This is our favourite milkshake. It is creamy, smooth, and has a rich buttery taste. And it has none of the guilt associated with gulping down an icecream milkshake made with real cream.
When made with the right ingredients, it becomes a healthy indulgence. Use fresh coconut milk if you can find it, otherwise use light coconut milk. With the buttery creaminess from the avocado, you can use low-fat milk and still get that rich taste the we like in milkshakes.
In so many of our recipes, we mentioned how those foods brought back good childhood memories. We hope that you won’t be disappointed if we tell you that this smoothie brings back no such memories. Avocados do grow in Somalia but we remember that it was a fruit that most Somalis were not familiar with.
Buy an avocado that will yield when you push it gently with your index finger. If all you find are rock-hard avocados, don’t despair. Place it in a paper bag with an apple or banana or both and leave it on the counter. The avocado will ripen quickly.
If you are adding fresh pineapple to the smoothie, the pineapple must be very ripe, otherwise you will end up with a bitter-tasting smoothie. Canned pineapples will work well in this recipe.
(Tbsp is a tablespoon; tsp is a teaspoon)
(1 cup = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 Tbsp = 15 mL; 1 tsp = 5 mL); all are level measurements
- 1 cup (250 g) Pineapple chunks – Must be very ripe
- 1 (160 g) Avocado (ripe)
- ¾ cup (150 g) Granulated white sugar (to taste) – Can be substituted with honey
- 2 cups (474 mL) Coconut milk (light)
- 2 cups (474 mL) Milk – Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole
- 8 Ice cubes
Recipe #2:
- 1 (160 g) Avocado (ripe)
- ½ cup (150 g) Granulated white sugar – Can be substituted with honey
- 5 cups (1.25 litres) Milk – Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole
- 8 Ice cubes
- Cut the avocado lengthwise around the stone.
- Twist one half to release it from the stone.
- Place the avocado on the cutting board, then stick a sharp knife in the stone. Twist the knife to release the stone.
- Place all the ingredients in a blender.
- Blend until smooth.
- Serve cold.
- Cut off both ends of the pineapple and trim the sides to remove the skin.
- Cut around the core and remove the core.
- Cut into chunks.
- Place all the ingredients in a blender.
- Blend until smooth.
- Serve cold.
(QW waa qaaddo weyn – midda cuntada lagu cuno; qy waa qaaddo yar)
(1 koob = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 QW = 15 mL; 1 qy = 5 mL)
- 1 koob (250 g) Cananaas (gaballo)
- 1 (160 g) Afokaado (bisil)
- ¾ koob (150 g) Sokor cad (inta dooqaaga ah)
- 2 koob (474 mL) Caano qumbe (qafiif)
- 2 koob (474 mL) Caano
- 8 Baraf
Soo’da #2:
- 1 (160 g) Afokaado (bisil)
- ½ koob (150 g) Sokor cad
- 5 koob (1.25 litre(s)) Caano
- 8 Baraf
- Middi ku jar ilaa lafta.
- Gabalka kore wareeji si aad lafta uga fujisid.
- Afokaadaha waxaad saartaa qoriga wax lag jaro. Middi af leh lafta ku dhufo oo xoogaa ha dhex gasho.
- Maqaadiirta ku wada rid khallaad.
- Si fiican u shiid.
- Casiirka waxaa qaddintaa isagoo qaboow.
- Waa inaad isticmaashaa cananaas aad u bisil. Hadduu cananaaska si fiican u bilayn, casiir qaraar ayuu noqonaayaa. Cananaaska laba dhinac ka jar kaddibna maqaarka ka jar.
- Dhinacyada ka jar si aad uga saartid dhexda. Dhexda way adag tahay, si fiicanna looma shiidi karo.
- Gaballo u jarjar.
- Maqaadiirta ku wada rid khallaad.
- Si fiican u shiid.
- Casiirka waxaa qaddintaa isagoo qaboow.
Il s’agit de notre milkshake préféré: crémeux, doux, au bon goût de beurre. A la différence des milkshakes composés de crème glacée, il ne crée pas ce sentiment de culpabilité.
Quand il est fait avec les bons ingrédients, il devient un plaisir sain. Utilisez du lait de coco frais si vous en trouvez, sinon prenez du lait de coco léger. Comme l’avocat est crémeux, vous pouvez utiliser du lait écrémé et vous obtiendrez quand même le goût riche des milkshakes.
Souvent dans nos recettes, nous vous racontons comment certains aliments nous évoquent des souvenirs d’enfance. Nous espérons que vous ne serez pas trop déçus d’apprendre que ce smoothie ne nous évoque aucun souvenir. L’avocat est cultivé en Somalie mais nous nous rappelons que la plupart des Somalis n’étaient pas familiers avec ce fruit.
Choisissez un avocat qui est souple quand vous appuyez dessus avec votre index. Si vous ne trouvez que des avocats durs et pas mûrs, ne paniquez pas. Mettez-en un dans un sac en papier avec une pomme ou une banane ou les deux et posez le sur le plan de travail. L’avocat mûrira rapidement.
Si vous ajoutez de l’ananas frais au smoothie, il devra être très mûr, sinon vous obtiendrez un smoothie au goût amer. Les ananas en boite conviennent très bien pour cette recette.
Imprimer la Recette avec Photos
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
- 1 mesure (250 g) de morceaux d’ananas – doit être très mûr
- 1 (160 g) Avocat mûr
- ¾ de mesure (150 g) de Sucre en Poudre (à votre goût) – substituable par du miel
- 2 mesures (474 mL) de Lait de Coco (léger)
- 2 mesures (474 mL) de Lait – écrémé, 1%, 2%, demi-écrémé, ou entier
- 8 Glaçons
Recette #2:
- 1 (160 g) Avocat mûr
- ½ mesure (150 g) de Sucre en Poudre – substituable par du miel
- 5 mesures (1.25 litre) de Lait – écrémé, 1%, 2%, demi-écrémé, ou entier
- 8 Glaçons
- Couper l’avocat dans sa longueur autour du noyau.
- Tourner une moitié pour la détacher du noyau.
- Poser l’avocat sur une planche à découper, planter un couteau aiguisé dans le noyau. Tourner le couteau pour retirer le noyau.
- Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un blender.
- Mixer jusqu’à obtenir une consistance lisse.
- Servir frais.
- Couper chaque extrémité de l’ananas et couper les bords pour retirer la peau.
- Découper autour du coeur et retirer.
- Couper en gros morceaux.
- Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un blender.
- Mixer jusqu’à obtenir une consistance lisse.
- Servir frais.
كوب = 237 مل، ملعقة كبيرة = 15 مل، ملعقة صغيرة = 5 مل
الوصفة الأولى | ||
(اناناس( قطع | جم | 250 |
(الافوكادوا ( ناضج | جم | 160 |
(سكر ابيض( حسب الرغبة | جم | 150 |
(حليب جوز الهند( خفيف | كوب | 2 |
حليب | كوب | 2 |
8 | ||
الوصفة الثانية | ||
(الافوكادوا ( ناضج | جم | 160 |
سكر ابيض | جم | 150 |
حليب | كوب | 5 |
8 |
يقطع الأفوكادو بالطول الى نصفين. | -1 |
تُبْرم القطعة العليا لفصلها عن النواة. | -2 |
يوضع الأفوكادو على لوح التقطيع ثم تضرب النواة بسكينة حادة. تُبْرم السكينة لفصل النواة. | -3 |
توضع جميع المكونات في خلاط. | -1 |
تخلط جيدا. | -2 |
يقدم العصير بارداً. | -3 |
يقطع الأناناس من الطرفين ثم يقشر بالسكين. | -1 |
يقطع حول الجزء الصلب في وسط الأناناس لإزالته. | -2 |
يقطع الأناناس الى قطع متوسطة. | -3 |
توضع جميع المكونات في خلاط. | -1 |
تخلط جيدا. | -2 |
يقدم العصير بارداً. | -3 |
asalaamu caleykum walaalaheyga qhaaligoow dhamaantiin aaadaaaa umahadsantihiin saanoo garabistaagtiin waqhtiwalba allaah niyadiin haniiyeelo dhamaantiin dabbigiin iyo kan waalidkiin allaaah dhaafo shukrran calaa waqtigiin qhaaligah jazaakallaah kheyr waqer jamic muslim
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaasheenna qaaliga ah waa ku mahadsan tahay sida aad mar walba noo xiriirisid. Ilaahay ha kaa abaal mariyo, qayr iyo farxadna ha ku siiyo.
mansha allaah ad ayaan u jeclahay sida nadiifka iyo faahfaahinta wanagsan ood nooqancisaan waxkaleen dhahayo malaha MAANSHA ALLAAH MANSHA ALLAAH JISAKUMU LAAHU QEYR
Mahadsanid walaal. Waan ku faraxnay faalladaada.
Asc wr wbr waanidin salaamay laila iyo Abdullahi waadna kaalmeeseen ilaahay aduun iyo aakhiro ha idin kaalmeeyo avocadaana ramadaanka ayba aad noo anfacee anaka hadii illaah idmo marwalba duco gudahayga kasoo godo aan idiinku duceeyaa waayo website kiina oo aan cunto ka kariyay oo iga halaawday ma arkin markasta ilaah haidin barakeeyo
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Aamiin walaal. Adigana intaad noogu ducaysay iyo in ka badan ayaan Ilaahay kaaga baryaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxnay hadalada wacan iyo ducada qaaliga ah. Ilaahay ha kaa farxiyo.
asc wr wb masha allah walalaheyga aad iyo aad baa u mahadsantihiin aadbana kugu farxay ani koley saad noogu soo ban dhigteen jasakallah khary dhamantiin
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Waa ku mahadsan tahay faallada fiican. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
La,aantiina abaar waye
Walaasheena Leila iyo walalkeena Abdulaahi. aad ayaa idinku mahad celinaa. runtii wax weyn ayaa noo heesaan. cimrigiina Alle ha barakeeyo.mar walbo amaan ayaa naga mudantihiin
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Waan ku faraxnay faallada fiican iyo ducada, waanna ku mahadsan tahay. Qayr ayaan kuu rajaynaynaa.
canaha iyo pinappleka hada la’isku sheedo makala go’ayan miyaa? waligay saas aya u malayn jiray lakin waligay manan isku darin,wad mahadsan tahy.
asc, walalayaal aad iyo aad ayd u mahadsan tihiin kheyr badan illah ha idinsiiyo, sidad ad noo caawisan mar waliba, although this ingredients are unavailable in xamar insha’alah i wish next posts to be applicable for us and thankz alot, we always appreciate for your honorable sacrifice, may allah give you more kheyr insha’alah.
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
We always try to use ingredients that are available for most people, particularly our viewers in Somalia. When we were in Somalia there were plenty of avocados in the market in Mogadishu. As for the pineapple you can use the canned one. Thank you for your kind words. God bless you.
Salam. That looks very tasty drink. But can I skip the ice cubes ? Thank you.
Yes, you can blend without ice cubes; however, it will be thicker. Thank you.
asc walaalayaal aad ayaad u mahadsan tihiin illahy ha idinka abaal mariyo shaqada aad bulshada u qabateen waqtigiina qaaliga ahna u hurteen aniga ahaan aad ayaan idin kugu mahad celinayaa waxa badan ayan idinka faaiiday runtii lakiin waxaan keeni la ahayy xalwadii si kasto waan iskgu dayay xitaa cabirka wan ka taxadaray marka waxan idinka codssan lahaa in aad iga cawisaan
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Walaal aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay faallada qaaliga ah aad inoo soo qortay. Si aan kaaga caawino waxaan u baahan nahay inaad nala socodsiisid sida ay kaa noqotay.
asc walaal aad &aad baa umahad santihiin sida fiican aan nooga soo gud bisaan illah hanila garab galo hadan su aal nieydiiyo waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aad noo soo gud bisaan sida toortaha loo sameeyo idinkoo mahadsan
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Hadduu Eebbe idmo waan ku tala jirnaa inaan soo gelino. Mahadsanid walaal.
asc walaalayaal i am truly addicted to your website thank you sooooooooooooo much for your time
Wa’alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
You are most welcome. Thank you for being a fan.
This looks great! I have no idea why I’ve never considered avocado for a smoothie considering the consistency would work well for it.
I hope you are both well. Still looking to do that interview!
Adhis, thank you very much for your comment and greetings. Please be a little patient. We will get to that interview. We appreciate very much your interest in our blog.
aad ayaan oga helay waana ku mahadsantihiin asxaabta isku soo hoshay kuna fakartay in eey bulshada soomaliyeed qibradahooda sida sharafta leh inee uga caawiya ama eey ku qanciyaan ku fakaray thanks
Walaal aad iyo aad ayaa ugu mahadsan tahay qoraalka wacan. Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad ka faa’iidaysanaysid.
A/S walaalayaal aad iyo aad ayad u mahadsantihiin. ilaahay ha idinka abaal maryo hawsha wacan ee aad haysaan. Walaalo cabitaankan markii aan sameeyay oo aan isku shiiday waxyaabihii uu ka koobnaa hadana markii aan dhameeyay inkastoo uu bilowgii si fiican iigu dhandhamayay hadana kadib markii uu saacad qaboojiyaha ku jiray xoogaa qaraar ah ayaa iiga dhandhamay. Maxaa u sabab ah markaa qaraarkaa gadaal ka soo baxay?
Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.
Adigaa mahadda mudan walaal. Cananaaska hadduu si fiican u bislaan qaraar ayuu keennaa. Waxaa isticmaashaa cananaas aad u bisil ama midka gasaca.
I just made this drink and sambusa and made mahamri all from your website for aftur, i just wanted to say thanks for all that you do for us, so many of us count on your website. Ramadan Kareem
Masha’allah. We are very happy for you. Thank you very much for letting us know. God bless you and Ramadan Kareem.
its so awesome if u taste it only, u cant be able to stop drinking
.luv this milkshake
Thank you so much for writing back. We are happy you liked it.
just wanted to say that i love this website, it is so amazingly amazing, (if that makes any sense) lol, i grew up eating mainly pasta and rice and its refreshing to see that somalia has more to offer then only those. so a big thanx from the bottom of my heart and keep up the great work.
one of ur greatest fans
Thank you very much for your wonderful comment. We are very happy that you like the website. We wish you all the best.
This drink is so delicious! Can’t stop drinking it
Also, I put it in an ice cream machine for a party. We all loved it! I make your recipes one by one and they are really tasty. Greetings from Berlin, Germany!
That is wonderful! Thank you for letting us know.
Where do I begin !!!!
Firstly I send warm greetings towards you guys, I’ve spent the past hour lying sick in bed watching your youtube videos you guys give me life, I’ve tried some of your recipes and they’ve gone down a treat with my husband, and our guests … Masha Allah it’s amazing how much time and effort you put into making these videos for us all especially the fact that you make our traditional somali dishes so easy, I’m a young woman in my mid twenties and I can cook some bad ass somali food thanks to you guys, may Allah reward you both abundantly for your sincere efforts…… Keep the videos coming, I’ve seen people say this before on the comments but seriously think about publishing a book inshallah when the time is right…
Much love from the UK
Thank very, very much. It was nice reading your comment. We are happy that you have become such a good cook, and are able to impress your husband and guests.
We wish you all the best.
A salaamu allaykun ramadaan kariim all of u this is very amazing website i can’t express in words how this website is useful for all Somali women who want to maka different dishes for their family thank u very much jazakumulaahu khayran all ur recipe are special and easy to cook thank u again and again, u can be a popular in so many ways our people have to think to change this ruthless killing into sensible manner and ALLAH will help them to the good path.
Ramadan Kareem, Asia. We are glad to know that you like the website. Thank you very much for your comment.
Just out of curiosity do avocados grow in somalia? I asked a few people and they told me that it only grows in kenya.
We found that information in a journal, but we have never seen avocado trees in Somalia.
as aad iyo aad ayaa umahadsantihiin howsha aad ummada walallahiin u qabteen ajar iyo xaasanat allaha idinka siiya aad ban ugu faraxan inaan hello web kaan kale faa’iido weyn buu leeyahya ws
Assalamu aleikum. Ramadan Mubarak! May Allaah reward u for this page u have set up for the public. Don’t really know what I would do without this. Lol my life depends in this. Thanks to you my husband thinks am an amazing cook. May Allaah bless u and reward u tremendously in this blessed month. Ameen