Roasted Vegetables (Qudaar La Foorneeyay) Légumes Rôtis صينية الخضار بالفرن

Roasted Vegetables (Qudaar La Foorneeyay) Légumes Rôtis صينية الخضار بالفرن

It is not just children that are resistant to eating vegetables, many adults also need to be presented with healthy foods in a creative way. There are many ways to sneak vegetables into foods and get your family to eat healthy. This recipe, however, will not show you how to become more sneaky.

Vegetables are very delicious if you bring out the best in them. One way of getting out their honest flavours is to apply a lot of heat to them. They will turn not just nice but also very sweet. Add flavouring to them and they will be talking…

Roasting vegetables at a high temperature intensifies their flavours and caramelizes them, making them irresistible. You will probably have to remind everyone at the table to eat in moderation.

To make the dish more appealing (O.K., that qualifies as being sneaky), we select a variety of colourful vegetables with contrasting textures. This will also ensure that everyone will find something that he/she likes. However, you will need to remember that different vegetables have varying optimal cooking times. Therefore, you should cook them in different stages.

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(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements

  • 1 lb (450 g) Mini potatoes
  • 2 Carrot(s)
  • 5 Shallot(s)
  • 10 Pearl onions
  • 6 Jalapeno pepper(s) (seeded)
  • 1 Tbsp (15 mL) Fresh rosemary (chopped)
  • 7 Garlic clove(s) (whole)
  • 3 Tbsp (45 mL) Olive oil
  • ¾ tsp (3.75 mL) Salt
  • ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Cayenne pepper (ground)
  • 1 Sweet potato(es) (cubed)
  • ¾ lb (3.75 mL) Grape tomatoes – Or cherry tomatoes

Yellow & red mini potatoes


Grape tomatoes


Sweet potato, carrots & jalapeno peppers


Garlic cloves & fresh rosemary




Pearl onions



Preparing the vegetables

  1. Peel the potatoes partially. The skin has a lot of nutrients but some do not like it. Peeling partially will make it more appealing to them.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into ½” (1¼ cm) slices.
  3. Cut shallots and pearl onions from both ends.
  4. Peel the onions.
  5. You can also peel the onions by removing the outer layer.
  6. Cut & seed the jalapeno peppers. Remember to wear gloves or wash your hands immediately after seeding the peppers.
  7. Pull the rosemary leaves off the stem.
  8. Finely chop the rosemary leaves.
  9. Peel the sweet potato and cut into ½” (1¼ cm) cubes.


Seasoning & roasting the vegetables

  1. Add the chopped rosemary, leaving 1 tsp for the tomatoes and sweet potato.
  2. Add the garlic cloves. Do not peel the garlic.
  3. Add the salt.
  4. Add the ground cayenne pepper. If you do not like your food to be spicy, use just a pinch. You can also use ground black pepper instead.
  5. Add the olive oil.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Transfer to a baking dish and spread into an even layer. Bake in a preheated oven at 400°F/204°C for 30 minutes.
  8. Combine the tomatoes and sweet potato. Add the remaining rosemary, salt and olive oil. Mix well.
  9. After 30 minutes, remove the vegetables from the oven and add the tomatoes and sweet potato. Mix well and spread evenly. Return to the oven and bake for a further 25 to 30 minutes at 400°F/204°C.


Add the tomatoes & sweet potatoes in the second stage

You can also use regular onions and potatoes

Roasted Vegetables

Eat the vegetables as a main dish or serve as a side. We added some uncooked tomatoes for contrast.

Qudaarta aad ayay caafimaadka ugu fiican tahay, laakiin ma ahan caruurta keligood kuwa neceb inay qudaarta cunaan. Kulligeenna waan jecel nahay reerkeenna inaan siinno cunto caafimaad leh. Waxaa jirta dhoor dariiqadood oo yar iyo weynba loogu siri karo inay qudaarta cunaan. Soo’daanse idinkuma bareyno sir ama qiyaano cusub.

Qudaarta sideedaba aad bay u macaan tahay haddii si fiican loo kariyo. Dadka qaarkood waxaa qudaarta nebcaysiiya sida loo kariyay. Haddii kariska laga badiyo ama haddii dhadhan fiican loo yeelin, labadaba waad ku nici kartaa.

Haddii aad qudaarta ku dubtid foorno aad u kulul, waxaa soo baxaaya macaanka dabiiciga ee qudaarta. Dhadhan iyo caraf haddaad ku sii dartidna, markaas iskama celin kartid macaankeeda, qofna uma baahanaayo in lagu baryo inuu cuno.

Si aad reerkaada u sii jeclaysiisid qudaarta, waxaa isku dartaa dhoor nooc qudaar ah, oo midabbo kala duwan leh. Dhadhanka kaliya ma’ahan, araggana waa inuu ku qanciyo. Marka aad qudaar kala duwan isku dareysid, waxaad ogaataa inay kulligooda isku mar wada bislaanaynin. Sidaas darteed waa inaad qudaarta dubtid marxalado kala duwan.

Daabac Soo’da

Daabac Soo’da oo Sawirro Leh



(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)

  • 1 baawun (450 g) Bataato (baradho) yaryar
  • 2 Karooto
  • 5 Basal gaduudan oo yaryar
  • 10 Basal cad oo yaryar
  • 6 Basbaas “halabeenyo” (miraha laga saaray)
  • 1 QW (15 mL) Roosmeri cusboon (la jarjaray)
  • 7 Tuun (toon) (dhan)
  • 3 QW (45 mL) Saliidda oliifada
  • ¾ qy (3.75 mL) Cusbo
  • ¼ qy (1.25 mL) Basbaas kaayeen (shiidan)
  • 1 Bataato macaan ()
  • ¾ baawun (3.75 mL) Yaanyo muramura

Bataato (baradho) yaryar


Yaanyo yaryar


Bataato macaan, karooto, iyo basbaas halabeenyo (jalapeno)


Tuun (toon) iyo roosmeri (rosemary)


Basal gaduudan oo yaryar


Basal cad oo yaryar



Diyaarinta qudaarta

  1. Maqaarka nafaqo ayuu leeyahay laakiin dadka qaar ma jecla inay cunaan. Haddii qaar la fiiqo, waxa laga yaabaa inay markaas cunaan.
  2. Karootada fiiq, kaddibna u jarjar gaballo le’eg ½” (1¼ cm).
  3. Basasha yaryar laba gees ka jar.
  4. Basasha fiiq.
  5. Basasha sidaanna waa loo fiiqi karaa (daawo fiidiyaha).
  6. Basbaaska jarjar, mirahana ka saar. Gacmaha galofis (gloves) gasho ama markaad dhammeysid isla markii gacmaha saabbuun ku dhaq.
  7. Roosmeriga caleemihiisa laanta ka gur.
  8. Caleemaha roosmeriga aad u yaryareey.
  9. Bataatada macaan fiiq, kaddibna u jar gaballo ½” (1¼ cm)


Dhadhan u yeelidda iyo dubidda qudaarta

  1. Roosmeriga la jarjaray ku dar, in le’eg 1 qaaddo yarna u reeb yaanyada iyo bataatada macaan.
  2. Tuunta (toonta) ku dar. Tuunta maqaarka ha ka fiiqin.
  3. Cusbada ku dar.
  4. Ku dar basbaaska kaayeen (cayenne pepper). Haddaadan basbaas jelayn, waxaa ku dartaa in le’eg far iyo suul. Waxaa ku beddeli kartaa filfil madoow oo shiidan.
  5. Ku dar saliidda oliifada.
  6. Si fiican u walaaq.
  7. Ku rid saxanka foornada, kuna fidi. Ku dub foorno kuleeykeeda yahay 400°F/204°C muddo 30 daqiiqo ah.
  8. Isku dar yaanyada iyo bataatada macaan. Ku dar roosmeriga haray, cusbada, iyo saliidda oliifada. Si fiican u walaaq.
  9. 30 daqiiqo ka dib, qudaarta foornada ka bixi, waxaana ku dartaa yaanyada iyo bataatada macaan. Isku walaaq, si fiicanna saxanka foornada ugu wada fidi. Foornada ku celi oo 25 ilaa 30 daqiiqo kale dub. Waxaa ku dubtaa foorno kuleeylkeeda yahay 400°F/204°C.


Yaanyada iyo bataatada macaan ku dar 30 daqiiqo ka dib

Waxaa isticmaali kartaa basasha iyo bataatada waaweyn

Qudaar La Foorneeyay

Qudaarta keligeed cun ama cunto kale ku qaddin. Waxaan ku darnay yaanyo aan la foorneynin.

Il n’y a pas que les enfants qui rechignent à manger des légumes, présenter de manière créative des aliments sains marche aussi pour les adultes. Il existe plein de ruses pour cacher des légumes dans les plats et pour que votre famille mange équilibré. Cette recette, cependant, ne vous montrera pas comment être plus rusé.

Les légumes sont délicieux quand on fait ressortir le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Une façon de faire ressortir leurs saveurs est de les exposer à une grande chaleur. Ils ne seront pas seulement bons, ils seront aussi sucrés. Ajoutez un assaisonnement et ils se mettront à chanter.

Rôtir les légumes à haute température intensifie leurs saveurs et les caramélise, ce qui les rend irresistibles. Vous devrez sûrement rappeler à tout le monde à table de manger avec modération.

Pour rendre le plat plus appétissant (ok, c’est une ruse), nous choisissons des légumes colorés de textures différentes. Cela permettra à tout le monde de trouver quelque chose qui leur plait. Cependant, il faut se rappeler que ces légumes ont chacun un temps de cuisson optimal différent. Il faut donc les cuire en plusieurs étapes.

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Imprimer la Recette avec Photos



(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras

  • 1 livre (450 g) de Pommes de Terre Nouvelles
  • 2 Carottes
  • 5 Echalote(s)
  • 10 Oignons grelots
  • 6 de Piments Jalapeno (épépinés)
  • 1 cs (15 mL) de romarin frais (haché)
  • 7 de Gousses d’Ail entières
  • 3 cs (45 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
  • ¾ cc (3.75 mL) de Sel
  • ¼ cc (1.25 mL) de piment de cayenne (moulu)
  • 1 Patate Douce (en dés)
  • ¾ livre (3.75 mL) de tomates raisin – ou tomates cerise

Mini pommes de terre jaunes et rouges


Tomates raisin


Patate douce, carottes et piments jalapeno


Gousses d’ail et romarin frais




Oignons grelots



Préparation des légumes

  1. Peler grossièrement les pommes de terre. La peau contient beaucoup de nutriments mais certains ne l’aiment pas. Les peler partiellement les rendra plus appétissantes.
  2. Peler les carottes et les couper en rondelles de ½ pouce (1¼ cm).
  3. Couper les deux bouts des échalotes et des oignons grelots.
  4. Peler les oignons.
  5. Vous pouvez aussi peler les oignons en retirant la première peau.
  6. Couper et épépiner les piments jalapeno. Ne pas oublier de porter des gants ou de se laver les mains immédiatement après les avoir épépinés.
  7. Retirer les feuilles de romarin de la branche.
  8. Hacher finement les feuilles de romarin.
  9. Peler les patates douces et les couper en cubes de ½ pouce (1¼ cm).


Assaisonner et rôtir les légumes

  1. Ajouter le romarin haché sauf une cc pour les tomates et la patate douce.
  2. Ajouter les gousses d’ail. Ne pas les peler.
  3. Ajouter le sel.
  4. Ajouter la poudre de piment de cayenne. Si vous n’aimez pas les plats épicés, utiliser une toute petite pincée. Vous pouvez le remplacer par du poivre noir moulu.
  5. Ajouter l’huile d’olive.
  6. Bien mélanger.
  7. Transférer dans un plat à four et étaler uniformément. Cuire dans le four préchauffé à 400°F/204°C pendant 30 minutes.
  8. Combiner les tomates et la patate douce. Ajouter le reste du romarin, de sel et d’huile d’olive. Bien mélanger.
  9. Après 30 minutes, retirer les légumes du four et ajouter les tomates et la patate douce. Bien mélanger et étaler. Remettre au four et cuire 25 à 30 minutes de plus à 400°F/204°C.


Ajouter les tomates et la patate douce en un deuxième temps.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser des oignons et pommes de terre communs.

Légumes Rôtis

Mangez les légumes en plat principal ou en accompagnement. Nous avons ajouté des tomates crues pour faire contraste.

اطبع الوصفة – بدون صور

اطبع الوصفة – مع صور


البطاطا الصغيرة جم 450
جزر 2
كراث 5
بصل ابيض صغير 10
فلفل هلا بينيو 6
ملعقة كبيرة 1
(فص ثوم( كامل 7
زيت زيتون ملعقة كبيرة 3
ملح ملعقة صغيرة ¾
فلفل كايين ملعقة صغيرة ¼
(بطاطا حلوة( مكعبة 1
(طماطم صغيرة (تشبه العنب باون ¾


البطاطا الصغيرة


طماطم صغيرة (تشبه العنب)


البطاطا الحلوة، جزر، وفلفل هلابينيو


ثوم وروزماري (اكليل الجبل)




بصل ابيض صغير


طريقة التحضير:

تحضير الخضار

تقشر البطاطا جزئيا. هذه الطريقة تسهل تقبل البعض لاكل القشرة -1
يقشر الجزر ويقطع الى قطع 1¼ سم -2
تقطع اطراف البصل -3
يقشرالبصل -4
يمكن ايضا تقشيره بهذه الطريقة -5
يقطع الفلفل وينزع منه البذور. ننصح بارتداء القفازات او غسل اليدين فور الانتهاء من تقطيع الفلفل -6
تنزع الاوراق من عود الروزماري -7
يفرم فرم ناعم -8
تقشر البطاطا وتقطع الى مكعبات 1¼ سم -9


تتبيل وشوي الخضار

يضاف 2 ملعقة صغيرة روزماري ويضاف ماتبقى منه للطماطم والبطاطا الحلوة -1
يضاف الثوم الغير مقشر -2
يضاف الملح -3
يضاف فلفل كايين مطحون. يمكن اضافة كمية اقل او تبديله بفلفل أسود مطحون -4
يضاف زيت الزيتون -5
تخلط الخضار جيدا -6
توضع الخضار فى صينية الفرن وتفرد. تشوي فى فرن محمى مسبقا على حرارة 204 د.م. (400 ف.) لمدة 30 دقيقة. -7
تضاف الطماطم ، البطاطا الحلوة ،باقي الروز ماري، الملح وزيت الزيتون. تخلط جيدا -8
بعد نصف ساعة، تخرج الصينية من الفرن ويضاف اليها مخلوط الطماطم والبطاطا الحلوة. تشوى الخضار لمدة 25 الى 30 دقيقة اخرى -9


تضاف الطماطم والبطاطا الحلوة فى الرحلة الثانية من الشوي

يمكن استعمال بصل كبير وبطاطا كبيرة

خضار مشوية بالفرن

يمكن ان يقدم كطبق رئيسي او طبق جانبي






34 Responses to Roasted Vegetables (Qudaar La Foorneeyay) Légumes Rôtis صينية الخضار بالفرن
  1. W. Ahmed
    December 3, 2012 | 8:46 am

    Assalaamu alaikum,

    I wanted to roast some veg, so this is apt, jazakumAahu khairan walaalayaal. I am a advertiser of your website, I tell my nearest and dearest all about it.

    A request if I may – can you please post a recipe for cambuulo? Thank you in advance.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 7:25 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you for your comment and thank you for letting others know about the website. God willing, we will post a recipe for Ambulo.

  2. leyla
    December 3, 2012 | 10:34 am

    maansha allaah waa cunto quruxbadan dabcana macaan fatamiina ka buuxo qudaarta ad ayaan u isticmaalaa lakiin waligey saan dhan uma kulmin iguse halee hadii rabi idmo inaan kariyo amin adinkana illaahey qeyrbadan ha idin siiyo saa nooga farxisaana ilaahey ha idinka farxiyo waayo XAWAASH.COM wuu iga farxiyaa aniga si fiican waliba maansha allaah

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 7:43 pm

      Waxaan jecelnahay dadkeenna qudaarta inay isticmalaan oo ay weliba jeclaadaan. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada fiican. Adigana Ilaahay ha-kaa farxiyo. Mahadsanid walaal.

  3. J
    December 3, 2012 | 11:30 am

    I love the tabs you added and the print option too, great addition.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 7:50 pm

      We are very happy you liked it. Thank you very much for giving us your feedback.

  4. Hanan
    December 3, 2012 | 11:44 am

    Salaam Alaikum,

    I love roasted vegetables! They taste so nice, dadkeena uun yaa usheega {Well at least you are doing it :p } thanks for including more healthy recipes. I have tried so far : icun biscuits, pound cake, the roasted chicken, canjeero..and many more to come. Ya3theekum 2alf 3aafiya. :)

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 7:58 pm

      Thank you very much for your nice comment. It is important to include vegetables in our diet.

  5. sarah
    December 3, 2012 | 1:00 pm

    asalmu alaikum leyla i was waiting since you made eye of a round roast the vegatable is wonderful and delicous i hope everyone like’s good for our health.shukaran.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:01 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you for your patience.

  6. ameerali
    December 3, 2012 | 1:14 pm

    hi guys what happening im being look everyday. im waiting 4 meat recipes ty.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:05 pm

      We will post more meat recipes, God willing. Vegetables are also good for you. :)

  7. umu huda
    December 3, 2012 | 8:40 pm

    asc walalayaa aad ayaad u mahad santihiin side aad noogu dadaasheen ilaahay ajarkiise ha idin siiyo insha alaah yaa rabi waa cunto aad iyo aad umacaan runtii waa isku dayi doonaa insha alaah asc

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:17 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  8. ayan abdullahi ali
    December 4, 2012 | 1:54 am

    asc, walal aad ayd u mahadsan tihiin, aad ayn u jclhy qudrada, masha’alah, walal waxan idinka codsanaya sooska nuucyadiisa sida loo sameeyo in aad nooso galisan, mahadsanidiin kheyr badan illah ha idinsiiyo, wan idin jecelnahay mar waliba.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:20 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Ilaahay ha ku-jeclaado, walaal qaali ah ayaad tahay. Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo gelin doonnaa. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid.

  9. umasmaa
    December 4, 2012 | 4:45 am

    asalaamu aleykum walaalaheyga qaaligoow aadaa umahadsantihiin waqtigiina qaaliga walaal tislamiin niyadiina allaah haniiyeelo meeshii ka-oomantihiin allaah haniiga oontiro dambigiin iyo kan waalidkiin allaah dhaafo walaal qudaarta aadee uquruxbadantahay inshaa allaah wansamendona markasa dhadhansan doonaa mahadsanidiin dhamaantiin jazaakallaah qhyr waqer jamic muslim baarakallaah fiikum

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:23 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada fiican. waan ku-faraxnaa qoraaladaada. Adigana waxaad jeceshahay oo qayr kuu ah ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Mahadsanid.

  10. umm R
    December 4, 2012 | 8:58 am

    SUBXANNALLAH its as if u know what i a have in my hse but my sweet potatoes r white inside n my rosemarry r the dried ones n the tomatoes r normal size one so can i use this for your recipe….its really healthy idea(your idea) coz i always fry them…

    • A&L
      December 5, 2012 | 3:22 pm

      Thank you, sister, for your comment. It is fine to use white sweet potatoes. you can also use normal tomatoes and substitute dried rosemary (use less) for the fresh one. Enjoy.

  11. umu raxma
    December 4, 2012 | 9:14 am

    waaw maashalaah waa cunto sixi ah ilaah ajar ha idinka siiyo waana nii salaamay

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 9:49 pm

      Waa ku-mahadsan tahay salaanta. Waan ku-faraxnay faalladaada.

  12. ifrah
    December 4, 2012 | 9:38 am

    masha allah illahay ajir xasanaad ha idinka siiyo aad ayaan ugu taxanahay websit kina walal xawash adigoo mahadsan hal su all ayaa qabaa waxaa aad iigu adkaatay qayaasta markii aan ama dolsha samenaa ama rooti ama buskud waa iga adkaadaa qaanda miisankeeda rubac mise nuskilo illahay ajir hakaa siiyo iiga soo jawaab si aan wax misaman iskugu dhele tiro waayo marwalba waa iga halabaa dolashaha ama buskudka cabirka ayaana iga qaldan mahadsanid

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 9:56 pm

      Waxaa isticmaashaa koob rubac litir biyo qaada, hal litir biyo oo afar loo qaybiyay. Haddii kale koobka cabbirka soo gado. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada.

  13. Nasra
    December 6, 2012 | 1:36 pm

    Really nice and tasty… Had this for lunch today, easy to make. thanks.
    Waxaan idinka codsanaayaa haaddii ay suurogal tahay inaad soo gelisaan CADARIYAD,. please, waad mahadsan tihiin

    • A&L
      December 6, 2012 | 11:47 pm

      Thank for letting us know. God willing, we will post Adriyad in the near future.

  14. Nimco
    December 14, 2012 | 12:08 pm

    S/C walaalaahay xawaash iga gaarsiiya salaan qaali ah.walaalo maalinba maliinta ka danbaysa waad naga sii faraxisaan ,ilaahay waxan idinka baryaayaa sida aad nuga faraxisaan inuu ilaahay idinka farxiyo.walaalayal dishkaan khudaarta la foorneeyey wallee waa mid aad u macaan dhaaman family gayagee waay kaa wada haleen.Horuumar iyo guul aayaad gaadheen. Dhaaman cid kast oo soo gaalisa cunto net ka cid idin beat gaareyn karaysa maa jiirto aniga halkayga ,waayo taani waxay gooni kuu taahay qof walaba ayaa ka faaiidaysan kaarta,xitaa haduu somaali ahayn .khayr badan ayaad shqaysateen ilaahay dhaaman ducaada oo dhaan ha idiin aqabalo,khayr badaan ayaan idiin rajaynayaa.Aad iyo aad ayaan iidin jecelahay halkaa ka sii wada horumarka inshaalah.

    • A&L
      December 14, 2012 | 11:00 pm

      Walaal Nimco, waa ku mahadsan tahay salaanta wacan. Waan ku faraxnay inaad jeclaatay Qudaarta adiga iyo reerkaada. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada aadka u fiican aad inoo soo qortay. Qayr badan oo aan dhammaan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa.

  15. Mahad
    December 19, 2012 | 5:43 am

    Assalaamu Caleykum. Marka waan ku farxay sida wanaagsan ee aan wax badan uga faa iiday webkiina Waana ku mahadsantihiin. Waxaan ku noolahay Somalia waxaan jeclahay inaan xaaskayga ka caawiya diyaarinta cuntada weliba si cilmiyaysan. Balse mararka qaar waxaan caqabad kala kulmaa xaga luuqadda. Marka waxaa idinka codsan lahaa inaad qoraalada Af Somali kusoo qortaan.

    • A&L
      December 19, 2012 | 10:25 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Annagana aad ayaan ugu faraxnay inaad ka faa’iidaynaysid Xawaash. Waxaan kaloo ku faraxnay inaad jeceshahay xaaskaaga inaad caawiso. Waxyaabaha aan hadda diyaarino kuli af Soomaali way leeyihiin kuwii horena hadduu Eebbe idmo waan ku dadaalaynaa inaan tarjuno. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay qoraalkaada iyo xiriiriskaada. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  16. J
    December 26, 2012 | 4:54 pm

    Sorry I’m late, I hadn’t noticed this one was posted.
    I corrected the ingredients list.

    1 livre (450 g) de Pommes de Terre Nouvelles
    2 Carottes
    5 Echalotes
    10 Oignons grelots
    6 de Piments Jalapeno (épépinés)
    1 cs (15 mL) de romarin frais (haché)
    7 Gousses d’Ail entières
    3 cs (45 mL) d’Huile d’Olive
    ¾ cc (3.75 mL)de Sel
    ¼ cc (1.25 mL)de Piment de Cayenne (moulu)
    1 Patate Douce (en dés)
    ¾ livre de Tomates raisin – ou tomates cerises

    • A&L
      December 27, 2012 | 12:35 am

      Thank you very much again and again. We cannot say it enough. You made Xawaash accessible to so many people who would otherwise not have been able to use it. Stay blessed.

  17. fadima cady
    April 10, 2013 | 5:39 am

    mash,alaah cunto aad ufiican jazakalah

    • A&L
      April 11, 2013 | 11:23 am

      Mahadsanid walaal.

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.