Crunchy Dough Balls (Daango Bur Laga Sameeyay) Billes Croustillantes (Zibuuri)

Crunchy Dough Balls (Zibuuri)

Crunchy Dough Balls (Zibuuri) Billes Croustillantes


You wake up one morning feeling alone, blue, and bored. What do you do? First, go to the kitchen and make a large lump of dough. Next, find yourself a quiet, cozy corner and start making tiny little balls with your fingers, all the while repeating, “Loves me, loves me not. Loves me, loves me not…” Similar to what you do with petals, only this time you are in control. Towards the end, you adjust the sizes of the tiny balls to have the ending you desire. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of life was like that? Or maybe not. Some people would wreak havoc in this world if things always had the outcome they desired. 

We would like to tell you that this is the story of how these little fried balls of dough started, but that is something we just made up. The real story is that at one time there was a shortage of maize in Brava and this meant that the daanku (Bravanese corn nut mix) couldn’t be made. So someone came up with the idea of making these crunchy dough balls to replace the maize in the daanku. The next season, the harvest was great and the maize came back, but the zibuuri stayed, tried and tasted…

Making these tiny balls is therapeutic. As you first sit down to make them, the task will seem quite daunting. If you persist, you will break that mountain into small pieces, just like life’s problems. Then after frying them, you will have the added satisfaction of crushing them between your teeth.


Un matin vous vous réveillez seul, déprimé, et sans rien à faire. Que faire? D’abord, aller à la cuisine et faire une grosse boule de pâte. Ensuite, mettez vous dans un coin tranquille et confortable et commencez à faire des toutes petites billes avec vos doigts, tout en répétant: (Il m’aime, il m’aime pas. Il m’aime, il m’aime pas…” Similaire à ce que vous faites avec les pétales d’une fleur, c’est à ce moment là que vous avez le contrôle. Vers la fin, ajustez la taille des petites billes suivant ce que vous voulez obtenir. Ne serait-ce pas merveilleux si dans la vie, tout était comme ça? Ou peut être pas. Certaines personnes feraient de gros dégâts dans le monde si elles obtenaient tout ce qu’elles voulaient.

On aimerait pouvoir vous dire cette histoire sur l’origine des billes croustillantes est vraie, mais nous l’avons juste inventée. La vraie histoire s’est passée quand il y a eu une pénurie de maïs à Brava ce qui a fait que les daanku (Mélange de noix et maïs Bravanais) ne pouvaient plus être faits. Alors quelqu’un a eu l’idée de remplacer le maïs par des boules croustillantes dans le daanku. L’année suivante, la récolte fut importante et le maïs redevint disponible, mais le zibuuri fut conservé, testé et approuvé.

La fabrication de ces petites billes est thérapeutique. Au début lorsqu’on s’assoit pour les faire, la tâche semble rebutante. Mais si vous persistez, vous allez détailler la montagne en petits morceaux, comme dans la vie quand on a des problèmes. Puis, une fois frits, vous aurez la satisfaction supplémentaire de les écraser entre vos dents.




4 cups (560 g) All-purpose flour
2 Tbsp (15 mL) Sugar
¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Salt
½ tsp (2.5 mL) Instant dry yeast
1¼ cups (296 mL) Water
½ cup (118 mL) Vegetable or canola oil
Oil for frying

Add some or all of the following to the fried dough balls:

Corn nuts
Raisins and/or sultanas
Roasted peanuts
A little oil (to make the sugar stick to the mix)


Waxa loo baahan yahay:

4 koob (560 g) Bur
2 QW (15 mL)  Sokor
¼ qy (1.25 mL) Cusbo
½ qy (2.5 mL) Qamiirka degdega
1¼ (296 mL) koob  biyo
½ koob (118 mL) Saliid caddeey
Saliid lagu shiilo 

Waxyaabaha lagu qaddimo daangada:

Daango gelleey
Loos la dubay
Nacnac yaryar
Saliid yar (si ay sokorta daangada ugu dhegto)



4 mesures de Farine Blanche

2 cs de Sucre
¼ cc de Sel
½ cc de Levure Instantanée
1¼ mesure d’Eau
½ mesure d’Huile Végétale ou d’Huile de Colza

Ajouter certains ou tous les ingrédients suivants une fois les billes frites:

Grains de maïs frits
Raisins secs ou sultanas
Cacahuètes grillées
Nonpareils / Perles multicolores en sucre
Un peu d’huile (pour que le sucre adhère au mélange)


Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Knead the dough then let it rest for 15 minutes. Work with a fistful of dough and cover the rest so the dough doesn’t dry up. Shape into very small balls.

Fry the dough balls in vegetable or canola oil. Set the heat to medium and fry until golden brown. Stir to make sure that they brown evenly. Using a slotted spoon, lift the fried dough balls from the oil and place in a colander to drain the oil. 

Add corn nuts, raisins, sultanas, roasted peanuts, nonpareils, sugar and a little oil. Mix well to coat with the sugar.

It is common to add food colour to the dough. Mix a small quantity of dough and add the colour of your choice. You can make dough balls of different colours.



Combiner tous les ingrédients et bien mélanger. Pétrir la pâte puis la laisser reposer pendant 15 minutes. Travailler avec une poignée de pâte et couvrir le reste pour qu’elle ne sèche pas. Former des toutes petites billes.

Frire les billes de pâte dans l’huile végétale ou l’huile de colza. Chauffer à feu moyen et frire jusqu’à ce que les billes soient marron doré. Bien tourner pour s’assurer qu’elles soient dorées uniformément. Avec une écumoire, retirer les billes frites de l’huile et les mettre dans une passoire pour égoutter l’huile.

Ajouter les grains de maïs, les raisins secs, les sultanas, les cacahuètes grillées, les nonpareils, le sucre et un peu d’huile. Bien mélanger pour recouvrir de sucre.

Cela se fait beaucoup d’ajouter du colorant alimentaire à la pâte. Mélanger une petite quantité de pâte et ajouter la couleur de votre choix. Vous pouvez aussi faire des billes de différentes couleurs.

Combine all the ingredients

Combine all the ingredients - Combiner tous les ingrédients


The dough after resting for 15 minutes

The dough after resting for 15 minutes - La pâte après avoir reposé 15 minutes



Zibuuri - Billes Croustillantes



Zibuuri - Billes Croustillantes


Zibuuri - Billes Croustillantes



Zibuuri - Billes Croustillantes


Daanku (Crunchy)

Daanku (Crunchy Mix – Mélange Croustillant)






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21 Responses to Crunchy Dough Balls (Daango Bur Laga Sameeyay) Billes Croustillantes (Zibuuri)
  1. ward_washok
    November 13, 2011 | 3:16 pm

    yaa subxaana allaaah meeqa saac uu iga qaadanaa
    sheekadaan kuuskuusideed … Ma jiraan makiino
    iga kuuskuuseyso oo diyaar ka dhigeyso ???

    • A&L
      November 13, 2011 | 7:46 pm

      Makiino maloo baahna. Waxaa loogu talagaley in lagu baashaalo. Television-ka ku fiirso, ama taleefanka speaker ku aaddi oo sammeey adigoo sheekeyneysid!

  2. Abdurahman M. Banafunzi
    November 13, 2011 | 4:06 pm

    Who doesn’t care for such crispy and savoury snack? NO ONE! I’m a snackaholic. I love snacking especially in the evening while watching a movie or TV.
    ZIBURI; You gotta love the name…!!! this recipe tastes much better than it sounds. Thanks Abdullahi, for taking the time and putting forth the effort to share this with us. I really admire your talent & all your hard work. You are inspiring! please keep those fantastic mouth watering recipes coming! I look forward to them..!!

    • A&L
      November 13, 2011 | 8:06 pm

      Thanks Abdurahman. We love your comments. Keep them coming!

  3. Margie
    November 13, 2011 | 6:06 pm

    I’m so excited about this recipe. I’m always looking for something special to give a friend or family member. This came at a perfect time!
    Thanks so much for sharing.

    • A&L
      November 13, 2011 | 8:15 pm

      Thank you very much for your wonderful comment. Making these dough balls isn’t that hard if you make a small batch. In Brava, Somalia, family and friends would sit in a circle and make Zibuuri as they carried on their conversation. Nowadays in family gatherings people are texting, and you can’t text and make Zibuuri.

  4. um muhammed
    November 28, 2011 | 12:45 pm

    assalaamu calaykum masha allah it looks nice daankada zibuuri ku dhax jirto see loo sameeyaa?? daankada caadiga miyaa mise mid gooni waaye thanks

    • A&L
      November 28, 2011 | 10:39 pm

      Daangada galleeyda waxaa ka sameyn kartaa galleey laqalajiyey oo laga helo dukaamada “Health Food Stores.” Ha isticmaalin galleeyda “popcorn”ka. Galleeyda habeenkii biyo la dhig, maalinta labaad biyo ku kari, hadhoow qallaji. Markay qabowdo saliid kushiil. Magaalada Baraawe galleyda qorraxda ayaa lagu qallajin jiray intaan la shiilin.

      The question is about how to make home-made corn nuts. Buy dried corn from health food stores. Do not use corn intended for making popcorn. Cover the dry corn with sufficient water and soak overnight. Boil the corn then let dry and cool. Deep fry in oil. In Brava, Somalia, they would sun-dry the boiled corn before deep frying.

  5. ANAB
    December 8, 2011 | 11:41 am

    asc mahadaan aad ayaa u fiicantihiin waana ku mahadsan tihiin lkn luuqada afka soo maaliga ah ku qora warbixinta aad qorteen taas ayaan ku baahanahay

    • A&L
      December 8, 2011 | 8:24 pm

      Mahadsanid. Waan ku fakarnay inaan af Soomaaligana aan ku qorno. Howlahaan waa wax aad u shaqa badan. Wax walba laba luqadood in lagu qoro waa hawl dheeraad ah. Hadduu Eebbe idmo, waxaan ku dadaalaynaa videoga inaan ku qorno Soomaali iyo Ingiriis.

  6. Naima
    January 28, 2012 | 9:46 pm

    I so want to try this snack, i love snacks and you are definitely bringing back memories, i feel like crying now after watching his video, it bring back old memories.

    • A&L
      January 28, 2012 | 10:24 pm

      We hope they are good memories. Thanks for watching the video.

  7. Shamsa B. Ali
    July 10, 2012 | 12:01 am

    Mashallah, thank you very much. I had the zibuuri at a friends house, but I didn’t know what it was, I just knew it was delicious! I am making it tomorrow inshallah. Thanks again for sharing it and making my month!

    • A&L
      July 10, 2012 | 8:03 pm

      You are most welcome. You are right, they are delicious. Make sure that you give your husband and son a lump of dough. It is good for bonding. :)

  8. SARAH
    September 16, 2012 | 6:20 pm

    hi can you please show us to make the coating for Crunchy Dough Balls (Daango Bur Laga Sameeyay) Zibuuri

    • A&L
      September 16, 2012 | 10:47 pm

      It depends on how much you are mixing and how sweet you like it. The ingredients for the coating are mentioned in the recipe. You could add as little or as much of those ingredients depending on your personal preference.

  9. عبد الرب رسول صياف
    February 4, 2013 | 5:04 am

    marka hore waan idin salaamay salaan kasoo go’aday qalbiga waxaan ilaahay idin kabar yayaa in hawu sha aad samay naysaa idinka siiyo ajar iyo xasanaad aan la soo koobi karay nin allana waalidiin tiin iyo waa lidiintoodba ha udanbi dhaafo intaa kadib waxaan cud sanayaa anoo kamid ah ardayda wax kabarata websie kiina cunta samaynta ee maga ciisa la yidhaahdo (w.w.w.w in aad waxyaabaha aad kasamayseen cun too yinka oo ah nooc yada aad ku kaladar daray saan aad qoraal ahaan noogu soo gud bisaan sidaba aad marka ladaa wanayo aad usoo godbisaan waxa aad kudaraysaa marka waxaan idin kacod sanayaa idin koo raalli ah in aad sida markaad samayseen saan buuska waxalooga baahan yahay aad uugu sooqorteen webka nosoo qora wadna mahad san tihiin

    • A&L
      February 4, 2013 | 8:08 pm

      Walaal, aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay salaanta diiran iyo ducada wacan, waana ku mahadsan tahay. Waxyaabaha loo baahan yahay soo’daan oo af Soomaali ah waan ku qornay. Hadduu Eebbe idmo wixii hore oo dhan tartiib tartiib waa loo wada yeeli doonnaa. Mahadsanid.

  10. Umu Hamim
    January 2, 2014 | 3:41 pm

    Asselamu aleykum

    Can I use the oven instead of frying? If so how many degree and time?
    Thank you.

    • A&L
      January 6, 2014 | 2:48 am

      Yes, you can. Spread them single layered in a baking sheet and bake at 350°F/177°C until golden brown. Turn every now and then so they brown evenly.

  11. kennysang
    June 22, 2015 | 8:27 am

    I truly take pleasure in reviewing your post Crunchy Dough Balls
    (Daango Bur Laga Sameeyay) Billes Croustillantes (Zibuuri) |

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.