If you go to a Somali restaurant, you’ll probably be welcomed with a small bowl of hot broth. Sometimes it is chicken broth but more often than not it is lamb broth. It won’t be the cheese-laden, cream-filled variety; the traditional Somali soup is simple and very aromatic.
Somalis usually don’t prepare this soup as a standalone recipe. The broth is pilfered from the pot of lamb or goat meat that is cooking on the stove. To this they would add a little black pepper, some coriander, and a little lemon juice. It is fortifying and nutritious. Coupled with a crusty bread, it can be a complete meal.
In this recipe, we have used the bones that were left over from the Grilled Boneless Lamb Shoulder that we prepared for a previous post. It was easy to make and the soup turned out really delicious. There are few things as comforting as a steaming bowl of aromatic soup.
Si vous allez manger dans un restaurant Somali, vous serez probablement accueilli avec un petit bol de bouillon chaud. Parfois c’est du bouillon de poulet mais la plupart du temps c’est un bouillon d’agneau. Il est différent de la variété au fromage et à la crème; la soupe traditionnelle Somali est simple et très aromatique.
Les Somalis ne préparent pas cette soupe en plat seul. Le bouillon est prélevé sur un ragoût d’agneau ou sur un plat de viande d’agneau qui est déjà en train de cuire sur la cuisinière. Ils y ajoutent du poivre noir, du coriandre, et un peu de jus de citron. Il est fortifiant et nutritif. Associé à du pain croustillant, il se transforme en plat complet.
Dans cette recette, nous avons utilisé les os qui restaient de la recette d’Epaule d’Agneau Désossée Grillée qui nous avions préparée pour le post précédent.
C’était facile à faire et la soupe était vraiment délicieuse. Quoi de plus réconfortant qu’un bol fumant de soupe aromatique.
2 lb. (900 g) Lamb bones
2 Tbsp Vegetable seasoning
14 cups Water (or enough to cover the bones)
1 Onion (sliced)
4 Garlic cloves
1 Potato (peeled and finely diced)
1 Carrot (peeled and finely diced)
¼ tsp Black pepper (or to taste)
1 Tbsp Coriander (chopped)
2 livres d’Os d’Agneau
2 cs d’Assaisonnement Légumes
14 mesures d’Eau (ou assez pour couvrir les os)
1 Oignon (émincé)
4 Gousses d’Ail
1 Pomme de Terre (pelée et coupée en petits dés)
1 Carotte (pelée et coupée en petits dés)
¼ de cc de Poivre Noir (ou selon le goût)
1 cs de Coriandre (haché)
Throw the bones in a large pot. Add enough water to cover the bones. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for one hour, skim periodically. After one hour add the onion and garlic. Cook for an additional hour at a gentle simmer. After the second hour, remove the bones and add the diced carrot and potato. Cook for 15 minutes with the pot covered. For the last step, add freshly ground black pepper and the chopped coriander. Serve hot with a crusty bread and a lemon wedge.
Mettre les os dans un grand faitout. Couvrir d’eau. Chauffer jusqu’à ce que l’eau frémisse et cuire pendant une heure, écumer régulièrement. Après une heure ajouter l’oignon et l’ail. Cuire une heure de plus à petits bouillons. Après la deuxième heure, retirer les os et ajouter les dés de carottes et de pomme de terre. Cuire pendant 15 minutes à couvert. Pour la dernière étape, ajouter le poivre noir fraîchement moulu et le coriandre haché. Servir chaud avec du pain croustillant et un quartier de citron.
1. Mettre les os dans un faitout. 2. Recouvrir les os d’eau. 3. Faire chauffer l’eau jusqu’à ce qu’elle frémisse et laisser cuire tout en écumant de temps en temps. 4. Au bout d’une heure, ajouter l’oignon et l’ail, et cuire une heure de plus. 5. Retirer les os après la deuxième heure. 6. Ajouter les dés de carotte et de pomme de terre et cuire pendant 15 minutes. Après ça ajouter le poivre noir moulu et le coriandre haché.

Crusty bread ready for a hot soup bath - Morceaux de pain croustillants prêts pour un bain de soupe chaude

Somali Lamb Soup (Fuud Ari). Inexpensive, nutritious, and delicious! - Soupe d’Agneau Somali. Économique, nutritive, et délicieuse!
mmmm macaan ceesh cala,good job u guys
Thank you Sam. Are you making some ‘Fuud’ soon?
maasha alllah neef hada laso qalay miya fuudkiisa macaan wayee
Waa fuud nafsadda u-roon.
Hey A&L,
Is this soup for people with joint pain? Btw, you guys are doing an AWESOME job!
If you have joint pain, see a doctor. Take the medication he/she prescribes for you, then have this soup. It will do wonders.
ascwrwb mashaa allaah waa cuna aad u udgoon cawaanba xaajiga usameen haka maqsuude hmmmm walalaha websiteka waxn ka codsanaya inaay ii sheegan cunooyinka markaas ugu danbeeya xageen kala socon karaa jazakumulahu khayran jazza wcswrwb
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
Waa wax wanaagsan inaad xaajiga u-samaysid wax uu ku-maqsuudo, ee Ilaahay hakaa ajarsiiyo. Meesha ugu fiican aad kala socon kartid waxa cusub waa halkaan, goobta Xawaash. Mahadsanid walaal.
Growing up we children named the maraaq with the bread in our house fashooq. To us it meant mashed (I don’t know anyone else who calls it that. Do you?). I’m about to have my first baby and was joking with my that my she is not allowed to feed my baby fashooq because I had it atleast once or twice everyweek. We always complained but we loved it!
I know I’ll be feeding him the fuud ari as well as tell him dhegdheer stories. Got to keep the tradition.
I love everything about your site. Love the songs you put in there, the pictures, the stories and the food of course. Keep up the good work.
Salamu Alakuim
Maraaq, fashuuq and mafuurow (bread soaked in tea) all those are stuff we grew up on. It is great to pass our tradition to the new generation. We are happy to know that you like the website. Thank you very much for your nice comment. We wish you all the best.
Hi. I found your site by trying (with difficulty) to find a recipe that *may* be a varient of this one. This is my first visit to your site, but I’m sure I will be back, as it looks like there are many recipes I think i would like.
My husband & I like to try as many different ethnic foods as possible (likely the closest we’ll ever get to int’l travel), and one of my husband’s coworkers who is Somali sugested one here in Edmonton called MAREEG. When you go there you are started with a wonderful soup which I’ve had a hard time finding out the name of. but the last time we were there the server described it, & it sounds very similar to this recipe, except for using goat broth. Do you know if that may be a varient of this soup, or if that would make it something else entirely?
I am also curious if you are familiar with a Kenyan boiled cornmeal called ugali, and wonder if there is something similar in Somali cuisine? I had a Kenyan boyfriend (20+ yrs ago) who made it often, & I loved it with stews and such, but I’ve not had it since we split up, & I sometimes miss it. I thought since Kenya and Somalia are neighbours, there may be something similar I could ask about at the restaurant (or try and make if I can find a recipe) if I knew what the Somalian variety (if there is one) is called
Thank you for running such a wonderful site! I plan come back often. Have a great day!
Thank you very much for your comment. We are very happy you found us. We believe it is a varient of this soup, but many Somali restaurant like to add fresh tomatoes and a little bit of corn starch. Try it and let us know if it is the same. We have two types of ugali; this is the popular one in Somalia http://xawaash.com/?p=1401 and here is one that is known in Brava http://xawaash.com/?p=2125 which maybe similar to the Kenyan ugali.
Judging by my name you notice I’m Chinese (Malaysian), now living in Germany. My dear hubby (we met decades ago as students in London!) is German and he loves food. And I love cooking and trying out all kinds of different food. The more exotic the better! Our son (who is a very good hobby cook himself) took us out to a Somalia Restaurant on my birthday. Wow! That triggered off my urge to produce some of the tasty dishes we ate – which I did. I pounded the various spices needed for Xawaash and that was good! (I can’t buy
Xawaash here.) Your food actually tasted better than those we had in the restaurant. I love everything about your site. Love all the pictures, the videos, the stories and the food of course. Keep up the good work!!! And most of all thank YOU both very much for sharing!
We were delighted with your comment and greatly appreciated. It is a small world, isn’t it? We have tried Malaysian food and loved it. Just like Malaysian cuisine has been influenced by other cultures, Somali cuisine has been shaped by so many influences. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying our recipes. Thank you very much.
[...] a recipe for a similar “lamb soup for the soul” (fuud ari) at Xawaash Somali Food Blog, here. Anyway, next up is our heaped platter of rice, spaghetti, lamb, vegetables and salad. As soon as I [...]