Meatballs (Kabaab) Boulettes de viande كور الكفتة

Meatballs (Kabaab) Boulettes de viande كور الكفتة

Meatballs always take me back to Mogadishu, Somalia. They take me to Moallim Jama School, the school that I went to for my last year of elementary education. They remind me of the ‘breakfast lady’ who used to serve us small meatball sandwiches in the schoolyard during our mid-morning break.

Back then, I was not that fond of school. The one bright spot was the appointment with the meatball sandwich. Somewhat…

I don’t remember the name of that amazing lady, and I don’t even remember her face. When I try to focus, all I see is the face of the typical Somali woman who toils everyday to support her family.

The tools of her trade were simple: a four-legged stool (gambar) that she sat on, a large kettle (jalammad) for boiling tea which was set on a charcoal burning cookstove (burjiko), a dozen or so small cups (koob), a large metal basin (baaf) for rinsing the cups, and a pair of impeccably clean hands. Armed with these, she could quickly and efficiently serve an army of hungry pupils. She could very easily put to shame any of those shiny food trucks that nowadays roam the inner cities.

Because the cups were so few and we were so many, it was a race to the baaf. If someone beats you to the last remaining cup, all you have to do is tap their shoulder and say, “Kaa-jare.” It means: “Save it for me; I’m next.” When they are done with it, you hand the used cup to the lady. A quick rinse in the baaf, a few shakes of the hand to get rid of excess water, and your tea is poured. You are then handed a small sandwich with two small meatballs. When done, you are not much poorer than when you walked (ran) to her.

It did not bother us the least that all the cups were rinsed in the same water. It was almost like drinking from the same cup. In many cultures, drinking from the same cup has a special meaning. The reason we drank from ‘the same cup’ was not because we wanted to improve our social interactions and draw closer. It was what we had to do in order to have breakfast. As simple as that.


Moallim Jama School
Mogadishu, Somalia


Print Recipe

Print Recipe with Photos


(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements

  • 4 Slice(s) White bread (crust removed) – You can use any soft bread (buns, etc.)
  • 0.5 Cup(s) Water
  • 1.5 lb Lean ground beef – We used extra lean beef
  • 1 Cup(s) Onion(s) (very finely diced)
  • 2 Garlic clove(s) (minced)
  • 0.5 Cup(s) Parsley (chopped)
  • 1 Egg(s) , Large
  • 1.5 tsp Salt
  • 0.5 tsp Black pepper (ground)
  • 0.25 tsp Paprika – You can use Xawaash instead
  • 3 Tbsp Olive oil – For frying


You can use any soft bread


Preparing the bread

  1. Remove the crust.
  2. Cut into quarters.
  3. Soak the bread with the water.


Extra lean ground beef

The meatballs were very moist even though we used lean ground beef.

The ingredients combined


Preparing the meatballs

  1. In a bowl, mix the ground beef, onions, garlic, fresh parsley, egg, salt, black pepper and paprika (you can use xawaash instead).
  2. Add the soaked bread.
  3. Mix until all the ingredients are combined. Do not overmix. Overmixing will make the meatballs tough.
  4. Shape into balls. For tender meatballs, do not overwork the meat.
  5. Make 32 balls.
  6. Pan fry on medium heat.
  7. Fry for for 8 to 10 minutes. If you make large meatballs, you have to increase the cooking time.
  8. Turn the meatballs to brown evenly.
  9. Fry until well-browned and cooked through.

Kabaab mixture

Ready for frying

To use later, refrigerate or freeze



Spiced Somali Tea

Reserve a cup by saying kaa-jare

  1. If someone beats you to the last remaining cup, all you have to do is tap their shoulder and say, “Kaa-jare.” It means: “Save it for me; I’m next.”



Moallim Jama School
Mogadishu, Somalia

Daabac Soo’da

Daabac Soo’da oo Sawirro Leh


(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)

  • 4 jeex Rooti cad
  • 0.5 koob Biyo
  • 1.5 baawun Hilib lo’aad shiidan oo caddiin yar
  • 1 koob Basal (aad u yaryar loo jarjaray)
  • 2 Tuun (toon) (shiidan)
  • 0.5 koob Baqduunis (la jarjaray)
  • 1 Ukun , Weyn
  • 1.5 qy Cusbo
  • 0.5 qy Filfil madoow (shiidan)
  • 0.25 qy Babriika
  • 3 QW Saliidda oliifada


Waxaa isticmaali kartaa rooti kasta oo jilicsan


Diyaarinta rootiga

  1. Dhinacyada ka-jar.
  2. Jeex walba afar gabal ka-dhig.
  3. Rootiga biyaha ku-qoy.


Hilib lo’aad oo caddiin lahayn

Kabaabka wuu jilicsanaa inkastoo aan isticmaalnay hilib aan caddiin lahayn.

Waxa laga sameeyo kabaabka oo laysku daray


Diyaarinta kabaabka

  1. Isku-dar hilibka, basasha, tuunta (toonta), baqduuniska, ukunta, cusbada, filfisha madoow iyo babriikada (xawaash ayaa ku-beddeli kartaa).
  2. Ku-dar rootiga la-qoyay.
  3. Si-fiican isku qas. Wax badan ha-qasin. Qasidda badan kabaabka ayay adkaysaa.
  4. Hilibka kuuskuus. Si uu kabaabka u-jilicsanaado, tartiib u-kuuskuus.
  5. Ka-sameey 32 kabaab.
  6. Birtaawo ku-shiil adigoo isticmaalaysa dab dhexdhexaad ah.
  7. Shiil muddo 8 ilaa 10 daqiiqo. Haddaad waaweynsid, muddo ka-badan shiil.
  8. Gedgeddi si ay u-wada gaduutaan.
  9. Shiil ilaa ay ka-gaduutaan oona bislaadaan.

Hilibka oo la qasay

Waa u diyaar in la-shiilo

Haddaad rabtid inaad goor dambe shiilatid, qaboojiyaha ama barafka geli



Shaah Soomaali

Waxaa dhahdaa koobka kaa-jare

  1. Hadduu qof kaaga hormaro koobka ugu-dambeeya, ha-ka walwalin. Tartiib garabka ka-taabo, waxaana ku-dhahdaa, “Kaa-jare.”



Les boulettes de viande me rappellent Mogadishu, Somalie. Elles me ramènent à l’Ecole Moallim Jama, l’école que j’ai fréquentée la dernière année de mon éducation élémentaire. Elles me rappellent “la dame du petit déjeuner” qui nous servait des petits sandwiches aux boulettes de viande dans la cour de l’école pendant notre récréation du matin.

A l’époque je n’aimais pas beaucoup l’école. La seule chose que j’aimais c’était le sandwich aux boulettes. Un peu beaucoup…

Je ne me rappelle pas du nom de cette brave dame, et je ne me rappelle même pas de son visage. Quand j’essaie de me rappeler, je ne vois que le visage d’une femme Somali typique qui travaille dur chaque jour pour nourrir sa famille.

Ses outils de travail étaient simples: un tabouret à quatre pieds (gambar) sur lequel elle s’asseyait, une grande bouilloire à thé (jalammad) posée sur un fourneau à charbon (burjiko), environ une douzaine de petits verres (koob), une grande bassine en métal (baaf) pour rincer les verres, et une paire de mains très propres . Ainsi armée, elle pouvait servir une armée d’élèves affamés rapidement et efficacement. Elle aurait pu facilement faire de l’ombre aux camions cantine rutilants qui sillonnent les villes.

Comme il y avait plus d’élèves que de verres, c’était la course au baaf. Si quelqu’un prenait le dernier verre avant vous, il suffisait de lui taper sur l’épaule et de dire “Kaa-jare”. Cela veut dire:“ Garde-le moi, c’est moi le suivant”. Quand on avait fini, on donnait le verre à la dame. Un rinçage rapide dans le baaf, quelques secousses de la main pour égoutter l’eau, et il était rempli à nouveau avec du thé. Elle nous donnait alors un petit sandwich avec deux petites boulettes de viande. Quand on avait fini, on n’était pas beaucoup plus pauvre que quand on était allé (en courant) la voir.

Cela ne nous dérangeait pas du tout que les verres soient rincés dans la même eau. C’était presque comme boire dans le même verre. Dans beaucoup de cultures, boire dans le même verre a une signification spéciale. La raison pour laquelle nous buvions “dans le même verre” n’était pas parce que nous souhaitions avoir plus d’interactions et être plus proches. C’était parce que cela permettait d’avoir un petit déjeuner. Aussi simple que ça.


Moallim Jama School
Mogadishu, Somalia


Imprimer la Recette

Imprimer la Recette avec Photos


(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras

  • 4 Tranches pain blanc
  • 0.5 mesure Eau
  • 1.5 livre Boeuf maigre haché
  • 1 mesure Oignon
  • 2 de Gousses d’Ail (hachées)
  • 0.5 mesure persil (émincé)
  • 1 Oeufs , Gros
  • 1.5 cc de Sel
  • 0.5 cc Poivre Noir (moulu(e))
  • 0.25 cc Paprika
  • 3 cs d’Huile d’Olive


Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel pain de mie


Préparation du pain

  1. Retirer la croûte.
  2. Couper en quatre.
  3. Tremper le pain dans l’eau.


Boeuf haché extra maigre

Les boulettes de viande étaient très moelleuses bien que nous ayons utilisé du boeuf maigre.

Les ingrédients mélangés


Préparation des boulettes de viande

  1. Dans un saladier, mélanger le boeuf haché, l’oignon, l’ail, le persil frais, l’oeuf, le sel, le poivre noir et le paprika (vous pouvez utiliser du xawaash à la place).
  2. Ajouter le pain trempé.
  3. Bien mélanger tous les ingrédients. Ne pas trop malaxer. Si vous travaillez trop la viande, elle deviendra coriace.
  4. Former des boulettes. Pour que les boulettes restent tendres, ne pas trop travailler la viande.
  5. Faire 32 boulettes.
  6. Cuire à la poêle à feu moyen.
  7. Frire 8 à 10 minutes. Si vous faites des boulettes plus grosses, vous devrez augmenter le temps de cuisson.
  8. Tourner les boulettes pour qu’elles colorent uniformément.
  9. Cuire jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient bien dorées et cuites à coeur.

La mixture de kabaab

Prêtes pour la cuisson

Vous pouvez les réfrigérer ou les congeler pour les utiliser plus tard

Boulettes de viande

Boulettes de viande

Thé épicé Somali

Réservez un verre en disant kaa-jare

  1. Si quelqu’un devant prend le dernier verre, il faut juste lui taper sur l’épaule et dire “Kaa-jare”. Cela veut dire:“Garde-le moi; c’est moi le suivant”.

Boulettes de viande

Boulettes de viande






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57 Responses to Meatballs (Kabaab) Boulettes de viande كور الكفتة
  1. zamiira
    November 10, 2012 | 1:54 am

    asc leyla iyo cabdulaahi waa idin salamey ..4 real to night xasuus aa i galiseeen waxaa i soo xasuusiseen good old days I use to eat the same quraac waxey aheyd xasuus qaali ah aan la iloobi karin inkastoo schoolada kala duwanayeen aniga dugsigeyga hoose ayee aheyd marka banaanka schoolka loo so baxano waxaa noogu diyaarsanaa bajiye iyo bur iyo shidni qunbe alla ma wax loo dhigaa jira GOOD OLD DAYS waxaanba iloobey in aa idiinka mahadceliyo howsha wacan aad umadeena soomali u haysaan illaah ajir ha idinka siiiyo iyo xasanaad mana iloobine xasuuus dheeer igaliseeeen aad ayaa u mahadsantihiin idinka iyo caruurtiina illaah ha idiin xafido insha allah

    • A&L
      November 10, 2012 | 6:42 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Waan ku-faraxsan nahay waayo waayo inaan kusoo xasuusinnay. Waa runtaa waa xasuus qaali ah oo wax loo dhigo aan jirin. Beri samaadkii hore iyo nolosha fududayd. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada fiican. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  2. saabiriina
    November 10, 2012 | 5:57 am

    maasha alaah layla iyo abdulaahi aad ayaa u mahadsantihiin walaalayaal ilaah ajar iyo xasanaat aa la soo koobi karin ilaah ha ni siiyo waana ku mahadsantihiin saa malin walbo wax cusub noogusoo galisaan ceebteenaa asturteen ilaah ha asturo ceebtiina anagoo waxba si fiican u karin karin ayaan ka baranay webkaa tnx walaalalaayal

    • A&L
      November 10, 2012 | 7:00 pm

      Aamiin walaal. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay ducadaan aadka u-fiican. Waan jecleysanay. Waxaa kaloo idinka oo dhan ku-mahadsan tihiin sida aad inoo dhiira gelisaan. Qayr aan dhammaan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryeynaa. Mahadsanid.

  3. I Live in a Frying Pan
    November 10, 2012 | 8:35 am

    Mouth-watering post! I love the evocative story at the beginning. What’s the sauce over the meatballs – is it yogurt and a trickle of tamarind, or something else?

    • A&L
      November 10, 2012 | 8:24 pm

      Thank you very much for visiting and leaving a nice comment. You probably missed the video of the recipe. The sauce is yogurt, tahini, and olive oil.

  4. Tracy Wanjiu
    November 10, 2012 | 2:30 pm

    Delicious yet simple. Love it! Now how do you make the tea?

    • A&L
      November 10, 2012 | 9:20 pm

      Thanks for your kind compliment. God willing, we will be posting a video soon.

  5. jihaaan
    November 10, 2012 | 4:11 pm

    asc ani weli baryooshki waa sugaa haddi waqti loo hello mahad sanidiin kabaabka yumyumy waaye

    • A&L
      November 10, 2012 | 9:21 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan soo dadaalaynaa ee inoo samir. Mahadsanid.

  6. naima
    November 11, 2012 | 2:51 am

    Thank you for posting this recipe, i love kabaab. what is tahini and where can i find it please? i want to make the sandwich just like yours because it looks yummy :) thank you!

    • A&L
      November 11, 2012 | 5:56 pm

      You are most welcome Naima. Tahini is ground sesame paste. You can find it at the supermarket or Middle Eastern grocery stores. Thank you.

  7. ayan abdullahi ali
    November 11, 2012 | 3:37 am

    masha’alah, kheyr badan illah ha idin siiyo aad ayn u jeceleystay kababkan, baararka xamarweyne ayan hada ka badina!! awal wan la yaabanaan jiray waxa laga sameeyo, runtii aad ayd u mahadsan tihiin walalayal wan idin jecelahay, kheyr badan illah ha idinsiiyo.

    • A&L
      November 11, 2012 | 5:58 pm

      Ilaahay ha ku-jeclaado, walaal qaali ah ayaad tahay. Waa ku-mahadsan tahay faallada fiican iyo ducada.

  8. um asmaa
    November 11, 2012 | 5:37 am

    asalaamu aleykum walaalaheyga qaaligoo aaaadaa umahadsantihiin maashaa allaah tabaarakarraxmaan waxaan niirajeynaa qheer caafimaadsan niyadiin allaah niiyeelo baarakallaah fiikum idinka iyo waalidiintiin wallaalaheyga qhaaligoow waamahadsantihiin runtii kooftada aadaaa iigu saqhirteen allaaah ha-idinsaqiro umuurihiina runtii kaftadda aadaa ujecelnahay aniga iyo reerkeyga maanta wixiikadambeeyo ashal dariiqa aa-niiga bartay shukrran calaa kulishey walaal cirigiina allaah raajiyo dad idinkoo kale allaah badiyo wakumahadsantihiin waxqabadkiina wanaaga quruxda badan ajar aanlasookoobikarin allaah niisiiyo hortiin reediin hareerihiin nuuur jazaakallaah kheyr waqer jamiic muslim

    • A&L
      November 11, 2012 | 6:03 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Walaasheenna qaaliga ah qayr iyo Caafimaad ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada fiican iyo ducada wanaagsan. Waan ku-faraxnay kabaabka inaad jeclaateen adiga iyo reerkaada. Ilaahey ha idin xafido.

  9. Qadija
    November 11, 2012 | 2:29 pm

    Mashallah!!! I really like Kabaab and I have been waiting for you guys to post the recipe.. Even though I did not mention.. Lakini Niyada ayan kadhahay..Sug lee Qadija mar lee lasogalinayaa lol.. Anyway Thank You Sooo Much!!! I made them and they turned out yummmy!!!

    • A&L
      November 11, 2012 | 10:37 pm

      Thank you very much for your patience. It has paid off. :) We are happy you liked the meatballs. Thank you very much for the feedback.

  10. NaimaQ
    November 11, 2012 | 3:07 pm

    Asc A&L waa idin salaamay aad iyo aad u mahad santihiin.
    runtii aad iyo aad ayuu u macaan yahay,inta ka soo hartana lagu sameyo Pasts suuga..Zamiira waa see shegtaye School aan dhigan jiraye bajiyo iyo bataati lugu gadi jiray.iyo bur.
    aad iyo aaad ayaad u mahad santihiin..labo qof oo wadani ahaa tihiin.kheyr alah idin siiyo. qofkii somaliya nolol ku soo koray ayaa fahmaayo wanageeda,.ilaah soomali nabad nooga dhigo amin.

    • A&L
      November 11, 2012 | 11:10 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Aamiin, Ilaahow waddanka nabad nooga dhig. Ujeedooyinka aan ka-lahayn Xawaash waxaa ka-mid ah dhalinyarada waddanka aan ku-soo korin inay bartaan nolosha iyo taariiqda dalkooda hooyo. Aad iyo aad ayaa u-mahadsan tahay. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.

  11. Manal
    November 12, 2012 | 6:05 am

    Masha Allah … Aniga waxaan ku shiili jiray saliid cadeey badan, but now i see that the olive oil is even better .. Jazakum Allah kheir walaalayaal, u really rock :D

    • A&L
      November 12, 2012 | 6:18 pm

      Thank you very much for your comment and kind words. This way they are delicious and healthy at the same time.

  12. um asmaa
    November 19, 2012 | 10:28 pm

    asalaamu aleykum walaalaheyga qaaligoow aadaa u-mahadsantihiin runtii waqti walba waxkastoo nooqabateen oona nooqabandoontiin badaal qheer allaah niisiiyo wakumahadsantihin wallaal su-aaal su-ashaso ah xaga koftada wallaal waqtiyada qaar ma-awooda inaa jarjaro basal iyo bagduunis makubadalankaraa basal iyo baqhduunis laqalajiyay dhadhanka maiga badalmi doonaa shurran jazaakallaahu qheyr

    • A&L
      November 20, 2012 | 12:11 am

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Adigaa mahaddan mudan walaal. Kabaabka baqduunis qalalan waa ku-dari kartaa. Basasha cusboon (fresh) qoyaan ayey u-yeeshaa. Basal qalalan haddaad isticmaalaysid waxaan kugula talinaynaa hal ukun xabkeeda inaad ku-kordhisid. Mahadsanid.

  13. Asha Abdullahi
    November 21, 2012 | 4:30 pm

    Asc wr wb waan idin salaamay dhamaantiin aniga maba joogi Kari anigoo xawaash fiirin maalin walbo waxaan fiiriyaa maxaa cusub Waad mahadsantihiin aduun fil nimca Aaqira fil Janna jazakallaahu kheer wax badan ayaa noo FAA ideysay si aan idin kugu mahadceliyo iyo waxaan nigu amaano ma aqaani waayo amaan walbo Waad ka qaaalisan tihiin ilaahey awaalkiina Janna haniga dhigo asc wr wb

    • A&L
      November 21, 2012 | 8:34 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,
      Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada iyo ducada fiican. Waxaa mahadnaq inoo ah inaad ka-faa’iideysanaysid. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa. Mahadsanid marlabaad.

  14. aidaroos
    November 22, 2012 | 8:13 pm

    many thanks again for your effort, nice recipe as always

    • A&L
      November 23, 2012 | 12:09 am

      Thank you very much for your kind words.

  15. aidaroos
    November 22, 2012 | 8:18 pm

    i am trying to make laxoox using Blender (خلاط العصير) so do u think its possible

    • A&L
      November 23, 2012 | 12:12 am

      You definitely can. We do that also.

  16. Faiza Mohamed
    December 1, 2012 | 2:16 am

    Asalam Aleykum, Mashallah u guys are the best food bloggers ever! Tho I am not Somali I have always admired u people for being so clever and facing what difficulties come your way. You are survivers in this world and for that I salute you. I just came to find your blog while on Google and never thought Somali food taste sooo nice. Now I if I want to cook anything special I have to refer to your blog! The way u write ur menus and the layout is superb. Keep it up guys! Today i will try your sponge cake. Being from Tanzania most of these foods are similar to ones they make there but yours are much much better being more healtheir too! I am your no1 fan and hope u bring us more lovely menus. Once again Jazakhallah Khairan and wish u all the best.

    • A&L
      December 1, 2012 | 8:37 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Thank you very, very much for your wonderful compliment. We are lost for words on how to thank you for your words of encouragement. We are happy the website left a good impression on you.

  17. W. Ahmed
    December 3, 2012 | 6:32 pm


    These look lovely, it’ll be good to try them insha’Allah. Can I make them with wholemeal slices, as opposed to white?

    Thank you.

    • A&L
      December 4, 2012 | 8:11 pm

      Wa’alaikum As-salam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      You can use wholemeal slices instead of the white. Thank you.

  18. Muna
    December 14, 2012 | 10:25 am

    I love cooking everyday and I come to your website everyday everything in here is fantastic Masha’Allah my parents always ask me where I learn how to cook I always tell them about this website it is great everyone in the community always saying girl you are a good cook but it wouldn’t be possible without this blog Jazak’Allah Kheir for everything you inspired keep up the hard work.

    • A&L
      December 14, 2012 | 10:56 pm

      Thank you very much for your nice compliment and kind words. We are happy you found the website helpful. We wish you all the best.

  19. hibaaq abdiqani
    December 21, 2012 | 9:09 am

    asc walalayaal aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin qeyr farabadan ilaahay ha idinka siiyo walal kaabaabka hadii aan jecleyn baqduuniska ma ku badalan karaa kabsar caleen

    • A&L
      December 21, 2012 | 9:37 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Adigana qayr badan oo aan dhammaan Ilaahay ha ku siiyo. Waa ku beddeli kartaa kabsar caleen. Mahadsanid.

  20. Moha kh
    January 13, 2013 | 7:10 pm

    walahi i was so Amazing to watch these aniga ayaabad isoo xasuusisay the lady who used to sell Bajia at our Primary school back in days ,,howl wanagsan ayaad qabatay bro adhiga iyo xaasakaba Ajar waad ka heleysaan i like wax walba oo pagekiina ku qoran ,,inshallah Somalia itakuwa kama Somalia tena ..

    • A&L
      January 14, 2013 | 1:54 am

      Those are great memories. Thank you very much for your amazing comment. We are happy you like the website.

  21. Mina
    January 17, 2013 | 10:44 pm

    MashaAllah! I am blown away by how awesome this website is! I am making a vow to cook each n every recipe in this site inshaAllah! Will keep u posted on my progress n thank u so much in advance for turning amateur cooks into experts!! Keep up the good work!! I will start with these delicious meatballs!

    • A&L
      January 19, 2013 | 6:24 pm

      Mina, you amazed us with your wonderful comment! Thank you very much for your very kind words. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

  22. axmed
    January 27, 2013 | 2:49 pm

    waxaan ahay wiil somaliyeed oo aad u faraxsan kadib markii aan helay web kiina aniga oo aad u dhibanaa dhanka cuntada waxaana u baahanahy oo wajib igu ah in aan idiin mahad celiyo mahad celin aad u balaaran walaalayaal lamaane idinka abaalbadan ma arag (hadii aan u bahanahay in aan idin weydiiyo su’aal seen sameynkaraa ama idiin weydiin karaa

    waad mahad san tihiin

    • A&L
      January 27, 2013 | 7:51 pm

      Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Annagana farxaddaada waan ku faraxnay. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faalladaan aadka u fiican. Su’aal walba aad qabtid halkaan ayaad naga weydiin kartaa. Mahadsanid.

  23. fartun
    February 4, 2013 | 6:37 am

    ascw walalayaal Alle ayaa mahad iska leh oo idin waafajiyay hashaan adag oo quruxdabadan inad qabataan wana idinku ducaynaya naftiina iyo awladiinaba inuu idin xifdiyo waxaaidika codsanayaa inaad iimicnaysaan baqduunis iyo babriika afsomali ku iigu sheegtaan wadna mahadsantihiin

    • A&L
      February 4, 2013 | 5:48 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay ducada qaaliga ah iyo hadalada wacan aad inoo soo qortay. Baqduunis wuxuu u egyahay kabsara caleen, wuu ka caleema wayn yahay caraftana wuu ka duwan yahay. Baqduunis waa af Carabi, af Ingiriisiga waa (parsley). Babriika waa buhaar (spice) gaduudan oo laga sameeyey barbarooni la qalajiyay kaddibna la shiiday. Cuntada caraf iyo dhadhan fiican ayay u yeeshaa. Mahadsanid.

  24. maryan kuriya
    February 8, 2013 | 3:13 pm

    asc walllahay aad ayad u mahadsantihii waxa so nooleysen dhaqanka somaliyed iyo inta jecel abaayo thanks adiga iyo ninkaaaga ilahay ha idinla jiro

    • A&L
      February 9, 2013 | 11:59 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Aamiin walaal. Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada fiican aad inoo soo qortay. Qayr badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Mahadsanid.

  25. muno
    February 13, 2013 | 6:21 am

    maansha allah website kaan waa lagu dirsaday afkagag hooyo oo wax lagugu shegaayo shaqsi ahantayda waan ku faraxsananahay aan kheyr idin rajenya an

    • A&L
      February 13, 2013 | 11:56 pm

      Mahadsanid walaal. Waan ka helnay faalladaada. Ilaahay qayr ha ku siiyo.

  26. zakiyah
    May 5, 2013 | 2:26 pm

    asc, anigana miss dacwo lee ahay meatballka markii aan fiirsanay uu dhamaadka sii yahay filmka sawirka sarta dheer noogu badala wax ka quruxbadan waa masaajidkii allaah halka uu kayahay kaniisad ama church indhaha majeclaanayaan intaas qeyr allaah ku siiyo walaalahey…iskana dulqaata adiankaa comment noo furay e wabilaahi towfiiq

    • A&L
      May 5, 2013 | 11:20 pm

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Asxaabta nabigeena NNKH kaniisadda indhahooda ma dhibi jirin mana dumin jirin sida waddankeenna hadda ka dhacday. Sawirkaas wuxuu adduun weynaha u caddeynayaa inay Soomaalida wax garad yihiin oona aaminsan yihiin لكم دينكم ولي دين.

  27. salmo
    June 5, 2013 | 10:42 am

    asc walaalayal ad iyo ad ayad uu mahadsan tihin sida wnagseen oo quruxda badan oo nogu so dhigteen cuntada macaan( naago badan oo nimankooda qadada uso donaan jirin aya marki web kan la bartay nimankoda guuriga ka bixi la yihin hhhhhh waa kaftan halahs ha la iga raali noqdo insha allah illah ha idiin barakeyo gacantiina iyo aqoontiina

    • A&L
      June 6, 2013 | 11:48 am

      Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
      Waan ka helnay faalladaada. :-) Aad iyo aad ayaa u mahadsan tahay.

  28. Umu Hamim
    September 10, 2013 | 11:50 am

    Asselamu Aleykum

    It is me again. I loved this recipe but I prefer to bake it. So is it possible to bake it? If so for how minute and degree?

    Thank you.

    • A&L
      September 10, 2013 | 4:40 pm

      Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
      Thank you for the question. You can bake them at 400°F/204°C for 25 to 30 minutes or until browned and cooked through. Baking time will change if you make bigger meatballs.

  29. Gabi
    August 20, 2018 | 11:19 pm

    Assalamu alaikum,

    That looks like a delicious sauce to go with the meatballs! What is the bread that they are on top of which looks like a tortilla?

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Qui Sommes Nous نبذة عنا

We are a husband and wife team and we live in Canada. In a world full of food complications, we make cooking very simple. Our recipe videos will make your cooking easy, relaxed and enjoyable. We bring you the foods we love from Somalia and from around the world.