaani. Sidoo kale waxaan rajaynaynaa inay ka-faa’iidaan rag badan oo haweenkooda jecel inay ka-nasiyaan jikada. Mahadsanid.

  7. LULU
    June 3, 2012 | 11:46 am

    Salam alaikum Sister and Brother, I love kingfish with maanda. Today i thought I would make it but i was a little bit confused, about how much garlic goes in this recipe. It doesn’t say on the ingredient list, on the video you don’t use garlic, but on the pictures there’s mention of Garlic, but i’ve made it twice once i followed the video, the second time i followed the pictures directions. Please would you advise me for future refrences, Jzk :)

    • A&L
      June 4, 2012 | 1:23 am

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      The king fish post is two recipes. First we posted the recipe then we added the video later. The video shows the traditional way of cooking fish. Both methods will give you good results. Thank you.

  8. shoobto
    September 21, 2012 | 1:04 pm

    waaaw waa ku mahadsantihiin bandhiga cuntada karinta iyo sida fiican usooo bandhigteeen waa kahelay run ahaantii Jizakalah kheyr.

    • A&L
      September 21, 2012 | 8:52 pm

      Adigaa mahadda mudan. Waad ku-mahadsan tahay faalladaada.

      • misky
        October 19, 2012 | 2:11 pm

        loved it thnks

        • A&L
          October 19, 2012 | 9:46 pm

          You are most welcome.

  9. sara
    November 1, 2012 | 4:51 pm

    mash alaah aadaa u mahadsantihiin jzkq walaalayaal malaaya ka helay maanta igu horetso wepka ilah qeyr ha idiin siiyo umada walaalihina waad u faa,ideyseen masha laah halkaas ka sii wada good job

    • A&L
      November 1, 2012 | 9:57 pm

      Adigana qayr badah ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad ka-faa’iidaysatid Xawaash.

  10. Nuuh awad
    December 16, 2012 | 2:11 am

    Asc walal kaluunka salida malugu cunayaa mise waa laga miirayaa

    • A&L
      December 16, 2012 | 7:45 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Laba qaaddo saliid ayaa lagu daraa waana lagu cunaa.

  11. Lisa Nam
    February 6, 2013 | 12:37 pm

    Can I use Cod fish for this recipe?

    • A&L
      February 6, 2013 | 10:41 pm

      We haven’t tried it with cod fish, but there should be no problem.

  12. saida
    December 15, 2014 | 8:36 pm

    asc waxaan aad oga helay king fishka biyaha iyo basash iyo saliida maha qaleeyl sida kan shiilan,cunta fiican ayaan idina bartay shukran wallaalayaal.

    • A&L
      December 17, 2014 | 12:10 pm

      Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada fiican.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.