In a previous post, we told you the story of Hooyo Fadumo’s beginnings with cooking and her fish debacle. Wanting to learn, she sought out anyone who could teach her: family, friends, and even total strangers. She tells the story of how she approached a Somali cook who was working for an Italian neighbour. She invited him to have tea with the family and then said to him, “Tell me a special thing that you cook.” He replied, “Pizza.” She asked, “What is Pizza???”
The reply to that question delighted us many, many Eids. That was the time she usually prepared that treat for family and friends. In Mogadishu, after the Eid prayer, people made rounds visiting their relatives and friends, and the visitors would keep coming and going throughout the day. The pizza (biitsada) made her house a very popular destination. In most homes, people were treated with sweets only, so this savoury treat was a welcome respite.
Hooyo Fadumo’s recipe for biitso (pizza) was quite simple. In order to feed such a large number of people, she would prepare a very large batch of soft starter dough that was left to ferment overnight. In the morning, whenever she wanted to prepare biitso, she would use a piece of the starter and prepare pizza dough out of it. And free pizza kept flowing from her kitchen. When the kitchen oven could not keep up, we would take the trays of pizza to a bakery that was just round the corner.
We miss those Eids. Yes, we miss those tiresome Eids. More visitors meant more Eid money for the kids, and more money meant lots of fun.
Dans un post précédent, nous vous avons raconté l’histoire des débuts de Hooyo Fadumo en cuisine et de la débacle du poisson. Comme elle voulait apprendre, elle demandait à quiconque pouvait lui enseigner: famille, amis, et même des inconnus. Elle raconte souvent l’histoire où elle approcha un cuisinier Somali qui travaillait pour un voisin Italien. Elle l’invita à prendre le thé avec la famille et lui demanda: “Quelle est votre spécialité?”. Il répondit: “de la Pizza”. Elle demanda: “C’est quoi Pizza???”
Cette anecdote nous a amusé pendant de nombreux Eids. C’était pendant qu’on préparait les friandises pour la famille et les amis, et les visiteurs allaient et venaient tout au long de la journée. A Mogadishu, après la prière de l’Eid, les gens allaient visiter leur famille et leurs amis. La pizza (biitsada) (de Hooyo Fadumo) a fait de sa maison une destination très populaire. Dans la plupart des foyers, on ne servait aux gens que des friandises, donc ce plat savoureux apportait un répit bienvenu.
La recette de Hooyo Fadumo de biitso (pizza) est très simple. Pour nourrir un grand nombre de personnes, elle préparait une grande quantité de pâte fermentée qu’elle laissait lever une nuit. Au matin, lorsqu’elle voulait préparer biitso, elle prélevait un morceau de pâte et faisait la pâte à pizza avec. Comme ça elle produisait une quantité infinie de pizza . Quand le four de la cuisine ne pouvait plus suivre, nous amenions les plaques de pizza jusqu’à la boulangerie du coin de la rue.
Ces Eids nous manquent. Oui ils étaient épuisants mais ils nous manquent. Plus de visiteurs voulait dire plus plus d’argent de l’Eid pour les enfants, et plus d’argent voulait dire plus d’amusement.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
Pizza dough:
(Makes 2 medium 12″ pizzas)
2 cups (280 g) All-purpose flour
1 tsp (5 mL) Instant dry yeast
¼ tsp Salt
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Sugar
1 Tbsp (15 mL) Olive oil
¾ cup (178 mL) Water (lukewarm)
Waxa loo baahan yahay:
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
Cajiinka Biitsada:
(Waxaad ka-sameyn kartaa 2 Biitso)
2 koob (280 g) Bur cad
1 qy (5 mL) Qamiirka rootiga (instant dry yeast)
¼ qy Cusbo
1 QW (15 mL) Sokor
1 QW (15 mL) Saliidda oliivada
¾ koob (178 mL) Biyo (qandac ah)
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
Pâte à pizza:
(pour 2 pizzas moyennes de 12 pouces/30 cm)
2 mesures (280 g) de Farine Blanche
1 cc (5 mL) de Levure Instantanée
¼ cc de Sel
1 cs (15 mL) de Sucre
1 cs (15 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
¾ de mesure (178 mL) d’Eau (tiède)
1. Measure the flour and make a well in the center. 2. Add the instant dry yeast. 3. Add the salt. 4. Add the sugar. 5. Add the oil. 6. Add a little water and start mixing. 7. Continue adding the water gradually (a little at a time) and mixing. 8. Knead the dough for 10 minutes. 9. Put the dough in an oiled bowl. Cover and let it rise for two hours. Deflate the dough and let it rise for another hour. After you deflate the dough, you can refrigerate it up to three days for later use.
If using a stand mixer or a food processor, combine all the ingredients and mix for 6 minutes.
1. Burka cabbir. Dhexda wax yar banneey. 2. Qamiirka ku-shub. 3. Cusbada ku-dar. 4. Sokorta ku-dar. 5. Saliidda ku-dar. 6. Wax yar biyo ku-dar oo faraha tartiib ugu qas. 7. Biyaha kiskis ugu dar ee qas. 8. Si-fiican u-rifaaq muddo 10 daqiiqo. 9. Cajiinka baaquli saliid la-mariyey ku-rid. Dabool ee ha-qamiiro muddo laba saacadood. Hawada ka-saar, haddana dhig ha-qamiiro muddo hal saac. Markaad hawada ka-saartid qaboojiyaha ayaad gelin kartaa ilaa saddex maalmood.
Haddaad isticmaalaysid makiinadda wax lagu qaso, waxyaabaha oo dhan ku-wada shub oo 6 daqiiqo isku qas.
1. Mesurer la farine et faire un puits au centre. 2. Ajouter la levure instantanée. 3. Ajouter le sel. 4. Ajouter le sucre. 5. Ajouter l’huile. 6. Ajouter un peu d’eau et commencer à mélanger. 7. Ajouter l’eau graduellement (petit à petit) et mélanger. 8. Pétrir la pâte pendant 10 minutes. 9. Mettre la pâte dans un bol huilé. Couvrir et laisser lever pendant deux heures. Malaxer la pâte pour chasser les bulles d’air et laisser lever pendant une heure de plus. Après avoir chassé les bulles d’air, vous pouvez conserver la pâte jusqu’à trois jours au frais pour vous en servir.
Si vous utilisez un mixer ou un robot, verser tous les ingrédients et mélanger pendant 6 minutes.
1. Use half of the dough to make one medium pizza. 2. Roll out the dough to a 12″ (30 cm) circle.
1. Cajiinka nuskiisa isticmaal si aad uga sameeysid biitso dhexdhexaad ah. 2. Cajiinka u-fidi wareeg cabbirkiisa yahay 12″ (30 cm).
1. Utiliser la moitié de la pâte pour faire une pizza de taille moyenne. 2. Étaler la pâte en un cercle de 12 pouces (30 cm).
Pizza Sauce:
¼ cup (60 mL) Olive oil
1 Onion (finely chopped)
3 Garlic cloves (minced)
4 Tomatoes (blended)
4 Tbsp (60 mL) Tomato paste
1 tsp (5 mL) Salt
¼ tsp Black pepper (ground)
1 tsp (5 mL) Sugar
Suugada Biitsada:
¼ koob (60 mL) Saliidda oliivada
1 Basal (la-yaryareeyey)
3 Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
4 Yaanyo (shiidan)
4 QW (60 mL) Yaanyo shiishiid
1 qy (5 mL) Cusbo
¼ qy Filfil madow (shiidan)
1 qy (5 mL) Sokor (haddaad rabtid)
Sauce tomate pour la pizza:
¼ de mesure (60 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
1 Oignon (finement émincé)
3 Gousses d’Ail (hachées)
4 Tomates (mixées)
4 cs (60 mL) de Concentré de Tomates
1 cc (5 mL) de Sel
¼ cc de Poivre Noir (moulu)
1 cc (5 mL) de Sucre

Preparing the pizza sauce (Sida loo sameeyo suugada biitsada) Préparation de la sauce tomate pour la pizza
1. Saute the onions in the olive oil until soft. 2. Add the minced garlic and cook for a minute. 3. Add the blended tomatoes. 4. Add the tomato paste. 5. Add the salt. 6. Add the ground black pepper. Add the sugar, if using. Cook until the sauce reduces.
1. Basasha saliidda ku-dallac ilaa ay ka-jilicdo. 2. Tuunta (toonta) ku-dar oo 1 daqiiqo kari. 3. Yaanyada shiidan ku-dar. 4. Yaanyo shiishiidda ku-dar. 5. Cusbada ku-dar. 6. Filifisha ku-dar. Sokorta ku-dar (haddaad doontid). Kari ilaa ay suugada ka-gursato.
1. Faire sauter les oignons dans la poêle jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient fondants. 2. Ajouter l’ail haché et cuire une minute. 3. Ajouter les tomates en purée. 4. Ajouter le concentré de tomates. 5. Ajouter le sel. 6. Ajouter le poivre noir moulu. Ajouter le sucre, si vous en utilisez. Cuire jusqu’à ce que la sauce réduise.
Pizza toppings:
Pizza toppings are a personal preference. The 4 types of pizza shown below have some of our preferred toppings. If some of the toppings are not readily available to you, or you don’t like some of them, then by all means use your favourite toppings. Be creative and have fun! The most important thing in making pizza is to knead the dough very well and to let it rise sufficiently. If you have time, we recommend that you refrigerate the pizza dough overnight, then let it come to room temperature before using.
Waxa biitsada la kor saaro:
Biitsada waxa la saaro waxay ku-xiran tahay waxa aad jeceshahay. Afarta nooc biitso oo aan sameeynay waxaan saarnay waxyaabaha aan jecelnahay. Haddii qaar ka-mid ah aan laga helin meesha aad joogtid, ama ay yihiin wax aadan jeclayn, waxaad isticmaashaa waxa aad adiga jeceshahay. Hase yeeshee, ha ku-badinin waxa la-saaraayo biitsada. Marka biitso la-sameeynaayo, waxaa muhiim ah inaad cajiinka si-fiican u-rifaaqdid, uu si-fiicanna u-qamiiro. Cajiinka wuxuu ku-sii fiican yahay in qaboojiyaha la-dhex dhigo hal habeen. Maalinta labaad bannaanka dhig ilaa uu qabowga ka-dhaco. Hadhoow fidi.
Garnitures de Pizza:
Les garnitures de pizza sont une affaire de goût personnel. Les 4 types de pizza montrés ci-dessous sont parmi nos garnitures préférées. Si certaines garnitures ne sont pas disponibles pour vous, ou si vous ne les aimez pas, alors n’hésitez pas à utiliser votre garniture favorite. Soyez créatif et amusez-vous! La chose la plus importante dans la réalisation de la pizza est de bien pétrir la pâte et de la laisser lever suffisamment. Si vous avez le temps, nous vous recommandons de réfrigérer la pâte à pizza une nuit, et d’attendre qu’elle soit à température ambiante avant de l’utiliser.
Salmon Pizza:
(1 Pizza)
1 tsp Garlic (minced)
1 tsp Anchovies (chopped)
½ cup Salmon
6 Sage leaves
7 Tomato slices
1 Jalapeno pepper
2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese
Ground black pepper (to taste)
Biitso Saalmon:
(1 Biitso)
1 qy Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
1 qy Malayga anshofiis (anchovies) oo cusbada leh
½ koob Malayga saalmon (salmon)
6 Caleenta Seejka (sage)
7 Jeex yaanyo
1 Basbaas halabeenyo (jalapeno)
2 QW Farmaajo (burcad) barmijaano
Pizza au Saumon:
(1 Pizza)
1 cc d’Ail (haché)
1 cc d’Anchois (hachés)
½ mesure de Saumon
6 Feuilles de Sauge
7 Tranches de Tomate
2 cs de Parmesan
Poivre Noir Moulu (selon le goût)
Chicken Pizza
(1 Pizza)
1 tsp Garlic (minced)
⅓ cup (80 mL) Pizza sauce
½ cup Cooked, diced chicken
½ cup Sweet peppers (sliced)
2 Tbsp Olives (chopped)
1 Tbsp Fresh basil (chopped )
1 tsp (5 mL) Olive oil
Sliced gruyere cheese (as desired)
Grated parmesan cheese (as desired)
Salt and pepper to taste
Biitso digaag:
(1 Biitso)
1 qy Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
⅓ koob (80 mL) Suugada Biitsada
½ koob Digaag karsan oo la-yaryareeyey
½ koob Barbrooni la-jarjary ( laba midab)
2 QW Oliivo (olives) jarjaran
1 QW Reyxaan cusboon (la-jarjaray)
10 g Farmaajo (burcad) guruyeer (gruyere cheese)
5 g Farmaajo barmijaano
Cusbo iyo filfil (intaad jeceshahay)
1 qy (5 mL) Saliidda oliivada
Pizza au Poulet
(1 Pizza)
1 cc d’Ail (haché)
⅓ de mesure (80 mL) de Sauce Tomate à Pizza
½ mesure de Poulet Cuit en dés
½ mesure de Poivron (en lamelles)
2 cs d’Olives (hachées)
1 cs de Basilic Frais (haché)
1 cc (5 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
Tranches de Gruyère (selon le goût)
Parmesan râpé (selon le goût)
Sel et Poivre selon le goût
Potato and Zucchini Pizza:
(1 Pizza)
1 tsp Garlic (minced)
⅓ cup Pizza sauce
10 Thin potato slices
1 cup Zucchini (sliced)
⅓ cup Caramelized onion
1 Tbsp Capers
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp (5 mL) Olive oil
Biitsa Qudaar:
(1 Biitso)
1 qy Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
⅓ koob Suugada biitsada
1 Bataato (qafiif loo jaray)
1 koob Sukiini (zucchini) jarjaran
⅓ koob Basal (la-shiilay oo la-jilciyay)
1 QW Keebars (capers)
Cusbo iyo filfil intaad jeceshahay
1 qy (5 mL) Saliidda oliivada
Pizza Pomme de Terre et Courgette:
(1 Pizza)
1 cc d’Ail (haché)
⅓ de mesure de Sauce Tomate à Pizza
10 Lamelles fines de Pommes de Terre
1 mesure de Courgette (tranchée)
⅓ d’Oignons Caramélisés
1 cs de Câpres
Sel et Poivre selon le goût
1 cc (5 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
Make your food look pretty. Do not only eat to live!
Cunnada qurxi. Ha u-cunin inaad noolaatid oo keliya!
Faites un joli plat. Ne mangez pas seulement pour vivre!
Eggplant and Tomato Pizza:
(1 Deep Pan Pizza)
½ (118) cup Pizza Sauce
6 Slices roasted eggplant (see recipe below)
6 Tomato slices
½ cup Sweet peppers sliced
2 Jalapeno peppers sliced and seeded
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp fresh basil
Fresh mozzarella (optional)
Biitso Bitingaan iyo Yaanyo:
(1 Biitso Buuran)
½ koob Suugada biitsada
1 Bitingaan la-foorneeyay (soo’da hoos ka-fiiri)
6 Jeex yaanyo
½ koob Barbarooni jarjaran (laba midab)
2 xabo Basbaas cagaarka waaweyn (jalapeno) la-jarjaray oo miraha laga saaray (miraha u-daa haddaad doontid)
Cusbo iyo filfil (intaad jeceshahay)
1 QW Reyxaan cusboon (la-jarjaray)
Farmaajo mosarela (haddaad jeceshahay)
Pizza Aubergine et Tomate:
(1 Pizza Pâte Epaisse)
½ mesure (118 mL) de Sauce Tomate
6 Tranches d’Aubergine Grillée (voir la recette ci-dessous)
6 Tranches de Tomate
½ mesure de Poivrons en lamelle
2 Piments Jalapeno (ou piment d’Espelette) coupés en lamelles et épépinés
Sel et Poivre selon le goût
1 cs de Basilic Frais
Mozzarella Fraîche (optionnel)
Roasted Eggplant:
Cut into ½ inch (1¼ cm) thick slices
Add 1 Tbsp Olive oil
Add ½ tsp Salt
Add ¼ tsp Pepper
Roast in a preheated oven at 400°F/204°C for 30 minutes.
Bitingaan la-foorneeyay:
Bitingaanka u-jarjar ½ inch (1¼ cm)
2 QW Saliidda oliivada ku-dar
½ qy Cusbo ku-dar
¼ qy Filfil madow ku-dar
Ku-dub foorno la sii kululeeyey 400°F/204°C muddo 30 daqiiqo.
Aubergine Grillée:
Couper en tranches épaisses d’un demi pouce (1,25cm)
Ajouter 1 cs d’Huile d’Olive
Ajouter ½ cc de Sel
Ajouter ¼ cc de Poivre
Griller au four préchauffé à 400°F/204°C pendant 30 minutes.
Qaar ka-mid ah waxyaabaha biitsada kor laga saaro
Quelques ingrédients de la garniture de pizza
scw RAMADAAN KARIIM DHAMAANTIIN maasha allaah walaalayaal aad ayyad umahadsan tihiin saacidaynta aad inasaacidaysaan thnk you so mch ILLAHEY AJAR IYO XASANAAD HAIDINKASIIYO
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay hadalada wacan. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Ramadaan kariim.
Assalamu Caleykum,
Cabdillaahi iyo Leyla aad baad ugu mahadsantihiin biitsadan,caruurta qurbaha joogtaa aad bay u jecelyihiin waxaan rajeynayaa inaan isla samayno aniga iyo caruurtaydu Insha Allah,fadlan soo galiya hooyo Faadumo rasabigeeda.Jazaakalaahum kheyran,walaashiin Fowzia.
Waa fikrad aad u-fiican inay caruurtaada cuntada kula kariyaan, weliba biitsada sida aad sheegtay waa wax ay aad u-jecelyihiin. Hadduu Ilaahey yiraahdo soo’da hooyo Faadumo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Ramadaa Kariim walaal.
Beautiful work mashAllah, they all look mouthwatering. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more delicious recipes from you guys.
Thanks for so much for taking the time to comment. We are very happy to know that you enjoy the recipes.
maasha alaah walaal layla aad ayaa u madahsantahay cunta karis fiican maanan garaneenin aad ayaan uga bartay xawaash maasha alaah aad ayaa u mahadsantahay ilaah hakaa siiyo qeer iyo ajar xasanaaat maanta wax aan karin karin ma leh awalna hadaan martiqaad qabo waa la ii karin jiray alxamdulilaah hada laakin maasha alaah
Aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad ka-faa’iidaysatay Xawaash. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada fiican. Adigana qayr badan ayaan kuu-rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Acs wr wb? Maashaa Allaah tabaaraka-Llaah!!! I love sheekooyinka Hooyo Faadumo illaahay ha siiyo caafimaad buuxa, cibaado suuban, hana u barakeeyo cimrigeeda aamiin.
Salaan khaas ah iga gaarsiiya Hooyo, iiguna dhaha Ramadaanul-kariim.
Bi’idni-llaahil baarrii Idinkuna ku noolaada il-biriqsi kasta oo idin soo mara farxad aan lasoo koobi karin aaaaaamiiiin.
Aad iyo aad iyo aad ayaad u mahsantihiin Leylo iyo C/Laahi.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Aamiin, ducadaada Ilaahey ha-inoo aqbalo. Hooyo Faadumo salaan diiran ayey kuu-soo diraysaa, waxayna kuu-rajaynaysaa qayr iyo caafimaad. Annaga oo dhan waxaan ku-leennahay Ramadaan Kariim. Mahadsanid.
ur recepies are tempting me,ur are doing a very good job
pls post kids recepies also very helpful for new mothers
thank you
Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Thank you for taking the time to comment. We are happy to know that you enjoy the recipes. God willing, we will post kid-friendly recipes.
aslaamu alleeykum walaaleheyga qaaligoow aaadaa umahadsantihiin facal kheerkiina wanaaga quruxda badan walaal maashaa allaah caleeki tislamiin walaal maashaa allaah biidsaha aadee uqurxoontahay waxaan dareensanahay dhadhan qaas iney leedahay shukrran walaal caafimaadsan farxad kuwada waara niyadiin allaah niiyeelo hortiin reediin hareerihiin nuuur jazaakallaahu kheyran waqeer jamiic muslim barakallaahu fiikum dunyaa wal aakhira
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah UmAsmaa, waad ku mahadsan tahay faallooyinkaada qiimaha leh iyo ducooyinkaada. Ilaahey waxaan kaaga baryaynaa qayr badan oo aan dhammaan. Mahadsanid.
waxaan iraahdo ma aqaanee jazakumu laahu qeyraa wayo ummada arin waxtar wayn u leh ayaad u samayseeen
Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay hadalada qiiraha leh. Qayr ayaan kuu-rajaynaynaa. Ramadaan Kariim.
as wr wb layla abaayo ma soo galin kartaa chicken la foorneeyay iyo ciida maadama ee soo dhowdahay buskutka caaga lagu sameeyo sida loo sameeyo walaasheey adoo mahadsantahay mar labaad ayaan kuu mahad celinaaa ilaah hakaa siiyo ajar iyo xasanaat
Haddu Ilaahey yiraahdo waan ku-talajirnaa mardhow inaan soo gelino digaag la-foorneeyey. Laba nooc buskud ayaan soo gelinnay. Makiinadda aad tilmaantayna waan isticmaalnay, video-ha ka-fiiri.
buskutka dheer dheerkaa jeclahay ma heesto laakin birta aa ku sameeneesid laakin caaga ayaan heestaaa caga noocyada badan leh oo dhash lagu siinaayo hadaa soo galin kartid oo fursad heesid plz
Makiinaddaas labada nooc buskud oo ku-jira Xawaash waan ku-samaynay video-ha ka-fiirso.
i realy liked it its delicious, can u pls post how to make fish sambusa and mandazi i realy love ur blog kheer Allah idin siiyo
Thank you very much. God willing, we will post fish samosas. Here is the link to mahamri Mandazi has baking powder instead of yeast.
asalaamu caleykum walaalo aad iyo aad ayaad umahad santihiin labadiinaba jazaakallaah kheyr waxana idin leyahay ramadaan kareem ilahey ha idiin siyaadiyo wax wanagsan ayad ino faa iideysaan malin walba
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaada. Qayr ayaan kuu-rajaynaynaa. Ramadaan Kariim.
Food is ever intertwined with memories of places and faces and relatives. Mine is standing around the Piazza with friend,chat(or debate) and when hungry go to the Pizzaiollo in the piazza and buy a slice of pizza Margarita ( the only thing a broke student could afford).
Thanks for the memories…
We are always happy to hear that our recipes bring back old memories. Sometimes we go for the Margarita because we love it. We thought of including the recipe: great dough, fresh tomato sauce, buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil, sea salt, and of course extra virgin olive oil. However, the post was already too long. Thank you very much.
Loveeee the pizza dough!! cant wait to try it out.
Nothing beats the taste of homemade pizza dough.
Asalamu-Aleykum my dear brother & sister,
isbuucyadan soo ma booqan website ka, cuntooyin aad u macaan ayaa soo galiseen. Allah (sw) waxaan idin ka baryaa inow soonkiina iyo acmaashiina idinka aqbalo. Runtii aad ayaa inoogu faaideysaan. Aniga pizza walbo wuu iga halaabi jiray, laakin hada ayaa ogaaday sababta. Jizzakallahu Kheyra Jizza.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallooyinkaada iyo ducadaada. Waxaan kuu rajaynaynaa qayr badan oo aan dhammaan.
ascwrwb, bacda salaan aad iyo aad ayaan uga helay caawimada aad noo fidiseen, jazaakumulaah, waxaan jeclaan laha inaad noo soo gelisaan, sida loo sameeyo aubergine, bal aan ka faa,iideysanee vegetable kasna. thanks.
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Annagaba aad ayaan u-jecelnahay bitingaanga. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay.
masha allaaaaaaaaaaaaaah walaaalo aad iyo aad baad ugu mahadsan tihiin sida quruxda badan ad wax ino bareesan illaah muraadkiinoo macsi laheyn ha idin siiyo cunooyin badan ban idinka bartay xaafada aniga baa madax kanoqda markay marti ino imanayaan mahadas iyo abaalkasna laila iyo c/dullaahi baa iska leh anigoo waliba 1 month kaliyah aqan web kaan hadana waxyaabo badan ban kabartay jazaakumullaah ikhwaani
Waan ku-faraxsan nahay macalimadda xaafadda inaad noqotay. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada fiican. Qayr fara badan ayaan kuu rajaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Asalam calaykum walaal aad ayaad ugu mahadsantahay for this recipe it’s always fun to make your own pizza that way you know what is in it i really wana make a perfect pizza but my problem is mar walbo oon pizzaha sameeyo wuu iga qaldamaa oo wuxuu noqdaa mid adag oo calaajintiisa adagtahay i don’t know what i am doing wrong the dough rises very nice i cook it in the right temperature but still please hadaad wax advice igu caawin kartaan i would appreciate it JAZAAKA ALLAH QAYR
Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Try the recipe we posted and follow the instructions closely. That way you will have no more problems with pizza dough again. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
aad ayad u mahadsantihiin sida wanagsan e ad inoogu so gudbinaysan cuntoyinka,,, intas kadib waxan idin weydiyay mar alla markii an burka qaboojiyaha kasoo bixi sugadina ay diyaartahay so uma baahna burkii an so saaray in aa dubo thnx.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Looma baahna burka inaad gooni u-dubtid. Markaad qaboojiyaha ka-soo saartid, dhig ilaa uu qabowga ka-dhaco. Kaddib burka fidi suugadana dusha ka-saar ee hal mar isla dub. Mahadsanid.
Good Presentations,Thank You
You are most welcome. Thanks.
Assalamu aleykum could you tell me how to make a soft base for the pizza?
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
You can use the fourth recipe (Eggplant and Tomato Pizza) and spread the dough with your hands.
Waad ku mahadsantihiin walaalayaal sida aad bulshadiin aqoonta ugusoo gudbiseen, wiliba waan idinku dhiirigalinaa ina aad afsomaliga kor uqaadan gaar ahaan cabirka iyo magacyada ay ka koobantahay cunadda.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waan ku faraxnay hadalada wacan oo dhiiri gelinta leh. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay.
maansha waa sadaqo fiican gabdhaha yar yar ee ku korey dibadaha ayaa aad uga faaiideystey, maxaa dhacay daris iyo waalid u diyaar ah oo cuntada baraayo way adag tahay sida loo helo hada, marka qayr badan allaha idin siiyo waayeelkana kama marna sidaydoo kele ayaan pizada ka faaiidaystaan.
Waa wax loo baahan yahay dhalinyarada dibadaha jooga inay dhaqankooda bartaan. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaatay Biitsada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.
Wonderful and simply sensational and versatile. Great tips on how to cook the pizza. Everything is perfect. Is there a way this recipe can enable printing? Thank you very much. E’teekum alf afia.
Thank you very, very much for your wonderful comment. This is one of the older recipes before we switched to the new format. God willing we will enable the printing.
waad ku mahadsantihiin sida fiican eed dadka ugu soo gudbiseen ee pizzada markii la xashay ee suugada lo sameeyay sidee laysku yidhi ma too ayaa sidii sabaayada o shiilayaa suugadana dushaa laga saarayaa mise dushaa laga saarayaa plz ii kala sheega.
waad mahadsantihiin
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waxaa muuqata fiidiyaha inaadan wada fiirsan. Cajiinka inta la fidiyey kaddibna suugadda korka ayaa laga saaray. Biitsada foornada ayaa lagu dubaa lama shiilo.