Thin-sliced Beef Steak (Bisteeki Hilib) Steak de Boeuf tranché très fin

Thin-sliced Beef Steak (Bisteeki) Steak de Boeuf tranché très fin

The Japanese sukiyaki beef has a lot of history, but this sukiyaki-cut beef steak has a simple story. When you can’t afford expensive cuts of beef and you can’t be without steak, what is the solution? Well, you take a cheap cut of ungraded beef and you slice it very thin. Give the steaks a quick acid-based marinade and you’re in business. The marinade must be robust: garlic, cilantro, and fresh ground black pepper. Then add colourful veggies and it becomes a feast for the eyes. 

Somali butcher shops are familiar with these thin-sliced steaks and you could buy them ready-cut. If you don’t live near Somalis, Japanese, or any group that was let into this secret, and if your butcher is not willing to slice the beef this thin, don’t worry. Buy sirloin beef and partially freeze it. Then using a sharp knife, slice the beef as thin as possible. 

The steaks cook very fast and it’s important not to overcook them, otherwise they will become tough. They are best served immediately.


Le boeuf sukiyaki Japonais a une longue histoire, mais notre boeuf style sukiyaki a une histoire simple. Quand vous ne pouvez pas vous payer les meilleurs morceaux de boeuf et vous ne pouvez pas vous passer de boeuf, quelle est la solution? Et bien, Vous prenez un bas morceau de boeuf et vous le tranchez très fin. Passez le steak vite fait dans une marinade à base acide et l’affaire est dans le sac. La marinade doit être corsée: ail, coriandre et du poivre noir fraîchement moulu. Puis ajoutez des légumes colorés et cela devient un régal pour les yeux.

Les boucheries Somalis ont l’habitude de ces steaks tranchés très fins et on pouvez les acheter tous prêts découpés. Si vous n’habitez pas à proximité de Somalis, de Japonais, ou d’un groupe qui partage cette technique secrète, et si votre boucher ne veut pas trancher le boeuf aussi fin, ne vous inquiétez pas. Achetez de l’aloyau de boeuf et congelez-le partiellement. Puis armé d’un couteau bien tranchant, effilez le boeuf aussi fin que possible.

Les steaks cuisent très vite et il faut faire attention à ne pas trop les cuire, sinon ils deviennent coriaces. Ils sont meilleurs servis immédiatement.



For the beef steaks:
1 lb.                           Beef sirloin (thinly sliced)
3                               Garlic cloves (minced)
1 Tbsp                        Vinegar
1/4 cup                       Olive oil
1 Tbsp                        Vegetable seasoning
2 Tbsp                        Cilantro (chopped)
1 tsp                          Black pepper (or to taste)

For the veggie topping:
1                               Onion (sliced)
2 Tbsp                        Olive oil
1 Tbsp                        Vinegar
1 tsp                          Sugar
1/4                            Green bell pepper
1/4                            Red bell pepper
1                               Carrot (small)



Pour les steaks de boeuf:
1 livre d’Aloyau de Boeuf (tranché fin)
3 Gousses d’Ail (hachées)
1 cs de Vinaigre
¼ de mesure (59 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
1 cs d’Assaisonnement Légumes
2 cs de Coriandre (haché)
1 cc de Poivre Noir (ou selon votre goût)

Pour la garniture de légumes:
1 Oignon (émincé)
2 cs d’Huile d’Olive
1 cs de Vinaigre
1 cc de Sucre
¼ de Poivron Vert
¼ de Poivron Rouge
1 Carotte (petite)



Using a mortar and pestle, grind together the cilantro, minced garlic, and vegetable seasoning. Add the vinegar, black pepper and olive oil. Transfer the marinade to a bowl. 

Marinate the steaks on both sides and leave aside. You can refrigerate the marinated steaks for a day or two. The acidic marinade breaks down the connective tissue of the meat and tenderizes it.

Cook the meat for just 30 seconds on each side. Do not overcrowd the pan and move the steaks around to the hotter parts of the pan.

For the vegetable topping, saute the onions in olive oil, then add the vegetable seasoning. Add the vinegar and the sugar then add the sliced bell peppers and carrot. Turn off the heat while the vegetables have a bit of a crunch.



Avec un mortier et un pilon, écraser le coriandre, l’ail haché, et l’assaisonnement légumes. Ajouter le vinaigre, le poivre noir et l’huile d’olive. Transférer la marinade dans un bol.

Tremper les steaks dans la marinade en les recouvrant des deux côtés et laisser reposer. Vous pouvez réfrigérer les steaks marinés pendant un jour ou deux. L’acidité de la marinade attaque les tissus conjonctifs (ligaments et tendons) de la viande et l’attendrit.

Cuire la viande pendant juste 30 secondes de chaque côté. Ne surchargez pas la poêle et placez les steaks sur les parties les plus chaudes de la poêle.

Pour la garniture de légumes, faire revenir les oignons dans l’huile d’olive, puis ajouter l’assaisonnement légumes. Ajouter le vinaigre et le sucre puis ajouter les poivrons émincés et la carotte coupée en rondelles. Couper le feu quand les légumes sont cuits mais encore croquants.

Steps for preparing the steak - Étapes pour préparer le steak

1. Moudre les ingrédients de la marinade
2. Transférer la marinade dans un bol
3. Mariner la viande des deux côtés
4. Cuire à feu fort
5. Remuer les steaks dans la poêle
6. Ajouter l’assaisonnement aux oignons
7. Ajouter les poivrons
8. Ajouter les carottes

Thin-sliced sirloin steak

Thin-sliced sirloin steak - Aloyau de boeuf effilé


Marinated steaks

Marinated steaks - Steaks Marinés


Sukiyaki Beef Sandwich

Sukiyaki Beef Sandwich - Sandwich de Boeuf Sukiyaki


Thin-sliced Beef Steaks (Bisteeki) served with pasta

Thin-sliced Beef Steaks (Bisteeki) served with pasta - Steaks de Boeufs effilés servis avec des pâtes




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22 Responses to Thin-sliced Beef Steak (Bisteeki Hilib) Steak de Boeuf tranché très fin
  1. zamiira
    December 14, 2011 | 12:29 am

    Masha Allah that is the real deal of cooking. I love to cook and I love this website. Waxaan kaloo kufaraxsanahey in aan ka heley dish aan so long raadinaayey sida exactly loo sameeyo oo ah Galaamuude so yum..
    Thankzz a lot even muufo baraawe rocks and even macsharo kaba daran. Alla maxaan ku faraxsanahey webkaan. Keep doing ur wonderfull job waana idiin hanbalyeenayaa .

    • A&L
      December 14, 2011 | 9:45 am

      Thank you very much for the lovely comment!

  2. Shukri
    February 20, 2012 | 11:11 am

    masha allaah waa ku faraxsanahy

    • A&L
      February 20, 2012 | 10:53 pm

      Mahadsanid walaal.

  3. Abaayo
    March 14, 2012 | 11:30 pm

    Scw aad Iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin ugu horeen, waa igu ceeb in aan aqoon sida loo sameeyo buskeeti balse waan jeclahey in aan cuno lolz,,, hadaad I faa’idey seeneh igu haleeh insha Allah in aan sameeyo thanks again walalayaal

    • A&L
      March 15, 2012 | 11:08 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,
      Aad ayaad u mahadsan tahay walaal. Guul ayaan kuu rajeynaynaa.

  4. Ayan
    May 26, 2012 | 12:33 pm

    This dish is absolutely hands down. I love it. Thank you for your ongoing effort. I believe you guys helped many wives cook for their husbands delicious foods now which I think might help solve some family problems. this web rocks, Thank you.

    • A&L
      May 26, 2012 | 11:22 pm

      Thank you very much for taking the time to comment and for sharing your experience.

  5. Khadra Dhahir
    June 7, 2012 | 7:51 pm

    Just wanted to let you guys know that I enjoy your website very much. I have tried a few of your recipies and love it. BUT I have a question for you… what is the vegetable seasoning or what spices are in it? Where can I purchase it?
    Thanks again!

    • A&L
      June 7, 2012 | 9:48 pm

      Vegetable seasoning refers to a seasoning salt mix. We use Vegeta Seasoning Mix. It is similar to vegetable bouillon cubes (such as Knorr or Maggi). Thank you for the question.

      1 Tbsp Vegeta = 2 Maggi or Knorr cubes. It is also equivalent to 2 tsp salt.

      • Khadra Dhahir
        June 21, 2012 | 11:42 pm

        Thank you very much, this is helpful.

        • A&L
          June 24, 2012 | 12:59 pm

          You are welcome. :)

  6. fatma
    February 21, 2013 | 11:44 am

    MashaAllah. This is sooooo yummy.
    Everything i.e the food, preparation, presentation, and the Chef of course are all amazing and wonderful. Never thought that we have all these kinds of tasteful dishes.

    • A&L
      February 21, 2013 | 10:22 pm

      Thank you very much for your wonderful compliment. We have a lot of nice dishes and there are still many more to come.

  7. Bisharo
    August 3, 2013 | 8:29 pm

    I’m utterly and completely in love with this website. May Allah bless you for your hard work.

    • A&L
      August 4, 2013 | 3:25 pm

      Thank you so much. God bless you too.

  8. HIba
    July 4, 2014 | 6:47 pm

    Just made some steak– out of my head– and it turned out like crap. (excuse my language. I had to come here. Now, I will try and make this one. lol I will keep you updated!

    Thanks guys!

    • A&L
      July 5, 2014 | 2:53 am

      We are waiting to hear from you. We wish you good luck.

      • HIba
        July 6, 2014 | 5:56 pm

        Masha’allah, they turned out great! My husband until now thinks I bought them from some place. Alhamdulilah, you guys saved me from big time humiliation with in-laws :) !


        • A&L
          July 8, 2014 | 2:49 pm

          Wonderful! Thank you for your nice feedback.

  9. zakaria abdi nuur
    October 15, 2014 | 5:57 am

    masha allah waan ka faaiideystay waadna mahadsan tihiin bahda xawaash 100%.

    • A&L
      October 20, 2014 | 12:49 am

      Waa ku mahadsan tahay inaad nala socodsiisay, waanna ku faraxsan nahay inadd ka faa’iidaysanaysid.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.